• Published 3rd Jan 2022
  • 6,360 Views, 153 Comments

Canterlot High Casanova - Wildcard25

Spike Cynder just started school at Canterlot High and made friends with seven special girls who plan to make his high school experience memorable

  • ...

Help at the Animal Shelter

In the afternoon, Spike and Fluttershy were walking around before stopping by a building that had an image of a dog and a cat above.

“Welcome to the Animal Shelter, Spike.” Fluttershy welcomed him.

Spike looked at the place, “Not bad. So you work here?”

“Part time, actually,” Fluttershy confessed, “But I do love it here. I get to interact with so many animals who're in need of a home.”

The two walked inside, as Fluttershy led him in back before putting their backpacks on the desk counter.

Spike noticed the lack of people around the shelter, and asked, “Is it just us here today?”

Fluttershy sighed, “I'm afraid so. Some of the others who work here had other things to take care of. And I was the only one available,” she perked up and smiled at him, “But I'm so glad you decided to join me after school, Spike. I know there are probably a lot of other things you'd rather be doing instead.”

“On regular days, yes. But today I'm actually glad to be here with you.” Spike answered, as Fluttershy did a double take.

“You are?” she asked hopefully.

“Well, yeah. I mean I made time to spend with the rest of the girls, it's only fair I give you the same treatment.”

Fluttershy blushed, before looking away to hide it, “Well, that's sweet of you to think about me.”

“Why wouldn't I think about you, Fluttershy? You're my friend.”

Fluttershy continued to feel flustered from Spike's kindness looked back at him smiling, “Thank you, Spike. So shall we get started?”

“Lead on.” Spike nodded, as the two got to work.

For the next hour or two Fluttershy had showed Spike around the shelter so he could get the layout as well as meeting some of the animals that were there. From dogs, cats, birds, fish, hamsters, bunnies, mice, the two worked together feeding them, and brushing some of them. When Spike was having a bit of trouble trying to brush a dog that wouldn't stay still, Fluttershy calmed the pooch allowing Spike to gently brush its fur.

Soon all the animals were fed and tended too. Spike and Fluttershy were in the lounge of the shelter with Spike enjoying a soda and Fluttershy a water from the vending machine. As they sat on the lounge sofa, Spike spoke, “Who would've thought taking care of animals would be so hard? Especially this many. Fluttershy, how do you manage it?”

Fluttershy giggled, “Well, animals are my specialty.”

“Right.” Spike recalled.

“I just see so many animals here who look like they desperately need a home. Some of us would find strays out in the streets looking for food or trying to stay safe. And some of the animals that were brought in before previously came from some bad places.” Fluttershy said sadly.

“Bad places?” Spike asked in shock.

“Oh, yes. Some of these animals were abused by their previous owners one way or another. From malnourishment to even being physically beaten. When I saw some of the bruises hidden under some of their fur I got so angry... Who would abuse a sweet animal like these little ones?”

Spike sighed, “Some people just aren't really meant to be pet owners, but ended up getting stuck with them somehow and made the most of it in the only way they know even if it's violent.”

“It's still no excuse with how they're treated,” Fluttershy spoke up, “If someone wants to have a pet then they have to be responsible and not treat them like they're playthings or inanimate objects.”

“I hear ya,” Spike agreed, “Even I hate the idea of someone abusing animals. It's no different than abusing people.”

Fluttershy nodded, “That's why we at this shelter are doing all we can to see to it these animals are treated and cared for properly until we find the right homes for them to go to.”

Spike looked at Fluttershy seeing how truly passionate she was about the animals at the shelter, “You really do care about them, huh?”

“I do.” she confirmed.

“Were animals all you had for friends before you met the others?” Spike wondered.

Fluttershy looked at Spike and explained, “Truthfully, yes. Despite how shy I am now, there was a time I was more shy back then. And because of that I was often the target for bullying and mocking. It got so bad I was almost willing to lock myself in my room and never want to come out. But Rainbow Dash was there and defended me, she introduced me to the rest of the girls and soon enough I started to see even someone as timid as me could make friends.” she smiled.

Spike nodded, “Guess Sunset Shimmer wasn't the only one lucky to befriend Rainbow and the others, huh?”

“Yes. Although there have been various times the girls tried to get me to stand up for myself whenever someone tried to take advantage of me. But there was a time I subscribed to Iron Will's Self Help Lessons on being Assertive.”

“Iron Will?” Spike asked, “Uh, wasn't that guy arrested for hitting an old man in public after accusing him of giving him a funny look?”

“The very same,” Fluttershy confirmed, “At first when I took his course I felt more assertive, like nobody would mess with me. But I started taking the lesson too seriously and ended up turning into a bully because of that. Got me detention because of that.” she sighed.

“Whoa. You're the last person I'd ever think would get detention.” Spike said in shock.

“It surprised me too. After that I unsubscribed from Iron Will's lessons and took it one step at a time.”

“Good call. Especially if the guy was arrested anyway.” the two chuckled.

“Sometimes I can get too into a character I lose sight of myself.” Fluttershy said.

“Oh, yeah? How?”

“Well, there was a time I was asked to help out Rarity at the shop while she had to meet with an important client. At first I was nervous, but then I decided to take on a new look to match the persona of the customer I was working with. I ended up creating three personas Pinkie dubbed Snooty Shy, Flutter Goth, and Hipster Shy.”

“Doesn't sound so bad.” Spike noted.

“Maybe not at first, but as I said sometimes I get too into a character I take them too far. Soon my behavior in my three personas were starting to anger several customers because of some insults I ended up giving them while under the influence of my new characters. I even behaved the same way to the girls when they came to see how I was doing. I ended up kicking them out of the shop. When they brought Rarity back she snapped me out of it by firing me, but it took three tries. When all three of my personas were fired I finally snapped out of it and apologized.”

Spike blinked in surprise, “Wow. You really do get into character.”

“I know. It's something even I didn't think I was capable of. Though the girls did say it made me look like a very talented actress.” she blushed.

“Fluttershy, you truly are something.” Spike said.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“I mean aside from the fact you have a natural gift with animals you could also make for a good actress if you put yourself into it.”

Fluttershy blushed in embarrassment, “You give me too much credit.”

“Or maybe you don't give yourself enough credit,” he countered, “I mean I can tell sometimes you can go overboard when acting, but it just means you get so into character it only makes you all the more better when acting. Not saying you should go for that in life. Just saying you should still try it more.”

“Well, you bring a good point, Spike.” Fluttershy smiled.

“Plus, I'd like to see those three personas of you up close... As long as you don't act mean to me with them.”

“Oh, I'd never be mean to you, Spike.” Fluttershy said, as she scooted closer to him.

Spike looked seeing Fluttershy move closer to him which made him blush, “You're one of the sweetest and nicest boys I've ever met. And if I'm being honest, you're probably the cutest boy I ever met.”

“What, me?” Spike asked in faux surprise.

“Yes, Spike,” Fluttershy began, as she leaned her hand out and caressed Spike's cheek, “In fact you're about as cute as a puppy, a kitty, a bunny, and a hamster combined.”

“Wow, that's quite a description.” Spike stammered sheepishly.

“And it's true.” Fluttershy said, as she took Spike's head and hugged him to her bust while stroking his hair, “Oh, Spike, if you were a puppy I'd adopt you in a heart beat.”

“Well, if you were my owner I'd consider myself a lucky pup,” Spike humored her, as he was held to Fluttershy's bosom, “I think I'm losing my air supply.”

Later on Spike and Fluttershy walked back with the boy leading the older girl to her house, “I appreciate you walking me home, Spike. It's not always safe walking back at this hour alone.”

“Don't mention it. Always glad to be there for a friend, just as you and the others.” Spike replied.

Fluttershy nodded, before leaning forward and kissed Spike's cheek. To Spike it felt soft and gentle sort of like how his mother would peck his cheek. Fluttershy hugged Spike, and whispered, “I hope you and I can continue to spend more time together, Spike.”

“I'd really like that.” Spike admitted.

Suddenly someone cleared their throat, causing Fluttershy to immediately let Spike go. The two looked and saw leaning against the house was Fluttershy's younger brother Zephyr Breeze who was shooting them a smirk.

“Oh, please. Don't stop on my account. I mean how often do I get to see my big sis get so close to a guy. Consider yourself lucky, Spike.” he winked.

Spike chuckled sheepishly, while Fluttershy's face was red from both embarrassment, and rage as steam poured from her ears and gritted her teeth, “Zephyr!” She ran to her brother and started pounding at him with her fists, “How dare you spy on me when I'm with a friend! I have never met such an insensitive eavesdropping fool in all my life!”

“Ow! Sis! Please! That hurts!” Zephyr cried, while trying to shield himself from Fluttershy's pounds, “Spike, help a brother out!”

“Sorry, Z, but I can't risk hurting this adorable mug. Fluttershy would hate herself if she were to end up hitting me unintentionally. So good luck.” Spike said taking his leave, while Zephyr was left to take the pounds from his sister.