• Published 3rd Jan 2022
  • 6,360 Views, 153 Comments

Canterlot High Casanova - Wildcard25

Spike Cynder just started school at Canterlot High and made friends with seven special girls who plan to make his high school experience memorable

  • ...

Constellation Observation

As the school bell rang, the students of CHS all left the school for home or other places. Outside on the school steps stood the girls minus Twilight, who appeared to be waiting for said girl. Soon Twilight exited the school with Spike accompanying here.

“There you both are, what kept you?” Applejack inquired.

“Sorry, girls. I just had to get some more books from the library for my constellation studies tonight.” Twilight explained.

“And I was helping her.” Spike added.

“In other words, you were roped into it.” Rainbow teased causing Spike to get flustered.

“Hey, you'd be amazed at how helpful Spike is,” Twilight spoke up in his defense, “Why I'd bet he'd be able to organize your exercise schedule and sports programs better than you do on your own.”

“Hey, I didn't mean anything by it,” Rainbow replied, “I do like a helpful guy.” she winked at Spike who looked away to hide his increasing blush.

“So now that you two are here, let's go grab some frozen yogurt!” Pinkie cheered.

“Sorry, Pinkie, I'm gonna have to pass this time,” Twilight began much to Pinkie's dismay, “I need to set up to study the stars tonight. And Spike agreed to join me.”

The girls looked to both Spike and Twilight inquisitively, “Did he now?” Rarity asked with a smirk, while crossing her arms under her bust.

“Well, yeah,” Spike replied, “Tonight's clear skies, and the perfect chance to see the stars.”

“Right, the stars.” Sunset smirked.

“Let's hope that's all you intend on seeing.” Applejack teased them as well, while Fluttershy catching onto her words put a hand to her mouth and gasped.

“Oh, dear.”

Spike and Twilight who also caught on blushed, as Twilight waved her arms around in protest, “It's not like that! We're just studying the constellations, nothing more!”

“If you say so.” Rainbow chuckled.

“We better go! Come on Spike!” Twilight said, as she took Spike by the arm and dragged him off before any of the girls could embarrass them even more.

“Girls, that wasn't very nice.” Fluttershy told them.

“Oh, come on. It was all good fun, Fluttershy.” Rainbow replied.

“Besides, we need to get Twilight to lighten up more.” Sunset added..

“And since each of us has had a chance to be with Spike in the last week, maybe he'll have the same effect on her.” Pinkie put in.

“Spike has brought out the best in each of us,” Applejack agreed, “Here's hoping he does the same for Twilight.”

Both Twilight and Spike had walked from school before reaching Twilight's home, “Finally we're here.” Twilight said.

“Yeah, with you power walking both of us here it took less time to get here than it does to get to school.” Spike replied, as he rubbed the spot on his arm Twilight had been holding onto.

Twilight realizing what she did spoke apologetically, “I'm sorry, I just didn't wanna keep listening to the girls teasing us.”

“Well, that's what they're like,” Spike replied, “Not that I have to tell you that.”

“I know,” Twilight giggled, “Well, come on.” she unlocked the door, and showed Spike inside.

“I'm home!” she called out.

Spike looked and saw something coming from the kitchen. It was an adult woman who to Spike looked incredibly beautiful. She had nicely shaped legs, big breasts, and a face that looked like it was carved by angels. Her hair was long with a mix of moderate purple and light gray. Her attire included slip on shoes, a gray skirt, and a purple blouse.

“Twilight, welcome home. How was school?” the woman asked, as Spike felt entranced by the sweet sound of her voice.

“It was all good, mom.” Twilight replied.

Twilight's mom took notice of Spike next to her, “Oh, and who have we here?” she asked walking over.

“This is my friend from school. Spike Cynder. Spike, this is my mom, Twilight Velvet.”

“Nice to meet you, ma'am.” Spike greeted respectively while trying not to look at the lovely lady wrongly.

“Pleasure's mine, darling. So you're the Spike my Twilight's been going on about since the semester began.” Velvet said.

“Really?” Spike asked looking to Twilight who looked sheepish.

“Very much so,” Velvet confirmed, “She said she never met such a young man as sweet and kind as you ever.”

Spike blushed hearing Twilight thought that about him, while Twilight was getting embarrassed, especially with what Velvet had to say next, “You were right, Twilight. He's every bit as handsome as you said he was.”

“Mom!” Twilight cried, as her face turned red as did Spike's but for different reasons.

Velvet just giggled at their reactions, until Twilight took Spike's hand, “We'll be in my room setting up for the star observation tonight!” she dragged Spike up the stairs leaving the woman to herself.

“Oh, those two look so cute together.” she giggled to herself.

The two entered Twilight room with Twilight closing the door behind them. Spike looked to the girl who grumbling to herself, “I can't believe mom would just say that so casually!”

“Uh, Twilight?” Spike asked hoping she was ok.

Twilight looked to Spike still feeling embarrassed, “Spike, I am so sorry you had to hear that. Sometimes my mom just does that.”

“Hey, it's ok,” Spike calmed her, “Believe me, my mom can be just the same.”

“Right.” Twilight said calming down, “Well, let's get started setting up.”

“Let's.” Spike nodded, as they got to work.

Both teens were hard at work setting up graphs on a cork-board displaying the constellations, making sure the telescope on Twilight's bedroom balcony was in shape and clear. As Spike was putting up some graphs, he took the time to look around Twilight's room seeing it had framed awards and plaques on the walls all honoring Twilight for being a straight A student and hard worker. She had two bookshelves set up with one being for fiction and non-fiction literature, and another with science, astronomy, and math books.

Twilight noticing Spike gazing off snapped him out of it, “You ok, Spike?”

Spike looked back at her, “Oh, yeah. Just admiring what you've done to the place. Definitely a room befitting for an academic achiever.”

“Well, thanks. A lot better than what Rainbow says.”

“And what would that be?”

“She says my room is an ideal Egghead's room.” Twilight sighed.

“Well, I can see where she's coming from,” Spike admitted, only to see Twilight giving him a look, “But still, I do like the set up. Everything has it's place.”

“Thank you. Despite my room being for an egghead as Rainbow puts it, the girls do find my room the most spacious and tidy whenever we have group studies.”

Spike smiled, until he looked over and saw a picture on the dresser closest to her bed. He saw it was of Twilight, her mom, and adult man he assumed was her dad, and another couple that was much younger holding a baby girl.

“Hey, Twilight, who is everyone in this picture?”

Twilight stopped fixing her telescope and saw what Spike was looking at. She went over and sat on the bed before taking the picture, “My family, as you can tell me and my mom. That's my older brother Shining Armor, his wife Cadence, and their daughter Flurry Heart.”

“Your older brother looks like quite a guy.” Spike noted.

Twilight smiled, “Yeah. Before I knew the girls, he was actually the only one I had for a friend. He was my BBBFF.”

“Huh?” Spike raised a brow.

Twilight giggled, “My Big Brother Best Friend Forever.”

“Oh, clever. So what does he do?”

“He's captain of the Canterlot City Police Department.”

“A cop? Wow, that's a big responsibility.” Spike admired.

“I know. Though if you knew him like I did you'd never imagine a guy like him being a cop.”

“How so?”

“He used to always play O&O with his friends in high school on weekends while others would be out dating.”

“Sounds like he was a dork.” Spike guessed.

“He still is, but he's the best sib I could've ever hoped for.” Twilight smiled happily.

“So who's this lucky lady?” Spike inquired, while looking at the girl next to Shining.

“That's Cadence, she also attended school with my brother, and was regarded as the school's goddess of love for her skill in matchmaking.”


“Oh, yeah. She'd know exactly who would be perfectly matched with who for an ideal couple. And yet she herself was too high on the social chain in school most boys felt completely out of her league. But my bro despite the difference in his standing compared to hers was determined to become her ideal guy.”

“And I'm guessing he succeeded?” Spike asked rhetorically.

“Oh, yeah. I knew her because she also was the ideal babysitter for hire. And she was not only good at matchmaking, but she loved kids as well. She was like the big sister any kid could ask for. And when I learned those two were planning to marry I was so overjoyed.” Twilight smiled.

“And now they got themselves a daughter?” Spike motioned to the baby in Cadence's arms.

“Yes, Flurry Heart is their daughter and my niece.” Twilight explained.

“Amazing, you're already an aunt while in high school.” Spike said in disbelief.

“Yeah. How lucky am I?” Twilight asked with a laugh.

Spike then looked to the man next to Velvet, “And I take is this is your dad?”

Twilight's happy mood suddenly shifted into a somber look, before answering, “Yes. Night Light.”

“Twilight?” Spike asked noticing her mood shift.

“Sorry, Spike. It's just, he passed away a few years back.” Twilight sighed.

“Oh, my,” Spike gasped, “I'm so sorry.”

“It's ok,” Twilight replied, “It was a sudden heart attack no one saw coming. We were all sad that day, me, mom, and Shining Armor. Oh, but he was a great dad, and a loving husband. He always used to call me his little star in the sky.” she smiled fondly.

“Cute.” Spike replied.

“And I know he'd be so proud of me and how I'm doing in school, as well as how Shining has been doing.” Twilight said looking upward.

“He sure would. What parent wouldn't be happy to see their son or daughter going on and doing great things?” Spike said.

Twilight smiled at Spike, “And I know he'd like you, Spike.”

“Ya think so?” Spike wondered.

“I do,” the two smiled at each other, until Twilight realized, “It'll be dark soon, we better make sure everything's properly set one last time.”

“On it.” Spike agreed, as the two did one last check on everything.

Soon as nighttime arrived, both Spike and Twilight were taking turns looking through the telescope and chronicling the constellations they could make out. All while enjoying some pizza they had ordered.

“The stars sure are beautiful tonight.” Twilight marveled while looking up.

Spike looked at Twilight seeing the moon's glow shine down on her and thought to himself while blushing, 'Not the only beautiful thing tonight.'

“Spike? Spike!” Twilight called snapping Spike out of his stupor.

“Huh? What? Did you say something?” Spike asked.

“I was asking if you could get us a drink, please?” Twilight asked, as she took some more notes.

“Sure thing.” Spike said, as he got up and headed downstairs.

Spike headed for the kitchen, and opened the fridge to grab himself and Twilight a cola, “This'll do.”

“Having fun up there, Spike?” Came Velvet's voice.

Spike pulled his head out of the fridge, and saw Velvet standing in the kitchen, “Uh, fun?” he asked hoping she wasn't hinting at anything. It didn't help that Spike noticed Velvet's top three buttons of her blouse were now unbuttoned giving him a good view of her cleavage. He kept his eyes up so not to appear to be ogling the woman.

“Studying the stars with Twilight.” Velvet giggled.

“Oh, yes, actually. Though I could do without the whole taking notes thing.” Spike admitted.

“Yes, but that's my daughter, always doing research,” Velvet sighed, “But I'm glad you're here, Spike.”

“You are?” Spike asked with his cheeks turning pink.

“Oh, yes. My daughter never brings a boy home for any reason. Usually it's just her friends from school. So it's a good change up.” Velvet smiled.

Spike chuckled, until he looked closely at Velvet and thought about what Twilight told him about her father, 'I can't believe a woman so beautiful could be a widow.'

“Spike?” Velvet asked noticing him dazing off.

Spike came to his senses and spoke, “Oh, sorry. I was just thinking.”

“About what?”

Spike sighed, “Twilight told me about her father. About your husband.”

“Oh, she did?” Velvet asked in concern.

“Yes. I want you to know I'm so sorry. I know how it is to lose family members. I've lost my fair share,” Spike explained as Velvet smiled knowing she and Twilight weren't alone, “Night Light must've been a great guy.”

“Oh, Spike. He was the best,” Velvet explained, “I remember the two of us met in a bookstore when we were in college. We both purchased the same book, 'Tales of the Forbidden Love'. We decided to read together, and during that time we started to get to know each other, and next thing both of us knew we were dating.”

Spike nodded, “Classic.”

“Eventually, Night Light worked up the courage and proposed to me. Oh, I was the happiest girl that day. And even more happier on our wedding day,” Velvet fondly reminisced, “And then we became proud parents to two children and they've grown so well.”

“So I heard.” Spike said remembering what Twilight said about Shining, and knowing how Twilight is.

Velvet sighed sadly, “But when Night Light had the heart attack, none of us were prepared for it. I'm just glad we were all there to give him our final goodbyes.”

Spike nodded in understanding, “So it's just been you and Twilight here since then?”

“Yes. We both comforted each other until we were able to get past it. But I still think about my beloved Night Light.”

“That's good to know, but have you ever considered dating again?”

“Sometimes, but I just could never bring myself. Besides I'm content with my life. I have my kids, a daughter-in-law, and a granddaughter.” Velvet said feeling happy.

“And I'm glad to know you still have them.” Spike said.

Velvet nodded, and spoke, “And I'm glad you're friends with my daughter.”

“You are?”

“Oh, yes. While I'm glad my daughter started making friends after transferring to CHS, I'd hope she managed to find herself a nice young man to call her own. But unfortunately Twilight hasn't gotten to the point where she wants to date, mostly because she never really knows how to behave around boys. Even when Cadence and I would coach her, it still wasn't truly enough. And then one day I hear her come home and talk about this wonderful boy she met. A sweet caring young man who managed to make her feel so calm and relaxed.”

“And who's that?” Spike asked in faux curiousness.

“You, Spike.” Velvet answered.


“Yes. Twilight's never spoken so highly of any other boy before until she met you. Whatever you did you managed to get my daughter to open up in a way I never thought she would.”

“Really, I didn't do anything. I was just being myself,” Spike explained. Suddenly to Spike's surprise he found himself embraced by Velvet. He could feel her wrap her arms around his neck while pressing her voluptuous rack into his chest while resting her head on his shoulder, “Uh, Mrs. Sparkle?”

Velvet whispered into his ear, “That makes me happy knowing you just had to be yourself in order to get Twilight to open up. You're very special in your own way, Spike. And I'm glad you're friends with my daughter.”

“I'm glad to be friends with her too, as well as the rest of her friends.” Spike admitted, while trying to keep a tent from forming in his pants due to what Velvet was doing to him.

Velvet continued whispering into his ear, “I would really like it if you continued to come around here more often and spend time with Twilight. And I know she would love that as well.”

“You really think she would?”

To Spike's surprise, he felt Velvet peck his cheek causing his whole face to turn red, “I know she would.” Velvet told Spike before releasing him from her hug.

Spike quickly snapped out of his embarrassed and aroused state spoke, “Um, I better get these drinks to Twilight. I'll see you.” he took the drinks before heading back upstairs.

Velvet watched Spike frantically take his leave and giggled, “Such a cute boy... Hm, I wonder if he wouldn't mind if I used him in a demonstration to help Twilight know how to behave on a date?” she blushed at the idea.

Later back in Twilight's room, after Spike returned he and Twilight continued to chronicle the constellations until they finished up. They decided to just sit out on the balcony of the room and look up at the stars.

“Just look at them all, Spike.” Twilight marveled.

“Yeah for being balls of gas thousands of miles away they make something beautiful in the night sky.” Spike marveled as well.

“They sure do.” Twilight nodded in agreement.

“Hey, Twi. You ever wonder if there's life out there beyond the stars?” Spike inquired.

“Well, rationally it would feel impossible, but I like to imagine there would be intelligent life out there millions of years evolved past our time,” Twilight answered, “I mean as long as it's a benevolent race and not world conquering types.” the two shared a laugh.

Twilight looked to Spike smiling, “I'm really glad you came over to study with me, Spike.”

“Hey, thanks for inviting me.” he replied.

“I've never actually invited a boy to watch the stars with me.” she confessed.

Spike remembering what Velvet told him about Twilight and her relationship with boys acted surprised, “Really, not even once?”

“I know it sounds silly, but I've just never known how to truly act around them. Granted I'm friends with several of the guys at school but not on a personal level.”

“Well, I feel really special all of a sudden,” Spike admitted, as Twilight looked at him, “I'm the first guy you actually feel comfortable around enough to be invited to work on something.”

Twilight smiled, “I really don't know what to say. There's just something about you that's so warm and welcoming.” she gazed lovingly at Spike.

“Twilight.” Spike gasped.

“Spike.” Twilight said dreamily, as the two started leaning closer to each other while drowning out everything around them.

The two leaned closer until their lips met, and began kissing passionately with their eyes closed. Needless to say both Twilight and Spike felt lost in the passion having never truly experienced a true kiss before. As Twilight and Spike's eyes slowly opened, Twilight was the first to realize what they were doing and broke lip contact with the girl speaking frantically.

“Oh, my gosh, Spike, I am so sorry! I don't know what came over me!” she said waving her arms around in a panic, “I mean I've never done that before in my life, so I wasn't prepared for it. Don't get me wrong though there was nothing wrong with you. That felt great, in fact better than great it felt-” Twilight was silenced by Spike who put a finger to her lips.

“Twilight, you ramble too much.” he said with a smirk.

Twilight blushed before calming down, as Spike removed his finger from her mouth, “Sorry.”

“Truthfully, Twilight. I liked it too.” Spike said.

“Really?” she asked, and Spike nodded, “I'm glad. Can we...”

Spike answered, “Yes.”

And so the two once again resumed their kiss while wrapping their arms around each other wanting to be closer. Spike enjoyed Twilight's lips against his before suddenly feeling her tongue against his, and her breasts pressing into him.

'Oh, goddess. Did I bring this out of her?' he thought to himself.

Later on after Spike returned home, Twilight was in bed staring up at the ceiling while remembering what she and Spike did following the research. Though she was still embarrassed like she was before, it wasn't as much now that she got comfortable with it. But she was still surprised having never expected she could've been capable of expressing herself like that. And yet to her it felt like the greatest experience of her life.

She thought about Spike, and said to herself, “Spike is an amazing guy. No doubt the girls would all agree with me. But now that we've shared this moment of passion, where do we go from here? I guess that's something to be discovered.” she yawned before falling asleep.