• Published 18th Dec 2021
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the wedding is off (a reimagining) - wertyui

After Chrysalis is defeated, an amnesia ridden Twilight shows unrelenting anger towards what she perceives is true.

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4-in which everypony loses everything, and somepony gets an ego

It was going as usual for Ponyville as everypony went their business, but as for the five "elements" they were not doing so great, twilights wicked web of manipulation had begun.

In order to have an alibi, she learned a spell to replicate a hologram of herself, then she along with the rest of them got to work. She fabricated the accounts of what happened (from what little were based in reality) using explosive detail to garner everypony in, cadence told the cakes, and the apples, spike then told regulars at the carousel boutique, and the wonderbolts, as for twilight, she went for Fluttershy's cottage. Then, she along with the rest would hide behind bushes to sit back and watch her friends' lives fall apart.

Applejack's thoughts of what she did at the rehearsal were already making her lose her focus on bucking apples in the orchard, it was driving her into depression because of this, Granny Smith told her to rest for a few days, to clear her mind. not too long after she heard the rumors, she didnt want to believe it, but when she got confirmation from princess cadence about what "happened" she could deny it no longer.

And so, after serious consideration from her and the rest of the apples, she decided with a heavy heart, she had to disown her, as she was lying in her bed with her suitcase just beside herself, Big Macintosh came inside angered with her for all he thinks she did in Canterlot.

"Ya know, big mac, ah really oughta be ashamed of mahself" she said sulking.

"Eyup" big mac agreed

"Why did ah even do it in the first place, why didn't ah ever stop to even look at the strange behavior?" she asked.

Big mac shrugged

"Then why would ah even bother taking a phony's side!? Ah' thought she was really cryin', plus Twilight was as you would say, actin' a fool. But That's still no excuse, ah've got some thinkin' to do!"

"Eyup," he said as he left the room, Applejack plopped her head on her pillow and started bawling. Once her tears had run dry, she dragged herself out of bed, and started to move on, passing by a picture of the many memories she had made in these walls, she turned her face away in shame as she looked at the face of her parents in the photo, as if the picture itself shared her disappointment. In the end, the disgraced farm girl took her last steps out of what used to be her home.

Spike snuck over on a hot air balloon disguised as an insider at the Wonderbolt Academy, telling the others that Rainbow Dash had deliberately shunned Twilight all over performing a stunt at the now-called-off wedding and it got word to Spitfire, furious at this, she filed a restraining order on Rainbow Dash, which stated that she was not to go near 75 feet of the Wonderbolt Academy, nor was she even allowed to talk to any member of staff of the Wonderbolts.

Her dream was now shattered, for the next two hours or so, she sulked in her dark bedroom, not even moving a muscle. She then saw a bottle of vintage cider she was saving for the day she would eventually join the group, with her dream now crushed, she took it, downed the whole thing, and threw it at the wall. Which was made of clouds so certainly killed someone.

Pinkie Pie was at Sugarcube Corner, Mr and Mrs cake had heard these tall tales too, and with confirmation from cadence, they took a pretty hardline stance, not just firing her from her job but evicting her as well, but first, she was forced to scrub the bathrooms, clean the tables, clean the ovens with the gas on, and the rest of the kitchen. plus she was not allowed to eat any CAKE!!! OHHHHHHHHHH THE HUMANITY!!!!. She said goodbye to pound and pumpkin one more time, packed her bags, and left.

Fluttershy's animals had turned on her after twilight learned a spell to communicate with animals, and Rarity had gone so low over what had happened, that she was too sad to make a single dress.

Oh wait, you want me to explain, well ok then,

Fluttery woke up after a nap to clear her mind of the awful things that occur (you know that kind of break you take in order to rest and then figure out your next course of action) well she was trying to think of what to do next, and how to fix the situation she was in, her thoughts were ceased when she stepped into her living room, tripped on a bunch of acorns, and landed right on her face.

She winced in pain a bit, soon pushed her hair aside, and attempted to pick herself up, craning her neck to the window, she saw what looked like pointy sticks being shaken, she couldn't be dared to open the door, but had to.

She began to walk slowly to the door of her house. But before she could make it, it blasted wide open. And a flurry of small woodland "buddies" came out and rushed towards her.

Curling into the fetal position, Fluttershy was quickly ambushed, hogtied, and carried outside by a whole colony of squirrels. They must have carried poor Fluttershy a whole 50 yards before they put her down on a bed of marsh.

Just when she thought it was over, Angel appeared to her in an army helmet, with badges like a decorated soldier, and "cool hand luke" shades.

Fluttershy just had to ask what was going on "a-angel. Wh-what is this?"

Angel yelled at her in a language only understandable to her and the rest of the animal kingdom. But if you pay attention to the story's context, it's pretty obvious.

"A-angel, please, think about what your doi-" she was meant with more slander from the bunny, whose eyes were welling up underneath his glasses. Afterward, he turned away from her and towards his fellow animals, telling them to leave her there, and not let her back into the cottage, they soon dispersed, leaving Fluttershy alone and heartbroken.

Now let's head on down to Rarity's clothing shop, Carousel Boutique. Where the hottest selling item is SCORN!. It was a normal day for Rarity, then a cloaked mare came into the boutique and loudly announced "Attention, shoppers! I have urgent news from Canterlot about twilight!" She told the customers a lot more than needed to be said, leaving everybody in the boutique quite shocked.

Hoity Toity then said "You abandoned your own friend, the hero of Equestria in her time of need! How COULD you! We thought you were better than that!"

This caused Rarity to panic, saying, "No, sir. This isn't what it looks like!"

"I don't want to hear it! This is the last time I ever come to THIS establishment! go sell your rags to those damn insects, TRAITOR!" The other customers agreed, turning their snoots away from Rarity and leaving the store in a huff.

So The fashionista had to close her boutique and with it, her inspiration and creative mojo. So, like I said Her spirits had gone so low over recent events that she was too sad to make a single dress.

(just realized I should add a side story about the CMC being lost later, maybe they'd find a changeling and befriend him, but I digress)

Meanwhile, at the Library, the mayor had gotten a letter from Celestia over what had just happened and was told that Spike would be coming over to pack up Twilight's things because she was not going to return to Ponyville now, or EVER! She claimed to have gone into depression and would be needing some time to let it wear off, no one actually knew about mental health so everypony bought that excuse. Mayor Mare completely understood and went over to the library to help Spike pack her things.

It was really starting to go downhill now, a massive attack, Twilight breaking off her friendships and quitting her role as the element of magic, Cadance calling off the wedding, etc.

But for twilight, everything was coming up roses, everything was going according to her plan

"This plan is going far too perfect

Everything is going the way that I designed

Soon with those yellow bellies gone

It surely won't be long

Till the rest of this Equestria is miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine"

Back in Canterlot, Twilight was at her parent's house lying down on her bed in her old room that she stayed in when she was a filly, doing her best damn impersonation of one in pain, pretending to be too upset to even talk, downstairs, Shining Armor received his worst, and most personal dressing down from those who raised him.

"But dad..."

"Son stress does not excuse bad behavior, for Pete's sake! You've known this mare for five years! Why did you even bother defending such an impostor?"

"I thought she was Cadance, I didn't realize Twilight was telling the truth."

"Shining didn't you ever stop to see how she was behaving, cause from what Twilight told us, plus evidence from a couple of guards, she didn't look stressed out whatsoever." Night Light said.

"How did you get evidence?" he asked

"We had a guard knock on our door and he told us what you did, plus he brought us some pictures here for you to see," he said levitating some photos snapped from a camera that the guard had used, now, unbeknownst to him, twilight used magic to doctor up these photos.

When Shining Armor saw these photos, he was in shock, damn, why didn't he stop to see this.(probably because this wasn't present to anyone).

He also noticed the detail twilight never brought up during her rant, the one thing that could've solved everything, that her horn glowed green instead of blue.

"Another question is, why did you shrug off the threat, you should've been concentrating more on the threat and not the wedding!" Twilight Velvet said.

"Come on!" shining spat "everything else I can be blamed for, but I literally put up a force field, strong enough to keep just about any threat away. You can't blame me for that!" he said.

"Look even with a force field, you gotta take a threat seriously." Night Light answered, "You're mother and I could've died that day/ got separated from each other because of the attack. I saw her and her friends outside having to fight off the hoard, but as you already know they got captured anyway"

Shining Armor sighed, "I'm sorry, I've been a lousy captain." he said, Shining Armor knew that if he didn't set things right, he could lose his rank.

At that moment, his mother, twilight velvet, came up to comfort you, "there, there, sweetie, you tried your best, and you did enact the love wave."

"You'll see, things are gonna look up, all you gotta do is be brave"


At the castle, Princess Cadance was doing some thinking, when twilight came in

"Your mind seems to wander, dear cadence, care to tell me?"

"I've just been thinking about shining-"


"Sorry, but what if he really was under mind control, what if the changeling queen was using him"

"You know cadence, you may be the princess of love, but often it blinds you, it is an unfortunate shield from what matters. He knew full well what he was doing when he crossed me"

"I-i guess your right"

"Don't guess, dear babysitter, be certain! But yes, I'm right, just like I was about that black hag!"

Yep, these were the daily conversations that would take place in that castle. (she even started wearing a dark cloth, like she was some gay-ass emo)

Cadance looked out the window and saw a large group of ponies rioting outside the Canterlot castle, so twilight and cadence quickly flew down and heard angered chatter, plus cussing coming from the crowd.

"Those two creeps haven't done shit for Equestria!" one pony said.

"Making a poor unicorn do all the work, while they just sit on their big fat asses and pretend it's not happening?!" another said.

Cadance walked up to one of them, "Excuse me, what's all the commotion out here?" she asked

"Celestia and Luna, they've failed to defend us once again!" he said out of extreme fury. and because a column had landed on his back, crushing him

Then one from the crowd looked up and shouted "THERE SHE IS, THE HERO WHO SAVED OUR COUNTRY"

The crowd erupted in cheers of adulation, the same pony lifted twilight up and placed upon her head, was a tin foil crown made by a sickly little filly with no front teeth.

"Twiwight" she said in her cute little voice "because of what you did in canterwot, me and my father would wike to decware you, pwincess of fwiendship!!"


"Princess of Friendship" twilight thought "I could get used to that"

Despite her joy in Twilights newfound glory, she still felt very uneasy inside, almost guilty in some way, as if to say This was showing no signs of stopping.