• Published 2nd Apr 2022
  • 751 Views, 62 Comments

Supermare, last daughter of Krypton - Guillermo

Coco Pommel knew she was special since she was just a filly. She could do things that others couldn't, and now that she was an adult, she would use those abilities for good. She would become Supermare.

  • ...


"I hate this job."

The only two ponies in the room, a unicorn and a pegasus, they were dressed in the requisite containment suits, exposing only the eyes, and the unicorn's horn covered by a protective shell. The room was white and sterile, several cabinets with different chemical substances, a work table with surgical material, and a table between the two where their next job was, Clean Mop's corpse.

"And me" said the unicorn, agreeing with his partner. "But it's either this or teaching at the university."

"At least in college it's legal."

"Maybe, but at least we make more money and like it or not, working at Lexcorp gives us prestige," he replied with a shrug, looking at the corpse. "Do you have the recorder ready? We have to make a report."

The pegasus sighed to herself before approaching a contraption on the side of their workbench, a Lexcorp-created prototype based on the radio. With the push of a button, the machine started up, whereupon she gave the unicorn a nod.

"We are on Friday May 24, 1006 after Nightmare Moon, it is 9:34 p.m., the experiment with the E.M.E.C. compound began this same day at 4:57 a.m. and the body of the test subject has been kept under surveillance, name classified. Due to the lack of reaction it has been classified as a failure, we are preparing for the dissection to evaluate the progress of the compound and try to recover what we can."

The unicorn approached a little to the head of the corpse, observing the body.

"His fur has started to shed in various areas of his body, his skin taking on a pinkish hue similar to the base state of the E.M.E.C. compound" the unicorn focused on the head and opened his left eyelid with his magic. "The eyeball has also undergone changes, the iris and pupil have completely disappeared and the sclera has turned a darker pink, it almost looks pur... What the fuck?!"

The unicorn jerked away, his mate looking at him with doubt and concern.

"What happen?"

"His eye, for a moment..." the unicorn frowned, seeing the body utterly still. "For a moment it seemed to move."

"Maybe you've imagined it" the pegasus suggested, looking at the corpse, wondering if they hadn't created the first of many zombies.

The unicorn was silent for a bit longer before sighing and nodding. I need some vacations. He came closer again and opened his eyelid again, sighing with relief to see it immobile, and continued with his report.

"As I was saying, the color almost looks purple. Now we'll move on to the actual dissection."

The unicorn closed his eyelid and used his magic to grab a scalpel. After a second's hesitation, still with the memory of the eye moving in his mind, he brought the sharp tool to the dead pony's chest. Just before penetrating the skin, his eyes snapped open and his hoof shot out and grabbed the scientist's neck.

"Fuck!" the pegasus screamed, recoiling in terror.

The unicorn tried to escape, but there was something strange. He could feel four small spikes protruding from the edges of the aggressive hoof digging into his skin, cutting through the thick fabric of his protective suit like paper, locking him in place. Before he could yell or plead for mercy, he began to feel drained, unbelievably drained, all while he felt his life energy being sucked through that hoof. The pegasus watched the scene in horror, seeing how what had previously been Clean Mop changed as he absorbed the energy of her fellow scientist.

His fur shed completely, including his mane, leaving him totally bald, his skin finally turning the pink color of the E.M.E.C. compound, and pupils arose in his eyes a shade much lighter than his sclera. His front hooves began to morph, turning into dragon-like claws, allowing him to make a stronger grip on his victim's neck, blood leaking a little from the rips in the protective suit. His ears decayed at high speed, falling off his head, leaving only a couple of tiny holes where they had been. His horn grew larger and sharper, and a series of tiny spines sprouted a little above the horn, running down to his nape.

The pegasus watched everything frozen by pure terror, at least until he... that thing, dropped the unicorn's dead body. Trying to be as stealthy as she could, she moved toward the heavy metal doors, praying that she could open them without alerting the monster they had created. Unfortunately for her, he became aware of her presence, jumping off the table and falling on all fours and began to move towards her, who abandoned all care and ran with all the speed that her pegasus magic allowed her, squeezing the button that would open the doors in despair, her eyes riveted on the beast behind her, getting closer and closer. Just as the mechanisms began to activate and the doors began to open, what was once Clean Mop reached her, grabbing her neck and pinning her to the wall, beginning to absorb her energy. The mare tried in vain to resist, but the fatigue overcame her more and more, she knew what would happen to her.

As life drained from the pegasus, the being began to undergo further changes. Around his pupils emerged an iris a shade darker than these, but still lighter than the sclera, making his eyes more pony-like. The spines on his head grew a little larger and went down to the base of his neck and his tail, which without a mane was incredibly short, lengthened. In the center of his back two bulges began to emerge, which grew larger and larger, reaching the base length of the wings of pegasi and thestrals and soon after, its was covered in a membrane. The being dropped the dead body of the mare and left through the now open doors, still moving more by instinct than by choice, finding a relatively lonely corridor, but still with some ponies that watched him in pure horror... ponies that were a perfect meal.

Not far from there, Natural Cells was taking an elevator down to the labs, fidgeting as his eyes drifted to the newspaper wrapped in his magic, one that had come out that morning. If what was said there about Supermare was true, then the calculations he had made to measure how much power she possessed were wrong, terribly wrong. When the doors opened, he started to move as fast as he could without running, in the direction of his personal laboratory, where he had the research on the alien. Kryptonian, he had to remind himself that this was her species, deep down he regretted that it was an extinct race, they could have learned so much from them.

Just as he reached the doors of his lab, an alarm began to go off, red lights began to flash on the ceiling, which only meant one thing, either somepony had broken into the premises, or one of their most dangerous experiments had gotten out of control. A group of building security came running down the hall, brushing past him without looking at him, and around another corner. Even knowing that it was a bad idea, Natural decided to follow them, he wanted to know what was happening. After a few minutes of running, he began to hear gunshots, lethal gunshots, since Mr. Tech, as always, did not agree with the laws of the princesses and had given his personal army an arsenal of weapons created by his own company based on those from abroad.

When the unicorn arrived, his eyes widened at what he saw. In the middle of the hall was a monstrous being, vaguely resembling an alicorn, only with the wings of a batpony, bald, pink-skinned, dragon-like spines running down his back, and claws instead of hooves. Around them were several bodies of scientists, their bodies were skeletal, as if something had sucked all the liquid out of their bodies. A small idea of what it was came to his mind, which only terrified him even more, the E.M.E.C. compound had achieved a symbiosis, and from what he could see, it was incredibly dangerous.

The bullets impacted his body, tearing pieces of pink skin and purple blood, making him scream in pain and fury. With the speed of a well-trained pegasus, he pounced on two of the soldiers, who couldn't react in time when the monster dug his claws into their faces and began to absorb their energy at high speed, and when he released them, he moved even faster than before towards the others. Natural couldn't help noticing that one of the soldiers he had killed, or ansorbed, was a pegasus, and already out of force of habit, he theorized that the E.M.E.C. compound was acting according to its nature, absorbing the energy of everything it touched, and now that it had a host, it gave him the properties of said energy, in this case, pegasus magic, making him faster and more agile, which explained why he had a pair of wings on his back.

In one of his attacks, his gaze met Natural's, which gave him a shiver of terror, since even if it were wild, he could see something in those eyes, recognition. Knowing that the soldiers had nothing to do, he took off running, running from what he had created, the screams and gunshots of the soldiers in his ears for a while until all was silent. Soon after, he heard something that terrified him even more, the wings of a thestral approaching at high speed. Before long, that thing pounced on him, causing his magical aura to go out and the newspaper to fall to the ground. The beast spun around and grabbed his neck with his right claw, and the unicorn was preparing to die.

However, to the surprise of the scientist, the energy absorption, even if it was present, was not as fast as he expected. Cautiously, he opened his eyes, realizing that the monster had been distracted by something, and to his surprise, he began to see a spark of intelligence in his gaze. Moving as best he could under his iron grip, Natural looked at what had so captivated him, the Daily Planet newspaper, with the headline of his lead article in full view.

"Supermare..." the beast said, surprising Natural more, causing him to look at him with wide eyes. "Meal..."

Natural didn't know how that thing knew that Supermare had a lot of energy, but he suspected that the memories of what had been before were still there. His gaze returned to the scientist below him, causing him to panic as his gaze, now with the intelligence of a small foal, filled with anger and unreasonable fury. Obviously, those memories included what had been done to him, and he didn't seem very happy. The absorption of his life energy, which until then had been slow, accelerated, and in a few seconds, the unicorn felt the life drain out of him, his body narrowing as if a juice box had been squeezed dry. Once dead, the being got up and began to walk, a new goal in his mind... to feed on Supermare.

Octavia and Coco had been talking for a while until the cellist said goodbye, smiling in a friendly way, and although both of them had been on friendly terms, they knew that it was not as their respective friends expected. Left alone, the mare studied the disco, looking for her friends, finding Gem first, who after seeing that she wouldn't try to escape, had decided to dance and have some fun, and she didn't really blame her for it. In the short time she had known her, she had realized that the unicorn had a party streak in her, so staying still in one place while surrounded by music and dancing ponies was not the most fun thing in her book.

Her eyes searched for her other friend, finding her in the far corner, not many ponies around her, and talking to somepony. Coco frowned at her slightly, wondering what she was doing, though she already had a slight idea. Adjusting her ear, she caught the last details of their conversation.

"... you everything you wanted to know, I only ask you to make sure that nopony knows that I told you so. I could get in serious trouble."

"Don't worry, I'm very discreet, why do you think I asked you to come here with some of your friends? It makes it less suspicious" Ink said in her usual arrogant tone, something that only happened when she was on the trail of a very good story and knew, or suspected, that everything was working out for her. "Besides, believe it or not, there are many who are against him. If you play your cards right and try to pick up more ponies tonight, nopony will know that you did it."

"I hope so."

"See ya, enjoy the party."

Coco stopped listening as Ink got up and walked away from the stallion she had been talking to. Even if she didn't know what had happened, she was a little worried about him. What was he into that he had him so terrified? Vowing to keep an eye on him to make sure nothing happened to him, she zeroed in on her friend, who had spotted her through the crowd and was approaching her with a beaming smile.

"How was your date? I hope you fell in love or, at least, stayed another day" she yelled to be heard over the music, sitting next to Coco.

Coco looked at her out of the corner of her eye, noticing that there was a little alcohol in her blood, but not the following to prevent her from speaking with all her faculties, which only told her one thing, Ink had chosen that disco for more than just finding her a pony special. Deciding to let it be for now, she shrugged and focused on her drink, which was already nearly empty.

"We stay as friends, but we won't be seeing each other anytime soon either."

"Really?" Ink said with a frown. "Did you even try?"

"I would have if Octavia wasn't still thinking about her previous fillyfriend."

Ink blinked and looked at Coco curiously, but seeing the look on her friend's face, she knew that she shouldn't continue the topic.

"Okay, I guess I'll have to try again, I'm not going to give up that easily."

"Maybe another day, I've had enough dates for one night" Coco commented sipping her drink, giving her friend a hard look that made it clear that it wasn't a negotiable thing.

Ink looked at her friend for a few moments before shrugging, before a mischievous smile appeared on her face.

"Okay, that means I'll be able to plan a lot better."

"I'm sure of that. Finding myself a fillyfriend and having a job interview on the same day can't be easy."

Ink stiffened upon hearing that, at least for a few minutes before sighing and rolling her eyes.

"Okay, what gave me away this time?"

"For starters, I saw you talking to a pony over there" Coco said as she pointed to the spot, which although it was hard for a normal pony to see from her current position, it wasn't impossible. "Second, you're not drunk, and considering that you're off tomorrow and the other times you've taken me to one of these places I always end up having to take you home, that means you were working."

Ink studied her friend for a few seconds before laughing, playfully smacking Coco on her arm.

"Have you ever been told that you would make a great journalist?"

"You, several times" Coco replied with another smile. "Anyway, may I know who you're following now?"

"Lex Tech."

Coco's eyes widened, staring at Ink.


"Yes, the same one" Ink confirmed with an amused smile. "I know many take him as a saint who wouldn't hurt anypony, but he is the meanest, most self-centered and dangerous pony I know."

Coco opened her mouth to speak, only to close it again, frowning instead. Various memories came to her mind, memories of a slightly simpler life.

"How are you so sure of that?"

"I did an interview with him while you were away, and I can tell you my instincts went crazy. That pony isn't clean wheat, and everything I've investigated so far confirms it." Ink let out a frustrated growl, turning to face the bar, looking for the bartender. "Unfortunately, nopony wants to stop being anonymous, not that I blame them, and Lex knows how to hide his tracks. As much as I hates to admit it, he's a genius, but that only makes him self-centered."

Coco was silent, remembering a young pony who, despite what she didn't like to admit, he fit that description. But... dangerous?

"What did that pony tell you?"

Ink's face became serious, much more than before.

"Something that, if true, would not only make Lex a criminal, but a traitor to the country. According to him, Lex was responsible for the attack on the Museum of Friendship and the accident of the blimp where the princesses Cadence, Twilight were and their family."

Coco tried to process that thought, wondering if maybe Ink wasn't wrong. But she knew her well enough to know that she wasn't like that.

"What will you do with that information?"

"File it away and try to pull that thread, see where it leads me" Ink shrugged, a small smile on her face. "Who knows, maybe he's finally slipped up."

Coco looked at her out of the corner of her eye, thinking of what to say. If Lex was half the things she had told him, then that was very dangerous. Before she could say anything, her ears twitched, she had detected something that she was always attentive to, even with all that music. Concentrating, she made it out much better, screams of terror.

"I think I'm done for today," she said, drinking the last of her drink, trying to appear calm, and pulling a few bits out of a hidden pocket in her dress and placing it on the counter.

"Are you sure? We can still have some fun, I promise I won't keep looking for you as a partner."

"Very sure, I'm exhausted" Coco replied with a friendly tone. "Thanks for bringing me, say goodbye to Gem for me."

"I will, and by the way, keep the dress, it looks sexy on you."

Ignoring her friend's mocking tone, and with no time to return the mocking, she waved her goodbye and headed for the exit. As soon as she noticed that Ink had lost sight of her, she changed course and went to the back door, using her enhanced vision to make sure it wasn't being watched, which it wasn't. As she left, she saw a few ponies in the alleyway next to the building, both customers and workers on their off shifts, smoking, drinking cans or bottles of alcohol, or just talking. The moment nopony was looking, she took off running, speeding away from the club, perilously close to breaking the sound barrier, something she didn't want to do at ground level, plus she didn't want to destroy the dress.

She arrived at her building in record time, rising into the air in the alleyway that led to her apartment, entered through her window, removed her dress with speed and finesse (it was a gift dress, after all, and she promised herself that she would fix the minor damages caused by her speedy run) and donned her kryptonian suit, leaving her home again, taking to the sky and bursting into speed with a loud boom and headed for the source of the screaming, all in a little over a minute.

From the air she could see what was happening on one of Manehattan's main streets. A being with thestral wings, a sharp horn, and dragon claws advanced slowly, several ponies behind him, dead. The carriages had stopped, their occupants had run away, and the drivers unbuckled as quickly as possible before following suit. On the scene was a police carriage, with two officers using magical weapons designed to stun targets and immobilize them, mass-produced by Blood Enterprises a month or two ago and distributed among law enforcement officers at an affordable price. However, he was proving that it were useless, since the projectiles did not seem to harm that being.

Supermare studied him with her vision, and at least on the surface he looked like an ordinary pony, but all of his organs were coated with this strange pinkish mass. The being tensed his muscles and launched at high speed towards one of the two policeponies, who widened his eyes in horror and braced himself for the impact, one that never came. The mare had launched at a speed infinitely greater than that creature's, raising her right hoof to block his claws before slashing with the other and sending him back several meters.

"You are fine?" she asked, turning her head to look at the ponies behind her, who nodded slowly. "In that case, take cover."

That made one of the two policeponies, a pegasus, frown.

"No, our job is to protect the ponies. We're not leaving."

"You've done a wonderful job, but he's proven that your weapons can't hurt him" Supermare replied, her eyes turning to the creature, which was already getting up. "Help the ponies that are left around here to escape, leave that being to me."

The two policeponies looked at each other before deciding that she was right, walking away and closer to the few carriages that still had ponies inside. Supermare, once sure they were gone, closed in on the creature, landing on his four hooves a few meters away.

"Hello, can you understand me?"

The creature did not respond, instead preparing to fight, leaping forward. Supermare sighed and moved out of his way in a swift, agile and graceful movement, if anypony saw her, she would seem as if she had vanished and appeared somewhere else. Deducing that this being had the intelligence of a wild animal, or did not intend to communicate, she decided to end the fight quickly, hitting him in the torso, sending him flying for a few meters before reappearing in the direction he was going and slamming him to the ground, with enough force to knock any creature his size unconscious.

The creature rose to his hooves and claws again, though not without staggering, and roared at the mare in red and blue. With a sigh, Supermare dodged another of his blows and attacked again, repeating the cycle several times. Over time, she began to notice that something was wrong, with each blow she landed with her powerful hooves, she felt herself becoming more exhausted, her arms beginning to tire from the constant action, something she barely remembered experiencing in her earlier youth. The being in front of her, on the contrary, seemed to be getting stronger, becoming faster and more resistant with each blow that the Kryptonian gave him.

After the tenth hit, the creature attacked again, and this time, Supermare narrowly dodged, realizing with alarm that not only was she getting tired, she was slowing down. Something was thinking, something that was weakening her at high speed. Getting away as best she could, she decided to study the creature she was fighting better, studying him on a molecular level, and what she saw she didn't like one bit. Although his organs seemed to be those of a pony, his molecular structure was very different, his body seemed to have adapted to absorb energy... all kinds of energy. A terrifying thought came to her mind, what if he could even absorb the magic of the Elements of Harmony? It definitely looked like he would be capable of that.

Her study was interrupted as the being lunged at her, who tried to get out of his way, but for the first time in her life, she was too slow. Supermare received a powerful blow to her left cheek, knocking her to the ground a few meters back, and before she could recover, that creature was already on top of her, closing his claws around her neck. The mare tried to resist, but it was useless, the more time she spent in contact with him, the more exhausted she felt and the weaker she became, in a certain sense, she reminded him of something from her past. The difference was that that time she felt like she was being ripped apart from her inside, now, she was simply exhausted, something she hadn't felt since she was 6 years old.

Her eyes focused on the claw that held her, noticing something that made her eyes widen in surprise and horror. Threads of golden energy trailed up his claw to his forearm before disappearing. The creature underwent more changes, letting out a grunt of satisfaction as the whole process took place. His size increased considerably, reaching the height of Princess Celestia herself, the thorns on his head became as large as his horn, dwarfing as it descended down his back, now covering his tail, which lengthened quite a bit, acquiring a draconic form.

"So much energy..." the beast whispered, his words weak at first but gaining strength and intelligence over time. "So much power... and now it's mine. I don't know whether to be grateful or seek revenge."

His gaze zeroed in on the mare below him, smiling and bringing his muzzle closer, looking directly into her eyes.

"I must thank you, your power has been enough to give me back control of my body."

Supermare was barely listening, her energy was almost completely depleted, she could barely keep her eyes open. With force, the creature hurled her away from him, slamming into the wall of a building with enough force to create a small crater on impact, which in her weakened state, caused a few of her ribs to break, but she didn't even have the strength left to scream in pain, instead, she only let out a barely audible moan, falling to the ground like a discarded rag doll.

"I'll let you live so I can feed on you again" the creature said as he got a little closer, Supermare had to make a great effort to focus on him. "And don't think about trying to escape, the little friend who gives me my powers already has your genetic signature registered. I will always find you, wherever you are."

The creature crouched down so he could meet Supermare's eyes, who felt the unconsciousness claiming her, the edge of her vision turning black.

"And don't think that the princesses or that little group of mares will be able to stop me. Their magic will only make me stronger."

The creature got up and moved away a bit, looking up at the sky with a small smile. This was better than his old life. Sensing the latent power of the sun, once Supermare's, he took a mighty leap, taking off with such force that he broke the sound barrier right there, the wave shattering glass in its wake and hurling the mare back against the wall at the same time that burst her eardrums. The Kryptonian couldn't take it anymore and fell into complete darkness.

Comments ( 6 )

Which supervillan was that one?

Parasite, from the comics.

Is this going for superman man of tomorrow movie?

Oh, I had already read the Batmane story, it is one of my favorite stories. My idea was not to change the Batmane story, but to introduce Riddler into this universe and develop the Batmane story further. But anyway, I'm looking forward to the next chapters of Supermare, it's a great story too.

I'm glad it's one of your favorites :scootangel:. By changing the history of Batmane, I meant changing the history of The Batman movie. Although I like The Riddle in that movie, I prefer the one in the video games, that and I would have to make some changes. Anyway, it's possible that I will, since I'm considering doing a story that compiles some short stories with Batmane before the inevitable Justice League.

PS: if you want to reply to this comment but the page won't let you because you already made a comment in this chapter, which I'm seeing is something common, you can do so by sending me a private message and I'll reply when I read it, I always reply to all private messages you send me.

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