• Published 3rd Jan 2022
  • 6,360 Views, 153 Comments

Canterlot High Casanova - Wildcard25

Spike Cynder just started school at Canterlot High and made friends with seven special girls who plan to make his high school experience memorable

  • ...

After School Activity

At Canterlot High in the gymnasium, Spike was dressed in the school phys ed uniform of a white t-shirts, and blue shorts, and was running laps with his fellow classmates.

As Spike ran he met up with Puck running next to him, “How ya hanging in there, Puck?”

“Never better. This is good for the heart.” Puck admitted.

“I hear ya.” Spike agreed.

“And you know what's also great about this phys ed class?” Puck asked rhetorically.

“Enlighten me.” Spike replied sarcastically.

“We got a hot woman gym teacher.” Puck answered, as they looked over seeing a woman with orange hair that was spiked up along with light amber highlights, giving it a fire-esque look, she also had orange eyes and blue track suit which was zipped up only halfway to her upper half, showing her white T-Shirt. What was really captivating about her was how big her bust looked underneath that track suit, but how it looked like she had a nice ass as well.

“Coach Spitfire,” Spike swooned, before shaking it off, “She may be hot, but she has a reputation for being strict.”

“As long as we're not slacking then we're on her good side... I hope.” Puck said, as the boys continued to run laps.

Later on, the students were doing regular exercises from push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks, toe touches, stretches, and more. Spike was currently doing push ups, as Coach Spitfire was circling him.

“Come on, Cynder, is that the best you can do?!” Spitfire barked at him.

“I'm just getting warmed up!” Spike answered, as he kept at it.

Spitfire got down on the gym floor and spoke to Spike's face, “Come on, rookie, you can do better than that!” Spike continued to push himself up and back down faster. As he focused on his push ups he hadn't noticed Spitfire was smirking at him as she was secretly planning something.

As gym class came to an end, the students went back to locker rooms to freshen up and head onto their next period. As Spike left the locker room, Spitfire called out, “Cynder! Over here!”

Spike curiously went up to the coach, “Yes, Coach Spitfire, ma'am?”

“Come by my office after school today.” she instructed much to the boys confusion.

“Am I in trouble or something?”

“Not at all. I just need to discuss something with you. And don't tell anybody about it.” the coach answered.

Spike was concerned by her warning, before answering, “Well, ok I'll be there.”

Spitfire smirked, “Good. Now go on get out of here.” Spike nodded, as he headed off.

Spike headed off to the cafeteria, and got his lunch. He looked over seeing Twilight, Rainbow, and the rest of the girls already seated together. He walked over and sat down next to Applejack and Rarity.

“Hi, girls.”

“Hi, Spike.” they greeted back.

“How're you doing today, darling?” Rarity inquired, as she leaned a bit closer to him.

“I'm good. Just came from phys ed.”

“Coach Spitfire got you guys working your butts off?” Rainbow asked cheekily.


“Hey, don't sweat it little buddy. You'll get used to it.” Rainbow replied.

“Easy for you to say, Ms. Legs of Steel.” the boy retorted.

“Hey, don't hate on the legs.” Rainbow leaned closer to him from across the table.

“Never said I was hating.”

“Ok, you two, let's dial it back.” Sunset spoke up.

“How about the rest of you girls?” Spike asked the group.

“Never better.” Pinkie smiled.

“Mr. Cranky Doodle once again put me to sleep with his boring lessons.” Rainbow explained.

“Maybe if you took an interest for once you wouldn't fall asleep.” Twilight said with a roll of her eyes.

The girls and Spike chuckled while Rainbow scowled. Wanting to diffuse the tension, Fluttershy spoke to the lone boy, “So, Spike, do you have any plans after today?”

Spike looked at her while recalling he was supposed to meet Spitfire, but remembered he promised not to tell anyone about it, “Well, nothing specific. Why?”

Sunset answered, “We were wondering if you'd come to the music room after school today. There's something we wanna share with you.”

Spike raised a brow, and thought, 'Now they have something they wanna share with me? Well, this day is really all about secret meetings after school now isn't it?' he spoke up, “Well, ok. I'll get over there asap.”

The girls smiled, “Great!” Pinkie cheered.

“We'll see ya then, sugarcube.” Applejack said, as they continued to enjoy lunch.

As the day concluded, the students left the classrooms, headed for their lockers or stayed behind. Spike went to his locker to grab his stuff before going to his first stop, Coach Spitfire's office.

He walked to the gymnasium and went inside to the back where the coach's office was. He knocked on the door, and heard Spitfire's voice, “Come in!”

Spike opened the door and walked inside seeing Spitfire at her desk, “Coach?”

“Ah, Spike, you made it.” Spitfire said, as she got up.

“So what did you wanna talk to me about?” Spike asked curiously.

Spitfire walked around her desk and took Spike's hand into hers, “Come with me.” Spike blushed, as Spitfire held his hand and began dragging him out of her office and into the gymnasium.

Spike looked around before seeing a spare mat on the floor, “Ok, what's going on?”

“Spike, ever since the semester began I've been watching you in my class. And while you're not exactly a bodybuilder,” Spike pouted, “You do however have potential.” Spitfire finished raising his spirits.

“You think so?”

Spitfire nodded, “I do. And you've been performing exceptionally well in your exercises. Dare I say color me impressed.”

“Well, I'm just trying to stay in shape and pass class.” Spike answered modestly.

“Still, I admire a student dedicated to keeping in shape. Reminds me of Rainbow Dash.”

“I'll bet.” Spike smiled humorously.

“And I like to reward students who put a lot of effort in their exercises during my class.” Spitfire continued.

“Reward?” Spike asked taken aback.

“That's right. Lay face up on the mat!” Spitfire ordered him.

Spike grew nervous, but obeyed his teacher as he laid down on the mat looking up at her, “Ok, what now?” he asked while shaking.

Spitfire smirked, as she turned back and spoke, “Don't move.” Spike watched as Spitfire lowered herself down pressing her sexy butt on Spike's torso and proceeded to rub it across him.

“C-C-Coach! What're you doing?!” Spike stammered, while blushing.

“Giving you your reward, of course,” Spitfire smirked, as she looked back downward at Spike, “Are you not satisfied?”

“No! I mean yes! I mean, why?” Spike asked in shock.

Spitfire continued to rub her butt along Spike's torso, and spoke, “I like to reward students who do a good job in my class once in awhile. And lucky for you, you're the first one to get rewarded this semester.”

“You've done this before to other students?”

“Oh, yeah. But I made sure they never tell a soul, otherwise that would get me in serious trouble with Principal Celestia. And I love my job here.”

“I can tell.” Spike replied.

“And I chose this as one of my means of rewarding hard workers to show while I may be tough and strict during class, I can still be a flirtatious head turner.” Spitfire winked.

“Well, you showed me that.” Spike admitted, as he laid back and continued to enjoy his reward.

Soon Spitfire got off Spike, and offered her hand to him. Spike took it and was pulled onto his feet, “That should be enough,” Spitfire began, “Keep up the good work in class and I may end up rewarding you again another day.”

Spike blushed, “Sure.”

“And remember, this is between us, ok?”


“Good. Now get going,” Spitfire dismissed Spike who hurried off. As he left, Spitfire watched the boy licking her lip and thought, 'That boy's one fine piece of work.'

Spike finally arrived at the music room, and entered. He saw the girls were sitting down looking bored knowing they had been waiting for him since classes ended.

“There you are, Spike.” Applejack spotted.

“What kept you?” Rarity asked.

“I took the scenic route.” Spike humored them.

“Oh, I hear ya,” Pinkie agreed, “The halls can be a mess when school lets out.”

“So, what did you girls want to talk to me about?” Spike wondered.

“Well, we wanted to show you something.” Sunset said, as she and the girls took an instrument.

Rainbow grabbed an electric guitar, as did Sunset. Applejack grabbed a bass. Rarity picked up a keytar. Fluttershy held a tambourine. Pinkie Pie got behind a drum set. Twilight plugged in a mic into one of the amps.

Spike saw the girls take positions and spoke up, “You girls are a band?”

“You bet we are,” Rainbow confirmed, “We're called the Rainbooms!”

“Rainbooms?” Spike asked before thinking on it, “Actually that does sound cool.”

“Isn't it?” Rarity asked with a smile.

“We all are good with an instrument and when we participated in the school's musical showcase we wowed so many of our classmates and more.” Applejack explained.

“We were hoping you'd like to listen to us perform.” Fluttershy said hopefully.

“Well, I am curious to know how you girls sound. So why not?” Spike asked, as he took a seat. And so the girls got their instruments ready, and soon started playing.

(Shine like Rainbows)

Applejack: Once upon a time

You came into my world and made the stars align

Rarity: Now I can see the signs

You pick me up when I get down so I can shine

The Rainbooms: Shine like rainbows

Shine like rainbows

Shine like rainbows

Shine like rainbows

Rainbow Dash: Friends, you are in my life

And you can count on me to be there by your side

Sunset Shimmer: And when the music comes alive

We sing our songs to lift us up so we can shine

The Rainbooms: And the sound that we hear in our hearts

Makes a crescendo

And the light that ignites in the dark

It makes us all glow

And shine like rainbows

We shine like rainbows

Shine like rainbows

We shine like rainbows

Together we stand

As the rain begins to fall

And holdin' our heads up high

As the sun shines through it all

Spike while listening was moving his head to the rhythm clearly getting lost in the melodious sound of both their singing and their music

Rainbooms: And the sound that we hear in our hearts

Makes a crescendo

And the light that ignites in the dark

It makes us all glow

And shine like rainbows

We shine like rainbows

Shine like rainbows

We shine like rainbows

We shine like rainbows

As the Rainbooms finished, Spike jumped out of his seat and applauded, “Bravo! Bravo! Good show!”

The girls smiled at Spike's reaction knowing they made a good impression, “You really liked it, Spike?” Twilight asked.

“I loved it!” Spike continued feeling excited, “Not only do you girls have some set of pipes, but the way you play those instruments is like magic.”

“We try.” Pinkie grinned.

“And that song was so beautiful.” Spike added.

“Well, you can thank Fluttershy for that,” Rainbow boasted, “She's the song writer.”

“It's nothing special.” Fluttershy blushed.

“Nothing special?” Spike asked in disbelief, “It's all kinds of special.”

“Well, thank you.” Fluttershy continued to blush while smiling.

“I also supply us with costumes,” Rarity spoke up, “After all, if we're going to perform, we might as well do it in style, right?”

“Good point.” Spike admitted.

“Have you ever sang, Spike?” Sunset asked.

“Me? Well, not in front of an audience. Mostly when I'm alone.”

“Any chance we can get a demonstration?” Rainbow inquired.

“Here? Now?”

“Of course.” the athletic girl replied.

Spike pondered on it, before deciding, “Well, alright. But I need a good tune, so I'll need you girls to work with me ok?”

“Just tell us what you need.” Applejack said.

So Spike instructed the girls in what type of music to play and he would do the rest. When the girls started playing the music Spike requested he began to sing into the mic Twilight offered him.

(Go the Distance-Michael Bolton)

As the girls played they took the time to listen to Spike sing. Much like his reaction to their performance, the girls were equally amazed by Spike's singing. They listened to Spike while noticing the passion he was singing for the song knowing he really was reflecting himself through song.

When Spike finished his song, the girls put down their instruments and cheered, “Spike, you were amazing.” Twilight congratulated him.

“You think so?” Spike asked.

“It was like a little slice of heaven.” Applejack said dreamily.

“With ice cream on top!” Pinkie said excitedly.

“It was so beautiful.” Rarity agreed.

“Kid, you're even more impressive than I thought.” Rainbow commended him.

“Thank you.” Spike said feeling pleased.

“I don't suppose you'd like to join our band as an additional singer?” Rainbow offered.

“Well, the offer does sound temping. I may consider it.”

“Great.” Sunset said.

“Well, we better head home before it gets too late.” Twilight said, while checking the time.

“Then let's go.” Spike said, as the girls collected their stuff and left the music room.

As Spike boarded home he thought to himself, 'What a day. I get some intimate attention from my hot phys ed teacher, and I got to jam with a band. CHS is one amazing school.'