• Published 27th Feb 2022
  • 499 Views, 6 Comments

Sisters' Reunion - StormLuna

Ten years have passed since the death of Sonata Dusk and her sisters are living productive lives as unicorns in Equestria. When that ten year anniversary comes along, the most unlikely pony wants to find a way to revive her and bring her home.

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A Visit With Celestia

After what was a somewhat tense trip up to Canterlot, Colgate and Aria disembarked from the train and headed to the palace. As they were headed there Colgate said, "Aria, if she says no to anything, please don't go getting upset and please please don't call her the worst. I know that would anger her greatly and that may jeopardize both of our standings with her."

"I won't, I know that disrespecting anypony is a mistake." replied Aria.

The two continued their journey to the palace and once they arrived they were greeted by two guards. One of the guards was present on the day that Colgate took Aria before Princess Celestia and given how good his memory was, he gave the two a smile, "Colgate, Aria, I take it you need to speak to the princess?"

Colgate replied, "Yes, Aria has something she needs to ask her, well a couple of things actually."

"Very well, let me go see if she will see you."

The guard headed into the palace while the other guard remained standing at attention, paying little attention to the two unicorns standing before him. Several minutes later the guard returned and continued, "Princess Celestia has agreed to see you two, follow me."

The two followed the guard to the throne room and upon arrival, both were greeted by Celestia, "Colgate, Aria, it is so good to see you. So to what do I owe this visit."

Colgate stated, "Well Aria really wants to talk to you about some things, things that are specific about this day in her life."

Celestia motioned for the two to come closer and she asked, "Aria, what is it you want to talk to me about?"

Aria was nervous, very nervous. She hesitated to start telling Celestia until she received a nudge and words of encouragement from her boss. She began, "Um well, this day is very hard on me. It was ten years ago to the day that my sister and I found my younger sister Sonata Dusk dead and whenever this day comes, I always feel like her death might have been my fault."

Given that Aria had only brought up the name Sonata a couple times around Celestia she had no knowledge of who Sonata was nor did she know about her having a younger sister. She asked, "Younger sister? You have a younger sister?"

Aria replied, "Yes, her name was Sonata Dusk and like I said it was ten years ago to the day that she was found dead. She had buried her face in her pillows overnight and my sister believes I drove her to suicide and the more I think about it, I think she may be right."

This really piqued Celestia's interest. "How could you have driven her to suicide? I don't see how a friendly pony like you could do that to anypony."

Aria hung her head low, "Your Majesty, in the human world neither Adagio or I were nice and friendly. We were both very hateful individuals and I treated Sonata like dirt because of her cheerful personality. While she never really acted like a human, Adagio and I did and one thing I have noticed since returning to Equestria is that ponies and humans are very different. I have yet to meet a single pony who behaves like a human."

Celestia asked, "Aria, you are bringing all this up but what is it you want to ask me?"

Aria froze upon the question until she received another nudge from Colgate. She then continued, "Well I know you will likely say no but I am wondering if you could fix that mirror, we could go to the human world and we could dig Sonata up and you could resurrect her. I really wish I had my sister back."

Celestia developed a scowl on her face and sighed, "Aria Blaze, having a connection to the human world again is something that I do not want. That place has caused Equestria enough problems and even if I was to agree to fix that mirror, I would have to bring Sonata's remains back here to resurrect her....well that and using necromancy magic is forbidden. Lord Grogar used that long ago and it was because of his use of it that it was forbidden."

Aria hung her head low and began to cry, "It's alright your Majesty. I understand your reasoning, you have a good day."

Aria and Colgate turned around preparing to leave until Celestia yelled, "Aria, wait."

The two turned around and Aria asked, "Yes your Majesty?"

While Princess Celestia was not in favor of what it was Aria was asking of her, Aria's respectful reaction and the fact that she seemed truly remorseful of what had happened involving her sister she changed her mind. "Aria, I can tell you feel bad for what happened with your sister and I have changed my mind. How about you and Colgate follow me to Canterlot Tower. That is where the mirror is being stored and where the spells required for what you want me to cast are located."

Aria jumped up and exclaimed, "Really, you're going to do this?"

Celestia gave her a warm smile, "I am, now follow me."

Aria and Colgate followed Celestia as she was leading them to the tower. Colgate wasn't exactly sure what to think of the whole situation. She knew that the mirror had done nothing but cause Equestria problems and if Celestia was to repair it, that nothing but problems could be in Equestria's future. She also cared deeply about her receptionist as she had grown to view her as a close friend, perhaps her closest friend, and wanted her to be happy.

Once they reached Canterlot Tower, Celestia inserted her horn into a hole and released some magic into it, causing the door to slide open. Celestia motioned for the two to follow her in and the two would be shocked when they saw what was in there. There standing right in front of them was the mirror, perfectly restored. Aria's eyes grew wide as she asked, "Your Majesty, how can this be? I thought you destroyed that thing."

Celestia replied, "I did but it was a year ago or so that things began to run through my mind so I decided to right a wrong, a wrong that hurt the feelings of at least two individuals."

Aria knew what she was talking about but Colgate did not. She gasped, "But you destroying that thing was for the best! Who could possibly be distraught over it?"

Celestia held her head low and sighed, "Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle and perhaps even Adagio."

Another thing they noticed is that all the equipment that Twilight had hooked up to it in the past was hooked up to it. This caused Aria to become very happy, "I know you have that thing fixed but what about resurrection magic being forbidden? I can't ask you to break any laws!"

Celestia gave her a warm smile, "Oh don't worry about that. I do know resurrection magic and I know if we bring her back here and I resurrect her, nopony will even know....well except for Sunset, Adagio and Twilight and I'm sure they won't say anything." She saw Aria's smile grow bigger as she added, "Whenever your ready Aria, as much as I don't want to go to the human world, I will activate this and we can bring your sister back."

Celestia then activated the mirror and Colgate looked at the now glowing object with a look of concern. She had no desire to set hoof in the human world but decided to see if she could do something else. She turned to Celestia and asked, "Princess Celestia, do you think I could just wait here and make sure nothing unsavory comes through that thing?"

Celestia giggled, "I figured you wouldn't want to come and besides, we do need somepony to keep Equestria safe!"

Celestia and Aria turned towards the mirror and walked through. Colgate wasn't sure what exactly would happen but she did have a very strong feeling that she was going to have a third siren turned unicorn to help access her magic.