• Published 8th Apr 2022
  • 1,172 Views, 67 Comments

MLP: FIM Duel Monster - Norwegian boy

The renown card game Duel Monsters gets introduced to Equestria.

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Spike vs Pegasus

It was a new day for Kamaki and new day in a world where the inhabitants is anthropomorphic ponies, she wish that it was dream she could wake up from but no, it was real. Kamaki arrived at Industrial illusions where Pegasus was waiting for her, ready to travel to pony land. Kamaki was glad he was alone and not with guards.

“Kamaki, so good to see you, are ready to travel to Equestria?” Pegasus asked in his normal happy tone.

Kamaki just walk past him. “Let’s get this over with.” She said as she activated the poral and step through it.

Pegaus was a little sad that she didn’t greet him. “What crawled up her butt this morning?” He asked himself as he walk after her into the portal.

Once Pegasus step on the grass, he could see that his sciences had managed to move the portal from the Everfree forest and into a meadow not far from the town. Kamaki on the other hand was just confused.

“What the…?” She turned to Pegasus. “What did you do to the portal?” She asked him.

“I didn’t do anything, my scientists managed to move the portal from the forest to this place.”

Kamaki gave him a blank look. “You could have told me.”

“I could but you just left before I could do, this one is on you.” Kamaki tried to think of something to say but nothing came to mind, he was right, this was her fault. Pegasus the clap his hands together. “Now, let’s see this store you found and I have been dying to see Ponyville with my own eyes.” He then walk past Kamaki who was just frozen. “Are you coming?” She managed to unfroze and she walk after him.

As the two humans walk through Ponyville some of the ponies waved at Kamaki and she waved back but they had no idea who Pegasus was, he was with Kamaki so couldn’t be dangerous. The finally arrived at the shop, Pegasus went in to have a look at it, he was glad the door was unlock, Kamaki stayed outside.

Kamaki was leaning against the wall while looking at her cards and she didn’t notice a dragon walking towards her. “Hey, Kamaki.” The human look up and saw Spike walking towards her. “How’s going?” He asked her.

Kamaki placed her cards in her pocket and crossed her arms. “I’m doing alright.”

“Cool, what are you doing by this old shop?” He asked her while looking at the building.

“I’m here with Pegasus, he wanted to have a look at it.” Kamaiki told Spike.

Spike tilted his head to the side in confusion. “Who’s Pegasus?”

As that question left Spike’s mouth, Pegasus step out. “You weren’t wrong Kamaki, this shop is perfect.” Pegasus then notice. “Wow, a real dragon and here I thought you were joking Kamaki.”

Kamki look at Pegasus with her normal boring look. “Didn’t you see him in the video when you send over the drone?” She asked him.

Pegasus shook his head. “No, we didn’t see him, he must have been inside.”

Spike just watch them talk and he had no clue what they were talking about and to be honest, he didn’t care. What he did care about was who this Pegasus was. “Excuse me.” Both humans look over at the dragon. “Just who are you?” He asked the male one.

“My, where are my manners.” Pegasus then bowed. “My name is Maximillion Pegasus and I’ the creator of Duel monsters, the game we are bringing to your world.” He stood up with a smile. “And you must be Spike, the one who Kamaki gave the Red Eyes deck to.”

Spike nodded. “Yeah, that’s me. You created Duel monster?” Pegasus just smiled. “Are you any good at the game?” Kamaki and Pegasus didn’t expected the question.

“You could say that.” Said Pegasus.

Now Spike smiled. “Want to duel?” Another question they didn’t expected.

Then Pegasus just smiled. “I would love to but I didn’t bring my deck,” He then look at Kamaki and notice she still had backpack. “but maybe Kamaki can give one of the decks she had in the backpack which she hasn’t turn in yet.”

Kamaki took of the backpack. “I knew there was something I had forgot, which one do you want?” She asked Pegasus who had to think for a moment.

“I think I will use Harpie deck.” Kamaki liked that one more than his own deck, she hated the toon monster, she found the deck and gave it to him. “Thank you.”

Then got their duel disk and got ready, then ponies around saw that another duel was to begin so they decided to watch. Some of the ponies asked Kamaki who the new human was and she told them it was the creator of Duel monster, they didn’t think Spike could win.

A crowed f ponies had gather and there was one that stood out. “Well, this should be an interesting match.” The voice scared Kamaki, it was Celestia and she was wearing normal clothes. No dress or jewelry, she look normal.

“What are you doing here?” Kamaki asked the princess.

“I’m here to challenge the other who are going to be in the tournament so I can get some experience,” That made sense. “but then I saw you and Pegasus and I thought I should say hello but Spike beat me to it.” She said as she stood beside Kamaki.

Kamaki nodded her head in understanding. “Actually, I’m glad you’re here. Can I see your deck?” She asked.

Celestia look at Kamaki with some confusion. “Why do you want to see it?” She asked the human.

“I just wanted to make some change to it, I don’t three of the cards fit your Madolche cards.” Celestia had to admit it, she was intrigued so she gave the deck to Kamaki. “Thank you.” Kamaki look through it until she found what she was looking for. “Here they are, Ash Blossom and Morphing Jar.” She took them. “I don’t understand who put these in the deck.” She placed those in her pocket and took out three new cards and placed them in the deck, she then gave it back to Celestia. “Here you are.” Celestia took it. “I just gave you Butlerusk, Chouxvalier and Marmalmaide." Celestia look at the card and she liked them, she placed them in the pocket on her jacket with a smile.

Then the duel started

Spike: 4000


Pegasus said that Spike could go first so the dragon drew his card and the six he had was: Red eyes black dragon, Red eyes Wyvern, Red eyes retro dragon, Red eyes burn, Cards of the red stone and Red eyes spirit. Spike knew what to do. “I’m going to summon out Red eyes wyvern in attack,” Spike placed the card on the duel disk and small black dragon appeared. “and then I will set two cards face down.” He placed the two trap cards. “I end my turn.”

Pegasus could see from Spike’s opening turn that he knew what he was doing, but he wasn’t about to hold back. “I draw.” Pegasus cards was; Harpie lady, Harpie lady 1, Phantom gryphon, Harpie lady sisters, Cyber shield, and Rose whip. “I’m going to summon out Phantom gryphon in attack mode.” A gryphon appeared. “Now I will attack your wyvern.” The gryphon attack and Spike’s monster was destroyed.

Spike: 3800

Spike had a plan. “I activated the trap card Red eyes burn, since you destroyed wyvern we both take damage equal to it’s attack points” Pegasus was surprised, he didn’t see that one coming. “I end my turn.”

Spike: 2000

Pegasus: 2200

Spike drew his card and it was Red eyes baby dragon. “I’m going to summon out baby dragon in defense.” A small black dragon appeared. “Then I will activated Red eyes spirit, I can now special summon a Red eyes from my GY, I summon Wyvern in defense.” Spike had now two dragon out that was kneeling. “I end my turn.”

Pegasus drew his card and it was Icarus attack. “First, I will set on card face down.” He placed his trap. “Then I will summon out Harpie lady in atk.” A woman with feather on it’s arms appeared. “I will now equip it with Rose whip with give Harpie lady 300 atk/def.” The harpie got a whip. “Now, Haripe lady will attack your Wyvern.” The dragon was destroyed. “Then Phantom gryphon will attack your baby dragon.” That monster was destroyed. “I end my turn.”

“Since you destroyed baby dragon, I can now special summon one level seven or lower Red eyes monster from my deck.” He picked up his deck. “I summon Red eyes black dragon.” A giant black dragon appeared, Spike placed the deck back and it shuffled. “I can now equip baby dragon to it and Red eyes gains 300 atk.” It had 2700. “Attack Harpie lady.”

Pegasus was ready. “I activated the trap Icarus attack, now tribute my Harpie lady and I can now destroy your Red eyes black dragon.” Pegasus send Harpie lady to the GY, Red eyes was destroyed.

Spike was glad he didn’t normal summon right away. “Since baby dragon was send to the GY while equip to Red eyes, I can now ad one level one monster from my deck to my hand, I chose Black stone of legend. I’m not done yet, since you destroyed Red eyes, I can now special summon Red eyes retro dragon from my hand into defense mode.” A new red dragon appeared. “And since I summon out Retro dragon this way, I can now special Red eyes dragon my GY in def.” The giant dragon came back. “I will tribute Retro dragon to summon out another Red eyes black dragon.” He did that and he had now two black dragons out and Pegasus had an idea what he was going to. “I will now overlay my two Red eyes to Xzy summon Red eyes flare metal dragon.” Another black dragon appeared and this one was made off metal. “As long as Red eyes flare has material attached to it, it can’t be destroyed by card effects.” That’s not good. “Now, Flare metal dragon attack Phantom gryphon.” The monster was destroyed. “I end my turn.”

Pegasus: 1400

This time it was Kamaki’s turn to impressed on how fast Spike managed to master the Red eyes deck, he natural talent when it came to dueling.

Pegasus drew his card and it was Elegant egotist. “First I will summon out Harpie lady 1 in def,” He placed the card sideways. “then I will activated the spell card Elegant egotist. Since I have a Harpie lady on my field I am now allowed to special summon Harpie lady sisters from my hand, I place it in def.” He placed a card on the duel disk and three more monsters appeared. “I end my turn.”

“Since you activated a spell card, Flare metal dragon can now inflict you with 500 points of damage.” The dragon fire away a ball of fire that hit Pegasus.

Pegasus: 900

Spike drew his card, it was another baby dragon. “Red eyes flare metal dragon, attack his Harpie lady sisters.” The dragon attack and the sisters was destroyed.

Pegasus was hoping he did that, he drew his card and it was exactly what he needed, the tuner monster Mist valley soldier. “I will summon out Mist valley soldier and I can now tune it with Harpie lady 1 to synchro summon Cyber slash harpie lady." A brand new monster appeared. “Then I will equip it with Cyber shield, Cyber slash harpie lady now gains 500 atk.” She had now 3100

“Since you activated a spell card, you lose 500 point.”

Pegasus: 400

Pegasus didn’t really care. “Cyber slash harpie lady, attack Spike’s Red eyes flare metal dragon.” The monster was destroyed. “I end my turn.”

Spike: 1700

There was one card that could save Spike but could he draw it? He would find out, he drew Red eyes fusion and it was just what he needed. “I summon out baby dragon in def.” He did that.

Pegasus drew his card and it was Harpie lady 2. Pegasus could end this right now but he was curious if Spike could get out of this, he wanted to find out. “I summon out Harpie lady 2.” Another Harpie appeared. “Cyber slash harpie lady attack baby dragon.” She attack and the small dragon was destroyed. “Harpie lady 2, attack Spike directly.” She did. “I end my turn.” Kamaki was a little surprised that Pegasus didn’t end the duel.

Spike: 400

Spike drew Red eyes fang with chain, he didn’t need it. “Since you destroyed baby dragon, I can now special summon a level seven or lower red eyes monster from my deck, I chose Meteor dragon red eyes impact.” A new red dragon appeared. “I now summon The black stone of legend,” A red stone appeared. “then I will tribute black stone to special summon a level seven or lower red eyes from my deck, I summon Red eyes darkness metal dragon.” Another dragon appeared. “Then I will activated Red eyes fusion. I now fuse Meteor dragon red eyes impact and Red eyes darkness metal dragon so I can fusion summon out Meteor black comet dragon." A dragon that look like it was on fire appeared. “Now, Meteor black comet dragon, attack Haripe lady 2.” The dragon attack and Pegasus had lost.

After the duel the ponies that was watching went back to whatever they were doing, then there was four.

“That was an excellence duel, I can see that you have master the Red Eyes.” Pegasus said with a smile.

Spike was a little surprised that Pegasus praised him, he though he was mad at him. “You mean your not angry at be because I won?”

Pegasus was now confused. “Why would I be angry at you? You won fair and square.”

Then Celestia spoke up. “I agree with Pegasus, you won fair and square.”

That Celestia spoke took Spike and Pegasus off guard, they didn’t know she was here but then she told them she was here to challenge others to a duel, she need the experience. Then Spike walk off, he wanted to challenge Rarity to a duel.

After the dragon left, the remining three went off to see how the stadium was going and it was almost done, they managed to fir at least 150 ponies there, those with wings could use clouds. Then Pegasus asked with Celestia could help him the store that Kamaki found, he wanted to buy it so they could sell cards there, Celestia would take care of it after the tournament. Before Celestia left she told Kamaki that she wanted a reached tomorrow and Kamaki happily accepted.

Author's Note:

I'm not sorry about the crappy ending of this chapter.

I'm also thinking about deleting this story, it's just so stupid and boring.