• Published 23rd Dec 2011
  • 4,214 Views, 266 Comments

Three Equestrians and an Engineer - Greasebrony

A man who copes with the loss of his family befriends 3 strangers after saving them from thugs.

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A/N: BONUS #2 for your monday.

Out in a hillside deep within Sweet Apple Acres a pegasus mare watches Eduardo from a distance on a cloud out of his line of sight. It was around sunset when he arrived and he hadn’t moved from that spot. All he did was look toward the sky and lay on his back. Looking from high above she could only imagine what could be troubling him so much to wait it out in the cold night air. She had heard him come into town, as well as the rest of Ponyville and at first glance he was very imposing. However with a royal guard as well as the elements of harmony at his side he was free to explain himself and his purpose. She never got close enough to see his face in detail until later that day when his kin arrived. It was during his playing that she really got a good look at him. The lines on his face, his bright smile, his flowing mane, his toned figure and finally his eyes. His beautiful green eyes. With one look she could tell he was friendly. However, the scar over his left eye was a tad unnerving. She figures it could have been some sort of accident. Hearing stories of how he drives that carriage it would be no surprise to her if it was.

After the concert he walked directly up to his girlfriend and after a few seconds he fainted. From there his kin carried him to Twilight’s residence. Pinkie was a little upset about having to postpone the party due to what had taken place but everypony understood. A few hours later after work she was home with her youngest daughter enjoying dinner. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Eduardo walking alone with his head looking at the ground. He seemed bothered and she decided to perhaps talk to him and maybe cheer him up. After dinner she let her daughter and her room mate Carrot Top know she would be going out for a little and would return home a little after dark at the latest. From there she set out to find him. After searching the town from above, she caught him entering the Apple Orchard. The rest of the time after that is him lying down on a hillside. She looked toward the setting sun and decided to take a chance and talk to him.

Eduardo slowly woke in an unfamiliar area. The soothing smell of mahogany mixed with books filled his nose. He found the scents strangely pleasing as he shifted his weight on the bed he was laying on allowing the warmth of the comforter to lull him into a blissful sleep.

‘Yes Eduardo, we’re going to be a family.’

His eyes shot open. “Holy shit.” He sat up and took a quick look around. ‘This is a funny looking library, wait. Is this a tree?’ Not paying any mind to it, he got up out of bed and found his boots and jacket next to him. He took another look around and noticed another bed across from his, the sheets were blue and adorned with yellow stars. It took him all of 3 seconds to realize where he really was. ‘So this is Twilight’s pad huh? Hmmm suits her.’ Finished tying his boots he gets up and looks at his watch seeing it’s already 5:30. ‘Damn, how long was I out?’ He grabbed his jacket and proceeded down stairs to see Twilight at her desk and Spike walking back and fourth preparing a table and running to the kitchen.

Twilight hears heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. “Hey Eddy.” She said smiling up at him.

“Hey Twilight.” He smiled back. “Where is everyone?”

“They are taking a tour around town with the others. That party you planned got called off on account of you fainting.”

Eduardo felt a slight pang of unease. “I made an ass of myself didn’t I?”

“Well it was pretty understandable. Not every day you come to a new world and welcomed with open arms to later find out you’re going to be a daddy.”

“S-so its true. Alison’s pregnant?”

“Yes, she told me back at the palace while you were ironing out things here. By the way she’s informed me that she’s getting back at you for that.” She giggled. “The others though just found out after we put you to bed. Their reactions though not as extensive as yours was, they were still pretty shocked. But everyone came around after letting it sink in. From there everyone extended their congratulations and elected to meet the towns ponies and save the welcome party for another time. Though knowing Pinkie she’ll make it twice as crazy seeing as how there's a bun in the oven.”

Eduardo stood dumbfounded at what he has heard still struggling to get over one statement. ‘…you’re going to be a daddy…you’re going to be a daddy.’ He walked over to the couch and sat with his face in his hands.

“I’m going to be a father. I-I can’t believe it.”

Twilight got up from her chair and made her way towards Eduardo. “Eddy, are you okay?”

“I gotta go for a walk.” He got up and made his way to the door putting his jacket on.

“Wait!” Twilight teleported in front of him, blocking his path. “Please, I know this is a shock to you but you’re not alone in this. Based on what Alison has told me you never were.”

“And I realize that Twilight. A little late I’ll admit but what I need to do now is think.”

“No. I’m not letting you through.” Twilight said rearing up on her hind legs and spreading her forelegs blocking the door. “We are going to talk about this. I understand you’re feeling apprehensive about this but trust me its all going to be fine.”

Eduardo was beginning to feel agitated. “How can you possibly understand how I feel!? Knowing about it is one thing Twilight, its something else entirely having lived it. It’s the same way with you taking down an ursa minor or Rainbow Dash breaking the sound barrier. You can tell me about it all day but I will never really know until I’ve lived it.”

Twilight fell silent letting what Eduardo said sink in. She got back on all fours as she spoke. “Fine. If that’s how it has to be then sit right back down on that couch and I’ll live though it.”

Eduardo cocked an eyebrow. “What are you talking about?”

She gave him a stern look and pointed to the couch. “You’ll see what I mean soon enough, just sit back down.”

Eduardo complied and sat down where he previously was while Twilight looked over to Spike.

“Spike, can you go out for a few minutes?” She asked gently.

“Why whats going on?” He asked as he exited the kitchen.

“Eduardo and I are going to have a heart to heart.”

“Well, okay. Dinner is served so whenever you’re ready.”

“Thank you, Spike.”

He nodded and left the library taking a turtleneck sweater off the coat rack on his way out. She looks toward Eduardo.

“I’ll make you a deal.”

“What kind of deal.”

“A deal you won’t refuse.”

Unsure he leans back on the couch and settles himself. “I’m listening.”

“Alison asked me personally to keep you here and for no reason let you go.”

“Go on.”

“I’m willing to break that promise under one condition.”

“Uh huh?”

“You are going to let me see into your mind.”

Eduardo suddenly felt himself become tense and leaned forward. “I’m sorry. I don’t think I heard you the first time. Did you say that you were going to see into my mind?”


“Ah ha. That’s what I thought you said.” He let out a tired sigh and leaned back into the couch resting his arms over the backboard. “I know this is a stupid question before I ask it but what will be the purpose of that? Do you even know what you’re getting yourself into? Do you really want to see what I’ve seen?”

“Not just seen. Feel as well, physically and emotionally.”

He looked at her with his eyes wide and a frown. “Forget it.”

“Why? You don’t think I can handle it?”

“I KNOW you can’t handle it!”

“And why is that?”

“Because that day when you along with your friends learned about my history I saw all of you with tears dripping from your faces and looks of complete shock and disbelief. Hell even Pinkie Pie’s hair deflated! After seeing you react like that to pretty much the abridged version how do you think you’re going to react to the real thing? Letting you see it maybe but feeling everything I felt too? You ever want to take a walk through hell be my guest but I’d sooner die then let anyone else live though that.”

She sat back on her haunches and crossed her forelegs. “Fine, then you’re not leaving.”

His face made a scowl as he made his way back up stairs. “FINE!”

He stomped up stairs closing the door behind him and making sure the curtains were drawn allowing no sight upstairs.

Once Twilight was alone sure she quickly cast a soundproofing spell and let out a breath she had been holding. Wiping the sweat off her brow she thought outloud. "Wow, that was intense." 'Thank Celestia Rainbow showed me how to make a poker face. Takes a lot more effort than I give her credit for.' She made her way to the dinner table and began to enjoy her onion mushroom soup.

Promptly after shutting the door and curtains he waited until it was deathly silent for him to attempt an escape. He tries the balcony but its locked shut. He looks towards the window and sees that it’s a rather tight squeeze, but nothing a little brute force can’t fix. After two minutes of careful maneuvering and cussing under his breath he is hanging outside by one arm. He braces himself for a landing and lets go hitting the floor and rolling forward to redirect his momentum. Seeing no one else around he decides a victory dance is in order. He takes a few steps from the library then turns around cocking up both middle fingers at the library and biting his lower lip. After a few seconds of pumping his middle fingers at the library he makes an about face and starts to walk.


“And last stop is the Sugarcube Corner. Home of the Cakes and some of the best pastries ever!” Pinkie Pie explained with enthusiasm.

“How she has that much energy all the time I’ll never know.” Said Jennifer.

“Join the club.” Giggled Fluttershy.

“Maybe she runs on nuclear power.” Said Jericho.

“I wouldn’t doubt it.” Said Joseph.

“Uh oh.”

“Is something the matter Alison?” Rarity asked.

“The cravings are kicking in.”

“Well don’t keep us in the dark what are you in the mood for?” Said Jericho barely able to contain a smile.

“Chocolate cake with A LOT of guava icing.”

“One chocolate cake with guava icing coming right up.”

“Um, can you leave the whole thing?” Alison asked sheepishly.

“Nothing to be embarrassed about Ali, this is normal.” Said Jennifer.

“Yeah if anything that’s better than what she asked for when the cravings kicked in. Fish sandwich with nutella, lettuce and hot sauce. Made my night.” Chuckled Joseph.

“Oh shut up.”

“Yes dear.”

“I wonder how Eduardo is doing.” Said Purple Blaze.

“Yeah he’s prolly still out like a light.” Chuckled Applejack.

As they entered the pastry shop Pinkie went right to work on Alison’s cake as the others took a seat in the various tables and bar stools in the lobby.

“I’m actually a little worried myself. Only one time I’ve seen him faint like that.” Said Joseph.

“When was that?” Asked Rainbow Dash.

“Annie.” Said Jericho.

After a moment of silence Rainbow spoke up. “Well he’s gonna be happy when he wakes up right? I mean c’mon who wouldn’t be happy to know they are having a kid?”

“Rainbow Dash has point, every child is a blessing and we all know he isn’t one to squander.” Said Rarity.

“I say we go back to the library and see for ourselves.” Pinkie began. “I mean even if he does wake up Twilight told us he would still be there by the time we got back.”

At the moment Twilight burst through the door covered in scorch marks, sweating and breathing heavily. “Please tell me Eddy is with you guys.”

“Woah Twilight what the hay happened to you?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Alison gave a heavy sigh. “Can you put a rush on that cake Pinkie Pie?”

Pinkie gave Alison a salute with a smile. “Okie dokie lokie.”

“Dammit where the hell is she?” Eduardo had been walking around town trying to find any sign of Alison to no avail. ‘This place isn’t all that big-wait.’ Eduardo looked up and began looking at his surroundings. With a heavy sigh he continue to walk not paying any mind to where he was going. “Maybe I should have stayed in the library. Probably would have learned something too.” He noticed the sun setting and decided to watch the sunset.

He began looking for higher ground and soon came across an apple orchard. “Hmm, this must be AJ’s place.” He saw a hill standing high in the perfect position to watch the sunset and began making his way towards it. When he got there he took off his jacket and made himself comfortable on the hillside and watched the sun begin to set. He couldn’t remember a time where he saw such a beautiful array of warm colors give way to a starry night. As he let himself be taken away by the scenery he began to think about Alison specifically after she stopped him from putting a bullet in his head.

2 Weeks later…

“AH!” Eduardo clutched his shoulder still in pain from taking that .308 round. “Can’t even enjoy some mac and cheese can I?”

“Straining yourself won’t help you get better any faster. Let me help you.”

Alison took a seat next to him and picked up the bowl.

“I don’t need any help.” He said quietly.

She spoke with a stern voice. “Shut up and open wide.” She smiled. “Here comes to choo choo.” She said playfully.

He cocked an eyebrow. “Really Al-”

Alison shoveled a spoon full of macaroni into his mouth. “There isn’t that better?” He tried to speak but Alison put a finger over his lips. “No talking with your mouth full mister.”

1 month 4 days later…

Eduardo was making his way towards the Shelby armed with his 1911 and an M4.

“And where the hell do you think you’re going?”

He turned around to find Alison’s foot firmly planting itself on his face. With Eduardo in a daze she snatched the M4 from his hand and his 1911 from his hip holster. Once Eduardo recovered he looked up to fine her staring him down and pointing a finger to his room.

“Go to bed means go to bed.”

“Who do you think you are!?”

“A doctor that will put your ass in bed whether you like it or not!”

“And say I don’t?”

She cocked her fist back and punched him in the cheek.

“You won’t disobey this doctor’s orders if you know whats good for you.”

Rubbing his cheek he gets back up and makes his way back to his room mumbling to himself.

2 months 1 week 4 days later…

The day finally came to remove his bandages and his stitches. Alison reveals the scarred flesh on Eduardo’s body taking special care in case there are still any areas left to be treated. Tears welled in her eyes as she removed each bandage and stitch. With his torso fully exposed she gently ran her soft hand over his back.

“Do you feel any pain?”


“Where does it hurt?”

“My chest.”

She stepped in front of him to find him looking to the floor and his hand over his heart. She gently lifted his face to meet eye to eye with him.

“That pain takes time to heal.”

“How long?”

“That depends on you.” Her hands slowly moved to the bandage over his eye and he immediately grabbed her wrists. “We have to get it off Eddy. There is nothing that can be done with it now.” He slowly released his grip and allowed her to remove the bandage revealing his scar and his eye looking up at her. She gently ran her thumb over it and pulled the left side of his head towards her chest. He closed his eyes and listened to the sound of her heart beat then wrapping his arms around her pulling her close.

“Thank you…”

He heard hoofs touch down on the ground. Immediately he shot up from the ground taking a fighting stance to see a grey pegasus with golden blonde hair and eyes to match. Remembering that he wasn’t in Miami anymore he quickly composed himself and apologized to the mare.

“Sorry, old habits die hard.”

She smiled warmly at him. “Its okay, I have a bit of a reputation for being clumsy so we’ll call it even.”

Taking a closer look he noticed her eyes were not aligned but paid no mind to it returning her smile. “Deal.” 'Why do I want to hug her?'

“I hope you don’t mind me asking but what are you doing here by yourself?”

“What? Were you following me or something?” He chuckled.

“NO! I mean…um…maybe…yes.”

“Hey relax I’m just giving you a hard time.” He got on his knee and extended his hand. “My name is Eduardo.”

She put a hoof in his hand and shook it. “Ditzy Doo. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Pleasure is all mine. As for your question I went out for a walk to find my girlfriend but since that didn’t pan out I took some time to think. That and I’m a little lost.”

“I’m sure I can help with that. Where do you need to go?”

“Ponyville library.”

“Oh Twilight’s place? I can take you there.”


Eduardo picked up his jacket and made their way to the main road. Leaving the orchard Applejack came into view.

“Eduardo? What the sam hill are you doin’ all the way out here? Everypony’s been lookin’ for ya.”

“Funny thing. I was actually looking for you guys too.”

“That so? Then why are you all the way out here?” Applejack looked down to see familiar peagsus standing beside him. “Oh hey Ditzy, didn’t see you there next to this goof ball.”

“I resent that.”

Ditzy giggled. “Its fine AJ, he looked a little lost so I’m just walking him to the Library.”

“Well Ah have no objections to that. So you know Ed, Alison’s waiting for ya back at the library. The others rented out a couple of rooms at the hotel and Twilight is a mite upset at you for leavin’ like you did.”

“I figured she would have learned by now that if I want to get something done-”

“-Its gonna get done yeah, yeah we’ve heard it before. Jeez you’re worse than Big Mac.”

“Sounds like an upstanding fellow to me.”

“Hey buddy Ah ain’t Alison, Ah got no problem with bucking you into next week.” She chuckled.

“That wouldn’t be fair at all Applejack. Wouldn’t be fair to you of course.” He chuckled.

“Oh right, Ah almost forgot how much you love taking a beating.”

“Oh AJ, you say the sweetest things.”

They both let out a hearty laugh soon bidding each other a good night.

“What was that all about?” Asked Ditzy.

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

“Try me.” Ditzy smirked.

“For the past month The Elements of harmony, Princesses Luna and Celestia as well as Spike have been living with me in another planet called Earth, which is in another galaxy and where I’m from we don’t have magic plus the weather moves all on its own.” He put his jacket over his head and wiggled his fingers at Ditzy. “Woooooooo spoooookyyyy.”

Ditzy laughed at his silliness and nudged him with a hoof. “Nice try, Nightmare Night was two weeks ago.”

He put his jacket on back to normal and looked at her with a serious face. “Actually I’m not joking at all. Everything I just said is true, if you don’t believe me ask Twilight when we get to the Library.”

“Okay, I’ll take you up on that.”

As they neared the library Ditzy couldn’t help but wonder about Eduardo’s scar.


“You can call me Eddy you know. Eduardo is too formal and I’m on vacation.”

She smiled. “Sorry,” Her expression grew serious. “Can I ask you a question?”


“Um, what happened to your eye?”

“Hmm?” He looked at her.

She looked at him nervously and stepped back. “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to offend I’m just curious is all. I-”

He crouched down putting a finger over her lips and gently spoke to her. “Theres no need for that.” He removed his finger and pulled his hair back so it was in full view. “This was from a big fight a couple of years ago, a lot was at stake and I’m sad to say that I lost.” He stood up and gave her a reassuring smile. “However, I’m getting over it and with each passing day I think about it less and less especially today. Would you like to know why?”

She nodded.

“I received word today that I’m going to be a father. I’ve been looking for my girlfriend all day who is going to be bearing our child so I can tell her how much she means to me and how thankful I am. Also to tell her how I will not leave her side, like she never left mine whether I was at my best or at my worst.”

She smiled at him thinking of her own children. “Well in that case what are we waiting for?” She levitated herself and began pushing him forward. “Its not polite to keep a lady waiting.” After a minute of Ditzy’s inspired brisk walk they were finally at the door. With a smile Eduardo opened the door and was immediately met with a flying kick to the gut.

A/N: For the record It doesn't matter to me if she is called Derpy Hooves or Ditzy Doo. To me they are both one and the same and I'm still a fan regardless.