• Published 18th Dec 2021
  • 4,547 Views, 65 Comments

the wedding is off (a reimagining) - wertyui

After Chrysalis is defeated, an amnesia ridden Twilight shows unrelenting anger towards what she perceives is true.

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6-ok, FINE MOM, ill write a happy ending, jeez!!!!

Princess Celestia had required a meeting with the elements of harmony and Shining Armor over what they were going to do about Twilight, their options had run thin, life had become nothing if not a burden for the group, and they knew that they had really gone too far when they rejected her, but Celestia really wanted her most faithful student back more than anything, as for Shining Armor, he just couldn't bear to watch his Twiley suffer anymore, and since his falling out with his family, he hasn't been able to look himself in the mirror, he had attempted suicide multiple times, so he hid it with a dark scarf, no one asked because of the guilt still eating away at them all.

you think that's shit's hard to believe, wait'll I tell you it had been nearly two months since the changeling attack, but they thought Twilight still wanted them dead or at least their lives to be ruined #mane6shiningarmourandcelestiaareoverparty

"everypony, I know it seems like it's been forever, but Twilight's revolution has pushed us this far, her grudge over us has gone off the deep end, and it's time we did something about it!" Celestia said.

"What's the point?" Shining Armor asked, "Twilight can't be reasoned with anymore, she won't even talk to me." he said hanging his head low, Celestia lifted his head.

"I know Shining, but you got to know deep in your heart that she still loves you," she said.

"Ah' know Twilight will budge, but ah' just want her back in our lives." Applejack said.

Celestia then turned to the elements and said, "Girls, remember what happened when Twilight put that love spell on Smarty Pants?"

"oh, you mean season 2, episode 3?" pinkie answered with glee

all members could only stare as to what she meant

Then the five ponies nodded.

"Remember you all told me that you learned to take a friend's matters seriously."

They nodded again.

"But now we see, when we rejected her it's like...we completely forgot all about that." Rainbow Dash said.

"Oh, how could we have acted so shamefully, that changeling queen turned us against her, she's to blame for this!"

"No, well most of it, but we're more to blame for this." Pinkie Pie said, "I should have stayed and maybe try to make her laugh. instead, I left her there to cry."

"I was like her second mother, yet I hurt her without reason, I'm ashamed," said Celestia.

"Ah'm supposed t' be the element of honesty, but ah was dishonest to all of this." Applejack said.

"How so?" Celestia asked in curiosity

"i dunno, cause i was the one t' tell everypony t go check on the princess, plus I suppose the element of honesty suppose t' know when sumthin wrongs goin on"

Fluttershy nodded and lamented "I was supposed to be the element of kindness, but I wasn't very kind at all, leaving her the way I did."

"Me, a pony who is supposed to be known for her generosity, but her mind was on greed when she walked out. I could've offered my time or an ear to listen, but I didn't" Rarity said in her mascara-stained state.

(now its time for fan service)

"of all the worst things to happen this is THE. WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!!!"

she then pulled out a fainting couch and fainted on it.

"And me, shows you how loyal I am, the only pony I've been loyal to was myself, I was nothing more than a self-centered, arrogant, whore." said Rainbow Dash, as she swigged another bottle of cider.

"fer lands sake, put that down" applejack scorned "if yer gonna make it up to her, then get in a 12-step program or sumthin"

"Let's just face it we're all to blame for this, we let this whole wedding get in the way of our civic duty," said Shining Armor

"But we must still find a way to apologize to Twilight, we can't just sit here and let her keep falling like this. hell, I gotta get help myself" Rainbow said.

"I think it's going to take more than an apology, maybe a small gift." Rarity said.

"Rarity we ain't bribin' her." Applejack said. "Ah' mean we must find the best way to let her know that we love her and that we made a big mistake."

Pinkie Pie was about to say something, but Rainbow Dash quickly silenced her, "and before you say anything, a party won't solve this either."

"oh I wasn't going to suggest THAT, I was going to suggest a sentimental and significant offering the symbolizes the bond we once shared between us and her"

"in any case, most importantly, will she still forgive us after all of this?" Celestia asked.

"I'll find a solution." Shining Armor said.

"Why?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"RD, look at me, I'm a shell of my former self, and I have nothing left to lose. she is my sister, and I've known her longer than any of you," he said.

"But..." they tried to say, but Celestia stopped them.

"He's right, he's known Twilight longer than even I have, maybe we should let him find the best apology."

"good luck, son" she ended

twilight stumbled out of bed, groggy and demented, ready to come clean for what she had done.

"hey twilight," her two co-conspirators said in unison

"whatre we doin today, manglin some flesh" spike asked

"bashin some bones" cadence continued

"plottin the ruination of Celestia" spike chose to end with

"cadence, spike, thank you for being so nice to me for the last couple of months, but I have something to tell you, and you're not going to like it, you won't want to believe it, but I'm going, to tell the truth"

so she told them how discord shows her the truth with his magic and how she manipulated everything to go her way, and afterward, she broke down crying

spike and cadence could only stand there in shock at what they heard, cadence's eyes filled with liquid regret, she asked: "why... why... why you would do this to them, why would you do this to me."

"I can't believe you would do a thing like this, you... y-you JERK!!"

twilight received a hoof across her face from an emotional princess of "love". spike gave one because he still hadn't learned to think for himself, think that happens around season 4.

twilight could only continue to cry as she continued to receive punishment for her crime.

"I don't blame you, cadence why, why did I ever let it get this far, why did I say all those stupid things, why did I get my own friends and family HURT!!!"

"I can't believe it" cadence kept telling herself "I can't believe I dumped the man I love over a lie! I literally told him I would kill him! why did I ever let myself be so horribly manipulated, I'm no princess of love, I'm a princess of hate!"

"what have I done," spike said "I loved those guys, they were like my second family and I told them off! I don't deserve them"

"how," twilight asked, "how did I let everything go this far, WHY did I even do it in the first place, I'm a failure, I don't deserve my magic!"

now everypony felt guilty for one reason or another, whereas twilight was thinking of a way to apologize, shining had already figured it out, probably the most obvious choice too, he hand-stitched together Twilight old smarty-pants doll.

now, a few favors from an old friend would seal the deal.

in both parties' minds, this song played constantly