• Published 2nd Apr 2022
  • 741 Views, 62 Comments

Supermare, last daughter of Krypton - Guillermo

Coco Pommel knew she was special since she was just a filly. She could do things that others couldn't, and now that she was an adult, she would use those abilities for good. She would become Supermare.

  • ...

Find her destiny

Field and Spring entered their small house, worried, as they had not seen their daughter come out of the longhouse.


"I'm here, mom!" Coco's voice yelled from her room, making her parents sigh in relief.

Spring nodded to her husband, who nodded and walked away from her to take the cart with the things they brought to the fair and take it to the barn. The mare went upstairs and into her daughter's room, seeing her on her bed, the hat she had been working on all week between her hooves, about to finish. The design and sewing had been something that she had taken as a habit, even though it was somewhat difficult, especially if you did not have magic, feathers or claws, but it had helped Coco to channel her senses, to concentrate better, and she had discovered that she was not bad at it.

"Are you OK?" Spring said as she lay down next to Coco, who shrugged.

"You know I can't take damage. Apparently, not even with fire."

"I did not mean that."

Coco didn't reply, she kept focused on her hat, sewing.

"Is Rose okay?"

"Yes, you have saved her life."

Coco let out a small sigh of relief, before concern returned to her voice.

"Has she said anything about...?"

"She says she doesn't know who saved her."

Coco breathed easier for that. She didn't know if it was because Rose had deduced that she didn't want her secret discovered and decided to keep it as a token of gratitude, because now that she knew what she could do she was afraid of her, or because she felt ashamed that a 'peasant' had saved her life. Whatever the case, she hadn't said it, and that took one of her problems away, now she had to get over the next.

"I guess I'm grounded."

Spring blinked, genuinely surprised.

"Because what you say?"

Coco stopped sewing and looked at her mother in confusion.

"Use my powers, somepony saw me use them, and you told me..."

"Your father and I don't care what we told you, you've saved a life, Coco, how can we get angry about that if we feel so proud?"

Coco looked at her mother for a few seconds before a small smile appeared on her face, reaching out to hug her mother. Spring stroked her daughter's mane for a while before separating from her, smiling warmly at her.

"Come on, get some rest, we still have to see Celestia's sunrise."

"Okay...By the way, do you remember how you always told me that my cutie mark would appear when I found out my destiny?"

Spring blinked, confused, nodding slowly. Over the years, she and Field had come to the conclusion that, given the nature of their daughter, she would probably never have a cutie mark.

"Well, it has shown up…I'm not sure what that means though."

Her mother tilted her head before a smile spread to her face, turning her head to look at her daughter's cutie mark.

"That's fantastic dear! Let's all celebrate together at...!"

Her cheerful tone and smile disappeared at the sight of her daughter's cutie mark. It was a shield, a shield containing a stylized red 'S' on a yellow background, yet another reminder of her little filly's true origin.

"Mom? Is something wrong?"

Spring got up from the bed, looking at the cutie mark, turning to hide her face from her daughter, but Coco could hear her little sob perfectly.

"Mom, are you okay? What's wrong?"

Spring didn't answer, still seeing that 'S' in her mind. She knew what she had to do, that was practically a sign that the time had come, something that she had agreed with her husband... only she didn't expect it to be that day. She couldn't she wait a little longer? Maybe a day or two, a week… No, she knew she couldn't put it off any longer… her daughter deserved to know the truth.


"Stay here, Coco" said her mother, much more serious than she had spoken before. "Your father and I have to talk, and please don't listen to us."

Coco frowned, confused. Did her mother know something about her cutie mark that she didn't? Still hesitant, she nodded, promising that she wouldn't listen to her parents. Spring left the room and left her alone, thinking, trying to figure out why she had acted like this. While she waited, she continued with the hat, hoping to finish it. Almost an hour passed before her father came looking for her, a serious expression on his face, worrying the teenager even more.

She followed her father up the stairs, still trying to figure out what was going on with her cutie mark. In the kitchen, she saw her mother sitting at the table, several tears on her face, and right in front of her, a small box. Field sat down next to his wife and motioned for his daughter to sit across from them. Coco obeyed and looked at her parents with doubt and concern, had she done something wrong without her noticing?

"What's wrong? Have I done something wrong or is there something wrong with my cutie mark?"

"No, honey, you haven't done anything... and your cutie mark hasn't either... we just... we think it's time to tell you something we should have told you a long time ago."

Coco frowned, watching her parents carefully.


"Honey…" Field closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and preparing himself for what he was going to say. "I want you to know, no matter what, we are your parents... but somewhere among the stars... you have other parents..."

Coco frowned, confused, at least until she managed to understand the meaning of those words. The mare opened her eyes, feeling her heart tighten, shaking her head.

"No, that's not true..."

"Coco, even though we have raised you as our daughter, and love you as our daughter… we are not your biological parents."

Coco felt a gigantic weight settle on her soul. If she was really adopted (that word now sounded fatal), who were her real parents?

"Do you remember your mother's friend? Charity Kindheart?" Field asked. "We went to Manehattan many times to her plays."


"We ran into you on one of our trips to see her…" Field stared at an indefinite point, lost in his memories. "You fell from the sky in a...ship, if that's what you say."

"A ship?"

Seeing that her father nodded, Coco thought about those implications. Dropped out of the sky in a ship...was she...was she an alien? Is that why she had these strange powers? Images of the aliens that she saw in the comics from time to time came to her mind, beings that came to conquer and dominate the world, was that her?

"This was with you when we found you" said her mother at last, speaking for the first time in the entire conversation.

Spring handed her the box, which Coco reluctantly took, opening it and examining its contents. It was a cylindrical object, and on the tip, was the same image of her cutie mark, only white and blue instead of red and yellow.

"We don't know what it means, but your mother and I think it represents your true species...your family."

Coco felt her tears come out of her eyes, this couldn't be true, she couldn't be...an alien from another world. Sadly, she put the cylinder down on the table, looking at her parents.

"Can't I keep pretending I'm your daughter?"

Spring got up quickly upon hearing that and approached Coco, hugging her tightly.

"You are our daughter, and nothing will change that, EVER. But you have to understand that somewhere, you have another mother, another father" Spring moved a little away from her daughter and grabbed her chin, smiling slightly, "and that doesn't have to be bad."

"How are you so sure?" asked Coco crying. "How are you so sure I'm not like the monsters in the comics?"

"For your cutie mark, honey" Spring said with a smile. "Why did you get your cutie mark?"

"For saving Rose..."

"Exactly, for saving a life, not for being a comic book monster. Whatever that 'S' stands for, it must be a good thing if it became your cutie mark by saving a life."

Coco sobbed a little, but nodded, hugging her mother tightly, and soon after, her father joined their. They stayed like that for a few minutes before parting, Field staring at the cutie mark.

"Anyway, as proud as I is... if we want to keep the ponies from getting suspicious, we have to hide it."

Coco blinked, noticing that detail, looking at her cutie mark, but recent events prevented her from thinking of a solution.

"I'll send a letter to Charity," Spring intervened. "I'm sure she'll be happy to help, and she was always very good at makeup. She might come up with something."

Coco nodded, still thinking about the revelation that had been made to her. Though she would still have a hard time processing it, and it would be a long time before she fully accepted it, there was something that had sparked a fire inside her. Where was she from? If she wasn't a pony, what was her true species? And above all, who were her biological parents and why did they send her to Equs?

Coco dozed, in the limbo between wakefulness and sleep, her tail moving lazily across the ground, listening to all the sounds of the forest. When her super hearing developed, her father took her to the forest and urged her to practice there, to get used to receiving dozens, hundreds of auditory stimuli, to focus only on what she wanted to hear and discard the rest.

It was thanks to her mother that she learned to focus on a nearby sound and eliminate the farthest ones, her father taught her to be able to choose between the distant ones. Her ears snapped up, detecting one of two voices she would recognize anywhere.

"Coco... Coco..."

The mare stood up, yawning slightly and stretching, realizing that it was already quite late. She looked at the waterfall one last time before turning around and starting to run at high speed back to her parents' house. Before long, she was past the trees and into the fields, seeing her mother on the porch, waiting. Coco skidded a few meters from her, with enough force to kick up the dirt and leave a small trail on the wooden floor, causing Spring to narrow her eyes at her.

"What have I told you about throwing dirt on the porch?"

"Sorry, I got a little emotional" Coco said with a small laugh. "I'll clean it up later, I promise."

"You better. Now go in for dinner, and clean your hooves before you go in."

Coco nodded, following her mother into the house, cleaning her hooves first. Her father was in the kitchen, reading the newspaper, although he left it when he saw his daughter.

"How was the walk?"

"Well, the forest is still as nice as ever" Coco said with a smile, coming over to help her mother set the table. "How's the harvest?"

"Perfectly, this year I will also have a good harvest, and Mr. Golden will be delighted with that."

"I keep saying that you should ask him to send somepony to help you" Spring commented with a frown, looking at her husband, who was rolling his eyes. "The doctor told you, Field, you shouldn't work so hard."

"Wait, the doctor?" Coco interrupted, looking at her father with concern, who waved a hoof in the air to make light of the matter.

"Nothing to worry about, Coco, I'm perfectly fine. And honey, you've already forbidden me to help you around the house, work on the wagon, I'm not going to let you take my fieldwork away from me."

"I didn't say that," Spring replied. "I just told you that you should get help, please."

Field growled, turning to answer his wife, but seeing her look, and Coco's look, he sighed, and a small smile appeared on his face.

"Okay, okay...tomorrow I'll ask Mr. Golden if he can bring me some workers here tomorrow, okay?"

"Thank you" Spring said with a sigh of relief, giving her husband a kiss.

Coco watched the exchange of affection a little apart, worried. Did her father have health problems? A part of her was tempted to use her enhanced vision to make sure, but she didn't want to betray his trust.

Coco woke up from her bed with a yawn, turning to look at the ceiling, the morning light streaming into her room. Her senses stretched out little by little, listening to her mother in the kitchen and her father working in the field. That made her laugh a little, he didn't care if they cared about him, he would always be working early. The mare got up at last, walking towards the door, although she stopped for a second to look at her closet, leaving shortly after.

"Good morning, mom" she said with a smile.

"Good morning, Coco" answered her mother, still busy making the morning coffee. "Do me a favor and make sure your father doesn't overexert himself."

"I was going to do it" said Coco with a small laugh.

She stepped out onto the porch and scanned the field for her father, finding him in no time. She walked towards him calmly, taking a deep breath of the pure air that was always around. Field stood up, the sickle attached to his hoof by a special glove, and turned to watch his work, smiling as he saw his daughter walking towards him. Coco smiled as she approached, but something made her stop, something she didn't like. At practically the same time her dad stopped and clutched his chest with his left hoof, the heartbeat the mare had heard all her life from her alongside her sire…was fading.

"Dad!" Coco yelled as she saw her father growl in pain.

Acting fast, Coco closed in on her father, just in time to keep him from hitting the ground.

"Dad, are you okay?"

"Yeah... it was just a dumb fall..."

Coco wasn't satisfied with that answer at all. She activated her vision and she pierced through the skin and bones of her father, looking his heart. To her horror, the organ was shutting down, and when she saw the white aura that had always surrounded him, she gulped as it began to blink.

"I'm going to take you to the doctor, dad, you'll be fine..."

"I... don't need... to go... to... the... do-doctor," Field replied, his voice growing weaker.

In front of the terrified and teary eyes of Coco, Field looked one last time at his daughter. When the mare stopped listening to her father's heartbeat, his white aura faded... forever.

It was dark night when Coco was looking at the night sky, sitting in the middle of the crop fields. Two weeks had passed since her father's death, and that day was Heart's Warming Eve, she could hear the ponies gathered at her house, keeping her and Spring company.

"How long has she been there?" said the concerned voice of her mother.

"Since we got here" Ink replied, equally worried.

Coco couldn't help but smile slightly, her friend had decided to visit her as soon as she received her letter.

"Come in and enjoy the party a bit, dear, I'll talk to her later."

"Are you sure?"


It takes a while, but finally, Coco heard her friend enter inside. Shortly after, her mother's hoovessteps on the wood of the porch, seconds later on the ground, came closer and closer.

"Hi Mom."

"You heard us, right?"

Coco didn't answer, she kept her gaze fixed on the stars. Her mother sat next to her, bringing her right hoof closer to her daughter's to tighten it in a loving grip.

"So many powers... and I couldn't save him..."

"There are things you can't avoid, Coco... Not even with all the powers in the world."

"What use to me then?" Coco growled angrily. "If I can't use them to save my father...what do I want them for?"

"There are things you can do, Coco, and you know it" Spring forced her daughter to look into her eyes. "Thanks to those powers you saved Rose's life, you got your cutie mark thanks to that. You are destined to save lives..."

Coco watched her mother for a few moments before looking up at the sky again.

"Sometimes I think they're up there... watching me..."

"And now your father is doing it too. He and your birth family...will take care of you..."

Coco didn't answer, instead she put her hoof on her mother's back and pulled her into a hug, looking at the stars.

A couple of days passed, and Coco managed to convince Ink to return to the city, leaving her and her mother alone. This morning, like all the others, she was sitting on the porch, looking at the farmland that had belonged to her father. The makeup that Charity had taught her to use to hide her true cutie mark was gone, revealing the red 'S' on her flanks. After her conversation with her mother, the mare had been thinking about what she had told her, her destiny was to save lives. It was easy to say, but... how was she supposed to do it?

The mare got up and went into her house, passing through the living room, where her mother was reading a book, trying to get over her loss in her way. She went up to her room and entered, her gaze going to her closet. With a sigh, Coco opened the doors, looking inside it, filled with various dresses that she had made to get used to her 'new talent', and under all of them, hidden by more folded dresses, was a small bag. The earth pony brushed her clothes and grabbed the bag, setting it on the bed.

Inside it, there was something even smaller, the same box that her parents had given her long ago. She watched it for a few moments before opening it, revealing the cylindrical object inside, still glowing blue. For years, Coco had tried to find out what it was, without much success, until she finally gave up, she didn't have much reason to continue...until now. It could not be a mere decorative object, why would they give it to her then if it had no real use? If she was given that, it's because there was a way to use it on her own… or there was something in Equs that could activate it.

"If you're planning to leave, make sure you pack well."

Coco blinked in surprise and turned to see her mother, who was smiling at her. She had been so engrossed in the cylinder, that she hadn't noticed Spring approaching.

"Mom…I…I don't want to leave you here alone…" she said as she hesitantly approached her mother, who shrugged.

"I won't be alone, Mr. Golden has a contract with me, not just your father. In a few days, he'll be here to discuss how we're going to proceed with the farm."


"And I have several friends that I can visit from time to time. You can go quietly."

Coco looked at her mother, and even though she was smiling, she knew that she was holding back the urge to cry. With a sigh, she walked over and hugged her, which Spring gladly accepted.

"I'll be back when I find out who I am."

"I already know who you are... you are my daughter."

Mother and daughter hugged each other for a long time, knowing that this could be the last hug for a long, long time.