• Published 23rd Dec 2011
  • 4,214 Views, 266 Comments

Three Equestrians and an Engineer - Greasebrony

A man who copes with the loss of his family befriends 3 strangers after saving them from thugs.

  • ...

A Little Mischief

A/N: HAI GUYS! Sorry for the long wait. Anyway Props to Gyvon and Menelaus Redz for pre-reading this chapter for me.

It had been three days since the unintentional roast of the equestrians, since then it was non-business as usual for the six vacationing Floridians. Within those three days Rarity and Fluttershy were insistent on taking Alison and the girls for a day at the spa and for some ladies time. Meanwhile the men tried to stay out of trouble and keep the yelling, cussing, public rough housing to a minimum. Especially after repeated complaints from a certain stallion, whom of which has had his cart of cabbages repeatedly smashed mutilated and pillaged by the trio in different occasions. One of them involving Eduardo going into a blind rage attacking a rather irritating fly with a Rocket Propelled Chainsaw. The details of how he aquired said Rocket Propelled Chainsaw remain a mystery.

However keeping things calm around town proved to be a problem whenever a certain sky blue pegasus or ponyville’s premiere party pony was within ear shot. Luckily before anymore damage was made the Mayor made sure they were banished to the park where they would play various sports ranging from baseball to soccer to American football. Each time drawing a crowd and sometimes making full sized teams to play in the spirit of competition. However not all was action as they also took time to lay in the grass and look towards the sky trying to recapture their lost innocence. That was until Eduardo had a dastardly idea and voiced his thoughts.


“Whats up man?” Asked Joseph.

“As you both are aware I made Twilight a promise to get back at her.”

“I take it you already know what you are going to do.” Said Jericho.
Eduardo chuckled darkly. “Yes, and will need your assistance.”

“I don’t see why not. We still owe you for letting her turn you into a horse the first time.” Laughed Joseph. “What do you have in mind?”

“I wrote a list of everything I will need and where to find it.” He reached a hoof into his pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper and handed it over to Jericho.

He opened the list and skimmed through it with Joseph scooting next to him to look it over as well. Their eyes growing wider and smiles getting bigger with every item.

“Dude this…” Began Jericho

“This is beautiful.” Finished Joseph. “When do you need this stuff by?”

“Tonight. Alison is already taking care of the little things in the library.”

“Like what?” Asked Joseph.

“Oh no, things like loosening up the furniture, moving all the books around, shaking up the whipped cream cans, stretching a piece of saran wrap under the toilet seat and other places like the bottom of door sills and randomly placing porn all over the library. Stuff like that.”

“Badass.” Said Joseph nodding in approval.

“Wait, they have porn here?” Jericho asked slightly surprised.

“Yeah, I looked under Spike’s bed and found a box full of magazines and a DVD disk marked ‘S+R’.”

Both brothers looked at the grinning pegasus in disbelief.

“Get the hell out.” Said Joseph.

“Yup.” Said Eduardo.

“You mean to tell me that, that dragon is getting it on?” Jericho said.

“Dude I thought they just started dating!” Exclaimed Joseph.

“That’s right boys, y’all just got punk’d.” Eduardo laughed.

Jericho face palmed and Joseph rolled onto his back chuckling to himself.

“What did you guys actually think those two would rock the boat already?” Eduardo laughed. “I wasn’t kidding about the magazines though.”

“Okay, okay Alison’s taking care of that. What are you going to do?” Asked Jericho.

“Some of the items on there are going to be for different individuals. You see item six?”


“Cover your skin and face when handling that stuff. I read about it in one of Twi’s books, seriously potent stuff.”

Joseph looked once more at the list. “I’m more worried about the location. Its not far but…”

“Don’t worry about it, just take the Juggernaut and Beowulf and shoot anything that moves.”

“I’m almost afraid to ask, whats with the nitrous oxide?”

“Don’t worry about it. Just get it and leave the rest to me.”

“Bro, exactly how many people are you planning to prank?”

Eduardo only smiled as he got up and began walking towards the library where his truck was parked. “Just get what I need and I promise, tomorrow we’ll have one hell of a laugh.”

Joseph laid back down as Jericho took another look at the list. “Okay, I say we leave the sex shop for last.”

“$50 says we takes this too far.”

Late into the night Eduardo worked alone in his trailer prepping for tomorrow’s festivities with Rocky laying next to him.

‘These little ponies will not soon forget this day.’ He smiled menacingly. “First, Twilight Marie Sparkle. Twice now you have ponified me, so your day of reckoning is at the hooves of Alison and myself. If you think we would let you off easy you are sadly mistaken my dear. Then comes Rainbow Miriam Dash and Pinkamina Diane Pie, I’m still quite cross about that day in the warehouse and how you two like to pop up out of no where. Of course next is the ever so elegant Rarity, I know it was you who messed with the fuse box without my consent so lets just say your payment will leave you, excited.”

Eduardo chuckled to himself darkly as he prepared the next trap. “Ah honest Applejack, you are innocent in all this but I don’t want you to feel left out. Same for you Fluttershy, and as far as you know, your day will be well documented.”

Knocking was heard coming from the outside of the trailer.

Eduardo got up from his seat and trotted over to the side door and opened it. “AH, Jericho, I’ve been expecting you.”

“We got the stuff.” Said Jericho wearing a black turtle neck.

“Excellent, we can cross item 34 off, I assume the cards and return addresses are in there as well? Snappy tactial neck by the way.”

“Yeah, Joe forged the signatures himself.”

“I’m amazed you two aren’t working for the CIA.”

“We would but taking down drug lords is more our speed. Besides, who wants to wear a suit out in the field?”

“True, can’t stand wearing a tie.”

“The things we do for a pay check.”


“Can I ask you something?”

“Sure man.”

“Why is your hair greased back and why are you wearing a black tux and a fake mustache?”
He stared at Jericho blankly. “…No reason.”

“Uh huh, well I gotta get going, is there anything else you need?”

Eduardo put a hoof to his chin and thought for a moment. He smiled mischievously. “As a matter of fact there is. But first we must finish planting the stuff, mail out the packages you and little bro so kindly were able to put together.”

“Why’s that?” Jericho asked cocking an eyebrow.

“Lets just say a certain unicorn rubbed us the wrong way and now he will suffer our wrath.” Eduardo said breaking out in menacing laughter and throwing his hooves in the air.
Jericho deadpanned. “How many Bond movies have you seen recently?”

Eduardo was grinning madly as he looked at his cousin with his eye twitching and rubbing his forelegs together. “All of them, at once.” His head tilted as his ear twitched. “Why? Does it show?”

“Not at all bro.”

Before the sun rose Alison was checking to make sure everything was perfect and nothing was out of place within the library. Her partner in crime, a marble white unicorn with an electric blue mane and two quarter notes for a cutie mark famously known as DJ Pon-3, was already on the console ready and waiting.

Eduardo set up go-pros inside the room where Twilight was dreaming away. He found it increasingly difficult to keep himself quiet due to his first time being stealthy with hooves. ‘Yeah, totally worth the effort I’m putting into this you little nerd.’

He looked over at her seeing her wiggle deeper into bed with a small smile on her face. “Silvermane, that tickles.” She giggled.

‘WE’LL SEE HOW CUTE YOU LOOK AFTER THIS!’ He thought. “Wait, she has a thing for Silvermane? Oh I’m totally busting balls after this is over.”

Careful not to trip over any wires, he finished the final connection and made his way from the room where the speakers and amplifiers were laying about pointed directly at the dozing unicorn careful not to spring any of the traps Alison had laid out. He finally made his way outside where she was waiting with his canine counterparts, peewee the phoenix, owlowiscious, the DJ, and her unamused roommate with their pet iguana laying on her head.

“I still find it difficult to believe you are agreeing to this JUST to get a laugh, Vinyl.” The Grey earth pony said. “But at the same time it comes as no surprise that you would drag me along with you. Couldn’t you have at least waited until I had my morning coffee?”

“Octy, I promise once this is over I’ll treat you to all the coffee, cream, and bagels you want.” Vinyl said. “Besides you need to laugh a little more.”

“And you think waking Spike and Twilight, our NEIGHBORS, is going to do that?”

“Ah, but you forget me dear, its not the action itself, its how its done. Besides, Spike stayed over at Rarity’s last night and I already have something planned for those two.” Eduardo said.

“Ugh, Eduardo is your name correct?” She said looking at the stallion.

“Yes Octavia that is my name.” He said smiling proudly.

“Right, exactly why are you doing this again?”

“Payback. She turned both Alison and myself into ponies, we do not that sort of thing laying down.”

“I can’t believe you are helping him let alone with him.” Octavia said looking at Alison.

Alison sat on her haunches and smiled. “We’ve been through a lot together over the years and besides, a good girlfriend always helps when her man is in need. You got that babe?”

“And vise versa.” He responded with bedroom eyes and wiggling his brows at her. She winked and blew him a kiss in response.

“Well these two are subtle.” Octavia said sarcastically.

“Octy, you wish you were that subtle.” Vinyl chuckled.

Octavia’s cheeks flushed and before she could respond Eduardo spoke up. “Okay kids enough of the sexual tension, sun’s coming up. Ready babe?”

“All set here.” She said.

“Lady Scratch?”

She loaded a record and dropped the needle. “Ready.”

Eduardo took his spot next to the DJ opening up his laptop and catching the recordings coming from the cameras inside the library. Octavia took a look at the device.

“How can you see them here if they are in there?”

“Think of this as a portable television, with this I can set up a camera in one place and then using a signal I can watch what happens from a distance. But it has many other uses.”

“Prey tell what exactly?”

“The ability to access a database full of information discovered by our kind as well as the ability to communicate with whomever no matter the distance.” Said Alison petting the husky’s head.

“Sounds kind of nerdy.” Said Vinyl.

“Totally, but Ali, you’re forgetting another very important use for the internet.” Eduardo said while he put on his aviators.

“Whats that?” She asked.

“Porn.” Eduardo stated. “Now, lets give Sparkle her wake up call.”

Vinyl pressed play and within moments dubstep music could be heard from within with the walls of the library along with the sound of a screaming surprised unicorn.

“She mad?” Vinyl asked.

“She mad.” Eduardo replied.

Inside, Twilight covered her ears and made her way towards the window to see four ponies. Two of them she recognized immediately as Eduardo and Vinyl Scratch. As they bobbed their heads to the music she saw Alison moonwalking in front of the DJ and engineer. Meanwhile a grey earth pony was facehoofing shaking her head in annoyance. Already frustrated she attempted to open the window but found that it was nailed shut.

‘This is so not funny.’

She ran to the stairs and ended up tripping over something, before her face hammered the stair case the teleported to the first floor where she was met with mouse traps of all sizes. Dancing around trying to avoid getting snapped at she started slipping over a slick part of the floor and ended up landing on the couch. Thankful for that small blessing the air bag beneath the cushion exploded beneath her and she was launched straight towards the ceiling. Landing flat against the ceiling she peeled off leaving a noticeable imprint of her body on the surface soon dangling about from her horn.

‘Well it can’t get any worse.’

Her horn slipped out from the ceiling and she crashed down on the second cushion only to be launched again into the ceiling leaving a similar imprint. She teleported towards the door and blasted it to splinters. With the look of fury in her eyes she began yelling at the group in front of her to turn the music off. Eduardo and Vinyl only looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders and looked back at her bobbing their heads to the beat. She yelled again Eduardo and Vinyl put a hoof over their ears signaling for her to speak louder while Alison break danced in front of the two. With her patience now diminished she took a deep breath and the music stopped playing.

“TURN THAT FUCKING MUSIC OFF!” Quickly she gasped and slapped her hooves over her mouth.

“TWILIGHT SPARKLE.” She slowly turned to the right to find the Mayor sternly looking at her. She closed the distance between them. “Under no circumstances is that sort of language allowed.”

“B-but he, they-”

“No buts young lady. A lot of ponies look up to you for guidance and if you continue this behavior I will have to write a personal letter.”

“T-to Princess Celestia?”

“No, to your parents.”

Twilight laid on her belly and grabbed the mayor’s forelegs. “NO PLEASE! ANYTHING BUT THAT!”

“Then you will think twice before using language that is beneath you. You are lucky that no one else is awake right now.” She then turned towards the group.

Octavia’s jaw hung slack unable to process what had just occured while Alison was trying her best to fight back the laughter inside of her. Vinyl was rolling on the floor laughing and Eduardo leaned on the console with a smug smile on his face.

“Mr. Rivera.”

“Yes Mayor?”

“I completely understand that while you are on vacation you want to have fun and be carefree during your time here. Correct?”

“That is correct mayor.”

“Now upon that, you do understand there is a time and a place for everything, yes?”

“I won’t argue that.”

“My question then is, why are you up this early in the morning DJing?”

“Well m’am I wanted to help Miss Scratch improve the sound quality of her bass cannon and we spent most of the night working on it and I guess we lost track of time, an honest mistake.”

“Hmm, I see. Well keep the noise down would you?”

“Of course, my apologies.”

“Accepted. Now if you will excuse me, I have to take these rollers out of my mane. Oh and another thing, can you come by the office later? I would like to discuss some of the building codes with you.”

“Not a problem, but why me?”

“I have heard of your profession and I would like to see your take if any improvements can be made. In return I’ll see to it that you are compensated for your time.”

“Well if that’s the case, sure.”

“Excellent, I’ll see you later then.”

She walked in the direction of her home, when she was out of sight Eduardo and Alison joined Vinyl in her laughter while Twilight sat on her haunches looking towards the ground, her face red with embarrassment.

“Yo Eddy.”

“Sup Scratchie?”

“I think you broke Octy.”

Alison stood in front of her and clapped her hooves in her face to snap her out of her trance.


Immediately everyone looked up to see Rainbow Dash crash into Twilight, both bodies flying into the library setting off yet another air bag.

Yup, potent stuff.’ Eduardo thought.

An hour after the events in the library Eduardo though it would be a good idea to mail the packages.

“Morning Ditzy.” He said cheerfully. “I need a couple of boxes delivered.”

“Good morning, sure I’ll be more than happy to-” She turned to look at the crimson stallion. “Who are you?”

“Ditzy its me, Eddy.”

“Noooo Eddy is a human, and you’re a pegasus.” ‘And a cute one too.’

“You watched Twilight kick me in the chest.”

“Anyone could have seen that.”

“You followed me to AJ’s farm and watched me relax.”

“Still not convinced.”

“What do I have to make you believe me?”

“Okay let me think.” She put a hoof to her chin and thought for a moment. “AH! Tell me what kind of carriage he came in.”

“That’s all?” He reared up and crossed his forelegs. “1967 Shelby Mustang GT500E running a supercharged 427 winsor.”



“You made that up!”

“Wha-NO I DIDN’T! I can take that thing apart clean it up and put it back together blind folded!”

“Why blind folded?” She stamped a hoof over the counter. “Have you done it before?”

“YES!” He said throwing his hooves into the air.

“A likely story.” She said pointing an accusing hoof.

“Ugh whatever, can I have these delivered or not?”

“Sure Eddy.” She giggled into her hoof.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at the blonde mare behind the counter. “It appears that I have been bamboozled. Clever girl, you’re lucky you’re cute.”

“Thank you. Now, where are they going and when do you need these delivered by?” She asked pulling out a couple of forms.

“They need to go to Canterlot, today if possible. The forms are already filled out I’m just dropping this off for Applejack.” He said laying the boxes on the counter and giving her the forms.

“And the postage has already been paid for, that’s a little unusual.”

“Well its gonna be an unusual kind of day.”

“Uh oh, that doesn’t sound good.” She giggled. “Okay I’ll get these on the train to Canterlot when I make my rounds. Oh! Is there anything fragile in here?”

“Not that I know of, but be careful anyway just in case. Make absolutely sure though that they are delivered directly to the names on there.”

She gave a mock salute with a smile. “You have my word.”

He returned the salute. “At ease soldier. See you around.”

“See you later.” She waved as he left. She loaded the boxes in her saddlebags as she prepared to do her route.

Fluttershy franticly zipped through town square trying her best to avoid the flashes that were following her. “Ohmygoodness. Ohmygoodness.” From the corner of her eye she found salvation in the form of a big red stallion behind an apple cart.

“Big Mac!” She flew over to the stallion and landed inches from his face.

“ThismorningIwokeupandstartedmakingbreakfastandsomeponywastakingpicturesofmeoutsidemywindowandItriedtoseewhoitwasbutIcouldn’tfindthemandsomehowtheycontinuedtakingpicturesofmeandIpanickedandflewintotowntotryandlosethembutyouknowI’mnotaverystrongflyersoittookmeawhileandthenIsawyouandhelpmeplease!” She said in one breath with her lower lip quivering.

Big Mac tenderly grabbed Fluttershy’s hoof cleared his throat and spoke in his usual calm voice. “Now Fluttershy Ah caught that someone’s takin’ pictures of ya and Ah know you don’t take kindly to it. If it makes you feel any better we can go back to the farm and Ah’ll see to it no pony gives you any unwanted company.”

Fluttershy calmed down a little and put on a gentle smile giving the big stallion a hug. “Thank you Big Mac. But what about the apple cart?”

“Applebloom should be by any second now and she can watch the sales. But Ah do have one question.”

“Oh what can that be?”

“Have you been hanging around Pinkie Pie?”

“BIG MAC BIG MAC! YOU GOTTA HELP ME!” Both Fluttershy and Big Mac turned to see Spike running a full sprint towards them jumping over the apple cart and tackling him. “Please for the love of Celestia! For the love of Luna! For the love of all that is Equestria HIDE ME!”

Big Mac looked up at the panting dragon drawing a breath to speak but was cut off.

“Yoo Hooo Spikey Wikey, where are you sweetheart?”

Spike’s pupils turned to pinpricks. “Oh no.” He quickly covered Big Macintosh’s mouth.

Down the street Rarity was skipping along without a care in the world towards the apple cart. “Oh Fluttershy dear have you seen Spike? I’ve been looking ALL over for him.”

Fluttershy glanced over behind the counter to see Spike franticly shaking his head. She turned back to Rarity. “I’m sorry Rarity I haven’t seen him. Maybe you should check the library.”

Rarity pouted and scuffed the ground. “I did, and then I went to sugarcube corner and the apple farm and just now I could have sworn I saw his handsome scaly hide run in this direction.”

“Maybe he is back at the boutique.” Fluttershy suggested.

“AH! Of course, the best place to hide is right under my nose. Clever, clever boy. It’s like he wants to play hard to get. I bid you adieu Fluttershy I will now go claim what is mine.” She then pulled a collar and a leash from her saddlebags and proceeded to the boutique with hot determination.

Appreciating the irony she placed a hoof on the stand. “Okay Spike she’s gone.” She looked over again to see Spike was not there anymore.

Fluttershy let out a heavy sigh. “I guess its going to be one of those days.”


After Twilight cleaned up what was left of the mousetraps, taking the saran wrap off the door sills, and repaired the front door she went to the kitchen to make her morning coffee. She discovered a year before that while having coffee in itself is a magical experience she had tried brewing it manually and since then she had bought coffee beans instead of grounded coffee. She found it rather satisfying making her own brew from scratch without magic and made it that much more enjoyable. Finishing the brew she poured some of it into a plain white mug and brought it to her nose to enjoy the aroma, it was a perfect cup. After the events that took place earlier that morning, this was exactly what she needed to start her day.

With a gentle smile on her face she made her way to the study and levitated several books from several random shelves and neatly placed them on her desk. She took her place and gently placed the mug on the desk. The desk then began shaking unsteadily and tilted sharply where Twilight sat. The mug slid forward and spilled the scolding hot coffee on her lap and thighs before being buried under the books she had wanted to reread. After a moment of silence the book pile exploded into a mess of papers and cardboard.

Reared up with her forelegs in the air she yelled to the heavens. “WHAT EVIL FROM THE GATES OF TARTURUS IS ALLOWING THIS TRECHARY!?”

Receiving no answer she reluctantly went back to the kitchen to brew herself another cup of coffee knowing deep down the second will never be as wonderful as the first. She will forever regret not taking that first sip when she had the chance. Somewhere along the line she had felt a small piece of her die and wondered if that was the same feeling as a child spilling its favorite flavored ice cream on the park bench. To look down and know that she could always get another one, but it was that first one that made all the difference to her. Rainbow Dash could only watch as the unicorn stepped back in the kitchen.

“Twilight are you going to help me out or what? I can’t fly straight and I have practice with Soarin and Spitfire today.”


Joseph and Jericho made their way towards the Raptor.

“I am so happy right now.”

“Yes Joe we finally get to use your fucking rope, give it a rest will you? Jesus.”

While Joseph got the rope and other supplies from the trailer Jericho was busy unhitching the truck from it. When he was done Joseph appeared moments later sporting a pair of black sunglasses, a black trench coat, blue jeans, two silenced desert eagles holstered on his waist, black nylon rope oh his shoulder and to top it off a lit cigarette dangling out of his mouth.

“Seriously you must watch that movie religiously, he he, get it?”

“I got for you too.”

Joseph tossed a duffle bag to Jericho, he zipped it open revealing similar accessories.

“Fine, I’ll humor you this time but you’re going to owe me.”


Jericho opened the back door to the cab and found a large lump hidden under a blanket in the back seat.

“Hey bro?”


“Have you killed anyone lately?”

“I don’t recall, why?”

“Cause there is a body back here.”

“How big is it?”

“Looks to be about 5 foot 8 and probably 170 pounds and well toned.”

“Does it stink?”

“No, seems pretty fresh.” A scaly purple and green tail poked out of the blanket and over the seat. “And reptilian.”
Joseph looked over his brother’s shoulder. “I got this.” He made his way back into the trailer and appeared moments later armed with a tazer. Jericho stepped out of the way and Joseph approached the body, aimed, and pulled the trigger. Within moments two probes shot out at the body carrying with it an electrical charge of 50,000 volts, striking the blanket a green and purple dragon shot up and hit the roof of the truck.

“WHATS UP SPIKE?” Joseph grinned while Jericho laughed watching Spike’s reaction.


“Runs in the family.” Joseph replied. “Now you mind explaining why the hell you’re in my truck?”


“Oh this ougtta be good.” Jericho commented. “From what?”

“My girlfriend.”

“Ooooh.” Both brothers replied.

“Yeah, she’s been acting really weird.” Spike said.

“Ah, time of the month and didn’t get her chocolate?” Joseph said.

“No stupid horses don’t get periods. They get heat.” Jericho said.

“What he said, and that usually happens during the summer.”

Jericho closed his eyes and thought for a moment. He then snapped his fingers and pointed one at Spike. “Okay here is what we’ll do, Spike you are going to help us with a little project Joseph, Eddy and I put together.”

“I’m in.”

“Good.” Jericho said. “Now just wait here and we’ll tell you more about it on the way. Joey and I just need to get Eddy and we’ll be on our way. Cool?”

“Frosty.” Spike eagerly said.

“That’s what I like to hear. Be back in a few.”

Jericho closed to the door to the truck and Spike was alone. With a sigh of relief he sat up straight and rested his elbow on the arm rest and looked out the passenger side window. He heard the driver door open and close as well as feel the weight transfer of the cab but paid no mind.

“You know it’s a pretty nice day out, don’t you think?”

“Oh, yes it is.” An all too familiar feminine voice responded.

The look of horror slowly came across Spike’s face as he slowly looked at the driver’s seat to see none other than Rarity sitting right in front of him with her eyes in a seductive gaze and a hungry smile. Spike quickly reached for the door handle and pulled but it was no good, he was locked inside.

With a giggle she slowly crawled into the back seat. “Don’t you worry about a thing my little Spikey Wikey, Mama Rarity is gonna take good care of you.” She placed a tender but firm hoof on his chest. “Now saddle up big boy cause you are in for one doozy of a ride.”

Pinkie Pie then popped out of the glove box and gave a stern look at Rarity. “HEY! This isn’t that kind of fic!”

“Ugh, fine.” She responds to Pinkie looking at Spike. “Want to give me a back rub?”

“Can we do this at your place?” Spike nervously asks.

The brothers approached the truck ready to pick up Eduardo and saw a rather interesting sight, Spike ball gagged and hogtied on Rarity’s back as she skipped along in the direction of the boutique.

“Well, that just happened.” Jericho said.

“What are you doing? And why are you dressed up like that?”

The two look behind them and saw Purple Blaze. They looked at each other once before looking back at the pegasus and grabbing him, slamming him to the ground. Jericho then drew his desert eagle.

“And an awesome wale was heard throughout heaven.”

Jericho placed the desert eagle on Purple Blaze’s forehead as Joseph continued the prayer.

“And the hand of the lord struck upon the earth.”

“And as ALMIGHTY GOD CREATED YOU,” Blaze’s eye welled with tears and widened as he watched Jericho thumb the hammer back. “NOW, HE CALLETH YOU HOME!”

Purple Blaze was in full panic as he tried to wiggle his way out, but it was no good. He was a dead stallion.


“Oh, busy signal. Guess we’ll have to calleth back.”

Eduardo was leaving Sugarcube Corner with a satisfied smile as the Raptor approached wearing a similar outfit to what his cousins were wearing. Instead his hair was combed to either side of his head and wore his aviators. The Raptor skidded to a halt in front of the pastry shop.

“Ready to go?” Joseph called from the driver’s seat.

“Wyatterp man.”

Eduardo opened the door into the rear passenger seat and saw a familiar stallion with similar attire as the trio but had his hair in a pony tail sitting behind Joseph.

“Who’s he supposed to be?”

“This is our Mexican.” Joseph said pointing at Blaze.

“I still don’t get what that means.” Said Blaze.

“It means that you are going to help with what we will do for justice.” Said Joseph.

“Best you just go with that.” Said Jericho.

“Oookay.” Said Blaze with a bit of uncertainty.

With a chuckle Eduardo climbed into the truck and headed out of town in a hurry.

“So Eddy.” Joseph called.


“Why is Rarity acting in heat? And what did you do with a poison joke?”

“Actually I’m more interested in what he did with that big tank of nitrous oxide.” Said Jericho.

“The poison joke was for Dash. Wasn’t easy trying to get up to her place but I managed.”

“Ah, still getting used to having wings?” Blaze asked.

“You can say that. Hows your face by the way?”

Blaze rubbed a hoof over his left cheek. “Still a little tender. Seriously I know your girl can hit hard but that was just other worldly.”

“Well her ass kickings are like 7/11’s. Might not always be doing business, but they’re always open. Besides can’t be all bad.” Eduardo nudged him with his elbow. “You convinced that part timer to go on a date with you. What was her name again?”

“Hey, keep your mouth shut about that. Its against policy to date patients. And if you must know its Wind Dancer.”

“He got it lover boy, now Ed you gonna spill on the NOS or what?” Jericho said.

“Forget the NOS what did you do to that little marshmallow of a unicorn?”

Eduardo only chuckled as he reached in his pocket and rested a small vile between the brothers. Jericho picked it up and read the label and his eyes widened as burst out in laughter and passed It to Joseph. He took the bottle and after reading the label he too burst out laughing as he passed it to Purple Blaze. He took it in his hoof and slowly read the label. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

“You are a brilliantly sick man Eduardo.”

After a 20 minute inspection of her person and going through several searches of her settle bags, she was finally able to enter the palace and finish her last job for the day. It had been a rather long day for Ditzy Doo, mostly because of a rather large ginger bread house that the Cakes needed delivered to Fillydelphia. Originally the assignment was for Pinkie Pie but they claimed she had been in the bathroom all day laughing like a hyena and hasn’t left it for more than 5 seconds at a time. All she wanted now was just to return home to her loving husband and wonderful children for the long weekend ahead. Within the halls of the royal palace Ditzy made her way down the corridors looking for the mail room. Distracted by her thoughts she bumped into a large pony and was knocked back on her rear.

“Oh, I’m so sorry I-” She gasped after seeing she had bumped into none other than Celestia herself. Instinctively she bowed out of respect and asked for forgiveness.

“Rise my little pony, no need for the formalities. It has been quite some time since I have seen you around here. How are you?” She asked with a genuine smile.

“I’m fine, I’m actually just here to drop off a package for Princess Luna and another one for you.”

“Well I can take it from here if you’d like. You look awfully tired.”

“Any other day I can manage but I’m anxious to see my little muffins again, long weekend and all.”

“In that case I can take it from here. I’ll arrange for a carriage to fly you back to Ponyville if you’d like.”

“I would really appreciate that, thank you Princess.”

Ditzy undid her settle bag and handed it over to the Princess. After levitating the packages with her magic Ditzy was escorted to a carriage and Celestia turned the other way quietly inspecting the boxes.

‘Well well what do have here?’ She looked at the return addresses to find they came from Sweet Apple Acres.

“That’s strange, the only things we order from the apple family are their goods. It must be from Applejack then. She always did prefer simplicity.”

On her way to her room she had stopped by Luna’s room to leave the package for her. ‘She has been rather quiet the last couple of days. Come to think of it I have only seen her when its time to raise or lower the moon.’

She knocked on the double doors 3 times. “Lu Lu, its Tia. A package came for you.”

After a few moments of rustling coming from behind the door it cracked open revealing only Luna’s sweaty face.

“What were you doing in there?” Celestia asked suspiciously raising an eyebrow.

“Nothing.” Luna replied, her eyes darting back and forth with a nervous grin. “Can you give me a minute?”

“I’ll give you 30 seconds.”

Luna quickly closed the door and immediately there were sounds of rustling within her chambers. Celestia counted the seconds backwards until reaching zero.

“Alright I’m coming in.”

Celestia teleported inside surprising Luna as she stood in front of her closet with the most innocent smile she could muster. In Celestia’s eyes no matter how much Luna has grown and how much she has matured over the past few years, she would always be her baby sister. Being just that she knew all about her little tricks and generally the way she is about certain things, particularly when she is hiding something.

“Alright Luna something is up and I want to know what.”

“Feel free to look around.” She replied in a sing song voice skipping towards her bed.

Celestia took a moment to look around the room and decided the most obvious place to start was the closet. Opening the double doors she began looking around trying to find anything out of place. If nothing else she knew her little sister has impeccable organization and hygiene and walking inside she only saw several dresses arranged for different events as well as her different collection of slippers. Satisfied she walked out of the closet and shut the doors behind her.

“Well I see you still enjoy playing dress up.” She smiled.

“Aw c’mon sis you can’t tell me you don’t do it too.”

“Okay, maybe in my spare time.”

Celestia made her way to the bathroom keeping an eye on Luna for any sign of unease. In fact she was acting completely worry free rolling around in her bed. Entering the bathroom she summoned her magic simultaneously opening up all the cabinets and drawers trying to scare whatever it was Luna had out of hiding. Outside she could hear her giggling like a little filly. Celestia left the bathroom and approached her sister as she was looking at herself in the mirror on top of the dresser brushing her mane and tail. Celestia approached the bed and levitated it with her magic. Seeing nothing more an abacus and other trinkets from her foal hood she lowered it and looked at Luna.

“Alright Luna, nothing seems to be out of place so I’ll just leave.”

“Okay Tia.”

Celestia turned and started towards the door as Luna continued grooming herself. From the corner of her eye she could see her leaving suddenly she was covered in a golden aura and with a yelp escaping her she lifted several feet into the air and dropped on her bed. Celestia ran to the cabinet and opened the lowest drawer to find a little brown ball of fluff snoozing. Slowly waking up from the sudden movement from the drawer opening it lifted its head and met Celestia’s eyes.

“Aaaaaaawwww, Luna it’s adorable. What is it?”

Luna pouted and drew circles on with her hoof. “He’s an anteater.”

“I see, but why you would hide him. You know there is nothing wrong with having pets.”

“I know but I wanted it to be a surprise.”

“Where did you find him?”

“I found him in the garden a couple of days ago. The poor thing was shivering alone in the cold so I brought him in and since then I’ve been taking care of him.”

“Does he have a name?”


Giggling at the name she looked back at the anteater and picked him up with her hooves and cradled him. “Okay I’ll go ahead and leave you be with Noodle here.” She gently set him back down on the floor and he scurried over to Luna’s side. “Also, I have a package for you.”

“Really? Where is it from?”

“See for yourself.”

She levitated the package to Luna and proceeded to opening it. Cutting the first flap free from the tape she found a card attached to it. She read it out loud.

Dear Princess Luna,

I hope this package receives you well as I personally put it together myself with the intent of relieving some of your stress that comes with running a government alongside your sister. Within the contents of this box are several tools similar to what I use to take the edge off after a long day. Don’t worry about knowing how to use them, you’ll know when you see them and as the element of honesty I know you will enjoy every second of their use.



P.S. Make sure you keep them out of view, wouldn’t want folks to get the wrong idea.

“Hmm, curious.”

She finished opening the box to reveal several cylindrical objects of various sizes shapes and colors as well as several small bottles of lubricants and incents. “What in the world are these?”

“Something the matter?” Celestia asked as she opened up her package reading a card similar to the one Luna received.

“Apparently Applejack sent these for stress release but I have no idea what they are.”

Celestia finished opening up her mail to see items similar to what Luna had. Her ears splayed back and her eyes grew wide as a subtle blush came over her face. “Um, Luna?” She looked up to see her baby sister holding one of the objects in her hoof and finding the power button.


“Well it vibrates. But what is it’s purpose? Is it a massager of some sort?” She placed it on her neck finding the ticklish feeling amusing and soothing at once. “Well it’s going in the right direction but at the same time, not quite. What do you think Tia?”

A horrified look came over Celestia’s face as she watched Luna trying to discover the machine’s intended purpose. She took a deep breath and exhaled in an attempt to regain her composure. “Luna, we need to talk.”

“And chalk another one up for me.”

“Oh can it pretty boy.”

A charcoal black unicorn stallion with a firey blue and orange mane and tail was with a grey-blue pegasus stallion who was significantly shorter were in the palace gardens. They had just finished another sparring session and were headed to the palace for dinner.

“C’mon Princey hurry up I’m starving! This one took a lot out of me.”

“Cool your flanks, I already fly at the speed of lightning for a living, I won’t be rushed by some flaming joker.”

“You’re lucky you’re cute.”

The pegasus became agitated. “I already told you not to call me that.”

“And what are you going to do about it, cutie?” the unicorn replied wearing a smug grin.



The stallion and pegasus froze at that moment and stared up to the tallest tower of the palace.

“What in the name of Equestria was that?” The pegasus said.

“Don’t know. Don’t care. Hungry. Going without you.” The unicorn trotted ahead but stopped seeing a strange sight. Two pegasi and two humans all of them wearing similar outfits carrying an irritated roped up white blonde maned unicorn to the bed of a lava colored truck. The 4 catch notice of the unicorn and stop in their tracks.

The crimson stallion spoke up. “Okay I know what you’re thinking and yes this is exactly what it looks like.”

The unicorn’s stomach growls loudly enough for the others to hear. “Oh no! My hunger is causing me to have hallucinations. Perhaps it is best I head inside and not mention anything about this illusion to anyone.” He says in mock despair. “I can only hope its not too late as I watch these strange beings kidnap what I believe is to be some random pony no one really seems to care about.”

While the other three take the chance to load the idiot in the bed of the truck. The crimson stallion approached the unicorn.

“Thanks man.”

“No problem, besides I’m pretty sure he deserves whatever you guys have planned for him.” He sat on his haunches and put his right foreleg up. “Brohoof?”

“Brohoof.” He slapped his hoof against the unicorn’s. “Something tells me you enjoy a good smoke.” He pulled out a closed metallic tube and passed it to the unicorn.

“What’s in here?”

“Cigar, Cuban to be more specific.”

“You make it sound like I know what that means.”

“Maybe, but you come off as a guy who knows. If not, think of it as the best smoke you’ll ever have.”

“I’ll save it for a good day then.”

“Good man.”

“Eddy! Lets got going bro!” One of the men called from the truck.

“Don’t get your jock strap in a twist!” He turns back to the unicorn and puts a firm grip on his shoulders. “Via con Dios hermano.” He turned around and sprinted towards the truck. It began moving when he got close and when he jumped into the rear seat and closed the door the truck roared as it speed off out of sight. As unicorn watched the truck get away the pegasus lands next to him.

“What was that? And who were you talking to?”

The unicorn put away the cigar tube and pulled out a box of cigarettes. “Trust me, even if you saw it for yourself you wouldn’t believe me.” He put a cigarette in his mouth.

The pegasus narrowed his eyes. “That was a blind joke wasn’t it?”

“Not this time, scout’s honor.”

“Psh, you’re not a scout.”

Luna sat at the foot of her bed petting Noodle trying to process the information her sister had told her. “Why in the world would Applejack send us these things?” Questioned Luna.
‘And there goes whats left of my baby sister’s innocence.’ “I don’t know but we will certainly go and find out.”

If coffee did nothing else, I made sure it cleared your system. In short, Twilight seriously had to go. She had spent most of the day reorganizing the books in the library and was extremely upset about being behind on her studies. But not nearly as upset as finding Spike’s special stash hidden all over the place. By the time she felt the pressure to go it was almost too late. She ran to the nearest bathroom and slammed the door behind her. She opened the toilet seat cover and immediately saw something was amiss. Just under the toilet seat she could see the lining of clear wrap along the border of the toilet bowl.

“Oh yeah, nice try Rivera!”

She used her magic to rip off the saran wrap and place it in the trash. She lowered the toilet seat and began her business. Seeing the magazine rack next to her she plucked one out and opened it. An old copy of reader’s digest; astrology edition. Twilight wasn’t impressed, not only does she know Luna, who IS astrology, but she knows her on a personal level plus she has gone into space twice and came back with beings and knowledge from another world.

“Wow, as of late my life has turned into a corny scifi. Well its better than living on a space ship where the entire crew only wears three different colored shirts. Or some time traveler goes around the universe saving everyone and is 900 something years old.”

By town hall a brown stallion with an hour glass for a cutie mark felt a cold chill down his spine. He stopped and narrowed his eyelids, looking around for anything out of place. ‘What the bloody devil was that just now?’

“Daddy, is something wrong?” The grey unicorn filly walking alongside him asked.

“No no everything’s quite alright Dinky.” He replied with a smile.

“You sure Dad? You seemed spooked just now.” Said the pink unicorn that was also walking alongside him.

“Everything is fine Sparkler. I just have to go to the shop to check on something. Your mother should be home any time now, let her know I’ll be by momentarily.”

The stallion turned to go to his shop as Sparkler called to him.

“Dad, aren’t you forgetting something?”

He turned to see his eldest daughter levitating his sonic screwdriver.

“Ah you truly are your mother’s daughter.”

He took the screwdriver gave both of his daughters a kiss on the cheek and galloped towards his shop.

“Go get em daddy!” Dinky yelled.


Back in the library Twilight had just finished her business and flushed the toilet. After doing so she heard a hissing come from within the bathroom. Cautiously she followed the sound and saw that it was coming from the bathtub. She knew what that sound was and prayed that it wasn’t it.

“Don’t let it be snakes, don’t let it be snakes, don’t let it be snakes.”

Twilight slowly removed the curtain and poked her head in to see a boxy four legged stick with an unamused look on its face.

“Oh, its just a creeper. Wait, CREEPER!?”



At a diner in Ponyville Applejack sat outside enjoying the cool evening air enjoying a daisy sandwich with the eldest members of the CMC. On Friday nights this is the spot where the girls would usually meet up after a long week.

“So how are you girls this evening? Done anything new in particular?” Applejack asked genuinely interested.

“I have.” Sweetie Belle answered. “I’ve been working on a collaboration soundtrack with Frederic Horseshoepin. Its coming together really nicely.”

“That’s great Sweetie. What about you Scoots? Have any new dancing recitals planned?”

“Not for the moment. I’m still trying my hoof at stunt flying and see where that gets me.”

“Aww c’mon Scootaloo everypony already knows your talent is dancing. The ballerina slippers on your flank prove it. Same way the microphone on Sweetie Belle’s flank shows her love for singing.” Said Applebloom.

“That’s true but keep in mind that your cutie mark is an apple blossom and it represents your talent for building things.”

“That’s very true Scootaloo. A pony’s special talent might not always reflect their cutie mark directly. But Ah suggest you be careful about this stuntmare deal, you hear?”

“Yes Applejack.”

“What time is it? Shouldn’t everypony be showing up about now?” Asked Sweetie Belle.

“Come to think of it yeah. Twilight’s always the first to show too.” Said Applebloom.

“Yeah it is unlike her to be late.” Said Applejack.

“Um, Hi everpony.” A meek little voice said to the group.

“Who said that?” Applebloom asked.

From the corner of her eye Scootaloo spotted a shaking bush. “I think it came from there.”

Sweetie Belle, who was closest to the bush saw a pair of aqua eyes staring back at her.

“Fluttershy? What are you doing in there?” She asked.

“Somepony has been following me all day.”

“You sure about that sugarcube?” Applejack asked.

“Hi everypony.”

Everyone turned to see Pinkie Pie approaching the group very slowly with a sick and tired look on her face.

“Pinkie! What happened to you!?” Applejack exclaimed.

“Baked bads, very, very baked bads. And I don’t know why but I was laughing all day. I know I’m the element of laughter but even I’ll say that this was ridiculous.”

At that moment Rainbow Dash approached the table in a less than enthusiastic mood staring down the group.

“Which one of you put Poison Joke in my settle bags?”

“Ladies! The party has arrived!” Everyone looked over to see a happy Rarity and Spike with a silly smile on his face. They took their places at the table.

“Why is everypony so down?”

“Better question, why is Spike smiling like that? Its freaking me out.” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Can’t hear you, afterglow.” Spike replied.

Suddenly a flaming purple blur crashed on the table.

“Twilight’s here.” Said Pinkie Pie.

“Twilight! Are you okay?” Asked Fluttershy poking her head out of the bush.

“I swear when I get my hooves on Edurado…” grumbled Twilight.

“Am Ah missin’ somethin’ here?” Applejack asked. “Can somepony tell me what is going on?”

“I would ask the same thing of you Applejack.”

Everyone turned to see both of the celestial princesses standing and staring down the apple farmer.

“Ah beg your pardon?”

“We received a your packages Applejack.” Began Celestia. “Needless to say that even though we have our needs, this was highly inappropriate.”

“Uh, princess. Ah have no idea what you’re talkin’ about.”

“The toys Applejack!” Luna exclaimed. “The ones a mare uses to…you know…STUFF!”

“Stuff what? Ah don’t know what y’all are talkin’ about.”

“The dildos Applejack, the dildoes you mailed Luna and I complete with lubricants and insents!” Celestia said.

“Wow this just took a weird direction.” Said Scootaloo.

“I’ll say.” Said Pinkie Pie.

“What are you talkin’ about Ah didn’t mail you any dildos!”

“Then explain these!”

Luna showed the cards that came with the boxes to Applejack. She closely examined the writing and it was clear that its was similar to her hoof writing.

“Well Ah’ll be.”

“So will you admit it?” Said Luna.

“Admittin’ to something Ah didn’t do? That’s crazy talk!”

“Then if you didn’t do it who did?”


Everyone looked toward the direction of the voice to find Eduardo, Purple Blaze, Joseph and Jericho on a stage in matching tuxedos and on separate instruments. Jericho on drums, Eduardo and Blaze on guitars, and Joseph on bass, the three guitarists had microphones and were set up to make way for something behind the red curtain to come out.

Ladies and Gentlemen please,
Would you bring your attention to me,
For a feast for your eyes to see,
An explosion of catastrophe,

Like nothing you’ve ever seen before,
Watch closely as I open this door,
Your jaws will be on the floor,
After this you’ll be begging for more!

Welcome to the show
Please come inside
Ladies and Gentlemen

Do you want it?
Do you need it?
Let me hear it!
Ladies and Gentlemen

Do you want it?
Do you need it?
Let me hear it!
Ladies and Gentlemen

Ladies and Gentlemen good evening,
You've seen that seeing is believing,
Your ears and your eyes will be bleeding,
Please check to see if you’re still breathing,

Hold tight cause the show is not over,
If you will please move in closer,
You’re about to be blown over,
By the wonders you’re about to behold here,

Welcome to the show
Welcome to the show
Please come inside
Ladies and Gentlemen

Do you want it?
Do you need it?
Let me hear it!
Ladies and Gentlemen

Do you want it?
Do you need it?

As soon as Blaze began playing the solo the curtain behind the musicians began to open reviling Alison, Jennifer, Laura and Redheart in matching tuxedos and top hats wheeling a box onto the stage each of them undoing the locks. Once they were done they exited on opposite sides of the stage and took their place next to the mares and drake in the diner.

Welcome to the show
Welcome to the show
We’re glad you came along
We’re glad you came along
Please come inside
Ladies and Gentlemen

Do you want it?
Do you need it?
Let me hear it!
Ladies and Gentlemen

Do you want it?
Do you need it?
Let me hear it!
Ladies and Gentlemen

Do you want it?
Do you need it?
Let me hear it!
Ladies and Gentlemen

Do you want it?
Do you need it?

As soon as the song finished a puff of smoke shot from in front of the box to reveal a blue unicorn mare with a silver mane.

“Ladies and Gentlemen inside this box is something your eyes have never seen!” She began.

“Inside this box is something that will make you cry yourself to sleep!” Said Blaze.

“Something that you never thought existed!” Said Jericho.

“Until now!” Said Joseph.

“Ladies and Gentlemen we are pleased to present,” Said Eduardo.

Jericho stepped forward. “Drum roll please.”

The ladies in the tuxedos began drumming on the table.


The mare’s horn shot a beam of energy at the box and its four corners popped and fell to reveal Prince Blueblood laying down wearing a yellow dress with a pink bow around the collar with matching slippers. His face was painted in eyeliner, mascara, and blush with his lips painted in fire engine red. To top it all off his horn had a condom wrapped around it with a cherry at the tip. As he was coming to he looked around to see what was going on and then looked at himself. His widened with horror as he was in full public view.

“Hey Blueballs!”

He looked over to see Eduardo staring back at him with a satisfied grin.

“Remember when you blasted me into that tree? I told you I’d get you back.”

“You! I remember you!”

“That’s great, funny thing is my Husky remembers you too.” Eduardo let out a whistle and within moments 2 very familiar dogs came into view. “So you know, the Husky is part wolf and the Pit Bull can tear off your limbs. May I make a suggestion?” Eduardo put his muzzle close to Blue Blood’s ear. “Run.”

Blueblood didn’t show a moment’s hesitation as he broke into a gallop with the dogs following close behind.

“RUN FORREST RUN!” Jericho and Joseph called out.

For a few moments there was dead silence in front of the diner. With their jaws hanging, not a single person could believe what they saw in front of them.

“That.” Pinkie Pie began.

“Was.” Continued Rainbow Dash.

“AWESOME!” Cheered Rarity and Spike.

“Wait a minute.” Said Luna. “Applejack never sent those packages did she?”

“I’d take credit for that but these two helped.” He pointed towards Jericho and Joseph.

“And what about Corporal Blaze?” asked Celestia.

“I just helped with Blueblood. Promise.”

“We can testify to that.” Said Jericho.

“So hold on,” Began Applejack. “You three are the reason that the girls are like this?”

The boys sat down and explained who was responsible for what pranks. In the end Fluttershy was never being followed by anyone in fact there were just small squares of polished diamond plate hanging from trees surrounding her home set up by Joseph and Jericho. Eduardo injected some of the cupcakes Pinkie was eating with hot sauce. Later it was found that it was actually the milk in the goods had expired and she didn’t check the date and the reason for her laughing was because the tank of nitrous oxide Eduardo had has uses outside of racing. For instance it is used as a relaxant in dentistry and in that profession it is also called laughing gas. Rarity and Spike were a tad cross at first after finding out Eduardo had poured half a bottle of aphrodisiac in one of Spike’s colognes. However they didn’t hold it against him but in fact thanked him for it. Rainbow took her news with stride and laughed it off along with Celestia and Luna.

Alison confessed to messing with the furniture and toilet and Eduardo took full credit for the wake up call but promised they had nothing to do with the creeper in the bath tub. The stage that held the concert and revealing of Blueblood was courtesy of a traveling show mare. As it turns out the guys had met her on the way from Canterlot and she had her cart stuck in a ditch. She allowed them to use it as repayment for getting it out. To everyone’s surprise the mobile stage belonged to none other than The Great and Powerful Trixie. To everyone’s surprise and relief she was more humble now even though she still refers to herself in the third person.

“Well that explains a lot and that’s everyone but why not Applejack?” Applebloom asked.

“Well Eddy thought the packages would do it but since that didn’t pan out we had a plan B.” Said Alison.

“Whats Plan B?” Asked Applejack.

Jericho smacked her Stetson hat off and Joseph smacked a pie in her face.

She licked her lips approving of the taste. “Key Lime Pie? Ah ain’t even mad.”

Pinkie scooped some of it off with her hoof and tasted it. “No reason you should, this stuff is delicious.”

The night ended with everyone in good spirits and in spite of being chased by two dogs Blueblood was uninjured. He did however get a whole new appreciation for mares in heels. Spike was lightly scolded on keeping such magazines in the library and Eduardo went on another blind rage firing his Rocket Propelled Chainsaw at a fly. Details about how he acquired said Rocket Propelled Chainsaw still remain a mystery.

Eduardo woke the next morning feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world. He looked to see Alison wasn’t in bed. Figuring that she went out for a walk he put on his jeans. He found it strange that they were a little loose but paid no mind. He opened the door to the room to find all his friends and family looking at him about ready to burst in laughter.

“What?” Surprised at the significantly lighter tone of his voice he slapped a hoof over his mouth. “Was that me?” He gasped and slapped a hoof over his mouth again. “Oh shit!” He ran towards the closest mirror he could find. He looked at himself and his eyes turned to pinpricks. He was now a she. Unable to believe it he quickly undid his pants and checked for his rod and rocks only to find he had a second set of lips between his legs.

He shot a glare at the group who burst out laughing at him but after recalling the events from the day before he allowed himself a laugh. After everyone caught their breath she finally spoke.

“Okay, which one of you did it?”

Twilight raised a hoof. “It was me. Don’t worry, it’ll only last for today.”

“Well that’s a shame, I guess Lieutenant Silvermane will have to settle for you.” Eduardo shot a knowing glance at Twilight as the rest of the room was lost in translation.

Twilight’s eyes were wide. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Oh c’mon Twi, you mean to tell me you don’t have a thing for men in uniform?”

Twi’s eyes darted back and forth around the room. “What? You think I have a crush on Silvermane?”

“Do you?” Eduardo asked slyly.


Applejack gasped and slapped a hoof over her mouth to keep herself from laughing.

“Oh we’ll see about that.” Eduardo skipped into the room and came back moments later with her laptop and gopro. She opened up the laptop plugged in the gopro and raised the volume so everyone in the room could hear clearly. “Last chance to come clean.”

Twilight crossed her forelegs and stared at Eduardo. “I don’t have a crush on Silvermane.”

“Famous last words.” Eduardo clicked on a video clip and everyone listened.

Twilight giggled in her sleep. “Silvermane that tickles.” The video stopped.

Everyone gasped and looked at Twilight’s mortified expression.

“I’LL KILL YOU!” She jumped at him missing by inches as he ran towards the front door laughing her head off.

Eduardo laughed as she took to the sky leaving behind laughter and a very embarrassed unicorn.

“My balls, you have been avenged.”

A/N: 10k+ words, Longest chapter yet. You're welcome. NOW challenge time. Who ever can spot all the references enters for a chance to win a three way kiss, we're going to have a three way tie with this one.

Firewall and Storm Wing belong to CardsLafter and She's an Alarm Clock belongs to OmniPony. Support Thyne fellow bronies or one day you will look behind you and you will see we three and on that day you will reap it.

On a separate note you guys can blame Raven Smite for this one.