• Member Since 28th Jun, 2020
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When in doubt, use artillery.


The Twin Monarchies of Equestria is flourishing, growing strong economically and ideologically. They have allies and puppet states strung all about the world, and their enemies lay defeated or dead.

But a new opponent, crossing dimensional borders, shall arise. The Prussians, having conquered almost their entire planet, grow hungry for more rivals. Through the sacrifice of many howitzers, a portal opened in the North Sea, permitting the travel of ships to a strange new world…

I got the idea for this following a campaign of Empire Total War, playing as Prussia and abusing Howitzers to take almost everywhere by 1787.

Chapters (25)
Comments ( 229 )

Howitzer comment - that's the prime example of fallacy of that game genre. Some faction got unique tool, weapon, unit and rules battlefield because of that. In reality, any success tends to be replicated or countered. In this case, half of Europe had "houfnice" guns.

Neat bit is, the howitzer is available to every faction in the game, with exception of the native american ones. I just rushed it and it's special munitions.

Oh, the colonization TA?

Yes. I like that one's grandness more than the others.

Curious. Very Curious. The Administration shall observe this reality.

I´ll read this listening to Preußens Gloria.

Damn they caught the Prussians without being well armed and sib being 100% if any of them survived and told the others the mane 6 will be betrayed and without the element of surprise at all, and one thing is it my ideas or did I shoot very slowly?

will you make more chapters?

Yes. And so the static will be victorious, if that all makes sense. Lots of back and forth if I can manage it.

A Imperial Guard pfp, Prussia, a reference to the best bad total war, Howbitzen, I can't wait to read this

And still the horses remained silent. Many turned away from the over exuberant ponies, trying to sleep. Worry crept it’s tendrils into Twilight’s mind. The horses remained silent. She kept over, Rarity behind her and Spike on her. The weary guards continued to barricade the double doors, tossing hay bales and pitch forks and anything else they could get their hooves around.

Not one time did she think these might actually be animals. This is hilarious. I would excuse the stupidity pretty soon upon he has never met the slave

I'm pretty sure if the elements of Harmony uses their powers against innocent people the tree of harmony with immediately revoke them. It would be the same thing that happened to princess Celestia and Luna a for breaking the tenants of the element apartment. Plus I'm sure you could not use the power of the elements against anyone who's not evil.

Ah, but we never see that happen in the show. In the show all we see happen is the elements need to be feeling that they are right and true, while also having connections with each other. We never see (to my recollection) them fail to use the elements because something isn't evil.

My, probably faulty, reasoning as why it took her so long to grasp they are just beasts of burden is that horses are intelligent in equestria. I thought that if humans came across something that was identical to them, but were used as beasts of burden that couldn't talk or think really, we would think of it as slavery.

No I actually like your premise of why the ponies and humans which start fighting. And it's a plausible reason for the police to attack the humans. But Fluttershy would easily be able to tell these things were animals by how they act. In Twilight can sometimes be an airhead but after thinking about the situation I'm pretty sure she would be like wait these things are animals. And I'm one hundred percent sure humans would not charge a rescue missing against an unknown Force without at least sending an emissary or scouting first. Most civilized countries have a plan on first contact. Plus because all the other different nations in the question I doubt the first half they would commit to would be prohibition or sabotage.

I did avoid Fluttershy meeting the calvary horses, because I figured she would be able to tell. But with Sparkle you're right. She will figure them out as dumb beasts.

As for the humans charging the rescue mission, all they saw were a bunch of primitives attacking their fort. Their natural response? Send out a platoon to scare 'em off. More of a 'shoot, shoot, maybe talk' mentality.

This part I disagree with. You are correct that it has never purposely been used against someone who could deserted good. But because of the subtext of the franchise it is clearly presented as so. The first subtext is the tree of Harmony is a conscience entity. It's quite physically knows what's going on in the world and it's connected to the harmony of the world. So it has some version of a conscience in foresight. The second example it would be would be the revoking of the elements of harmony from princess Celestia. Princess Celestia broke all her tenants. And look at the people it's used on everyone of them was 100% evil and it's only used on evil people. Plus I'm 100% sure that the users don't decide the punishment the elements does. This came to me when I thought about why didn't the elements of Harmony this purify Luna at the beginning because it decided to banish her the punish Celestia and Luna.

Maybe, but for this? It's just plot convenient. If the ponies don't have the elements then the Prussians would steamroll them with little difficulty.

I like the concept. And I think this was the right course of action to get the two groups fighting. But I don't think you should be used Twilight sparkle or Fluttershy. To be the vehicle of the starting of the war Fluttershy could easily tell the difference between the sentient creature and an animal on top of the animals in the that universe are already probably 20 times more intelligent than Earth animals. And I think Twilight sparkle can sometimes be an airhead but she could clearly tell the difference between a sentient creature in an animal. You probably should have used a soldier instead or a regular pony. Or maybe rainbow dash someone who was not a thinker. It's understandable why Celestia and Luna would believe these horses were slaves they never saw them for real they only saw images. And I disagree with humans with this rust in an attack a stronghold they would either send an emissary or in scouts like they did and tried to figure out what's going on. In your own story they didn't this treat the pony they found like an animal they realize it had sentience and treated it as such. I agree the misunderstanding of the situation could happen but the people you chose to represent the misunderstanding scene lesser for not realizing what was really going on.

We have ponies that can teleport. That could fly and use elemental magic. Did make tornadoes and blizzards. On top of you have two ponies that can control the Sun and Moon. The ponies have a Fighting Chance. Even without the elements of harmony. The biggest problem I would see would be naivety.

Yes, Twilight is a thinker, but from my recollection she doesn't do good under pressure. Like when a fort of angry soldiers are knocking in a door to kill her. And I maintain that I kept Fluttrrshy away from directly seeing the calvary horses so she couldn't determine they are beasts.

They know the ponies are the local intelligent species because of the Jägers scouting and stealing stuff. As of now they do not speak the language, hence the kind treatment of the pony the 'saved' and the stealing of books. They can't send an emissary because the Prussians can't speak Equish.

Yes I agree that Twilight is sometimes bad under pressure. But when life and death is involved sees on her a game proof would be the King Sombra incident and chrysalises take over both times she was put in extremely dangerous and harmful situations but she calmly came up with a plan and executed it. I do agree that in the situation she was in that she made the right decisions. But when it came to the village see clearly understood these were not soldiers but normal villagers. Proven by flutter size hesitation. Be honest it was pretty cut-throat how they dealt with it.

And I understand that the humans cannot speak the language. But the actions they are taking could be seen as very aggressive. They are not only occupying land that is not theirs stealing as well they are building fortifications. An ancient Rome even if they're emissaries did not know the language they would send gifts. To to prove their peaceful intensive or leave broken weapons outside of castles or villages if peace was what they were looking for. Please humans seem to be gone for the acts for forgiveness than permission.

CHapter 6.

Literally unreadable.

Jokes aside I'm excited to see where this story goes.

Shit, thanks for the catch. And I'm happy to see you want to follow the story.

Applejack looked down; shame painted on their features. Applejack responded with a hoof on the back of her neck, and a downtrodden statement of, “Well, golly Twilight I guess we didn’t think about that.”

Cozy glow cozy glow cozy glow. When someone uses Dolly I have to do that.

Another great chapter. And this time no war crimes. But all is fair so I will accept a bombment on the crystal empire Saturn it into glass as retaliation. Fair is fair. Plus we have two captives so their stories to be interesting or was it one.

Alongside a general overview of his plans, Ernst began to pen a letter to his cousin in Bavaria. Perhaps the Bavarian army could have a chance to flex their muscles.

Feels like the ponies may have just kicked a wasp's nest.

(And like that, the penny drops, and the war begins.)

“Twilight, it’s great to see you gain, although I wish it were under better conditions. It seems like every time I get to see you know you’re saving the world from one thing or another.” Shining’s voice was filled with melancholy as he said this.

Pretty sure it should be "again" not "gain". And I would remove know from that one sentence, reads easier

This newly constructed outpost had poor, oh so poor, wind protection. The guard post lacked snow or wind protection, while the watch tower had so many crack it may as well not have had a roof or walls. Th only warm building was a squat barracks, capable of housing ten guardponies.

Missed a letter. The "Th"

Finally got caught up. As a Prussian loyalist in the game as well I do so hope you bring out the heavy guns. Though I have also found that Heavy Calvary combined with Lime does wonders on the moral of the enemy. Though I would saynto try to lean away from the game and more into history with a lot of the details, as then everything tends to get a little dull in the details

Thanks for the edits. I don't know how it slipped past me.

I plan on mostly doing in game things, with a few parts I found lackluster transferring to real life historical counterparts. I'll let you decide how good I do.

I'm sorry, when will the sequel?

I was gone all of July, and most of August up to this point. Next chapter is 80% written then will be edited. Maybe a week and a half?

(Good to see Celestia and Twilight both using their brains, and Celestia immediately going 'wait, I've made an error, get the diplomats'. And I'm actually surprise that the Prussians are negotiating after an unprompted attack on their territory. I would have expected them to gear up for war immediately and go straight to it.

Still... I will be quite surprised if peace negotiations or diplomatic talks end in anything but... well, open warfare. The first incident was an understandable mistake, but a costly one, and an empire does not suffer transgressions lightly. Especially one that's conquered practically a world and has no other fronts to worry about.)


(Okay, I like seeing people being smart and still making mistakes. Cultural differences, the use of magic and it's status as 'unholy' to the Prussians, and the execution of a drunken soldier for starting a fight to the ponies... warfare was actually always on the table, simply because both sides have immensely contrasting and conflicting cultural values. This, combined with the 'incident' from earlier, makes me think that it's very likely that warfare will break out despite negotiations.

I do however like that they're trying. I am still impressed that the Prussians are maintaining cool enough heads to send Diplomats in the first place, and being respectful and serious about the job. And of course Celestia and hers are attempting negotiation, especially seeing as how they're the ones who initiated the wrongdoing. Still... I don't foresee a successful peace negotiation. Too many things the ponies do casually are seen as affronts to God, and the Prussians? Will seem barbaric with their harsh punishments.)

Lookin good! Keep out up cause this is actually an interesting story!

(Okay... okay, I think I know what's going on, or at least, I suspect.

They've distinguished between Equestrian soldiers, and Crystal Empire soldiers, or at least I hope they have. They're sending diplomats quite notably to The Crystal Empire, rather than Equestria, and yes, sending soldiers marching out into the snow, but it's very poor form to launch an attack WHILE your diplomats are actually there and talking. So, I think that they're marching to war with Equestria, and sending diplomats to the Crystal Empire.

They're courting the Crystal Empire, and trying to see where they stand. Either they're attempting to recruit them to their side in this, or more reasonably, convince them to stay out of the coming war. And, they're marching to fight with Equestria. Because by attacking them, Equestria has, in fact, started a conflict.)

Hopefully, Cadence will remain neutral in this conflict.

(Hopefully... however, she's Celestia's niece, Twilight's foal-sitter and sister-in-law, her husband is the former commander of Equestria's military and Twilight's sister... I hope they have the sense to not get involved. But I could very easily see them doing so. At least if what I think is happening, is happening.)


I tend not to use howitizers in Campaign or Multi; I prefer traditional cannons, especially ones with canister. I generally wait for the enemy to come to me, then switch to canister, while my cav goes around the flanks to kill the enemy artillery. Not super inventive, but it works... most of the time.

Happy for new chapter, and it is a great setup

hahahahha... HAHAHHAHAHAA!


Luna stood, her Royal Voice booming through the room, shouted, “You will not be going anywhere, not until we negotiate a peaceful settlement!”

This was kind of funny. Your idea of negotiating a peaceful settlement is to hold them hostage. Oh Luna, what will we do without you?

“Shining is right, Cadence,” Celestia interjected, “These ‘Prussians’ are very caught up in affairs of honor and tradition, looking at the way they handled diplomacy. They brought gifts for the rulers, felt it would be insulting to use a translator, and earlier apologized for their lack of fanfare or warning. They looked down on us for not sending them a neatly worded letter to say that we were declaring war on them. If we were to show them to have been verily defeated or outmatched, they would have to surrender. And should their ‘Govenor continue to refuse, we can remove him so that somebody more reasonable would negotiate peace.”

This would be a good idea if they knew they're enemy, but they're fighting an unknown and ready to send a whole if I have to guess. Battalion or more to intimidate them not knowing the weaknesses or strength of the rival force. If it was me, I would have sent a forward scouting party to scout the area and come back with valuable information before sending any large-scale force. But the ponies are assuming that they are in the same technical League of a human army. Because of the one incident the presence took not thinking they could have greater artillery or they have any artillery at all. So this is acceptable that the ponies are going to get their face put in the mud and sit themselves when they find out. What a long-range weapon of master struts in really is. Hopefully cantaloupe does not get blasted off their mountain. But the crystal heart is fucked if it could not protect from ballistics. That's the only person that has any understanding of things like cannons and other explosive devices is pinkie pie.

“Y-you can’t be serious.” Stuttered out Twilight, looking at him incredulously, “You spent all this time insisting that we follow some rules of diplomacy proper just to declare war? W-we had hoped for a peaceful resolution, and you let us continue to hope? We don’t want more conflict!”

Poor Twilight doesn't understand when you suit the first sock you must allow your opponent to come get it back in blood.

Celestia shook her head, and said, “No, you will not, dear sister. You will prepare our soldiers to wage war, activate our reserves and train new troops. We must be prepared to make a show of force to make them surrender.”

This is big brain play. Send the crystal empire as guinea pigs while you get to see what happens and prepare your army 5. Brain Celestia.

(Well, fair enough! The Prussians have conducted themselves with utmost honor in this particular matter and addressed the situation as is most befitting. Not quite what I expected, I had thought the attack meant that they didn't need to do so, but alright. Also, Shining, no. Bad. Your observations were good, but never assume a power declaring war isn't ready for it. And be careful organizing hasty marches yourself. As for Twilight... well, we'll see how things go. And the Prussians outnumbered, but disciplined and war-ready. Now the stage is set and the players are ready. Let the war begin!)

Make your bets here! $50 saying they get destroyed in first battle with Prussian 0 loss!

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