• Published 5th Apr 2022
  • 1,038 Views, 46 Comments

Cozy Mark Crusadin' - 5u0myn0n4

  • ...

Chapter 10

The mane 6 and Cozy Glow had made it to the epicenter of the incident. And they were all stunned at what they saw. The Cutie Mark Crusader Clubhouse was destroyed, and what remained was a pile of flames and debris.


"Oh no..." Twilight said.

"What happened!?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Your little precious little fillies had their noses in our business." said a mysterious voice.

They all looked up, and saw three cocoons hanging in the trees. And above them, was the Changeling Queen crawling about.

"But now that you have so much at stake, you wouldn't dare back down now, would you?" Chrysalis taunted.

"Not a chance! Come on, girls! We have to save the Cutie Mark Crusaders!" Twilight exclaimed.

The mane 6 jumped into action, and Chrysalis jumped down from the tree and approached the mane 6.

Cozy took a second look at the surroundings, something seemed off. And her hunch was correct. Upon further examination, it seemed only two of Chrysalis' had something opaque inside. The last shown more light through, and appeared to be empty. So if Chrysalis only held two Crusaders captive, where was the last one?

Cozy turned her head, and saw Tirek approaching the fiery ruins of the Crusader Clubhouse. She took a closer look at the debris, and she saw Scootaloo's unconscious body laying there, with the bewitching bell next to her.

With the mane 6 distracted by Chrysalis, Tirek was about to take the bell from her, when suddenly, Cozy flew in front of him.

"There you are." Tirek said. "It's ripe time that you decided to rear your back stabbing face in front of us."

Tirek took a step, but Cozy flew up in front of Scootaloo, and ordered him to stop.

"No! Don't take another step, Tirek! That's an order!" she exclaimed.

"Pfft. Still trying to go along with this whole 'you're our leader' thing?" Tirek asked. "What's gotten into you lately? Let's grab the bell, and defeat Twilight Sparkle and her friends at once!"

The mane 6 continued to battle Chrysalis, and Cozy stood protecting Scootaloo. Cozy was at a difficult crossroads as to what to do next.

"Well, that's all fine and dandy. Crushing enemies is the whole reason we went looking for that bell in the first place." Cozy said. "Alright, I'll put away all the antics and rejoin you guys. But first, I want you to apologize, and help this pegasus."

"Help? Why in Equestria would we- oh. I see what's going on." Tirek said.

"You what?" Cozy asked.

"I've seen this enough times to know what's going on. You've befriended the little whelp it seems, and you're upset that she's hurt, and you'll do anything to help her." Tirek said in a mocking tone. "I've seen this before, so let's make things easier and cut to the chase. If you're no longer interested in getting revenge on our enemies, consider yourself out as one of our members." Tirek said.

Tirek's words pierced Cozy all the way through to her core. Cozy turned her head, and held back her heavy emotions.

"Now with that over with, move aside and allow me to claim that bell." Tirek said.

Cozy held onto the bell tightly with her eyes closed. As Tirek approached closer, she snapped and came up with an idea.

"WAIT!" Cozy exclaimed.

Tirek paused. He was curious, but short on patience.

"I mean, fine! You don't have to be a brute. Just cause I want to help one pegasus, doesn't mean I'm still not interested in getting revenge on our enemies. So I'll let you have the bell" Cozy said. "Under, a few conditions. I'll give you the bell, and tell you how to activate it, AND how to defeat Twilight Sparkle, only if you agree to help this pony."

"Is this supposed to be an enticing offer?" Tirek asked.

"Think about it, Tirek. What good are you without me? Do you want to take your chances alone? Or would you rather have the three of us all get revenge? As a team, just as Grogar intended."

Tirek turned around, and saw Chrysalis putting Twilight and her friends into cocoons. They were very nearly out of commission. The two villains were just fine as they were, it seemed.

"I think I'll be fine taking my chances. It appears we've got the situation under control ourselves." Tirek said. "Besides, for as smart and cunning as you are, you're far too slippery to be totally reliable. How do I know you aren't planning something behind our backs?"

*gasp* Cozy gasped.

Tirek reached in and swiped the bell from Cozy Glow, and left the two pegasi in the burning fire scape.

Tirek left Cozy and Scootaloo alone, as he joined Chrysalis in finishing off the mane 6. Cozy was left to weep for Scootaloo, and reflect, thinking of the pain she bestowed upon Scootaloo. All because she got mixed up in Cozy's matters, where Scootaloo had no place. But it wasn't Scootaloo's fault, she was just following somepony whom she wanted to be friends with.

Tirek had presented the bewitching bell to Chrysalis, as a token of their victory.

"It seems we didn't even need that bell's magic to defeat Twilight and her friends." Chrysalis said.

"Well, even so, a little extra magic wouldn't hurt." Tirek said.

"Indeed. Once I figure out how to unlock its magic, I will truly be unstoppable." Chrysalis said.

"Once you? I thought we were both going to utilize its magic." Tirek said.

"You? Hmm. You know, the more I've thought about it, I've come to realize something. You can just open your mouth and absorb all the magic you want. Why would you want some old goat's magic when you can just take any magic you want already?"

Rather than use the bell productively, Chrysalis and Tirek were in a heated, I mean, passionate argument. They couldn't come to agreement as to how to split the power. Not that they knew how to activate the bell anyway.

"Well, if you'd rather I absorb the essence of other creatures-" Tirek said.

"If you try to steal my essence ONE MORE TIME I'LL-" Chrysalis started, but was soon interrupted by their undoing.

"NOW!" Twilight exclaimed.

"What the?!" the two villains turned their heads and saw.

Six cocoons started to glow, and suddenly exploded. And inside were all the mane 6, glowing and floating.

"NO! Those cocoons were supposed to suppress your friendship magic!" Chrysalis exclaimed.

"You can't put a barrier in the way of Friendship!" Twilight's voice loudly echoed.

Twilight and her friends started to glow brighter and their eyes turned white, as their friendship powers activated.

*grrr* "No fair! Why is that a thing you six can just do?!" Chrysalis whined.

Cozy Glow barely paid mind to what was going on. In the background, Tirek and Chrysalis get blasted by Rainbow blast from the mane 6.

Tirek and Chrysalis fell to the ground, defeated.

*ugh* "You're right. They do cheat..." Tirek said.

"They get annoyingly lucky every time..." Chrysalis said.

The two villains were too defeated to get up. The mane 6 rejoiced at their latest victory.

"Thank goodness for Rainbow ex machina." Fluttershy said giggling.

"Now to help the Cutie Mark Crusaders." Twilight said.

Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy flew up, and each pulled down the cocoons, and placed them down slowly.

The mane 6 freed Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, and the two Crusaders hugged their older siblings. But there was one more Crusader.

"We're so glad you came!" Sweetie Belle said, hugging Rarity.

"I'm totally fine bein' a damsel, big sister! Ah don't know how you girls save the world every time!" Apple Bloom said.

"Ah shucks, Apple Bloom. Yer braver than you give yerself credit for." Applejack said.

"Hey, where's..." Rainbow Dash started.

Fluttershy turned Dash's head, and she saw Cozy Glow hunched over in the Clubhouse debris, overlooking Scootaloo. Though Cozy was often difficult to read, it was clear to everyone that emotions were heavy for everyone, especially Cozy. Normally Cozy Glow took pleasure in getting the upper hoof on other ponies, and showed no remorse for disposing of anyone. But things had changed. Scootaloo brought out a side of Cozy that she hadn't really gotten in touch with before, and this was how she repaid her. By leaving her scorched, and out of breath. For one of the first times in her life, she felt remorse for what she had done to somepony else.

The mane 6 were hesitant to say or do anything. They could feel the weight of the situation, and weren't sure how to approach it.

But their hesitation would be their downfall in this instance, as two ponies would act quicker.

Scootaloo's parents suddenly stepped onto the scene, and picked up Scootaloo.

"Oh, you poor little thing." Snap said.

The two parents gave the mane 6 a glare, and pretty much ignored Cozy.

"This is why we were in such a hurry to move her out of here! To get her far away from this crazy town!" Mane Allgood said to the mane 6.

"We were right about you six. You attract all kinds of weird and powerful creatures after your magic!" Snap said.

"No! It's not like that. We didn't mean for this to happen! I'm sorry, please let us help-" Twilight started.

"Wait!" Apple Bloom exclaimed.

"You don't understand! We-" Sweetie Belled started, but Scootaloo's parents ignored them too.

Her parents took Scootaloo away, and didn't say another word to anyone. They didn't even bother saying anything to Cozy, or even acknowledging her.

Cozy Glow hung her head, and covered her eyes to hide her emotions.

The mane 6, and two Crusaders looked at Cozy Glow.

"Cozy..." Twilight started.

"Are you okay, Cozy Glow?" Fluttershy asked.

Cozy looked at the mane 6, who staunchly opposed her. Then she looked at her partners in crime, who cast her away from their group, and were defeated themselves. Then finally, she looked as Scootaloo's parents carried their child away.

"Well. I tried friendship. And I... I really cozied it up!" Cozy exclaimed. "All I'm good at is manipulating. I guess friendship just isn't in my nature."

She was too heavy in tears to say any additional words. Cozy Glow flew away and fled the scene.

"Cozy wait I-... I just wanted to talk." Twilight said.

"Should we follow her?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"We shouldn't let her go unchecked. She is out of Tartarus sooner than intended after all." Rarity said.

"I think she's being too hard on herself. This wasn't her fault after all." Twilight said.

Rainbow Dash cocked her head in the direction of all the damage.

"Okay, maybe it was. But I don't think she wanted to bring harm to Scootaloo. She wanted to help, but her execution could use some work." Twilight said.

"She did seem, but how can be sure that's how she really feels, and she isn't just faking it?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Isn't that her thing? She's a master act?"

"At what point can we ever take anything she says at face value?" Fluttershy asked.

"Now might be as good a time as any..." Sweetie Belle said.

"She has much to learn." Fluttershy said.

"Just like all of us." Twilight said.

Everypony stood in sorrow, but let's not forget the two big villains were still here.

"...anypony mind filling us in?" Tirek asked.

"What's so special about this pegasus?" Chrysalis asked.

Twilight didn't reply, she just put a magic bind on them to keep them in place.

The mane 6 and two Crusaders all let out a heavy sigh. They may have won the battle against disharmony, but they failed two little pegasus fillies.

"Wer sorry, guys." Apple Bloom apologized.

"This is our faults. We shouldn't have let Scootaloo wander off again."

"No, this is our fault for not paying more attention to her, and letting our obsession over Cozy Glow get in our own way." Twilight said.

"Honestly, they should take some responsibility too. They think Scootaloo acted reckless? Well she wouldn't have had to act reckless to get away from them if they weren't so... overbearing." Rainbow Dash said.

"Well pointin' hooves ain't gonna solve anythin." Appleajack said.

"True. But how are we going to amend things now?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I'm not sure." Twilight answered. "There's just so much to take in."

"You got that right. It's not just Scootaloo, it's Cozy Glow, and Chrysalis, and Tirek?" Applejack said.

"That is strange, isn't it? What has been going on lately? With Cozy Glow and Tirek out of Tartarus. And Tirek teaming up with Queen Chrysalis? Mere weeks after King Sombra's return?" Twilight thought aloud.

"Ah hate to say it, but maybe Scootaloo's parents had a point. This town is crazy!" Apple Bloom said.

"There sure are a lot of creatures who want revenge on you guys." Sweetie Belle added.

"And all at once?" Fluttershy asked.

"And all in the name of this thing? What even is this bell thing?" Twilight wondered.

"I believe that belongs to me." said a deep voice.

*gasp* "It's Grogar!" Twilight exclaimed.
"It's some kind of big blue goat!" Pinkie Pie shouted.

"Are we supposed to know who this Grofar is?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Grogar! The Father of monsters. The original ruler. Arch nemesis to Gusty the Great! Creator of all that is evil and... and..."

"You're forgetting something." Grogar said.

"He's a... he... uh-" Twilight panicked, which made Grogar chuckle?

"Huh?" everypony collectively said.

"Oh, Twilight. Even staring down the face of evil, you still break out into full freak out aria! Ha ha!" Grogar said.

"...What?!"Twilight grew frustrated, but also extremely confused.

"The only creature who gets that much pleasure from you freaking out is-" Fluttershy started.

"Discord?!" Sweetie Belle asked.

*Grogar revealed his true identity, and turned into Discord*

"Wah. Dramatic revelation." Discord said, in a dramatic tone.

"Wait, so we weren't going to try to get revenge on our enemies?" Chrysalis asked.

"Hmm? Oh, we were still gonna do that. Except you were always meant to lose." Discord said.

"Well that hardly seemed fair." Tirek said. "It's not like we wanted to team up. And it's not like you gave us much a choice. Threatening our lives if we didn't follow through with 'Grogar's' orders."

"Wait, you gathered all these villains together?" Applejack asked.

"And you were going to make them attack us?!" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Well, yes." Discord answered.

*gasp* The mane 6 all gasped.

"But as far as any of you, or them were aware. But in actuality, nopony would've been in any real danger. I would've used my magic to protect you guys, and make sure nopony got hurt." Discord

"Well somepony did get hurt. So I think you ought to own up for this." Twilight said.

*sigh* "You're right, Twilight. Things definitely got out of hands, and, well, this is about the last thing I excepted to happen." Discord said.

"Now her parents are definitely going to send her away." Rainbow Dash said.

*sigh* "They just don't get her. Ah just wish there was a way we could show them how much Scootaloo's friends mean to her." Apple Bloom said.

"And how she means to us." Sweetie Belle added.

Discord thought if there was a way he could amend all the damage that had been done, and he came up with an idea.

"I have an idea." Discord said.

Everypony gave him a skeptical glare.

"Don't worry, this one doesn't involve any villainous creatures this time. Actually, just one." he said.

Author's Note:

Story is almost over this time, I promise. Sorry I keep prolonging this story and adding to it. This was originally supposed to just be like 5 chapters long, and was supposed to end with Cozy Glow deceiving the CMC and keeping her alicorn powers, while the CMC gave up their powers for real. Except instead of being sinster, Cozy would’ve thanked them generously before flying away in a bright light show. Scootaloo would’ve looked mildly sad, but assured her fiends that “I like being me.”
One more chapter to go, thanks everyone for following along, and I hope you look forward to my entry for the Cozy Glow Contest 3. It’s gonna be a chilling story.