• Published 5th Apr 2022
  • 1,036 Views, 46 Comments

Cozy Mark Crusadin' - 5u0myn0n4

  • ...

Chapter 8

Back in Ponyville, Scootaloo mustered the strength to have a sit down discussion with her parents. But she wasn't alone. Beside her, she had her fellow Crusaders, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, but she had also requested the presence of their older sisters, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, along with the rest of the mane 6, including Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. Normally the mane 6 would only have to team up in extreme situations, but this was definitely worthy of the six of them gathering, so they agreed.

They all sat opposite from Scooaloo's parents. Scoots still seemed anxious.

"So, Scootaloo, what exactly did you need all of us for?" Twilight asked.

"Right. So, *ahem* thank you, mane 6, for accompanying me on this fine day." Scootaloo said.
"You don't have to be so formal, squirt. We're your pals." Rainbow Dash said.
"Heh. Right." Scootaloo laughed.

"Anyway, onto the subject at hoof." Scootaloo said. "My parents came to see me here in Ponyville, and they've decided that they'd like me to move with them away from Ponyville."

"So that's where the conflict comes in." Sweetie Belle started.
"Scootaloo doesn't want to go, especially not right now." Apple Bloom said.
"But our friend here feels outspoken, so we were hoping you guys could help us speak for her." Sweetie Belle said.

"I know they're my parents and they have ultimate say on what I do, but as my close friends I was hoping you guys could try to explain to them why I should stay here. Since I'm just a kid, I was hoping you guys could try to reason with them better than I could. Because I believe that there isn't any issue that can't be overcome with a healthy chat." Scootaloo said.

Scootaloo's parents made eye contact with the mane 6. Fluttershy's teeth chattered and she was anxious. The rest of the mane 6 weren't as visibly anxious, but something her parents put them off.

"So, Mane Allgood and Snap Shutter? I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle. And these are my friends Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. You may have heard of some of our accomplishments, so you may be surprised to know that Scootaloo and her Crusader friends are close friends of ours."

Her parents didn't reply. They merely scorned, and just gave off uncomfortable vibes.

"So, let's cut to the chase. What's this business about Scootaloo moving away from Ponyville? HUH?!" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Rainbow Dash. She said she wanted y'all to be mature." Apple Bloom said.
"Otherwise we would've just argued ourselves..." Sweetie Belle added.

"And I'm glad they brought it to our attention. We'd hate for one of our best friends to leave, without having a say." Twilight said.

"I don't know where any of you got that idea from." Mane said. "Anyway, the house is already sold, so where is Scootaloo going to live besides with us?"

"Impressive. How do you list and sell a house in just a few days?" Twilight asked.

"And what's this about not caring about her feelings?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Easy, Rainbow Dash." Rarity said.

"You guys got it all got the wrong idea." Mane said.

"We've done everything that any responsible parent would do for their child." Snap said.

"So let me get this straight, you've been away in some far away land for years, and haven't seen your daughter in many years. She's been alone all this time, and only recently she'd had her Aunts who have moved in to Ponyville?" Twilight asked.

"So uh... why come now? Err rather, what brings you to Ponyville?" Applejack asked.

"We've grown weary as of late. There's been lots of scary stuff happening around these parts. And King Sombra's return was when we realized that Scootaloo isn't safe here. At least not without us." Snap said.

"And we've got this aching feeling that the worst is yet to come." Mane added.

"I assure you, if there's anyone who can protect Scootaloo, it's us." Twilight said.

"Perhaps. You guys do seem to solve a lot of problems." Snap said.

"But you also seem to attract all these shady characters." Mane added.

"What?!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

"How do we know there ain't nobody on their way now to exact some kind of revenge right now?" Snap asked.

Meanwhile, just outside Scootaloo's house, was a little filly approaching slowly, talking to herself.

"Hey, Scootaloo. Sorry for not talking to you earlier but... no, don't say that. Hiya, Scoots. Too casual?" Cozy Glow said to herself.

She rehearsed what she thought she should say to Scootaloo. When she got closer to the house, she heard what sounded like adults chattering.


Inside the house once again, the mane 6 huddled in a circle and whispered to each other.

"They're coming off as very defensive. It's almost like they're hiding something." Twilight said.
"Well let's knock down their defenses." Rainbow Dash said.
"But do it diligently. These are Scootaloo's parents after all." Rarity said.
"Okay." Twilight said.

The six disbanded and sat back on the couch together.

"You know, you're some interesting characters." Twilight started. "I've learned a lot about you since you came, and since this session started."
"Start with the flattery." Rarity whispered.
"I mean, it must take some intrepid bravery to partake in the job you two do." Twilight said.
"Get on with it." Rainbow Dash whispered.

"But if I'm being blunt, nothing I've seen or heard of you is at all indicative of responsible parents." Twilight said.

Mane and Snap gasped, and the CMC all gasped as well.

"Therefore, as the Princess of Friendship I-" Twilight started.

"You what, you're gonna veto and repossess our child!?" Snap asked.

"I mean, that's within my right, should I see a good reason to." Twilight said.

"What reason? We've cared for her a plenty." Mane said.

"If you opened your eyes for a moment you would see that she's been hurt by-" Twilight started.

"Bad parenting? What are you basing that on? She's had food, and a roof for shelter. She's healthy, and that's plenty all that a filly needs to grow strong and healthy." Snap Shutter said.

"So no, you don't have a good reason, Princess. It wouldn't exactly put good faith into the future ruler of Equestria if word broke that you were wrongfully repossessing children." Mane Allgood said.

"But, but-" Twilight tried to say something, but the words were eluding her.

Scootaloo was growing extremely anxious. This was not going well for any of the involved parties.

"You're wrong!" yelled some voice standing at the entryway.


Everypony started at the entryway, and there stood Cozy Glow.

"If you think a filly just needs food and shelter to survive, then you got another thing coming!" Cozy exclaimed.

"Cozy Glow?!" everypony shouted.

The mane 6 looked at Cozy Glow and saw her.

"Oh... I didn't realize you guys were here too. Heh. Hi...?" Cozy took one step back when she noticed the mane 6.

Cozy looked at the mane 6, who gasped. Cozy's eyes dilated when the mane 6 noticed her. She hadn't realized they were in the building.

"Um... surprise?" Cozy said.

"What's everypony gaspin' about?" Snap asked.

"What is she doing outside of Tartarus?" Rainbow Dash asked.

*gasp* "Tartarus? Is she one of Sombra's henchponies?" Mane asked.

"Indeed, what are ya doing out here?" Applejack asked.

"I... needed some fresh air?" Cozy replied. "Plus the door was open?"

"Guys, please, go easy on her. She's um... she doesn't-" Scootaloo said, but she was quickly outspoken.

"Well it's a good thing we caught you here before you got into any more trouble." Rarity said.
"Is there any big magic circle we should be aware of?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Guys! Stop!" Scootaloo shouted, to get everyone's attention. "I believe Cozy Glow had something she wanted to say to my parents. So if my friends and family could be so kind as to listen to what my friend has to say."

"Friend?" Cozy asked under her breath.

"So please, let her speak. Now, was there something you wanted to say, Cozy?" Scootaloo asked.

"Oh, right. Where was I? Oh right." Cozy's train of thought was back on the rails... and was speeding down the tracks. "Scootaloo's got a good thing going here. And it's no thanks to your bare minimum treatment!" Cozy exclaimed.


"She's been just fine! Thank you very much, doll face!" Mane Allgood said.

"Maybe we shouldn't let Cozy..." Twilight started.

"How do you know she's doing just fine? Do you actually read her letters? Word on the street is that you DON'T! How do you know she isn't secretly plotting something big?! Since you never seem to ask how she's doing!" Cozy said.

"You're completely off base, surely." Snap said.

"I think it's you who's off base! You got it all wrong! And, don't call me Shirly." Cozy said.

"Okay, Cozy. I think you've said enough-" Sweetie Belle said, but she too was outspoken.

"Being a parent is about being there for them when they need your support the most! It's about owning up and taking responsibility for their actions." Cozy said. "You've been far away from Scootaloo for a long time. Poor filly's an only child, so that's quite severe isolation. Being alone leaves a lot of time to herself. So what's stopping her from coming up with a big plan and creating a draining spell to erase all of the magic in Equestria?! Or using alicorn magic to slay her enemies? And if Scootaloo got into a heap of trouble, who, if not you, is going to step up to the plate and be there for her?"

Mane Allgood and Snap Shutter stuttered, and struggled to get a word out over Cozy.

"And that's why she's extremely lucky to have her fellow Cutie Mark Crusader teammates, as well as the Mane 6 here to keep her in check, since you have no interest in doing that yourselves." Cozy said.

Everypony stared at Cozy Glow, and their jaws dropped.

"So what do you have to say for yourselves?" Cozy asked.

Cozy got close, and glared at the parents.

"Alright, Cozy, I think you've proved your point-" Twilight said.

There was a moment of awkward, and painful silence. And then suddenly, Scoot's parents start crying.

"Is she, right, Scootaloo?" Snap asked.
"About us being lousy parents?" Mane added.

The mane 6 looked at Cozy with discontent.

"Well, there ya go, Cozy." Applejack said.

"Satisfied?" Rarity asked.

"What?!" Cozy exclaimed.
"Hang on, before you jump to any conclusions, she-" Scootaloo said.

"No, she's right." Snap Shutter said.
"Little curly top has a point." Mane said.

"No, I mean, well,-" Scootaloo started.

"If you just allow us a moment to talk without her overzealousness, allow us to clarify." Twilight said.

"No need. She's right though. Not everypony is fit to be a parent." Mane said.
"When we conceived of having our own kid, we just thought, how hard could it be?" Snap said.
"We'd been wrangling wild animals for years, and from those years of experience, we'd written down and discovered the best ways to observe, and care for just about any creature." Mane said.
"We figured raising a child would be leagues easier. Just find out what she needs, and provide it." Snap said.
"But if you're telling us that raising a child involves a whole lot more than that." Mane said.
"That it involves a whole lot more factors than we ever could have imagined, then maybe we are in over our heads..." Snap started to tear up.

*gasp* Scootaloo teared up some more. The mane 6 glared at Cozy Glow, with discontent.

"No, you guys aren't so bad." Twilight said.
"I mean, she does have a ceiling, and roof, like you said. That's a start." Rainbow Dash said.
"And for what it's worth, Scootaloo didn't turn into an evil manipulative two-faced filly with ambitions to drain all the magic in Equestria or anything." Pinkie Pie said.

"No thanks to us. Weren't you listening? It ain't due in any part to us, it's thanks to you guys." Snap said. "We've been blind to what truly matters."
"We never considered that uh... we just figured that as her parents, anything we decided would be what's best for her by default." Mane said.
"But she's matured so much. She's been away from us for so long, started her own life here, and she's still growing." Snap said. "To take all that away, would be akin to taking a baby mouse away from its nest during its formative years. So when she says she doesn't want to move, because she doesn't want to leave behind her friends. And she needs her friends.

"So does that mean?" Twilight asked.
"So no, we can't in good faith take Scootaloo with us." Snap said. "We had it all planned out, we had a cage sized for her and everything for the trip, but we'll just be returning home, once our visit is done."

"I think this is the right call..." Rainbow Dash whispered to Twilight.
"I mean, sure, but I hate that we had to make them cry like that." Twilight said.

*knock knock* Suddenly, there was somepony knocking on the front door. The door opened slowly, and outside were two older mares. They were Scootaloo's aunts, Aunt Holiday, who was Snap Shutter's older sister, along with her mate, Aunt Lofty.

"We heard some commotion, and we wanted to make sure everyone was okay." Aunt Holiday said.

The two aunts gasped to see Scootaloo's parents crying.

"Brother, are you okay?" Aunt Holiday asked.

"It's Scootaloo. We're just sad cause we haven't been there for Scootaloo as much as she needs us." Snap wept.

The two Aunts comforted Scootaloo's parents as they cried.

"We'll talk to them. Why don't you guys step out of the building? We need a little family time." Aunt Lofty said.

"She's right. Come on everypony, let's give them some space." Twilight said.
"You're coming too, Cozy." Rainbow Dash said.
"We've got a lot to discuss." Rarity said.
"But I? Ugh! Come on! What did I do?!" Cozy complained.
"Let's just say you got some serious explaining to do." Twilight said.

The mane 6 and cmc and Cozy stepped out of the building. Initially, Scootaloo stayed, but she was also asked to exit.

"Sorry, Scoots, but I think we need adult family time." Aunt Lofty said.

"But, please. I-" Scootaloo started.

"We need to talk about some um... grown up stuff. Very boring." Aunt Holiday added.

"Oh... alright..." Scootaloo said.

Scootaloo was last to exit the house. She saw that the mane 6 were surrounding Cozy Glow, and they were all yelling back and forth about something. But what exactly they were talking about didn't matter. The mane 6 seemed more interested in tackling Cozy Glow, and Scootaloo's parents were inside with her Aunts.

"Are you okay, Scootaloo?" Apple Bloom asked.
"No, I'm not..." she replied.
"So... how can we help?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Scootaloo stared at Cozy Glow surrounded by the mane 6, and back at her house.

"I know what we're going to do."

Scootaloo put on her helmet, and rode her scooter into the forest area, and behind her scooter, she had a tether attached to a big trunk, with the bewitching bell inside.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle followed her to the Crusader Clubhouse.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the little hiatus. Had a bit of a creative dry spell in June, but I think I'm back on track, and I should have the rest of the story figured out.