• Published 2nd Apr 2022
  • 741 Views, 62 Comments

Supermare, last daughter of Krypton - Guillermo

Coco Pommel knew she was special since she was just a filly. She could do things that others couldn't, and now that she was an adult, she would use those abilities for good. She would become Supermare.

  • ...

Fortress of Solitude

The blimp was trudging through the storm in the mountains. They were crossing the Griffin Range, which ran through part of Griffonia. It was a merchant ship, and they were heading towards one of the important cities of the country, and for that, they had to cross mountains, full of cliffs like the one they were on.

Unlike in its neighboring country, Equestria, the storms here were much more dangerous, destructive, and chaotic, similar to those that could be seen from time to time over the feared and avoided Everfree Forest. This nature was due to the fact that the only clouds that were allowed to tame, and therefore, control the weather at will, were the one that crossed the pony country, in the rest of the world, the weather was uncontrollable, capricious and dominated itself.

"Secure the sails!" yelled the airship captain through the rain and lightning, a griffin missing his left eye.

His crew consisted of a large number of griffons and a few ponies. One of these, a mare covered in a raincoat that covered her entire body, moved with three more griffins to secure the left sail. They grabbed the ropes and pulled hard, collapsing the sail and securing it to the blimp. The earth pony looked up, looking at the far walls of the cliff, something had caught her attention. Her ears moved inside the hood that covered her face, trying to find the source, and when she did, her eyes focused to see better.

"Captain!" she yelled as she approached the helm, eyeing the one-eyed griffin, who scowled at her.

"What do you want, rookie?!"

The mare raised her hoof and pointed to a specific point on the cliff, which glowed slightly red. The griffin frowned, giving a brusque order to one of his crew members to take control of the helm. He went to the railing and took his spyglass out of his jacket, extending it and looking with his one eye at the point indicated.

"You have a good eye, rookie!" yelled the griffin, still watching through the spyglass. "It's one of those mines the ponies dug in Griffonia with the king's permission! They've lit the alarm torches, they must have had an accident!"

The griffin returned to the helm and turned the ship to approach the scene, ordering its crew to prepare to help any injured. As they got closer, they could clearly see the mine, built on one of the huge ledges in the cliff face, large enough to even accommodate a crane and several wagons full of magical gems, capable of storing magic on their own, used in a lot of magic items. The entrance to the mine was circular, two huge torches protected from the rain burned with fire, something that was only lit in cases like that.

"Those ponies are idiots, they must have had magical headlights! I always say those things are dangerous around here!"

"Why?!" the mare asked, still watching the mine and the ponies running towards the blimp.

"You're obviously a pony, rookie! The storms here are wild! So it's a bad idea to mix a thunderstorm environment like this with magical headlights! Any fault, boom!"

The airship positioned itself with its right side toward the ponies, and the crew set up several catwalks to allow passage as they climbed down to help. The mare was between them, leading the ponies toward the airship, but she stopped, her ears flicking toward the mine. She turned and focused her eyes, piercing through stone walls and searching for the source of the noise…a call for help.

"Rookie, we're leaving!"

"There are still ponies inside!" she shouted as she advanced towards the mine.

"We can't go in! Let's go now, it's an order!" Seeing the mare walk away, ignoring him, the griffin growled and climbed into the airship, looking at the mine, noticing that a member of his crew was approaching. "If she's not here in 15 minutes, we're leaving!"

In one of the deepest areas of the mine, inside a small space enabled for the rest of the workers, and blocked with a metal door, there was a group of five ponies, two unicorns, a pegasus and two earth ponies, in addition of two griffins who also worked there.

"We're running out of oxygen" said one of the unicorns.

"I told you it was a bad idea to use magical headlamps with a storm brewing," growled one of the griffins.

"If we get out of here, believe me I'll file a claim on that" the pegasus intervened.

Before anyone could go on, the metal door creaked, drawing their attention. On either side, two hooves appeared, bending metal with astonishing ease, slamming the door aside and revealing their savior, an earth pony mare wearing a raincoat, some parts burning slowly, but its owner hardly seemed to care, and her face hidden by a hood.

"Follow me!" she yelled, turning around.

"Since when can you ponies do that?" the other griffin said as he followed their savior with wide eyes.

Before they answered, they saw the mare take a deep breath and a blizzard of snow and ice rushed out of her lungs, dousing the fire and letting them through. Since everything else was on fire, and the structure of the mine was badly damaged, the group decided to leave the questions for later.

The one-eyed griffin kept his gaze on the mine entrance, watching through his spyglass. Finally, less than a minute before he gave the order to leave, the mare appeared with a group of workers. The captain couldn't help but burst out laughing when he saw her.

"That rookie has guts!"

With a shout, he ordered several of his crew members to come to their help. The mare stopped midway, making sure the ponies and griffins she had saved were not far behind. But something caught her attention, something she didn't like at all, it was the sound of metal creaking and rock falling off. The earth pony turned and saw that the base where the crane was standing was giving way, so the huge metal structure was beginning to fall…in the direction of the blimp. If that thing went down, they would have gone there for nothing…and she wasn't going to allow it.

Running at high speed, just a blur of color to those watching, she positioned herself close to the crane, which was about to crush it. Getting up on her hind legs, she spread her hooves and held up the massive structure, praying the rock floor would hold long enough.

"What the hell?!" shouted the captain as he watched the mare holding a crane of at least 5 tons.

He may not have been an expert in pony anatomy, but he was pretty sure earth ponies couldn't hold such a weight, and watching the ones he had on his deck staring in equal amazement, he knew he was right. The group that the mare had saved finally climbed up, and knowing that if the metal structure ended up falling they would be dead, he decided to walk away, not without grunting. The airship began to move away, just in time, as the rock floor began to crack, more and more pieces of stone falling into the void.

In a short time, the one that held the mare and the huge metal structure also gave way, falling into the void, but luckily, the blimp had managed to escape. The one-eyed griffin leaned over the railing, watching the crane and the rock fall into the darkness with no trace of their mysterious savior. With a sigh, and promising himself that he would tell her story, he headed to the helm, they still had a storm to ride through.

While the blimp was moving away, at the bottom of the cliff, the rocks that had fallen had almost completely hidden the ground, piling up with each other, in addition, the crane was nearby, completely destroyed.




The rocks shook as the bottom of the cliff filled with the noise of something thrashing from within, playing in the background of the storm. With a last tremor, several good-sized rocks went flying, others rolled down, while Coco climbed out of the rubble, shaking her head to get her bearings, for, although no damage had been done, the fall was enough to disorient her. She had lost the raincoat that had been covering her body, revealing her white fur and her 'S' cutie mark, the only accessory on her body was the cylindrical pendant around her neck.

She raised her head and focused her eyes so she could see the blimp through the rain and lightning, speeding away from her, making sure everypony, or everyone, was safe. The idea of ​​trying to reach the airship flashed through her mind, but even though she knew she could jump incredibly high, she had never tried to do it to such a great height, besides, even if she did, she would have to give some explanations, and she didn't want to do it. Sighing, Coco climbed down the rocks and began to walk along the bottom of the cliff in search of a shelter to spend the night and wait for the storm to die down.

At last, after almost an hour of walking, she found a cave in one of the rock walls, going inside. She activated her enhanced vision to make sure there were no more tenants inside it, and even though she knew they couldn't hurt her, she preferred to avoid fighting an animal that only wanted to protect his territory.

Satisfied that she was the only one in the cavern, she walked to the far corner and lay down, not bothering to light a fire. Her vision was good enough that she could see in the dark with almost no light, and in the time she had been traveling, she had realized that she could be surrounded by snow or in a desert that would feel neither cold nor hot, so the temperature was not a problem either.

Coco brought a hoof to her neck and grabbed her collar, the cords of which retracted to the top, to the sides of the 'S' shield. It had been almost a year since she left Equestria, a year trying to figure out her place in the world, her destiny. All this time, she had carried her cylinder with her, hoping it would give her some clue, something that would tell her what she should do.

For the first few months nothing happened, and she was already beginning to believe that it was nothing more than an unimportant necklace, at least until that thing gave her first vision. She had seen the silhouette of an advanced city, far more than any other she had ever seen, being illuminated by a gigantic red sun, almost ten times as bright as Equs.

That was her first dream, four months after she left. And since that day, she had had two other visions, one showing her a mountain, on the top of which was a kind of fortress. The other vision, it showed her that fortress in better detail, symbols and carvings on its walls, and over a large courtyard, the 'S', carved into the ground. Coco believed that it was showing her visions of her homeworld and perhaps the home of her birth family, and apparently the cylinder symbol and cutie mark represented her family. With a sigh, she returned the cylinder to her neck, closing her eyes to sleep, hoping for another vision.

There was only white around her, a steppe of snow and ice, the full moon barely visible through the blizzard. Soon something broke the silence, the sound of incredibly powerful engines. Through the clouds, an immense black object, with rivers of blue light falling covering its entire surface, crossed the sky, landing elegantly, turning off its engines, waiting for its masters to come looking for it.

Coco jerked awake, clutching the cylinder to her neck. Watching it, she saw that it glowed, even stronger than the other visions, slowly fading and returning to its usual glow. The mare was sure, that had been a vision in Equs. Judging from the snow she saw, it was very likely that he was in the Frozen North, and even though she knew that she had a good chance of being wrong, she had nothing to do either.

It had taken her almost a full month to get to the Crystal Empire, using only her super speed to get there, as she didn't want to mix with other ponies, not without something to cover her cutie mark. She watch the realm protected by the Crystal Heart from a hill, heading north toward the Frozen North, avoiding the usual routes to Yakyakistan. Even though she didn't feel the cold like any other pony, she was finding it hard to move through all the snow and wind, and she didn't want to risk causing an avalanche with her speed.

As soon as she passed the most familiar area of ​​the Frozen North, where the kingdom of Yakyakistan was, the cylinder on her neck began to shine more intensely, and when she looked, Coco saw that it was guiding her, shining brightest in the direction she should go.

Following the directions, she continued on her way for days, maybe even a week. She soon reached the top of a hill, seeing a steppe of ice and snow, illuminated by the moonlight, and situated on a gigantic block of ice, she was not sure how to climb. The mare lowered carefully and, following its directions, she circled the icy wall for a few minutes.

The cylinder began to glow brightly in the direction of the ice within it. Confused, Coco used her vision to pierce through the icy layers, trying to see what it was it wanted to show her, seeing a huge, frozen object. As she met her target, her eyes lit up red and two beams of heat slammed into the ice, melting it in no time. For two hours, the mare was creating a tunnel towards the hidden structure and forgotten in time, until finally, she stopped in front of some gigantic doors, turning off her heat vision, blinking to calm the burning produced, and take a good look at its surface, noting the large 'S'.

She watched the doors for a few seconds, finally, after so many years, she would start to receive answers. She lifted her hoof and touched the metal, which warmed slightly to her touch, before it began to vibrate and slam open, revealing a dark hallway. When Coco crossed the threshold, light flooded the interior, but there were no visible bulbs or lanterns, instead, it was the walls themselves that shone, giving a pure white color that contrasted with the black outside. The mare looked at the place impressed, she had never seen anything like it before. Her attention went back to the cylinder at her neck, realizing that it was still leading her, so she started walking following the directions.

After a while, she came to a huge room, big enough that 50 ponies could fit inside with no problem. In the center, making a circle, were six blocks made of the strange metal that the ship was made of. Coco walked over, seeing that the top was made of what appeared to be a gray liquid substance, but just above it was a slit that seemed to fit nicely with the cylinder on her neck.

"Unknown identity in the computer room."

Coco immediately turned around, noticing that behind her there were two robots, or so they seemed. They had no noticeable arms or legs, and floated slightly in the air, their heads were small, and their blue eyes almost resembled those of insects. They approached slowly, evaluating the mare, who was alert in case of danger, she was not sure if those things could harm her.

"Command key detected" said one of the robots, its eyes blinking with each word. "Identified as a member of the House of El, please insert command key to take control of the ship."

"House of El?" Coco asked doubtfully. "What's that?"

"Please insert command key to take control of the ship" the robot repeated again.

Coco watched the robot for a few more seconds before grabbing the cylinder around her neck, which was no longer a necklace, and studied it. She turned and walked over to the terminal, which she assumed was a computer, although, though they weren't very common in Equestria, nor in other Equs countries, it didn't look anything like one. She placed the cylinder, the control key, in the free slot, and almost as if it were being drawn, it was quickly inserted, barely sticking out a few inches.

Seeing that the robots kept repeating the same phrase, Coco introduced it completely. Ahead of her, several gray tendrils emerged from the ground and began to coalesce into a sphere, hovering several inches above the ground.

"Command key activated" said a female voice, although artificial, that came from the sphere, that vibrated with each word. "Does you agree to become the supreme councilor of the ship?"

"Yes...?" Coco said, not sure what to say.

"Processing... Processing... Accepted as Supreme Councilor of the ship and, for practical purposes, Supreme Leader of the Council of Sages. Do you wish to surface?"

"I suppose..."

"Processing... Processing... Activating motors to surface, strong tremors expected."

Practically after saying that, the entire ship began to shake, Coco had to hold on to the terminal to keep her balance. From the outside, the ice around the ship began to break up as it rose to the surface. After a few minutes, the black surface of it began to emerge again, after spending millennia under the ice, blue lights shining brightly, illuminated by the moon. When everything stopped, the silence became total again, and inside, the mare stood up again as the sphere began to speak.

"Successful surfacing... Attention, the last time the engines were fired was... Calculating... Calculating... 10,000 years... The long period of inactivity has deteriorated the engines until they are unusable..."

Coco looked at the sphere, confused.

"I knew you'd make it."

Coco turned quickly, there, behind her, was a pony, a unicorn stallion with whitish fur, it looked like hers, a black mane and dressed in a dark robe, the same 'S' on his chest.

"Who are you?"

The unicorn smiled, Coco could see the sadness on his face.

"I am Jor-El, your father."