• Published 18th Dec 2021
  • 4,547 Views, 65 Comments

the wedding is off (a reimagining) - wertyui

After Chrysalis is defeated, an amnesia ridden Twilight shows unrelenting anger towards what she perceives is true.

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8-as john Lennon said-it'll be just like starting over

Twilight and Shining Armor were upstairs in the guest bedroom at their house playing checkers, trying to rekindle their stunted relationship. shining armor had forgiven twilight for what he did to her, and shining had forgiven twilight for what she did to him because shining has guilt as a substitute for knowledge.

they heard a knock on the door downstairs, Shining Armor got up and went downstairs, opened it, and there stood Princess Celestia, with a face longer than twilights feud towards them.

"Shining, may I please come in?" she asked, Shining Armor gave a warm smile.

"Of course Celestia, come on in," he said, Celestia entered the house as Shining Armor used his magic to close the door, first thing he noticed about the leader was that she was lacking her signature crown.

"Celestia, why aren't you wearing your crown?" he asked.

"I've put it in my quarters at the castle, I have no need to wear it, I don't feel my rulership is deserved," she said, sitting down and beginning to cry, the former captain placed a hoof on her back.

"Why would you ever say that?!" he asked, "You are the best ruler we've ever gotten. in fact you're the only ruler we had for, what is it, thousands of years"

"Not after all I've done I'm not!" she said as she continued to weep.

"Come on Celestia, Twiley can't still be mad at you, she's forgiven me, and frankly, from what she described to me last night, she may have done worst, and this isn't about the rehearsal. I'm pretty sure she'll forgive you."

"She'll never forgive me, how could I have been so stupid, how could I do that to Twilight, I now know she had every right to quit on me, I never should've said what I did to her, it broke my heart!" shining armor could only wonder at how similar she and her sister's arguments were, like a mirror she said, meanwhile upstairs Twilight heard Celestia crying and came downstairs to see what was going on, when she made it downstairs she saw what was happening.

"Celestia?" Twilight said, Celestia, turned over and saw Twilight with a worried expression.

"Twilight Sparkle my most faithful former student" She began sadly. "Words cannot express how much I regret hurting you the way I did. I've always loved having you as my student and I loved you as if you were my own daughter. But what I've done has driven you away from me just like how I drove Sunset Shimmer away a year ago. All the times you saved everyone and put your life on the line to protect the ones you love made me regret having you do everything I could have done myself, all those threats I could have helped but I didn't. even if I helped you when discord was around, it's still not enough. it was written by fate that you would be element of magic, so I thought it was only fair to have you deal with all the problems in order to teach you about responsibility and to protect your loved ones. But in the end, it was selfish and stupid of me, and because I left everything to FAITH your life was nearly cut short by that horrid Queen and her army of Changelings and I'll never forgive myself for it. I'm a poor excuse for a princess Twilight who has put her own students on the line instead of aiding with such problems myself, I should have taken responsibility for my actions and dealt with the many threats. And I'm a poor excuse of an aunt to my niece since I couldn't tell her apart from the queen, I loved Cadence, when my brother and his wife died years ago I promised to look after her and treat her as my own daughter. but in the end, I betrayed her just the same as you. For everything it's worth Twilight Sparkle I am deeply sorry for what I have done and I pray for you to find it in your heart to forgive me someday" she said still crying, Twilight walked up to her and also put a hoof on her back.

"Well Celestia, first off, lemme explain what I did"

she did such after much crying she then said

"you did hurt me when you said that I had a lot to think about, but you were right, I DID have a lot to think about, I was a fool, a fool from the very start who doesn't think to act rational and not shout "she's evil" every five seconds, I broke YOUR heart, not vice versa, what I'm trying to say is..." she gave a sorrowful sigh, "I'm really sorry I quit on you Celestia, I was a selfish little tool who frankly should have a wedding chosen over her"

Celestia blew her nose with a tissue while trying to wipe tears off her face, "no Twilight, it was foolish of me for what I did."

"no celly, it was foolish of me"
"no twilight, I was the fool"
"no, I was the fool"
"no, it was me"
"It was me"
"no me"

"It was foolish of all of us." said a recognizable voice from the door, Celestia, Twilight, and Shining Armor saw the faces of Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity standing at the door with sorrowful looks that could make an orphan foal jealous.

"Twi' we have somethin' to say to you." Applejack said, Rainbow Dash walked up beside Applejack.

"I know what you're about to say but you can save it, I have something to tell all of you"

she then told the story and said

"if you want to kill me right here on the spot, I wouldn't care, it's no less than what I deserved, in fact right now, I think you'd all be better off if I never was born"

just then, a guardian angel appeared...


ok, never mind

"Now look here," aj said "ah think we're all in agreement what y' did was pretty durn loathsome, especially considrin' everything else, but We all saw what was happening n' we knew damn straight that we went through a shield, their wus gonna be trouble wit a capital T, but we got so tangled up with that mess of a wedding, that we ignored it, we've been nothin but fools Twilight, so don't blame yerself, just because..you've got a group of rotten traitors fer friends, and honestly it's a miracle we've made it this far d'spite everythang the worlds done thrown at us. I want nuthin more than to go back to normal, but ah know that can't happen. I was the only one who apologized cuz I told everypony to check on that horse feathers of a princess and I felt it'd only be fair, but that's a coward's way out and I've hated myself fer it. If ma and pa were alive right now, they'd be ashamed to know me, and ah wouldn't blame them. I'm a poor excuse for an Apple and it's exactly why ah was "recalled" honestly, we were all terrible friends and we don't even deserve you,y' may never fergive any of us but we just wanted to let you know if this is the end, then just tell us so. no matter what we'll always think of you as our friend even if you don't believe us.

After an almost three-month revenge plot over them, Twilight finally perked up and smiled at them for the first time, she walked up to applejack and put a hoof on her.

"That was the nicest thing you've ever said to me, and as I said, none of you need to be sorry, you had every right to leave, and I don't blame you anymore. I'll forgive you even if you don't promise to do three things for me from now on."

"What's that?" Rarity asked.

"Number 1 - I want you to be treated more like superheroes, not sidekicks."
"Number 2 - I want you all to give yourselves more credit for your endeavors."
"And Number 3 - I want you to keep me calm next time I go insane, even if I'm right."

"We promise." they all said, Twilight then hugged them all and then turned her attention back to Celestia.

"And Celestia, id like to take an entrance exam, if that's ok with you," she said, Celestia walked up and hugged her.

"Welcome back...my faithful student," she said with glee.

"guys," twilight continued "I promise you now that I'm gonna fix everything, I'm gonna keep you from being disbarred, I'm gonna get you and cadence back together, and I'm gonna fix your lives and relationships, and make them better than ever before. but for now, let's do something together, whatever you wanna do!"

Shining Armor could only smile, there were still problems in their lives but the fact that his "Twiley" was starting to go back to her former life, made things feel a lot better.

as she danced around with her former-former- friends, she had this song in her mind


Author's Note:

I originally had the song in chapter 7, but I remembered there was another song I wanted to include there.