• Published 5th Apr 2022
  • 1,037 Views, 46 Comments

Cozy Mark Crusadin' - 5u0myn0n4

  • ...

Chapter 6

The alicorn filly Cozy Glow was on the trail of, and searched for the alicorn filly, Scootaloo.

Cozy Glow followed the general direction that Scootaloo flew off away towards, in hopes of finding where she may have gone. The direction was pointed towards Ponyville, but not quite, as if she wasn't ready just yet. But regardless, finding her wasn't too difficult. Cozy Glow spotted Scootaloo standing alone in the woods. Though Cozy was soaring high in the air, she could tell Scootaloo was quite disheveled. But she felt that was no reason to avoid Scootaloo, in fact, this may have been the perfect time.

Cozy Glow flew to the ground, and landed behind alicorn Scootaloo.

"There you are. Scootaloo. Just the alicorn I was looking for." Cozy said, but Scootaloo seemed to ignore her.

"Not talking? That's fine. I just wanted to say, wow! That was some weapons grade betrayal you did back there! I knew there was some backbone in that body this whole time. Still really surprised me how you said that-"

Scootaloo turned around, and revealed her distressed face.

"Stay away, you!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

"Hey now. I'm not your enemy, Scootaloo." Cozy said. "I don't want to fight you."

"And I don't want anything to do with you. Just leave me alone." Scootaloo said.

"And normally I'd respect that. But you still have something that belongs to me. So technically, you invited me here by stealing my bell." Cozy said.

"Hmph." Scootaloo realized Cozy was technically right, and didn't argue back. She merely pouted and held the bewitching bell closer to her.

"So it looks like this bell is the key to happiness for both of us. But there is only one bell, and two of us." Cozy said.

"I'm not letting you take it from me." Scootaloo replied, with a strong passion in her tone.

"It doesn't have to be one way or the other. What say we work together? And use its power to make both of our lives better." Cozy suggested.

Scootaloo paused, and thought about what Cozy had just said.

"Like you, I know what it's like to want to change aspects of your life that aren't so ideal. Why do you think I wanted power? That's why I think the two of us have the most to gain from that bell's power. That's why I want us to join forces. I want to help you."

"You want us to work together?" Scootaloo asked.

Cozy nodded affirmatively.

"Gee... that's pretty hard to believe, hearing that come from you." Scootaloo said.

"Hmm... imagine if I held onto this bell, and went about measures the way you do. Forcefully." Scootaloo thought aloud.

Cozy Glow watched Scootaloo get lost in her thoughts. Presumably she was thinking about the ways they could use their powers together. She noticed Scootaloo giggling at something. Cozy enjoyed seeing Scootaloo giggle at what she presumed was her taking out her revenge onto her enemies.

But her mood shifted to sadness. Cozy tried to cheer Scootaloo up.

"Don't look down, Scootaloo. Think of all the fun we can have! The possibilities! The revenge! You can take revenge on your parents for good! Show Rainbow Dash yourself at your absolute best. Don't be weighed down by moral obligations."

"Those do sound quite enticing. I mean, what you just listed, it's all I really could ask for. And all I have to do to achieve it, is to let go of my morals?" Scootaloo said.

"Let go of your conscience, and then it won't hurt when you betray ponies." Cozy said.

"Let go of conscience. Hmm..." Scootaloo thought hard. "Betray ponies you say..."

Cozy thought she saw a lightbulb go off in Scootaloo's head, but it was tough to say for what reason, or what idea.

"Maybe you are onto something." Scootaloo said. "Maybe there is a way I can get my way."

Cozy nodded to affirm what Scoot had said. "So do we have a deal?" she asked.

Scootaloo stared at Cozy with a serious look, and Cozy took a step back.

"You alright, Scootaloo?" Cozy asked.

"You know, Cozy Glow, you're pretty smart." Scootaloo said, with a snarky, confident tone.

"You think so?" Cozy asked.

"I mean, not everypony is capable of the incredible things you've pulled off." Scootaloo said.

Cozy Glow was, actually quite flattered by Scootaloo's compliments.

"Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate it when my talents are recognized." Cozy said.

"You're a master crafter, leader, and moreover, a brilliant actor." Scootaloo said.

"You got that right... huh. Nopony's ever called me an actor before, but I suppose it fits." Cozy said.

"Indeed. You really had me convinced. I really thought that you wanted to be my friend. That you would actually compromise, work together, and consider what I want." Scootaloo said, chuckling.

"What are you saying?" Cozy asked, confused.

"But since we've seen the real you, it's clear that that couldn't possibly be the case. So, you kind of gave yourself away from the start." Scootaloo said in a snarky tone.

Cozy Glow's expression turned to that of bewilderment. She could sort of follow what Scootaloo was hinting at, but she was surprised to hear it. But then her intentions became clearer, when she saw Scootaloo hold the bell closer to her. Both it, and her horn started to glow.

"Now, Scootaloo. There's still time to talk this through. I... I understand, it's hard to take me seriously when I ask for your trust, but for the very first time in my life, I ask you to listen, and you'll hear the real me." Cozy said.

"I hear the real you loud and clear." Scootaloo said, though Cozy noticed, her horn was starting to glow, along with the bell.

"If you're about to do something bold, I advice you to stop, and just listen." Cozy pleaded.

"No! I'm tired of being outspoken! You listen! To this!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

Scootaloo turned around quickly, and held the bell and aimed it at Cozy Glow. She used her horn to activate the bell, and it glowed even brighter, and gave off its ring.

The bell fired its magical beam, and latched onto Cozy Glow, and sapped her of her powerful magic.

Scootaloo had used the bell to drain the magic from Cozy Glow. Cozy's magic was sapped by the bell's powerful magic grip. Her horn had dissipated, and her wings returned to normal.

Cozy Glow fell to the ground, and was shocked by what Scootaloo just did to her.

"You were really convincing. It really sounded like you wanted to be my friend, but I know for certain that you would never want to be anyone's actual friend. That's what gave it away." Scootaloo said.

"Convincing?" Cozy asked, confused.

"The whole 'real me' thing was also a really obvious hint that you were just gonna deceive me." Scootaloo added.

Cozy Glow found it hard to reply. She felt choked up, and turned away from Scootaloo.

"What's the matter? All I did was the thing you did to us. Doesn't feel so good the other way around, does it?!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

"No it doesn't. I mean, you-I" Cozy closed her eyes and wept on the ground.

"Why should I feel bad for you?! You were just going to double cross me eventually! I just did it first!" Scootaloo shouted.

"I wasn't... I honestly had no intention..." Cozy Glow said softly.

Scootaloo paused. Now things were getting awkward. "Surely though. Our friendship didn't matter to you before, and it couldn't have possibly mattered now. Not after we... not after..."

Scootaloo paused. Cozy had no trouble double crossing the CMCs earlier, but this didn't feel good.

"So, all those nice gestures you showed earlier? How we opened up to each other earlier? I listened to your woes. You stood up for me against your actual friends. You're just gonna... forget about that?" Cozy asked.

Scootaloo bit her lip, and became more stressed out.

"...Scootaloo? Friend?" Cozy asked.

That word. "Friend". It echoed through Scootaloo's head. Her extrasensory alicorn powers allowed her to sense the emotions coming from Cozy's voice. She sounded sad. Not phony sad like the little sad filly who "failed" Twilight's exam. This time, she sounded closer to being truly sad. Much to her surprise.

"No... no... You-you could never do friendship! You said it yourself! You see friendship as just power! Surely you weren't seeking... anything meaningful from your proposed alliance... SURELY!" Scootaloo was kidding herself.

"I told you. I wanted to work together." Cozy said.

Scootaloo breathed faster and faster as her stress escalated.

"So it's true. You wanted to be my friend! And I took it for granted, because I didn't believe you! And now I hurt you! Somepony who actually cared about me!! Now here I go hurting one of the few ponies who truly cared for me." Scootaloo wept.

Scootaloo's horn glowed bright as she stressed out.

"Sweetie Belle was right! Why does life have to be so IRONIC!?"

Scootaloo's horn glowed bright. So bright, Cozy had to shield her eyes.

"Whatever you do, don't-AAHH!!" Cozy screamed.


There was a bright flash that knocked Cozy Glow backwards, and onto the ground. Scootaloo paused, but ultimately took the bell, and fled the scene. She ran away from Cozy Glow, leaving her alone, powerless, and sad.

Author's Note:

On a side note, if you're reading this around the time the chapter was published, then it's the 3 year anniversary of the airing of the episode Frenemies in the U.S.
Obviously an episode that left the impression on me. It's pretty much the reason why Cozy Glow became my favorite character. So happy 3 years to Frenemies, the best episode of Season 9, staring the best characters. Enjoy this rather sob chapter, as this story draws closer to its conclusion. However, depending on how I feel, (it pains me to say but) I might have more mischief cooked up yet...