• Published 27th Feb 2022
  • 499 Views, 6 Comments

Sisters' Reunion - StormLuna

Ten years have passed since the death of Sonata Dusk and her sisters are living productive lives as unicorns in Equestria. When that ten year anniversary comes along, the most unlikely pony wants to find a way to revive her and bring her home.

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Morning Discussions

It was a Saturday morning in Equestria as Aria Blaze was waking up. It had been over nine years since she arrived and life had been great for her. She had a great job being Dr. Colgate's receptionist and living with Colgate and her younger sister Lyra had provided her with not only a free place to live but companionship from two unicorns with personalities that in the past she never could have tolerated, especially Lyra and her cheerful ways.

As she pulled herself out of bed, a wave of sadness washed over her. It was ten years ago to the day that her youngest sister, Sonata Dusk was found dead in her bedroom. Every year on this day Aria always did a fair amount of deep thinking, knowing that she was horribly unpleasant to her baby sister. She stood up and sighed, "This day is always the hardest and the more I think about it, I wonder if maybe I didn't drive her to suicide."

She then began to head towards the dining room given that both Colgate and Lyra were early risers. When she arrived, she found that those two along with Adagio were already awake. Adagio was sitting at the kitchen table while Colgate and Lyra were in the kitchen, fixing them breakfast like they had every morning since the two moved in with them.

Aria saw the sad look on her sister's face and asked, "You too?"

This was the one day of the year that Adagio still found it hard to interact with her sister, the day that Sonata was found dead. She gave her a slight glare and nodded. This was something that Aria had grown used to over the years and rather than yelling at her or throwing a tantrum she simply took it, knowing that she likely deserved the cold reaction from Adagio.

Once Colgate and Lyra brought them their breakfasts, they saw a look of sadness on the faces of the two sirens. Both of them knew what it was over and did their best to not bring it up. Colgate knew that they usually sought solitude on that day and let them have their space.

Breakfast that morning was rather quiet. Despite having the sirens living with them for nine years now, they still knew not to try and have any cheerful discussions, which was a lesson they learned on the first anniversary of Sonata's death when they did so. On that day, Adagio went off on them and stormed out to go visit Twilight and Sunset while Aria called them the worst and sought solitude until the following day in the Everfree Forest.

After breakfast Adagio's voice began to break as she asked, "Colgate, I think I'm going to go visit Twilight and Sunset. This day is always so hard for me."

Colgate replied, "Dagi, I know this day is tough on you. You don't have to let me know about where you're going, they're the ones you go visit on a regular basis anyway!"

Adagio gave her a slight smile, "Thanks Colgate, I'll be back tonight or maybe tomorrow."

"Alright, I will see you tomorrow."

Adagio left and remaining with Colgate and Lyra was Aria. Aria was hanging her head low and tears were dripping down onto her plate. Lyra gave Colgate a nervous look, one that Colgate returned. Aria had been sad on this day in the past but this year she seemed to be worse, almost distraught. After a couple of minutes Aria began to cry, "I feel like its all my fault Colgate, I feel like I might have driven her to suicide."

Colgate knew a bit about what had happened but not enough to know why she would say that. "How so?" she asked.

Aria continued to cry, "I was horrible to her, I was always so horrible to her. I killed her boyfriend, I always put her down, I always snapped at her....I just wish there was a way to bring her back and a way to bring her here to Equestria to be with me and Dagi."

Colgate thought for a good minute before replying, "I'm sorry Aria but Celestia destroyed that mirror and even if she hadn't, I don't think she knows any spells to revive the dead."

What she said caused thoughts to start running through Aria's head. She began to wonder if perhaps Celestia could fix that mirror and then maybe learn a resurrection spell of some sort. She asked, "Colgate, what if Celestia could fix it and what if she does know a resurrection spell? Do you think she'd take me to the human world so we could bring her back?"

Colgate had always liked Aria and tried to do what she could for her. Despite her being completely against this and believing that it may jeopardize her standing with Princess Celestia, the look of despair in her receptionist's eyes was more than she could handle. She suggested, "How about you and I take a little trip up to Canterlot and see if Celestia will see us?"

Aria's eyes lit up as she asked, "Really? You'd be willing to do that?"

Colgate gave her a smile, "I would now let's finish eating and then get going!"

Aria was thrilled that there was even a slight chance that she might be able to bring Sonata back. She hadn't felt that optimistic since the days back when she was a siren and she and her sisters had a chance of conquering all of Equestria.

As the two were headed to the train station, Aria couldn't help but be happy. She knew that there may be a chance that Celestia would tell her that either she couldn't fix the mirror, she couldn't resurrect Sonata or that she might simply refuse to. Still though, a hope was better than nothing at all to her.

Colgate didn't have the same optimism, or enthusiasm for that matter. She had her concerns that Celestia might see Aria wanting to do this as a way to cause Equestria problems and wind up throwing her in Tartarus. What bothered her even further though was that this could damage her reputation with Princess Celestia. She knew that Celestia wasn't going to want to have to attempt to repair a destroyed relic, much less go to the human world.