• Published 5th Apr 2022
  • 1,037 Views, 46 Comments

Cozy Mark Crusadin' - 5u0myn0n4

  • ...

Chapter 11

Scootaloo was resting at Ponyville hospital while she recovered from her injures from earlier. Her parents brought her there, with the intent to complete the move from Ponyville once she was fully recovered. As for her injuries, fortunately they were very mild, and nothing that would leave any long lasting effects. Even so, she had temporarily lost her vision, and was wearing a blindfold to rest her eyes while they healed.

Days in the hospital room were long, and boring. Fortunately the mane 6 were allowed to visit Scootaloo at any time, and brought her some things to help keep her mind occupied.

Rainbow Dash had suggested that Scootaloo read the Daring Do book series. While Scootaloo was open to the idea, not being able to see made that impossible for now. But not to fret, Twilight had an idea. She brought a phonograph with Daring Do audiobooks on vinyl! Except each book took up many vinyls, and didn't hold too much audio, so the nurse had to turn the records over, and change them out every hour or so. Sometimes she wouldn't come and Scootaloo would be left in silence for longer than the actual audio books duration was. It was fine, because she enjoyed the quiet, and frankly, wasn't getting hooked on that first book.

As she listened to Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphic Stone, she was less than impressed by the quality of the writing.

"I don't know what Rainbow Dash gets out of these books. It's just a cheesy action series with long drawn out action. It's so unrealistic." Scootaloo thought to herself. "There's too much dialogue and not enough descriptions. I don't even know where Do is, and what her objective is."

But whilst Scootaloo was lost in her thoughts, she was about to be treated by another visitor.

Cozy Glow snuck into the room. She was just on a mission to "give Scootaloo her helmet back", but she had more on mind than just that.

She wanted to simply place the helmet next to her bed, and trot off without being noticed. She tiptoed carefully, when suddenly Cozy Glow was started when the audio book got stuck, and started to skip, and repeat the phrase " "

"Oh great, the record's stuck again. Nurse, can you lift the needle again?" Scootaloo asked Cozy, not realizing who was actually in the room with her.

Cozy gulped, but in an effort to be discreet, went along with her request. Although she had no idea how to operate a phonograph.

"Just lift the needle so it stops skipping. Or go ahead and play the next side anyway? Man, so many records for one book. Seems very inefficient. They really ought to invent a more efficient means to store audio..." Scootaloo said.

Cozy decided to go with the flow and go along with Scootaloo's request. There were so many records piled up though, it was hard to tell which one came next.

Cozy Glow lifted the needle, but didn't place it in the same spot, and ended up placing it at the end of the book, where it read a major spoiler for the book.

"Oh, so that's how it ends? Hmm... oh well. Saves me the trouble of having to listen to the whole thing." Scootaloo said. "Thanks for changing the records anyway. Oh, and thanks for the visit, Cozy Glow." Scootaloo said.

Cozy gasped. She had no clue how Scootaloo could've known it was her if she couldn't see anything. She thought she was being sneaky enough.

"You knew it was me?" Cozy asked.

"Yep. My senses feel like they've been heighted now that I can't see. Everything sounds louder, and more distinct. It's a weird feeling. Like everyone's hoofsteps has a distinct signature. And let me tell you, nopony taps their hooves whilst sneaking around like you, Cozy." Scootaloo said.

Cozy blushed. What exactly did her "distinct signature" sound like? But she shook her head, and moved on with business.

"Anyway, don't get too excited, or read this as something it isn't. I'm just here to give you back your helmet. Originally I was going to give it back to you so I could trade it for the bewitching bell, but Twilight took the bell away, so I don't have it any more, so it's not a trade item anymore, it's just me wrapping up unfinished business. Sorry I couldn't have gotten it to you earlier when you needed it, but oh well."

Cozy Glow plopped Scootaloo's helmet onto her hospital bed. This made Scootaloo smile.

"Oh, Cozy Glow. You're so peculiar. There isn't any other filly in Equestria like you." Scootaloo said. "You came to see me, even though on paper I don't have anything material to offer you, but you don't see things that way any more."

"Paper? What paper? These papers I left in your helmet? Pfft. These are just... I asked Mayor Mare for these forms, because I thought your parents and the mane 6 should take a look at it." Cozy said, anxiously.

"Gee. You sure are a busy filly." Scootaloo giggled.

"You know, you're more happy to see me than I thought you'd be." Cozy said. "I figured you'd hate me, especially after what I did." Cozy said.

Scootaloo turned her head away from Cozy Glow

"I don't blame you for what happened on that day. I was being reckless. I shouldn't have just wandered off with the bell alone like that. Sure, those two were looking for you, but I heard from an anonymous source, that you stood up for me against that big centaur Lord Tirek." Scootaloo said.

"Still. I'm sorry that you got hurt because of me. Seeing you injured on the outside, hurts me on the inside. Is this what friendship is about? Caring for the well being of other creatures?" Cozy asked.

"Yeah, something like that I suppose." Scootaloo replied. "I never thought about putting it into words. For me, friendship is just something you do, and feel just in everyday experience. But I guess where you're from, friendship might be a more foreign concept."

"Oh, but I'm no good as a friend. I'm sorry for ruining things with you and your parents. " Cozy said.

"Are you kidding me? I'm shocked, but you know what, I'm glad you stood up for me like that." Scootaloo said. "It's amazing the things you can say to someone else's parents, that you can't say to your own parents."

"You got that right. Heh heh..." Cozy giggled nervously.

The fillies continued to talk, and laugh, and joe together for quite a bit of time.

"I feel bad about what happened to you. So I guess that means I can care about other ponies. Like, for real. Or maybe I'm fooling myself. Because if Twilight and the others don't take me serious, then how can I-"

"Shh..." Scootaloo hushed Cozy Glow.

Scootaloo sat up and hugged Cozy. She was surprised by Scootaloo's sudden action. Didn't know what to make of it, but she liked how it felt.

"You know what you need, Cozy? I think you just need more friends. Actual friends. Friends who look out for each other, and whom you love being with." Scootaloo said.

"Golly... err I mean, huh. Real friends?" Cozy asked.

Scootaloo nodded.

"Huh. So then, will you be my friend, Scootaloo?" Cozy asked.

"Only if you promise to be my friend in exchange." Scootaloo said, rubbing her hoof, and blushing.

Cozy smiled, hugged Scootaloo back.

"How's having real friends feel? Pretty different than having followers and being an Empress, huh?" Scootaloo asked.

"It is. And you know... I like this feeling. Controlling other ponies felt good, but there's something about this that feels better, that I'm having trouble putting to words. It's kind of like how I felt when Tirek, and Chrysalis, and I climbed Mt. Everhoof. It felt nice just working with them. This is still such a new experience for me. But I like it, and I don't want to lose it..." Cozy said.

For as much as the two fillies were enjoying each other's company, time was of the essence

"Well, it's been good. I'm glad I got to see you one more time, before you healed and got sent away..." Cozy said.

Scootaloo hung her head, but lifted it up when she remembered something.

"I'm sorry I ruined things with your parents. Thanks to me, they're probably going to send you away to live with them forever." Cozy said.

"Actually, I don't think that'll be the case." Scootaloo said.

"Why's that?" Cozy asked.

"You're right, Cozy Glow. Friendship is powerful." Scootaloo said.

"By what metric are we talking about now?" Cozy asked.

"Well, I'll show you. If you stick around, you'll see."

"Hmm. Tempting, but I... I shouldn't. I gotta go. I can't let the others see me after all." Cozy said.

"Well, okay. I get it, you're a busy filly. If you don't want to be seen at all, then make sure you aren't seen by any of my other friends outside." Scootaloo said.

"Other friends?" Cozy asked.

"Have a look." Scootaloo said.

Cozy Glow looked outside the window, and saw a huge crowd of ponies, and creatures outside.

"Wow, you sure do have a lot of friends." Cozy Glow said. "And all I have is just you."

"Well, it's a start. Gotta start from somewhere. A long time ago, Sweetie Belle was my only friend. But then we stood up for Apple Bloom against Diamond Tiara, and then Apple Bloom was our friend. And I guess we've just met a lot of creatures in our many years of Crusading together. It's something that takes years, but it's an experience I wouldn't trade for anything."

"Even, um..." Cozy said, rustling her wings audibly for Scootaloo to hear.

"Oh, right. Honestly, Cozy, if flying meant that I didn't have a fraction of the friends I have now... well, even though I won't ever be able to fly on my own, I still like the trajectory of where my life ended up." Scootaloo said. "No magic bell or old goat's magic, or alicorn wings, could make life better."

Cozy's eyes watered as she listened to Scootaloo's speech.

"I-I-I *sniff* I have to go. But, I'll be back. Uh... assuming you're still here." Cozy said, in a slump.
"Don't worry, I guarantee you I'm not leaving Ponyville. Not once my parents see how many friends I have." Scootaloo assured.
"Okay. I trust your word. Oh, and if your parents still aren't reasonable, you can always pull the ol switch-a-roo with these papers I brought you." Cozy said, grinning.

Cozy heard the door knob start to open.

"Gotta go!" she exclaimed.

Cozy gave one last hug to Scootaloo, and kissed her cheek, much to Scootaloo's surprise.

Cozy than swiftly, yet clumsily fumbled her way out the window.

The door swung open, and in came the mane 6, Scootaloo's parents, and her two aunts.

"We're back!" Pinkie Pie said, cheery.

"So, what'd you think of the awesome adventurer, Daring Do?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Huh? Oh, the book was alright I guess." Scootaloo said, covering up her disinterest in the series.

Scootaloo also seemed extra anxious.

"You alright, squirt? You seem flustered." Rainbow Dash asked.

"Me? I'm fine, heh heh..." Scootaloo said, nervously.

"What's all this?" Twilight asked, referring to the mess on Scootaloo's hospital bed.

"Just some more gifts. I've had so many generous guests come through. Look, my helmet. In case things get a little shaky again, heh." Scootaloo said.

Twilight picked up all the paper with her magic and read it. She quickly realized what it was, and hid it from Scootaloo's parents.

"What'chu got there?" Rainbow Dash whispered.

Twilight quietly showed Rainbow Dash, and Dash quietly gasped.

"Who brought these here?" Dash whispered.

Twilight shrugged silently.

"Well, should we...?" Dash whispered.

While they whispered to each other, Scootaloo's parents went up to their daughter and spoke to her.

"Oh, you poor thing." Snap Shutter said.

"I told you. It's barely even first degree burns. I'll be healed soon, and the doctors will soon be able to remove the bandage over my eye." Scootaloo said.

"Don't worry, Scootaloo. As soon as the doctors give you the clear, we'll be right on our way out of this place." Mane Allgood said.

"I told you, I don't wanna leave Ponyville

"But, Scootaloo. Look at yourself. This happened because of how dangerous this place is." Mane Allgood said.

"Dangerous? Hmm. You know, you guys have pretty thrilling jobs." Twilight said. "You of all ponies should understand what it's like to be daring, and live life to its fullest." Twilight said.

"Hmm. She does have a point." Snap said.

"Yeah but, that's besides the point. Our daughter's safety is our top concern!"

"Her safety, sure. That's admirable." Rarity said.

"But I think Scootaloo needs just a bit more than just that." Fluttershy said.

"Like what?" Mane asked.

"Why don't you look outside?" Apple Bloom said, standing by the window.

"I think there's a few ponies outside who'd like to see Scootaloo before she goes away." Sweetie Belle added.

Mane and Snap looked out the window, and saw quite a spectacular sight.

Outside the hospital, there was a huge crowd of creatures gathered. Their friend Gabby the Griffon, Chip Cutter, Rumble, and everyone from Cutie Mark Day Camp, everyone from their school. Terramar, and the entire student 6, and many more friends they'd made throughout their many years of crusading for cutie marks. Everyone came together, they even made a banner celebrating the CMC, and they all wished Scootaloo a speedy recovery.

Seeing so many creatures care for Scootaloo is what ultimately made her parents realize what everypony's been trying to tell them all this time.

"You know all those critters?" Snap asked.

Scootaloo nodded, affirmatively.

"Your daughter's got a lot of friends, brother." Aunt Holiday said.

"Who all care for your little dumpling very dearly." Aunt Lofty added.

Snap felt a tug on his leg.

"Ah know you've made up yer mind. But please, Scootaloo's grown so much since she's been here in Ponyville." Apple Bloom said.

"And she's still so young. She's got a lot more growth and potential still ahead of her." Sweetie Belle added.

"And if you take Scootaloo from Ponyville, you'll be stifling that entire growth process." Twilight said.

"So please. Sign these um... *ahem* hospital forms." Rainbow Dash said.

"Are we really going through with this? Like, right now?" Twilight whispered.

Snap looked through the paper, and gasped.

"Honey, take a closer look at this." Snap said.

Mane took a look at the form as well.


Twilight and Rainbow Dash started to sweat like crazy.

"Y'all okay?" Applejack asked.

"It's not warm in here. Why are you guys so sweaty?" Rarity asked.

"Ooooh. I get it. It's because you two-" Pinkie Pie started.

Snap and Mane whispered to each other as they read the "hospital forms" that Cozy Glow had brought from Mayor Mare's office.

"The audacity of you!" Mane exclaimed.

"What? What did we do?" Rarity asked.

"What's going on? Can somepony explain? I can't see what any papers say." Scootaloo said.

"I see what it is you're trying to pull. And you know what...?" Snap started.

Mane and Snap looked at each other.

"We don't know! We don't have psychic spouse telepathy! Just say it!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Well, there's still a ton we gots to do back home, and if y'all really wanna keep an eye on Scootaloo so badly then..." Snap said.

"Then tough luck." Mane said.
"Then who are we to take her away from her friends?" Snap at the same time his wife spoke.

"Wait, huh?" Mane asked.

"If all those folks down there love Scootaloo a lot, then it wouldn't be fair to force Scootaloo away from this." Snap said.

"So does that mean?" Twilight asked.

Snap nodded affirmatively.

Everypony's mouth was open.

"Ohmigosh..." Rainbow Dash said.

"What? Just say it!" Scootaloo shouted.

"You're staying!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.


"Thank you! Thank you! YES!" Scootaloo was overcome with excitement, and gave Rainbow Dash a big hug. How she knew where Rainbow Dash was with her blindfold, well, she could just sense her. Rainbow Dash hugged Scootaloo back, and embraced her little sister.

"While this weird slight of hoof with the papers was a little... sneaky. I can see what you tried to do for our daughter. And you know, I'm flattered you care so much for her." Snap said.

"So while maybe not in 100% paper, we'll be looking after you for the time being, little buddy." Rainbow Dash said, rubbing Scootaloo's mane.

"Awesome! I mean, who cares if it's in ink. The fact that I'm staying with you guys, and all of my friends! Woohoo!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

The rest of the mane 6 all came in and gave Scootaloo a big group hug.

"Just hearing your guy's voices, and feeling your embrace. It makes it all worth it." Scootaloo said.

Scootaloo's parents wept too, but for different reasons. They were both happy for their daughter. Snap put his hoof to his wife's shoulder, and silently assured her that this is what was best for their kid.

"Come on squirt. There's a whole crowd of creatures outside who want to see you!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Um... is Cozy Glow out there?" Scootaloo asked.

"Hmm. Sure are a lot of ponies but-" Applejack started.

"I don't see her, darling." Rarity concluded.

"I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. She's not somepony who follows the current." Scootaloo said.

"We'll worry about her later. Now come on. Let's get some fresh air, sis." Rainbow Dash said.

"Okay!" Scootaloo said, excitedly.

They rolled Scootaloo on a wheel chair outside, where she was greeted by all of her friends.

I just wonder what happened to you, Cozy Glow. You are the pony who helped me build the confidence to make this happen. Scootaloo thought in her head.

Meanwhile at Ponyville train station, Cozy Glow stood waiting for the next train. She had her saddlebags by her side, and she held a map of all the train routes, to make sure she was on the right track. While looking at the route, Cozy overhead some kind of large crowd cheering in the distant. She could've sworn they were saying 'Scootaloo'. Cozy smiled, realizing that Scootaloo was probably getting one heck of a warm welcoming for her extended stay in Ponyville.

"Glad you have so many friends, kid." Cozy said to herself. "I promise I'll be back. After all, I owe ya. There's just something I got to take care of first."

Finally, the train arrived. The doors opened, and passengers began boarding. Cozy was nervous. But then she remembered what Scootaloo had taught her about friendship. If Cozy could change the mind of Scootaloo's parents, then this would surely be a breeze. She took a deep breath, and got on the train. The doors closed, and the train departed.

And so, Cozy Glow was heading for her home, on the Califoalnia west coast of Equestria, to see her parents.

The End.

Author's Note:

Yes, Califoalnia is a real place on the Equestria map.

Thank you everyone for reading this little weird story of mine. What started as a relatively simple idea, turned into a less simple idea, but it was still a fun story to write. :twilightsheepish:

If you're wondering why this took so long, well it's because I sort of deprioritized this story(The Centaur Conspiracy also has been on a bit of a hiatus) as I am in the thick of writing my contest entries for this year's Cozy Glow story contest. Yes, entries, because as I did in the first year, I am writing two stories. They've both made excellent progress, however, are likely still a ways off. I'm not even confident that I will have them published in August, even though they've already been in the works for several weeks now.

Once the contest entries are published, I might go on one of my trademarked Winter hiatuses. Or at the very least, just take a normal break, because Golly, I do tend to do a lot of writing in the Summer.

Thanks again everyone for reading this. I don't know if this fully lived up to the potential of a CMC/Cozy story, but I think I did an okay job. I hope you look forward to my two upcoming stories. :pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 6 )

So... Cozy Glow is from Califoalnia? And I thinking she was from Fillydelphia

Would her parents happen to be those from Cozy Chronicles?

Anyways, great ending, but I kinda wanted to see Cozy reconcile with Tirek and Chrysalis or something. Oh well.

So what was on those papers they read?

Great story, even if there were some loose ends. I hope Cozy has a good time with her parents.

What was Discord's plan from the end of the last chapter?

I can already tell you're setting up a cool sequel here, and I'm liking this story, so far. All kinds of following now!

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