• Published 27th Feb 2022
  • 498 Views, 6 Comments

Sisters' Reunion - StormLuna

Ten years have passed since the death of Sonata Dusk and her sisters are living productive lives as unicorns in Equestria. When that ten year anniversary comes along, the most unlikely pony wants to find a way to revive her and bring her home.

  • ...

Return to the Human World

After stepping into the mirror, Celestia and Aria found themselves flying through a portal of swirling colors. The first thing that ran through Aria's mind as this was happening was not a pleasant one, it was of her and her sisters being banished from Equestria. When they came out the other side, they landed on their hands and knees. Both were humans once more and much to the displeasure of both, they were also without magic.

When the two arrived, it was daylight and there were plenty of people out and about. Both Celestia and Aria tried to stand up but both fell forward. Aria groaned, "Oh shit, I've been a pony for so long I don't even remember how to walk upright!"

Celestia reprimanded her, "Aria Blaze, watch your language! I do not want you cursing like a fucking....." Aria began to snicker over Celestia's use of profanity causing her to continue, "Aria, let's do this. If we're here for too long we'll start behaving like humans and treat everyone like shit."

Once the two got up they noticed five individuals off in the instance. Celestia took a look at them and noticed that they looked like Twilight's friends for the most part. She pointed at them and said, "Aria, who are those girls? They look a lot like Twilight's friends."

Aria's jaw dropped open. It was not so much that it was Twilight's Rainboom friends but that they hadn't aged a day. She gasped, "Princess Celestia, they haven't aged a day! It is like not a single second has passed here since I came home."

Celestia stood there for a moment thinking about the whole situation regarding the time situation, "You know, perhaps time doesn't pass here while one is in Equestria." She saw the girls approaching and added, "We better get going before they get here. I really don't think that anypony, I mean anyone, should see us."

They began to head off in the direction of the cemetery but would be stopped by the Rainbooms. Applejack was the first to say anything, "Howdy Principal Celestia. What are y'all doing with Aria?"

Celestia knew that she couldn't go revealing her identity and that she would have to pretend to be the human Celestia. She replied, "Aria just wanted to talk about some things. You know she's had a rough time here lately and she needed someone to talk to."

This made no sense to any of them because the Aria Blaze they knew was the last person who would want to spend her free time around the school nor would she want to talk to Principal Celestia unless it was completely necessary. Rainbow questioned, "Aria, something doesn't seem right. Normally you'd be holed up at home avoiding Adagio and why in the world are you with Principal Celestia?"

Rarity asked, "Speaking of Adagio, have you seen her? We went to Sunset's house neither one of them were home." Her eyes grew wide as she added, "You didn't do anything to them did you?"

This caused Aria to panic and become angry. "No I did not do anything to them. Ugh I swear, you are the worst!"

Aria then took off running towards the cemetery, causing Celestia to run after her, "Aria, wait! Why did you get so angry?"

Once Aria had finally got to the cemetery she stopped and waited for Celestia to catch up. She was still irked, "Princess Celestia, I think they're on to us! I think they know we're up to something, ugh I swear they are....."

Celestia finished her sentence, "The worst?"

Aria had a bit of a smile on her face, "You're catching on fast." She paused momentarily before continuing, "Now we need to get them dug up and get them back to Equestria, I don't want to have to be in this cursed place any longer than I need to be."

Celestia added, "Nor do I."

Aria began to lead Celestia towards Sonata's grave. When they finally reached it Aria held her head low and sighed, "I'm sorry Sonata, I'm sorry for how I treated you."

Celestia began to look around and asked, "Aria, how are we supposed to dig her up? It isn't like we have any shovels."

Aria looked forward and saw what appeared to be a tool shed and rushed to it. Almost immediately she found a couple of shovels and said, "Your Majesty, we have shovels now." She returned to Sonata's grave and looked off to the left towards the one of her boyfriend. She wasn't sure what Celestia would think of this but she knew that unless he were resurrected too that Sonata would be devastated. She asked, "Princess Celestia, do you think that we could dig up her boyfriend and you could resurrect him too?"

Celestia sighed, "You really want me to revive someone who was never an Equestrian?"

Aria replied, "I do. I know that if Sonata is revived but he isn't that she will be really sad and I don't want to see that."

Celestia knew pretty much nothing about the situation involving the boyfriend but she did know that if what Aria was saying was true, that Sonata would be miserable living in Equestria without her beloved. Despite it going to require twice as much work she replied, "Yes Aria, we can. Now let's get digging, this is going to take a while."

The two got to digging and neither one was all that muscular so the digging was slow going. This was frustrating Celestia and she yelled, "This is hopeless, we're never going to get them dug up."

Aria groaned, "I know...." she paused for a moment before adding, "I've got it! Flash Sentry has a heart of gold, I know he will help us!" She began to head back towards the school and yelled, "Follow me, we need to get Flash and if there are any other strong boys around, we have to get them and bring them here."

Celestia knew plenty about Flash Sentry and how Twilight had a crush on him when she was in her human form. She initially thought this would be a good idea until she thought about what he would think about them not only digging up bodies but also taking them back to Equestria. She was not real big on the idea of anypony knowing what their true plans were. She sighed, "Aria, as much as I would like to ask for help, we can't have random people knowing about our plans."

Aria groaned, "Very well, let's keep digging."

The two continued to dig until the sun was dropping below the horizon. By that time they had finally uncovered the caskets but then they realized there was one problem, getting them out of the ground. Celestia wasn't happy and neither was Aria. "How are we supposed to get them out of the ground? asked Celestia.

Aria stood there in thought for a moment but then came up with something. Something then crossed her mind, magic. She turned to Celestia and asked, "Your Majesty, do you have some sort of spell that would allow us to go through the portal but remain ponies? If we have our magic, we can just levitate these babies back home!"

Celestia exclaimed, "Aria, you're a genius and under the cover of darkness this would be a piece of cake!" She got a huge smile in her face and added, "Speaking of cake, I'm hungry. Let's go home for a bit and have some cake!"

Aria's stomach replied, "I agree, let's go home and have some cake. Then you can hopefully find and cast a spell and then we can take care of this."

The two then headed back towards the portal a bit frustrated. Before coming back to the human world, neither one even thought about how impossible it would be to remove caskets from the ground. Despite this though, the two were not going to give up so easily. Celestia knew how badly Aria wanted this and was going to find that spell and if one didn't exist, she'd write one.