• Published 2nd Apr 2022
  • 741 Views, 62 Comments

Supermare, last daughter of Krypton - Guillermo

Coco Pommel knew she was special since she was just a filly. She could do things that others couldn't, and now that she was an adult, she would use those abilities for good. She would become Supermare.

  • ...

First flight

About a year had passed, a year in which Coco learned as much as possible about her race, including her native language, which she can learn thanks to a special learning machine, in a month she could already speak Kryptonian fluently, although her father commented that it had been faster than normal, possibly due to overexposure to yellow sunlight. That morning, Coco woke up with a yawn, stretching out on the bed in one of the rooms that the ship had for future residents, who now would never arrive.

She got up and stretched a little, still yawning, her gaze sweeping across the futuristic room, which had a full-length mirror on one side. Coco approached it and grabbed a nearby comb, that was one of the things that were the same on all planets. As she combed her mane, she thought of her mother, her friend Ink... it had been a long time since she'd seen them, maybe... maybe it was time to go back.

When she went on to groom her tail, still thinking about going back, she noticed her cutie mark, and she immediately stopped in surprise and concern, it was disappearing. Worried, she put down the comb and left her room, heading to the computer room, where her kryptonian father would be. Indeed, Jor-El was in front of the computer, although he was not using the terminal, but his mind, since he was connected to the ship's system.

"Dad, something's wrong with my cutie mark."

Jor-El blinked and turned, looking curiously at his daughter. The kryptonian walked over and studied the cutie mark, which was slowly disappearing.

"This is strange" he said, more to himself than to his daughter.

With a gesture, two service robots approached, illuminating Coco with blue beams of light as Jor-El turned to the computer, which created a rendering of the mare, highlighting the three main systems of her body, the central nervous system, the central solar system and the central arcane system. Various stats were off to the side, causing the stallion to frown.

"Your central arcane system is losing power at an alarming rate, at this rate, it will reach the levels you would have on Krypton."


"In other words, you're losing your ecuestrian magic, though luckily it won't affect your powers. The magic and energy you receive from the sun is very different."

"But I don't get it" said Coco with a frown. "I thought my body had started generating magic on its own."

"And it does, but... there's something sucking it in..."

Jor-El frowned, and before them, Coco's image disappeared and was replaced by that of the planet Equs, several stats beside it.

"This is worrying, all the magic on the planet is disappearing."

Coco's eyes widened in surprise and concern.

"How bad is it?"

"Very, at this rate, in three days the magical density of the planet will be lower than Krypton once was, which means the ponies will have absolutely no magic at all."

"But what is causing this?"

"According to the reconnaissance camera records" the planet rotated and zoomed in, showing a map that Coco faintly recognized, "here."

"That...that's Ponyville."

"Do you know it?"

"Rarity lives there, an old friend of mine and her own friends, the Elements of Harmony" Coco said as she frowned. "If whatever's stealing the magic is in there, you can be sure they'll fix it."

"Are you completely sure about it?"

Coco was silent for a few seconds before speaking again.

"Take the cameras to the nearby forest and try to search for powerful and ancient magic."

Jor-El looked at his daughter curiously before obeying. As he did so, its arcane magic levels rose almost to the limit, something that made the stallion frown.

"But what...?"

"If the Tree of Harmony is active, then the problem is on its way to being resolved" said Coco, looking at the hologram of the forest. "Trust me."

Jor-El looked at his daughter, nodding, hoping she was right.

Both Jor-El and Coco watched Equs's hologram, specifically, its magic density levels.

"You were right, since yesterday, magic levels are stabilizing" Jor-El said, as Coco nodded, her cutie mark fully restored.

The three days that Jor-El predicted passed quickly, and Coco had begun to regret her decision not to act, luckily, yesterday what had been absorbing the planet's magic disappeared. Her father looked at her out of the corner of his eye, his daughter had been acting strange the last few days, and not only because of the magic.

"Is something wrong Kara?"

Coco watched the planet for a few more minutes before turning to her father.

"Dad... you've taught me a lot, and I appreciate it... but I think I'm ready... I think it's time for me to show myself to the ponies."

Jor-El looked at his daughter, smiling and nodding. The hologram disappeared, the liquid returning to the ground, and he stepped away from her.

"So come with me, I've been waiting for this moment to give you one last gift."

Coco raised an eyebrow curiously, but she fell silent and followed her father. She led him into a hallway filled with different oval doors, all with the 'S' symbolizing the House of El.

"This ship was created for the House of El, and thus there are many suits ready. I took the liberty of modifying them to suit you."

Jor-El stopped in front of one of the doors, which opened to reveal a suit that Coco watched with interest. It was a vivid blue color, with four boots and a vibrant red cape, and the 'S' was radiant across the chest and in the same color, set against a yellow background.

"I've put some kryptonian illusory technology on it, it will make sure the ponies see a completely different mare than you. The only ones who will see the truth will be those you choose to reveal your identity to."

Coco stroked the 'S', nodding, a small smile on her face. Her father had thought of her privacy.

"I don't know how to thank you so much."

"You don't have to" Jor-El said with a smile. "And remember, my little Kara, this ship, this... Fortress of Solitude will be here for you, when you need help or to be alone."

Coco nodded, taking the suit out of its place, and starting to put it on, noticing the yellow belt that it had on its waist. The mare made sure the suit was on and she started walking towards the exit, and once there, she turned to her father.

"I wish I could hug you."

"You don't know how many times I've wanted to do it."

Coco smiled sadly, turning towards the exit and taking a deep breath before moving on. The gates opened and the mare stepped out onto the chilly outside, lit by the morning sunlight, to which the earth pony turned with closed eyes, feeling the warmth of it. Her gaze turned forward, to the steppe of ice that stretched for a mile or two, preparing to run, to test her own limits.

With a blur, she shot forward, running as fast as she could. The edge of the ice was coming up fast, and before she got there, she jumped into the air with all her might. Coco sailed through the sky for a few moments before beginning to fall, propelling herself back into one of the mountains that surrounded the steppe. After almost five jumps, she tried to stay in the air, a smile on her face, the cloak billowing behind her. However, she didn't hold on for long before falling again, and no matter how hard she tried, she kept falling, crashing into a mountain, ripping part of it off.

The mare growled in frustration, getting up and walking away from the small crater she had caused. Her gaze turned back to the sun, closing her eyes and feeling its energy wash over her. With a deep breath, she crouched down, gathering all the strength she could into her muscles, preparing for the biggest jump she was going to make in her entire life.

The ground began to tremble slightly, her cloak lifted and billowed in the air, and a few stones began to levitate and orbit around her hooves. Coco opened her eyes and looked at the sky, psyching herself up, and, after one last deep breath, she jumped with all her might, leaving cracks in her wake that extended for several meters.

Her body rose high into the sky, her front hooves above her head, a foallike laugh filled with emotion coming from her mouth. Soon, she leveled off and began to fly like a pegasus, moving in a straight line over the Frozen North, going faster and faster. She soon reached the outskirts of the frozen territory, being able to see the kingdom of Yakyakistan. She flew past, surprised at how fast she had come compared to when she went on the ground.

The territory of the Crystal Empire came into view, seeing the tall towers of the castle. An idea flashed through her mind, and even though she knew it might be a bad idea, the excitement of the flight she was making came to the fore, furthermore, if she was going to show herself to the ponies, and if the rumors of the Empire's protective amulet were true. real, it would be a very good presentation.

Her vision focused and she could see the crystal princes having something, possibly tea, on one of the balconies, until that moment they had not noticed her. Coco flew with great speed towards the highest tower, starting to spiral down, and that was enough to catch the attention of the princess of love, who stood up with a frown. The mare moved on to the next tower and, before Cadence could do anything, she went down to the courtyard where the mythical Crystal Heart was kept, beginning to spin around her before the surprised eyes of the nearby ponies.

Her gaze went to the Heart, which was beginning to spin faster, catching up with her, and, just as she had suspected, letting out a wave of positive energy that enveloped her completely. The Crystal Heart had seen her as an ally, and she was sure that it would tell the princess of love that way when she went to check on it. Coco quickly flew out of there, feeling how a field of love and magic spread a few meters around the protective amulet of the Empire, transforming the nearby ponies.

Coco took to the skies and headed towards Equestria quickly. From the heights, she watched the lands below her through the passing clouds, and soon, she came to a train track that crisscrossed the country from the Crystal Empire. With a smile, she lowered herself down to its level, starting at ground level, reaching the cars. Some ponies didn't notice her, but others did, pointing at her curiously.

"What's that pegasus doing?" said a mare watching her from the window.

"No idea, but it's as fast as a Wonderbolt."

"Must be some kind of exercise for…wait…where are her wings?"

Soon, the murmurs began to grow louder on the train as the ponies moved closer to get a better look at her, noticing that she didn't, she didn't have wings.

"That's impossible!"

"How can she do it?"

Coco smiled, turning around a bit and waving to the ponies before ascending back into the sky. Once there, she studied everything with her enhanced vision, seeing the sea in the distance, miles away, and an idea crossed her mind. Gathering more speed, she flew out to sea, feeling a cone of air form around her as she approached the speed of sound. At last, she reached the waters, and came down to be almost brushing its, breaking her in two as she passed. In the end, she broke the sound barrier with a loud 'boom', but contrary to what would happen if she were a pegasus with the necessary magic, she didn't create a sonic rainboom.

At last, before her eyes appeared the silhouette of a land avoided by many creatures, the Dragon Lands. With immense speed, she crossed the lands, passing small volcanoes as they erupted. Her gaze focused on a nearby lava river, and, with some curiosity, she moved closer, slowing down. She stared at the molten magma, remembering that supposedly even that couldn't hurt her and her suit was made of materials resistant to more extreme temperatures, including lava, but it was hard to ignore the education and warnings she received.

Hesitantly, she extended her right hoof and lightly touched the molten rock, instinctively brushing it aside quickly, but taking no damage. Still unsure, she tucked it back in, breathing a sigh of relief when she felt nothing but a warm sensation, like it was just hot springs.

Fueled by the knowledge, she dove into the lava, occasionally jumping out, before she began to dive. She followed the course of the river until she came to an even deeper and wider pool, and upon reaching the center, she stopped and shot straight out, spinning to brush the remains of lava from her suit. Opening her eyes, however, she was met with a somewhat awkward surprise, she was surrounded by dragons who were staring at her with wide eyes. She turned around slowly, seeing behind her a dragon smaller than the others, a scepter in one of her claws, so she assumed she was the leader, and she had the same shocked expression on her face.

"Er... sorry to interrupt, I got a little emotional" she said with a small laugh. "I hope you don't mind, and by the way, the lava is perfect. Have a nice day."

Before they could answer her, Coco flew into the sky, quickly disappearing into the clouds and heading towards Equestria, breaking the sound barrier again. When she was close to its shores, she began to climb with speed, higher than any pegasus or being in the history of Equs. When she stopped, she turned, looking at the planet behind her, her cloak billowing faintly behind her. Closing her eyes, the mare allowed her ears to take in as many sounds as possible, focusing first on the Dragon Lands.

"Can ponies swim in lava?"

"Until now I thought not, but now I'm not sure. I'll send a letter to Spike to see if any of his friends can confirm it."

Coco let out a small laugh before focusing on the city where she lived for most of her life and where she met her best friend, Manehattan.

"I want that report by tomorrow on my..."

"Fuck traffic today, I'm going to be late again at..."

"Very well, today we will learn the multiplication tables, who is ready to learn?"

"Give us all your money and nothing will happen to you..."

Coco frowned at that last one, her ears moving in the direction of the voice and, with a quick impulse, hurtling back toward the planet.

Lyra whistled happily through the streets of Manehattan, carrying several shopping bags in her magic. It had been a catastrophe for her to lose her magic, it almost gave her something, but as always, the day had been saved, especially her vacation. She had had a hard time getting Bon Bon to take a break from her two jobs, but she got it. The earth pony was in their hotel room now, and the unicorn hoped she was resting, because if she wasn't, he was going to have a serious talk with her.

When she came to her senses, she noticed that she had gotten a bit lost. With a frown, she pulled a small map from her saddlebag and inspected it. According to this, her hotel was on the next street, she could reach the end of the street she was on and turn onto the other, or cut through an alley. A little tired, she Lyra decided to go the shortest way, she didn't think anything would happen to her in broad daylight. Turning into the first alley she saw, she walked at a brisk pace, at least until she noticed how dark everything was.

In the background, she saw the exit, but she also saw two ponies, a unicorn and an earth pony, both wearing jackets, and they didn't seem very friendly. A smile crossed their face when they saw her, starting to slowly approach. Lyra gulped and started to back away, but she felt somepony land behind her, and turning, she saw a pegasus smirking at her.

"Why in such a hurry, precious?"

Lyra started to walk away where she could, bumping into the wall.

"Look, we'll make it easy for you. Give us all your money and nothing will happen to you" said the unicorn with a smile.

Lyra looked at the three ponies around her, she had nowhere to run. With a defeated sigh, she pulled her bag of bits out of her saddlebag, a few tears welling up in her eyes. There went all her savings and her money for her romantic vacation. The unicorn took the bag in his magic, hefting its weight, before smiling and looking at the mare in front of him with a look that his victim didn't like at all.

"Are you going to be a good filly and do what we want?"

"Yo-you said that..."

"I lied" the pony said as he pulled out a gun and placed it over Lyra's head, who widened her eyes in terror.

"You better obey, or I swear I'll tear that pretty face to shreds."

Lyra swallowed hard, fear freezing her in place. Knowing that she had no other choice, she nodded, tears in her eyes. The unicorn smiled, lowering the pistol, but before doing anything, a voice stopped him.

"Please leave this mare alone and give up."

The four ponies present turned and looked in surprise at the pony who had spoken, a mare that floated in the air slightly, her coat a chestnut color and a black mane gathered on her forehead. This wouldn't have been so surprising, except that she wasn't a pegasus, she was an earth pony, dressed in a blue suit, red cape and boots and a big 'S' on her chest. Still, the unicorn was undeterred, walking away from his victim and pointing the gun at the mare, not caring that she was breaking one of the basic laws known to ponies, a creature without wings cannot fly.

"Don't mess around where you're not called unless you want us to hurt you too."

"I'll just say it one more time, surrender peacefully."

The unicorn growled and fired, but contrary to what he expected, the bullets smashed against her skin and fell harmlessly to the ground. The mare sighed and lowered until she was on top of her four hooves.

"Are you going to give up already?"

The unicorn tossed aside his pistol and drew a knife, lunging at the mare, but the blade broke against her skin, leaving him helpless.

"I guess that's a no. I recommend you stop before you hurt yourself."

Right after she said that, the unicorn raised his hoof and smacked her in the face, only for a loud crack to sound through the air as he cried out in pain. Sighing, the mare kicked the injured pony hard, turning to the others, who all stared at her in terror. Before they could escape, the earth pony stepped forward and hit them hard enough to knock them unconscious. Lyra watched all from her corner, eyes wide as she watched it all, and when the strange mare turned on her, she tried to back away further, just in case.

"Are you okay?" she said with a small smile.

Still acting cautious, Lyra nodded, making the mare's smile widen.

"Perfect, do you want to report these ponies?"

"I do not know..."

"Okay" said the mare, still smiling. "In case you change your mind, they'll be at the police station a few blocks from here, it's in front of a foal's park, you can't miss it."


The mare smiled at her one last time before hefting the pegasus and the earth pony onto her back and then grabbing the unicorn between her hooves, rising into the air as if it were the most normal thing in the world.

"Have a nice day, miss."

With that dismissal, the mare walked away from her, leaving Lyra incredibly confused. After a few moments, she started walking, wondering if maybe she hadn't had a coffee overdose hallucination. She guessed she would have to go to the police station to find out.