• Published 23rd Dec 2011
  • 4,214 Views, 266 Comments

Three Equestrians and an Engineer - Greasebrony

A man who copes with the loss of his family befriends 3 strangers after saving them from thugs.

  • ...

One of Those Days

Sunday- 1:41 A.M.

Location- Miami Expressway Loop, Clockwise

Lately Eduardo’s been in a better mood than usual. It shows in his driving, at least according to Alison. However something was bothering him and his work was suffering from it. He is spacing out, very unlike him. At first he thought he was just tired and in most cases he would be right. However he’s been sleeping regularly, working out regularly and still has sparring sessions with Alison, and each time comes out feeling better than ever.

This feeling was so foreign to him but at the same time he felt welcomed by it. Almost as if he was greeted by an old friend. Its like he knows that from here on out everything is going to be okay. Though at the same time he felt dread, fear as if all of this is just a dream. “God I hope that isn’t the case.”

“I remember this car.”

Eduardo looked over to his passenger seat to find Annie sitting next to him, buckled in and smiling.

“Remember our first date?”

Eduardo smiled and looked forward as he recalled that night.

“We had just graduated high school and you picked me up at mom and dad’s house.” She said.

“Yeah, we went to watch a drive in movie.”

“It was an hour drive from Miami to Ft. Lauderdale. But that wasn’t the important part.”

“I had just finished working on the engine and building the transmission. I was confident that with enough road this baby could hit 200 mph.”

“But that wasn’t all.”

“I admitted how much I loved you that night on the drive home. I was so nervous.” Eduardo chuckled. “What idiot spills the beans like that on the first date.”

“We had known each other long before Alison came along. We felt that way about each other long before that night.”

“We were at a red light when I told you. You only sat there and listened as I poured my heart out to you. Then when I was finished you looked out of the window and began to cry. Do you remember what you said?”

Annie smiled and looked forward. “You jerk, I was supposed to say that.”

“Yeah. At the next red light right before getting on 826 you leaned over to my side.”

“And I kissed you.”

“Yeah, we had a lot pent up there for a while. What happened next though I’ll never forget.”

“I sat back in my seat buckled up and I said to floor it. Floor it has hard as you can and don’t let up for a moment.”

“I looked at you like you were nuts and asked why. Why do you want me to do that?”

“Because of a promise we made to each other, together through thick and thin.”

“To always back each other up, no matter what.”

“I wanted you to know that I trust you with everything. With my life, with my body, and my heart.”

“I kept my foot on the break and let the turbo spool up and on green we went at it.”

“And the rest as they say, is history.”

“I disagree, at 18 hitting 200 is not just something you forget.”

“Maybe.” Annie giggled.

“So whats this visit about? Not that I don’t appreciate the company. Its just rare for me to have passengers during my nightly routines.”

“I’m here to let you know that this isn’t a dream. Everything you are feeling is for a reason.”


“You’re confused, you feel conflict within yourself. Considering everything that has happened its no surprise.”

“I feel, hope but I’m also afraid.”

“And its okay. Its been a long time since you felt these emotions. It’s a big change from the guilt and anger you have had in you for so long.”

“What should I do Annie?”

“I can’t give you all the answers Eddy. You’ll know what to do when the time comes.”

“Well at least I know I’m not going mad.”

“That’s always good news. By the way, Alison has something to say.”

“That she loves me?”

“Yes, that. Something else too, but she doesn’t know it. Not yet.”

“You’re not jealous I hope.”

“How can I be Eduardo, I know you still love me but I can’t return it. And it would be selfish of me to keep you and Alison apart.”

“So you know huh?”

“Yes, but its important that she knows.”

“How though?”

“That’s the funny thing about love and loss. Even if you lose someone you care about, it always comes back in the form on new love.”

“But she can’t replace you.”

“Its not about replacement Eddy. Its about filling that void in your heart. I’m happy to say that your void is being filled more every day.”

“You mean Alison.”

“And you’re new friends. Its amazing how even though you were so secluded that you manage to attract the most amazing people.”

“That’s been happening a lot lately.”

“There’s something else too.”

“Whats that?”

“You need to relax.”

“What do you mean relax?”

“You’re a smart boy. You’ll figure it out.”

Eduardo looks over to the passenger side to find no one there and smiles. ‘Oh Annie.’ He focuses back on the road and throttles up screeching the rear tires and the exhaust spitting flames as the Supra leaves cars and exhaust smoke and tire smoke in its wake.

Early in the sunday afternoon Rarity, Alison, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Applejack were on the roof of the Warehouse taking advantage of Florida’s tropical climate.

“This sun bathing just feels marvelous.” Rarity began.

“Told ya.” Said Alison.

“Oh, um do we really have to be naked though?”

“Uh, Fluttershy, its not like we normally wear clothes.” Said Applejack.

“She has a point.” Said Twilight. “I notice that Ponyville is the only town that doesn’t wear anything.”

“So wait, you girls are nudists?” Alison asked with intrigue.

“Techniclly speaking, yeah.” Twilight answered.

“Wow, I would feel strange walking around in my birthday suit all day.” Alison said.

“But Alison when you were a pony you had the most magnificent coat. Why wouldn’t you want to show it off? Don’t you agree Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash?”


“Guess she’s indifferent.” Applejack Chuckled.

“Actually I kinda miss it. The wind feels goooood.” Pinkie stated

Eduardo was just waking up from his 11 hour sleeping session. Typical for a Sunday. He steps outside of his room to find the warehouse empty.

“Hello? Anyone here? Girls? Yoooohoooo.”

Listening for any sounds he hears nothing and sees his truck is missing.

“Okay Spike told me he would go out with Joseph to take the pooches out to Dog Beach and the truck isn’t here. Guess the girls went out plus the track is closed for the day which means,” Eduardo puts on an evil grin and starts rubbing his hands together. “Time to go commando.”

“OOOHHH! Itchy back!” Pinkie said.

“What does that mean.” Asked Alison.

“It means that today is my lucky day.” Pinkie smiled.

Eduardo climbed up the latter inside his warehouse wearing nothing but his fluffy baby blue robe to the roof. When he got there he went to a corner facing the direction of the wind. With that he deeply inhaled the cool wind. He then undid he robe and stood calmly.

“Wait for it, wait for it.” With the next gust of wind he spread his arms and let the wind whisk his robe away over the edge of the warehouse. “AAAAAHHHH Brisk.”

He heard snickering coming from his left. He looked over to see seven familiar women, all of them bearing their skin. Some of their faces red from holding back laughter and some from a combination of embarrassment and slight arousal.

“Hiiiii.” They all said waving at him in unison.

Eduardo’s eyes went wide when he realized what he had just done. There was no denying it, he had just stripped naked in front of seven women he had thought occupied elsewhere. In a panic he had turned around and tried finding his robe.

“It went over the edge babe.” Alison said struggling to fight back the laughter.

“FUCK!” Eduardo yelled as he ran back to the skylight from which he came hearing laughter following him the whole way down.

‘Oh God what the hell just happened?’ He thought as he went down the ladder.

The moment he touched down he turned and began to walk as he tripped over a dumb bell. He fell taking someone with him. This person was wet presumably from taking a shower and his face landed on something warm and soft. He pulls back to see two perfectly symmetrical breasts and looks up to see the Goddess of the Sun, Celestia.

Celestia smiled at him. “My, Eduardo, this is quite forward of you. I never expected you to be that kind of man.” She said blushing and acting all giddy.

He immediately jumped off of her and ran toward the nearest bathroom leaving Celestia in a mix of laughter and flattery. The moment he reached the bathroom he shut the door and locked it. “Jesus Christ how many of them are there!?”
He noticed that the room felt very humid. He also heard the shower running. “Um, Can I help you with something?”

Eduardo slowly turned around and to his horror found Luna hiding a grin behind her hand blushing and her wings flaring knocking her towel off, leaving everything in full view. “My, Fluttershy wasn’t kidding when she said you were…gifted.”
He instantly turned back around and swung the door open only to run into Celestia again both of them landing on the guard rail. Eduardo was inches from her face and she gave him a flirtatious grin. “We have to stop meeting like this Eddy.” She teased running a finger over his chest.

“AW C’MON!” He turned to run back into his room slamming the door behind him and locking it.

“I guess its gonna be one of those days.” He walked to the dresser and got himself a pair of jeans and a tank top.'Why do I get the feeling someone's laughing at me?' He looks over to the night stand and sees the blue rosary as well as the keys to the STi. The keychain in particular caught his eye.

Later that evening Joseph and Spike returned with Rocky and Jackson and were hearing about what happened with Eduardo. The reaction was as one would expect. Laughing could be heard coming from inside the warehouse as the girls told their story.

“So I just come out of the shower and I see him coming down the stairs. His pride is just swinging back and forth and I just couldn’t get my eyes off it. Once he gets down he doesn’t notice the dumb bell on the floor then he trips over it and gets knocked over taking me along for the ride. Now I don’t need to say that the situation doesn’t already look suggestive but c’mon with the look he had on his face I had to say something.”

Pinkie could barely breathe. “Wa-wa-wa-hahaha what did you haahaha say?”

“Okay I said ‘Oh my, Eduardo this is quite forward of you. I never expected you to be that kind of man.’ The poor dear looks like he’s ready to explode from embarrassment and he runs right into the bathroom where Luna is.”

Luna was blushing and laughing along with everyone else. “Yeah that was just random. The moment he slams the door he is completely oblivious that I’m right there. I catch his attention and he turns around. What I saw then, caught me by surprise. Next thing I know he franticly opens the door and Tia is right there naked. She says something to him and just runs to his room slamming the door shut behind him.”

“Oh God Celly what did you say to him?” Alison asks laughing and afraid of the answer.

Catching her breath Celestia responds. “Eduardo we have to stop meeting like this.”

Another round of laughter bursts from the kitchen.

“Celestia, goddess or not, you are horrible.” Alison says barely able to keep her composure.

Joseph is clenching his ribs while he attempts to speak. “Wai-wait till Jericho finds out.”

Spike gets up from the floor still laughing. “I still can’t believe it. He walked right by you and had no clue you were there?”

“He must have thought we were out somewhere.” Rarity said.

“What he saw the missing truck and thought hey I’ll get naked?” Joseph said.

“As a matter of fact I did.”

Everyone looks toward the staircase to see Eduardo at the bottom of it wearing aviator sunglasses and a pink speedo.
He strikes a pose flexing his muscles. “Italian Cut.” He then takes his glasses of in a dramatic fashion and snaps his speedo. “Far superior.”

For a moment everything was silent then the warehouse burst with laughter.

“Nice of you to join the living. Now can you put some pants on? You look ridiculous in that thing.”

“Yeah yeah, you’re just jealous.”

He grabs on the jeans hanging from the second floor and puts them on.

“So I take it everyone got a good laugh at my expense.”

“Oh you can say that big boy.” Rainbow teased.

“Nice one Dashie.” Pinkie gave Rainbow a high five.

“Great now that we got that out of our systems can we talk seriously for a moment?” Alison said.

“Whats on your mind Ali?” Eduardo asked.

“Well I’ve been thinking, when was the last time you had a vacation?”

“About 6 years, why?”

“I was thinking that maybe you can take a month off and go to their world?” Alison put on the most sincere face she can manage.

‘I wonder…’ “Any particular reason why you would like for me to go on vacation?”

“Well, we still haven’t gone on that date you promised me. I figure we can be adventurous about it.”

Eduardo thought for a moment.

“Joseph, can you and Jericho take off from work?”

“Yeah but it won’t be paid leave, plus I gotta stay close to the wife.”

“That’s fine. How soon can you take off and pack?”

“We’ve got some paperwork to finish back at the office but we’ll be ready by day after tomorrow if we start tonight.”

“Good, do it. Now while that’s happening tomorrow I’ve got some business I need to take care of.”

“What kind of business?” Celestia asked.

“Personal business.” Eduardo responded.

“So does that mean you’ll go?” Alison asked.


“YAY!” Pinkie yelled jumping over the counter pulling in both Eduardo and Alison for a hug.

“Hey wait don’t we have a say in this?” Luna said.

“She’s right you know, it wasn’t easy getting here the first time.” Said Celestia.

“No its okay I found a way to teleport to Equestria without draining us of all of our magic.”

“And how in the world are you gonna to that?” Eduardo asked.

“Well the most efficient way I can think of is using UnUnPentium.”

“In English please?” Joseph said.

“Well its also known on the Periodic Table of Elements as Element 115?”

“Forget it.”



“Fine, I guess we can just join hands then.”

“Wait what?”

“Well from what I understand everything has energy of some sort. I’m thinking we can use that energy to teleport us to Equestria.”

“Okay, what are the repercussions?”

“You’ll be a little tired and a little queasy.”

“What do we need to do?”

“Eat a very big breakfast so it won’t be so bad.”

“Such a simple solution and you wanted something that would involve breaking into area 51. Nice one Twi.”

Twilight began pushing her index fingers together and looked toward the floor. “Well it was pretty tiring the first time around and I figure you would know how to get a hold of it.”

“All in favor of breaking into a heavily guarded Government facility to grab some top secret rock say AYE.”


“Well I guess that narrows it down. Everyone, back your bags. We’re going to Equestria.”

The next day Edurardo got up early and got dressed before anyone else woke up. He grabbed the keys to the STi and the rosary. He looked back at Alison sleeping soundly in bed. He walked to her side and kissed her forehead before leaving the room. ‘I love you.’ He thought.

He knew she couldn’t hear him and for the time being he figured its better this way for now.

Looking around all the lights were off and the morning sun was peaking through the skylights giving Eduardo enough light to move about without bumping into anything. Just as he was about to start the Supra a thought came to him. ‘I’m trying to be stealthy and not wake anyone. And this Inline 6 is loud.’ “Fuck.”

He opened the garage door just enough for him to push the car outside. 5 minutes later he was outside with it and closed the garage door. He turns around to find Celestia Luna and Twilight standing between him and the Supra.

“Dammit. Just when I was in the homestretch.”

“Relax Eduardo we just want to know where you’re going is all.” Twilight said.

“I don’t think Alison or anyone for that matter would appreciate you leaving without a word.” Celestia said.

“Well theres a reason why I said that it was personal business.”

“Whats so personal about it?” Luna asked.

“You know the STi?”

The girls nodded.

“Well that STi I’m sure you know belonged to my wife. What you didn’t know was that it was actually a project car. See when we first started driving back in high school She bought this car in the same week I bought my Supra. We wanted to become professional racers. I do Gran Touring and she does Rally. The problem was that she never had the funds to really get it to spec. When the kids came around we had the money to do it but never the time.”

He recalled the day he drove it. “About 4 days before you guys showed up was the first time I really drove it. I ended up making the suspension collapse after jumping a railroad. Since then I’ve been working on it and now its finished.”

“But what does that have to do with you leaving?” Twilight asked.

“She has a little sister, from what I understand she wanted to get into Rally too. What I intend to do is hand over the keys to Annie’s car. I figure that’s what she would have wanted.”

“Is that really it? All of this so you can give someone a car?” Asked Celestia.

“Yes.” He looked at them. They looked back. “No.”

“Then what is the real reason?” Twilight asked.

He reached into his pocket to retrieve a familiar blue rosary.

“It belonged to her, didn’t it?” Luna asked.

“Yes, it did.”

“So whats the problem?” Luna asked.

“The day of the funeral her parents pulled me aside and asked if I had the rosary she always wore. They had given it to her when she was very little and never took it off. I said no but that was a lie, I had it around my neck the whole time. Basically they wanted it to put it with a little shrine they set up for her but I wasn’t ready to let it go. I think they understood.”

“So you’re going there to make peace and help them move on.” Celestia said.


“Well you’re not going without me.”

Eduardo turned around to see Alison walking toward him. When she got close she pulled him in for a hug.

“You’re not alone anymore Eduardo, stop acting like you’re the one that has to bear the responsibility. Its not fair to anyone.”

“Okay, I’m sorry. Lets do this together.”

Rafael had just come home with his wife, Stephanie and their Daughter Natalie.

“Well that was fun wasn’t it?” Began Stephanie.

“I guess.” Said Natalie.

“Yup all we need now is to find you a car so you can start the semester.”

“Well with that new job I’m going to need one.” Said Natalie.

“Don’t worry we’ll find something decent as your daily.”

“And hopefully your hobby.” Rafael chuckled.

Just as the family were about to enter their home they heard the echo of a distinct engine in the distance followed by the unmistakable sound of a blow-off valve.

“Sounds just like Annie’s car.” Natalie said.

The three fell silent and listened.

“Is it me or is it getting closer?” Stephanie said.

Just then a blue bugeye STi with fog lamps in the front came into view with a black Supra following close behind approaching the home.

Is that…no it can’t be.’ Thought Rafael.

The STi and Supra pull into the 2 story house parking in reverse both engines soon cutting off. In the Supra a blonde woman stepped out. In the STi a tall man with a ponytail stepped into view. Both of them made their way to the family before them.

“My god, Eduardo? Is that you?”

“How are you Rafi?”

Inside the house the 5 of them sat in the living room.

“So what brings you by?” Stephanie asked.

“Yeah, been a long time since we’ve seen you around these parts.” Said Rafael.

“Couple of reasons, first of which was to bring you something you asked for a while back. Second, I understand that Natalie here has off road driving as a hobby and she’ll be going to college soon.”

“What about Natalie going to college?” Asked Rafael.

Eduardo dug into his pocket and retrieved a pair of car keys and placed them on the coffee table. Natalie picked them up and looked at the key chain. She cupped her hand over her mouth.

“Are these-”

“Yes. Those are the keys to the Subaru parked outside. I only drove it twice, once to test the stock suspension, and the second time here. Of course Annie wanted to modify it. She had a list of things that needed to be done and well, in the past month I did everything before that it just sat there. I figured it would only be right if you were the one who took it for its first test drive and break in the parts. The notes and title of the car are in the glove box as well as a copy of the build notes and adjustment settings. Above all though, I think Annie would have wanted you to have it.”

“Is that all you came for?” Rafael asked.

“No, remember the day of the funeral you both asked me for Annie’s rosary.”

They both nodded.

“Remember when I said that I didn’t have it with me?”

“Yes?” Stephanie said.

Eduardo reached around his neck and pulled out the blue rosary. Stephanie cupped her hands around her mouth when it came into view. “I lied.”

He handed it over to Rafael who was tearing up.

“You know we never blamed you for what happened. It was never your fault and you did everything possible to protect them.” Rafael said. “I couldn’t have been more proud to call you my son, but after everything that happened-”

“I know.”

“We heard about the incident in California.” Natalie said.

“Yes, my cousins and I were responsible for it.”

“You know we never condone violence, and we never expected nor wanted you to.” Stephanie said.

“You know me better than that. I did what I had to.”

“Is that man still alive?” Rafael asked.

“I can’t say. The last I saw of him he was running from me with a missing left arm. I’ll say now that I did a lot of things I’m not proud of. But losing her like that, no one should ever have to experience that.”

“You loved her that much?” Rafael asked.

He looked up to Rafael’s eyes. “I would have gone to the next life for her.”

“It shows.” Stephanie began. “The lengths you have gone for our daughter would have destroyed a lesser man.”

“Please, don’t. It was hard enough accepting the fact that I killed men in the name of my wife and children. Understand that I was driven mad. I shouldn’t be praised for it.”

“What husband and father wouldn’t?” Rafael asked. “I probably would have done the same thing if it didn’t kill me first. I know you have a lot to live with. However even with everything you have done being here, right now it proves that you are a real man. This is probably the hardest thing you ever had to do. Looking both of us in the eye, talking like we are now. Anyone would be afraid if they were in your shoes.”

“You’re right. I couldn’t look at any of you after what happened. Even now I just want to run, but I know that wouldn’t solve anything. I kept putting it off because I knew I couldn’t face you. I broke a promise to both of you and a sacred vow to her and an oath to god. I couldn’t forgive myself for 3 long years and turned to alcohol because of it. But thanks to Alison and a few new friends, I’m finally getting on my own two feet again.”

“That’s good son.”

“Just know that we have always been proud of you.”

“My sister couldn’t have picked a better man.”

After Eduardo and Alison left Natalie went out for a drive to get to know the STi and her parents were in the dining area.

“He had lost his way.” Stephanie began.

“And he’s found it again.”

“I’m so happy for him. What do you think could have happened?”

“I don’t know. But I have a guess.”

Rafael walked to the shrine of Annie which consisted of a picture hanging over a bouquet of white roses. He took the rosary and hung it around making taking care to make her face fully visible through the loop of her rosary. “You probably had something to do with it, didn’t you Anastasia?”

As Eduardo and Alison drove away, the house got smaller and smaller in the rear view. He wore a gentle smile as tears slid down his cheeks. While Eduardo had his hand around the shifter Alison grabbed his hand.

“I’m really proud of you Eddy.”

“Thank you Alison. I couldn’t have done this without you.”

As they entered the expressway Eduardo began to speak. “Alison, theres something I wanted to tell you for a while now. Only thing was that I wasn’t sure if I could say it. But now I feel like I’m ready to tell you.”

She put a finger over his lips. “I know Eduardo. I love you too.”