• Published 23rd Dec 2011
  • 4,214 Views, 266 Comments

Three Equestrians and an Engineer - Greasebrony

A man who copes with the loss of his family befriends 3 strangers after saving them from thugs.

  • ...

The Plan

“WHAT?!?!” Joseph and Jericho yelled with the others in complete shock as to Eduardo’s decision.

“Run that by us again bro cause I don’t think none of us heard that the first time.” Said Spike.

Eduardo repeated. “We will not pursue him.”

His cousins looked at him with complete disbelief as to what they had just heard. “Eddy, are you sure about this?” Jericho asked.


“Well don’t leave us out of the loop explain yourself.” Said Rarity earning questionable looks from everyone else. “Oh please you can’t really expect for me to believe that you were not thinking the same thing.”

“Ah gotta admit, ah’m a mite curious myself. I mean this man took everything from you. Ah’m glad you’re not going to do it don’t get me wrong but just why?”

“They spoke to me.”

Twilight responded. “I’m sorry but I think you’re going to have to be a little more specific.”

“Twilight, do you believe in ghosts?”

Everyone was taken aback by this unexpected question. Twilight responded. “I don’t understand the question what are you getting at?”

“Sprits, Twilight. Souls from the deceased who manifest into electromagnetic energy and cause phenomenon that cannot be explained in or around the area of they’re passing. Do you believe they exist?”

“Well when you put it like that…”

“Dammit man stop beating around the bush and just tell us.” Said Joseph.

“Someone’s pushy.” Eduardo sighed. “Okay lets get one thing clear before I start explaining. This has only happened once and for the past three years my nightmares have absolutely no connection with what transpired. Okay?”
Joseph and Jericho nodded while the others were completely out of the loop as to what was going on in front of them.

“The night we went to pick you guys up earlier on I felt that it was necessary to take the Shelby. I don’t know why myself I just know I had to do it. Now just as I started it up I saw my wife and my kids in the car with me. Even now I can feel the cold rush as her hand glided down the left side of my face gently running her thumb across my scar.”

The supercharged 427 idled smoothly with an aggressive exhaust note as Eduardo looked in complete disbelief at the physical manifestations before him that is his family on the verge of tears. Annie sat in the front while his daughters sat in the back seat.

“Annie…..Jasmine……Maria….no no no no no no its not possible. I-I watched you die t-theres no way this can be happening. This is just another nightmare any moment I’ll awake and point my gun at something like I usually do. Oh God I’m finally fucking losing it.”

Her hand reached out to him and rested on his shoulder. “Ed its really us.”

He felt the hand on his shoulder and heard her clearly. He immediately reached out trying to pull her in but nothing instead his arms go right though her.

“This is a stupid question but why are you here?”

“Daddy we are here to tell you that we are still with you.” Said Jasmine.

“And that no matter what we still love you.” Said Maria.

“Its true you know.” Annie said with a smile. “We don’t blame you for what happened either. You did your best.”

“No I don’t believe that for one second.” Eduardo was shedding tears as he spoke with tension in his voice. “I know there could hav-”

“Daddy. Please. Listen to us.”

“Yeah Daddy. Please listen.”

“We don’t have much time left. Hear our words please.”

Eduardo wiped his tears away and calmed down the best he could manage. “Okay. I’ll try.”

“You’re a wonderful man and right now there will be more of them coming. You will not be able to hide your pain or suffering any longer after tonight. We advise that you must be honest with them and yourself. You will be happy again and love will find you. Just open your heart again.”

“I can’t Annie, not after what happened. Jericho nearly died that same night. And after everything I did. I can’t risk losing someone I love again.”

“The burden you bare is great. Too great for one man alone you need pure spirits in your company so you may be able to relieve yourself of this pain.”

“How? How can I over come this? After you died the blood of nearly a hundred men are now on my hands. It was not my place to send them to their graves. My rage consumed me and turned me into a murderer. It turned me into the one thing that took you from me.”

“Just open your heart my love. Open your heart and learn to forgive, I know that it will be difficult and you are still haunted. However you should not worry about the repercussions of your actions. You have already been forgiven but now it is imperative that you must forgive yourself. You are not alone. You are going to meet very wonderful beings tonight and together they will help you over come that which you cannot on your own.”

“How Annie. Please tell me how.”

“Do what you are good at Daddy.”

“Uh huh, and have fun and be happy.”

“And most of all, don’t be afraid to love again. That will help you move on.”

She moved in and kissed him but it wasn’t cold to the touch. He pulled her in and just like old times she was warm and loving just as he remembered her, he closed his eyes and savored the moment. And just like that, when he opened his eyes they were gone.

He was alone in the Shelby again with the engine still idling. He put a hand over his heart and looked at the dash. He calmed down and wiped the tears from his eyes. He put his left hand on the steering wheel and the other on the pistol grip shifter and put the car in gear and speed out of the warehouse and soon out of the property going full tilt towards the turnpike. With a smile he was beginning to understand. “Thank you.”

Eduardo took his rosary off and held it in the palm of his hand and smiled warmly at it. “They told me you would help me over come….” He looked at the Equestrians and panned over to his cousins then to Alison and towards the sky. “….And I really am believing that this wasn’t some fortunate accident or cosmic coincidence that we met the way we did. We were fated to meet. And man I cannot tell you how glad I am at that.”

Jericho spoke. “Okay but that doesn’t explain anything about handling Cortez or lack there of.”

“Its quite simple. He knows what we’re capable of, he won’t be stupid enough to attack attack us again. Not after we tore down his empire. He knows if we did it once we’ll do it again and this time around we are much better prepared. We’ll keep an eye on him, But in the meantime lets have some fun.” He pulled out his aviators. “And if any of you have a problem with that...”He put on his glasses. “…Deal with it.”

As he walked into the warehouse with swagger in his step noticing the sweet smell of freshly baked muffins in the air he dove into the kitchen as everyone else stood outside with mixed reactions.

“Well hes in a good mood.” Jericho said.

“Yeah, a complete 180 from earlier, then again it might be his stomach that woke him up to begin with.” Joseph responded.

“What do you think he’ll do now?” Pinkie asked.

“He can sprout wings and visit he moon for all I care. I’m just glad hes back to his stupid self. Kinda refreshing really.” Jericho said.

Rarity then spoke. “Well lets just enjoy it. Clearly he’s in a festive mood.” At that moment they heard some heavy snoring coming from within the warehouse. “Then again it has been a long day for him I say we let the boy sleep.”

“I’ll say. That guy can sleep through a hurricane.” Said Joseph.

Rainbow got close to Twilight pulling Pinkie Pie very closely. “Hey egghead, wanna play a prank on him?”

“Oh rainbow hasn’t he suffered enough?” Twilight said with concern in her voice.

“No nothing mean just figured we would surprise him a little when he woke up.” Pinkie giggled.

Twilight smiled. “Well I’ve never really pulled a prank before. Okay I’ll bite what do you have in mind?”

While Twilight, Dash, and Pinkie had their conversation Alison walked in the princess’s direction. “Excuse me your highness.”

Celestia chuckled. “Please we are here on vacation and we are all friends here. Theres no need for formality.”

“Well if you say so. I just want to know if we can get him up stairs so he can sleep. Today has been tough on him.”

“We’re happy to help.” Replied Luna.

As they walked inside to help Eduardo up stairs Rainbow and Pinkie had just finished explaining their plan to Twilight.

“Oh you both are horrible.” Twilight said giggling. “Do you think he’ll get mad?”

“Yeah at first. But he seems like the guy who knows how to have a good time and laugh at himself.” Rainbow stated.

“Oh for sure. The way he drove out there proves that.” Pinkie added.

“Well okay but hes gonna know magic was used in this.”

“You know any healing spells?” Pinkie asked.


“Than heal him before we do anything so he won’t be AS mad.” Rainbow finished.

“What are you three planning?” Rarity asked approaching.

“Oh nothing…”Rainbow strated. “…just planning a little joke on sleeping Eduardo.”

“Oh really you two, the man opens his home to us and the first thing you want to do is play games with him. And Twilight you are the last one I would expect to be part of such nonsense.”

“Whats going on?” Fluttershy said approaching the group with Applejack.

“Yeah, knowing you two ya’ll lookin’ to pull off a prank on someone. Count me in.”

“Oh Applejack not you too.” Said Rarity.

“What? Like the princesses said, we are on vacation and seeing as how we’re on vacation we might as well have a little fun.” Applejack said with a smile.

“Its not going to hurt anyone is it?” Fluttershy asked.

“No way!” Rainbow said.

“We would never hurt someone for some laughs.” Pinkie added.

“We would.” Joseph and Jericho approached.

“What are you six planning?” Joseph asked.

“Pinkie and I want to pull a prank on Eddy. We’re trying to get Twi here to play along. Applejack is already onboard with it and Rarity is giving us a hard time and we didn’t even tell her what the prank is.”

“Well Rarity at least give these girls a chance to explain themselves.” Jericho said.

“Besides its always good fun to pull jokes on each other. Oh man remember that time he got us with that air cannon and blew us to the other side of the warehouse?”

“My bruises had bruises. But that’s what happens when you mess with another man’s food.”

“What did you guys do?” Rainbow asked.

“We baked chocolate laxative in some brownies we made for him and swapped them with brownies he bought earlier that week.” Joseph replied.

Rainbow was on the floor laughing with Pinkie. Applejack was barely able to contain her laughter and Fluttershy, Rarity, and Twilight just looked at them surprised and slightly grossed out while Jericho and Joseph stood proudly and smiled.

“Looking back on it I think we deserved that air cannon.” Jericho asked.

“Hehe yeah good times good times.”

“That is so….so mean-” Twilight said.

“Revolting-” Rarity added.

“How could you?” Fluttershy finished.

“We just got bored one day and decided to take it out on our older cousin.” Jericho said

“When we got that phone call of him screaming profanities that would make hell itself tremble with fear we knew we were in for it.” Joseph added.

“The icing on the cake was that he was on the highway when it hit and he had to use a port-a-potty on the side of the highway where there was construction at the time.”

“4 in the morning was when we were marked for his vengeance and furious anger and sure enough a week passed.”

“We then got air cannon’d.”

“Was it really necessary to launch bananas out of it too though?”

“Well he did say in that phone call and I quote ‘You apes are gonna get it’ before he hung up.”

Rainbow recovered from her laughter. “Okay yeah you two are totally in.”

They huddled together around as Rainbow, Pinkie, and Twilight explained their dastardly plan.

As Alison removed his shirt she looked at the man before her sleeping soundly like he hasn’t slept in weeks. The princesses left her alone with him to look over his injuries. To her surprise he was healing nicely and judging from the crumbs of muffin on his chest he was probably hungry. She spoke silently.

“You are such a dumbass.” She began. “All those things you said, you finally let it all out in the open. I couldn’t be any happier to see that you were no longer hiding the truth. And despite all of that in the end all you wanted was just to get a laugh out at our reactions when you jumped behind the wheel knowing how hurt you were.” She smiled warmly at him as a tear fell from her eye. “I’m so happy that you’re not putting yourself through this again. It would have killed me if you went out to start seeking him. It must have taken a lot to do that and then to just waltz right by us like it was no one’s business. You really are one of the strongest men I have even known.” She put a hand on his face and leaned down to kiss his lips. “Pinkie was right you know, even if I won’t admit it in the open, I love you.”

Celestia and Luna were in the living area looking though Eduardo’s movie collection.

“This world is really amazing. You can have a full length movie right in the comfort of your home.” Luna said.

“He is quite the fan of action and comedy though I never took him for a romantic look at this title, Doctor Strangelove.” Celestia responded.

“It is quite perculiar.” Luna looks toward the front of the warehouse to see the others laughing. “I wonder what they are planning.”

“What makes you say that Lu Lu?”

“Remember when we would have our prank wars and we would often get the guards involved in one form or another?”

“You think they are conspiring against Eduardo.”

Luna giggles and hugs her big sister.

“I think we should just sit back and enjoy the show.”

“Agreed sister.”

“Say Luna.”

“Yes Tia?”

“Where is Spike?”

“Last I saw him he was in the office area on Eduardo’s laptop.”

Celestia looks over to the office area to see Spike right there with head phones in his ears watching something.“It seems he still is. I wonder what he’s watching though.”

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Luna said with a mischievous grin.

Spike had somehow found Eduardo’s video journal entries on engine builds and his runs on the freeway in the laptop and decided to watch them while enjoying the music on the headphones. ‘This guy has some good taste in music. Looking at this though hes different behind the wheel. Even though he enjoys the builds hes more of a driver than a builder. ’ Just then he burped out a letter. He opened it to reveal the word ‘Boo.’ He looked at the letter for a moment. “Whats that supposed to mean?”

At that moment two voices made their presence known. “BOO!”

“AAAAHHHH!” screamed Spike.

He looked back to see the sun and moon goddesses laughing at his reaction.

Spike chuckled. “Good one guys.” He regained his composure as Luna began to speak.

“Sorry Spike the opportunity was too good to resist.”

“We were curious, but may we inquire as to why you are on Eduardo’s laptop?” Celestia said.

“Oh this? Actually I was just watching his video journal that he has on here. Its pretty cool what hes got in here.”

They looked through his files. One in particular caught Luna’s attention.

“Wait Spike, click on that video please.”

As Spike opened the file it was a video of Eduardo and Luna in the GT500 with 3 other angles. One being focused on his feet, another on him from the passenger A-Pillar with Luna in full view, another on the tachometer, and the last one on the road mounted on the roll bar just above and behind the front seats.

“It seems he only takes videos if he feels he will go fast at the time he takes them.” Said Spike.

“My little sister it seems he didn’t anticipate your sudden arrival.”

“You kidding? Her reactions are priceless. She doesn’t scream but wow the faces she makes are hysterical.” Spike laughing as he spoke.

“Oh this I have to see.” Said Celestia smiling amusingly.

“Oh no, Spike please don’t.” Luna said

Too late. As Spike began playing the video it had begun moments before Luna appreared in the passenger seat nonchalantly. After they spoke and Eduardo spoke on the radio the real driving began. Celestia watched as her little sister made the most terrified faces she had ever seen looking between Eduardo grinning like a madman and looking back at the road. As they approached the turnpike Luna grabbed the door and roll bar and hung on for dear life as they drifted on the turnpike. Once they hit full speed and maintained it for some time they spoke again and once they got off they turnpike the video stops.

Celestia was laughing bending over with one hand on the wall trying to catch her breath in between laughs. Luna was embarrassed beyond belief as she put her hands on her face trying to hide it. Spike was loving every second of watching their reactions.

Soon after sunset Alison left for her night shift and Jericho and Joseph went their separate ways. When they had left the girls opted to sleep at the living area and voted on watching a movie. At this point the girls decided to set their plan in motion. While AJ distracted the princesses Dash, Pie, and Sparkle sneaked into Eduardo’s room and do the deed. When they left the room a few minutes later they found the inflatable beds out in the living area and had picked out two movies to watch.

They decided to watch Titanic and Pulp Fiction.

A/N: *Evil Grin* Don't worry kids the action WILL pick up again.