• Published 27th Feb 2022
  • 498 Views, 6 Comments

Sisters' Reunion - StormLuna

Ten years have passed since the death of Sonata Dusk and her sisters are living productive lives as unicorns in Equestria. When that ten year anniversary comes along, the most unlikely pony wants to find a way to revive her and bring her home.

  • ...

Everything's Going to Be Just Fine!

After Celestia revealed that she had repaired the mirror and Sunset had pretty much revealed that she had a crush on Adagio, Celestia led Twilight and Sunset downstairs. Once they departed the castle, they discovered that Colgate was talking with Sonata, her sisters and Storm. Twilight saw that they all had smiles on their faces and heard Colgate talking about how she was going to take all of them out for tacos.

When Twilight heard this she suggested, "Instead of going out for tacos, how about I fix us some tacos? I can make more than enough."

Sonata's head shot up upon hearing this, "For realsies, you can make more than enough?"

Twilight wasn't exactly sure what to think about her reaction as she had never really got to know Sonata after she and her sisters were defeated. She saw Sunset giving her a slight smile and she replied, "Yeah, I can fix more than enough tacos for all of us."

Sonata eagerly bounced into the castle and was followed by everypony else, with Colgate and Aria bringing up the rear. Colgate could tell that Aria was not exactly thrilled by this. She asked, "Aria, what's wrong? Your sister is so happy and I thought that is what you wanted."

Aria sighed, "It's just that I'm not overly fond of Twilight. Yes I've only ever dealt with her a few times but still, how she treated Adagio and I when we got back is still fresh in my memory."

Colgate sought to reassure her, "Aria, it is alright. Twilight has known for a long time that you and Adagio mean no harm and she actually smiled when Sonata happily bounced into her castle."

"I know, I know. Getting over my past with Twilight is one final hurdle I'm going to have to clear."

Once they all got into the dining hall, everypony except Twilight got sat down. Twilight gave her guests a smile, "How does three tacos each sound?"

They all agreed in unison before Twilight headed into the kitchen to fix 24 tacos. After leaving the dining hall, Storm and Sonata continued to smile and hold hooves. Colgate, being the curious pony she was asked, "Sonata, Storm, I know you just got back but what are your plans now that you're back in Equestria?"

Before either could respond Aria suggested, "How about you help them access their magic first before you go demanding they get a job." She paused for a moment before adding, "You saw how I was before you aided me in accessing my magic and with Storm not being a native to our world, he may need more help."

Adagio added, "And chances are both will just want to spend some time together before being pressured into getting a job."

Sunset gave Adagio a smile and agreed, "Colgate, I know you're one of those ponies who thinks everypony should be working but please, let them enjoy being back."

Adagio saw the smile and noticed something a bit different. Sunset smiled at her on a regular basis but she saw that her cheeks were a bit red this time. She too blushed slightly and asked, "Sunset, was that a blush I saw?"

Sunset found herself at a loss of words. She began to wonder what Adagio would think if she told her the truth. She did know though that she had to be truthful, especially if she was to ever have a chance with her. "Yes Sunny, I do...."

Sunset had a huge smile on her face as she cut her off, "You're calling me Sunny?" she paused for a moment before continuing, "Dagi? Do you have a crush on me?"

Adagio had a deep blush on her face upon hearing the question. This was something she had been hiding from Sunset for years. She wasn't sure how Sunset would handle it and she certainly wasn't sure how Twilight would handle one of her former enemies having a crush on who may very well be her best friend. She would not be the first to respond. With a huge smile on her face Sonata said, "You do, don't you?"

Aria figured she would add something as well, "Don't deny it Dagi, that smile says it all."

Adagio finally responded, "I do Sunset, I do." She began to blush again and added, "I even began to grow fond of you back when we were still in the human world." She leaned over and whispered, "Back when you helped me so much when Aria was being such a bitch."

Sunset gave her a smile, "Dagi, had I known that we could have became girlfriends then because I had a crush on you too. We could have been a couple for nearly a decade!"

Aria knew what Adagio was telling her when she whispered but didn't want to say anything. She didn't want to stir the pot and bring up anything from a time in her life that she had done a very good job of moving past. She figured that if she didn't bring it up outside of when she wanted to have her sister back that psychologically she would be far better off.

After a minute of smiling Sunset asked, "Well Dagi, with that being the case, would you be my marefriend?"

Adagio exclaimed, "Yes! Yes I'll be your marefriend!"

The two began to kiss as Twilight returned with two big plates of tacos. Twilight saw this and asked, "Uh, why are you two kissing?"

Sunset began to go into detail with Twilight about how the two felt and how long they had felt that way. Twilight was indeed shocked that the two had feelings like that for one another. She knew the two were close and had grown closer over the years when they would spend time together but never saw that they had developed that kind of relationship.

Twilight asked, "So what now?"

Adagio had a smile on her face as she asked in return, "Twilight, I don't know what you'd think of this but could I move into the castle with you so Sunset and I can be with my marefriend?"

Celestia would be quick to bring something up, "But Adagio, with the mirror working again, what if Sunset was to want to return to the human world?"

Twilight smiled when Celestia said this as it seemed like she really wasn't going to take it away from her again. Adagio became nervous upon hearing this because what if Sunset did want to move back to the human world. Adagio did love Sunset but she also liked being a unicorn and had kind of befriended Twilight. Adagio gave her a nervous smile, "Well....."

Sunset gave her a smile, "Dagi, I want you to know that I love you and I know you would never be happy in the human world and I have grown to where I really don't like the idea of living without my magic." Twilight had a slight glare on her face as she felt that maybe Sunset was being forced until she heard the following, "Also, I've gotten to where I love being back in Equestria and to be honest" she turned towards Twilight and added, "I've gotten closer to our pony friends than I was our human friends."

Twilight had a huge smile on her face as she exclaimed, "Oh I'm so happy to know that and Adagio, of course you can move in with me!"

This caused Sonata to wonder one thing, "What about me and Storm though, where are we going to live?"

Twilight saw the look of uncertainty in her eyes and replied, "Well I don't have any shortage of rooms here so you two can move in here but you must have your own separate rooms. Sharing the same bedroom is best saved for marriage."

The two blushed deeply and agreed. The two sisters then turned to Aria, wondering where she would want to live since they were all back together. Aria knew that her sisters probably wanted her to move in with them in Twilight's castle but that wasn't what she really wanted. She still held a bit of distrust towards Twilight and while she knew it was completely irrational, she wasn't the type of pony she'd want to spend extended periods of time with, much less live with.

She had an uncertain look on her face as she began, "Sonata, Dagi, you have no idea how happy I am that the three of us are together again and I'm hoping we can spend plenty of time together like true siren sisters do" she paused before turning to Colgate and continuing, "but if she is ok with it, I'd rather stay with Colgate."

She saw Colgate get a smile on her face as she continued, "Colgate, you're the one who took me in when I first got back to Equestria, you're the one who taught me all the magic I know, you're the one that took me before Princess Celestia so I could get proof of my citizenship and most of all, you have been a very dear friend." She began to get more emotional as she added, "You didn't have to do any of that for me. You could have hauled me to Twilight and had her throw me back into the human world."

Colgate was touched by her very out of character statement, "Aria, it was obvious you were at your lowest and you just needed somepony who cares in your life and yes you can continue living with my sister and I."

Aria embraced Colgate and exclaimed, "Thank you Colgate, you are the best!"

Adagio and Sonata gave one another curious smiles as both still remembered Aria's old saying yet here she was saying something that was the polar opposite to somepony. Granted it was directed at the pony who took her in and helped her adjust to life to Equestria, it still surprised them.

Aria did want to know one thing though, "Sonata, Adagio, we can still hang out like normal sisters can't we?"

Both embraced her and exclaimed, "Of course we can." Sonata then got an idea, "You know, we could always start singing again!"

Aria became serious, "Sonata, singing is what got us banished in the first place."

Celestia came up with an idea, "You know, that might not be that bad of an idea." She turned to Aria and continued, "When you sang that song to me, you sounded great but you didn't brainwash me so you and your sisters could start singing, why you could even make more money than Countess Coloratura!"

Sonata had no clue who she was talking about knew that it was likely a good thing. She exclaimed, "For realsies, we could make more money than Countess Colorawhatchamacallit?"

Celestia nodded but Aria had a suggestion, "Sonata, Dagi, Storm, do you think the three of us could talk, alone."

The three nodded and followed Aria. Once they were outside of earshot of everypony else Aria turned to Storm and did something that up until recently she never would have dreamed of doing, apologizing to Storm. She began, "Storm, I know I was a horrible bitch not only on the day that I killed you but also towards everypony when you were in our house looking after Sonata and for all of that, I would like to apologize."

The faces of the other three looked on in shock as Aria was doing something that Adagio thought that even with Aria's change that she would ever do, apologize Storm asked, "Really, you want to apologize?"

Aria continued, "I do and while I was being a bitch thinking that you'd take advantage of my baby sister, looking back I now realize that you likely would have been the only guy who wouldn't have taken advantage of her." Aria saw a smile developing on Sonata's face and added, "Storm, Sonata, I want you two to know that whatever path you choose to take, I want you to be happy."

At that moment Sonata and Adagio both knew that Aria truly had changed completely. They knew that no longer was she the horrible bitch she had been for the whole time they were in the human world. Sonata rushed to her and embraced her, "For realsies, you want us to be happy?"

Aria smiled, "For realsies!" She looked back towards Celestia along with the others and added, "Now how about we join the others and discuss our futures further. Sonata, Storm, I know that Colgate will help you with your magic and I will do the same." She turned to Adagio and added, "Dagi, how about you spend some time with your new marefriend!"

Sonata was curious about one thing, "Aria, what about you? Do you think you'll ever search for love?

Aria replied, "I don't think so. Romance ain't my thing and I've never been attracted to anyone, the single life is what I want."

Everypony else nodded and the three headed back towards Celestia and the others. All of them were happy but Aria was the one who felt the happiest. She felt like not only had she righted the wrong of killing Storm and being responsible for Sonata's death but also was happy that Adagio was able to find love in Sunset. She knew that the other three liked the idea of singing again but singing brought too many bad memories for her. She thought to herself, "If we do this, we're forming a band and I'm playing bass!"

While Aria was talking with her sisters and Storm, Celestia motioned for Twilight and Sunset to follow her. They followed her and once they were out of earshot of Colgate, Celestia gave the two a smile, "Well you two, I think everything has turned out alright."

Twilight wanted to know one thing right away regarding the mirror, "Princess Celestia, I know you brought back the mirror but what now? Are you going to let me use it whenever I want or are you going to want somepony like Colgate monitor it when I use it?"

Sunset added, "Can we go visit our friends without somepony having to stay on this side, somepony like Colgate who may decide to deactivate it and strand us?"

Celestia gave the two a smile, "You are free to use it whenever and however you want." She paused before becoming a bit sad, "Twilight, I am sorry for how I treated you the day I destroyed it. Nothing bad ever came through it and I should have just trusted your judgement." She saw the two begin to smile and finished, "However you wish to use it and whenever you choose to use it, you have my blessing."

In unison the two exclaimed, "Really?"

Celestia held her head low again, "It was wrong of me to do what I did. It was wrong of me to force Sunset and Adagio to return to Equestria the way I did." The two began to smile bigger as Celestia finished, "Again, I'm sorry for taking you away from your human friends. Twilight, I do hope that someday we can be close like we once were."

Twilight had tears running down her face as Celestia admitted to her wrongs and corrected them. She rushed to Celestia, embraced her and exclaimed, "It's alright Celestia, I forgive you."

Sunset added, "Princess Celestia...."

Celestia quickly cut her off, "Just Celestia please, there is no need to be formal with me." Her voice began to break as she continued, "Sunset, I am sorry for not coming to check on you. Had I not been so stubborn, I would have come to check on you and apologize for my short sighted behavior. If you wish, I will take you back into my school and who knows, maybe one day you could become a princess."

She saw an uncertain look on her face when she heard this. She knew that the option of going up to Canterlot may not be what she would want given her closeness with Twilight, her friends and her marefriend Adagio. She gave her a smile and added, "Or you could stay with Twilight and she could put you on the path to being a princess."

Sunset was in a state of shock when Celestia told her all this. No only was she giving the two her blessing to use the mirror whenever they wanted to but she was bringing up that one word that she once imagined herself being, a princess. She replied, "Celestia, I am honored that you would take me back in as a student but my life is here in Ponyville. All my friends are here and my marefriend is here so I would rather stay in Ponyville."

Celestia gave her a smile, "I figured that would be your answer and Sunset, again I want you to know that I hope you will be happy for the rest of your days and if Twilight ever thinks you're ready for your wings, have her bring you up to Canterlot and I will ascend you."

Sunset blushed, "Well that would be up to Twilight and I know Starlight would be very angry if she did that for me but not her."

Twilight gave her a smile, "Sunset, it takes a whole lot more than powerful magic to earn your wings. Hopefully both of you would earn that honor at the same time."

Celestia gave the two a smile and said, "Well everypony, I think the time has come for me to return to Canterlot but I do hope that you will come to visit at times just as if I want to come to visit, I can."

The two exclaimed, "That sounds wonderful!"

Celestia gave the two a smile and took off. Twilight and Sunset couldn't be happier that finally things felt right again. They knew that if they wanted to, they could go visit the human world and not have anything to worry about. They both couldn't help but be happy for the siren sisters as they were back together and wouldn't be a threat to anypony, they were simply three unicorns wanting to live in harmony with the rest of the country.

Twilight gave Sunset a smile and suggested, "Hey, what do you say we go to the human world and tell our friends the good news?"

Sunset replied, "I think that would be great and I'm sure I can convince Adagio to join us since we won't be staying there."

Twilight said, "Well let's go get her and then head on over!"

Comments ( 4 )

awesome story mate keep it up cant wait for the next story:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:


Well this is the end of this series so the next story will be completely different.

cool ending! :D


Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. I figured I would finally conclude that series in a much more positive way than I had at the end of the 4th one.

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