• Published 8th Apr 2022
  • 1,170 Views, 67 Comments

MLP: FIM Duel Monster - Norwegian boy

The renown card game Duel Monsters gets introduced to Equestria.

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Gems and Roses

Twilight was currently sitting on the couch in the library and she was very nervous, she was so nervous that she wanted to crap herself, she hope she could keep it together. Sitting beside her was princess Celestia, she was currently drink some tea that Twilight had made for her.

Twilight had no idea why the princess had visit her, she just enter the door, asked Twilight to make some tea and they have been sitting on the couch ever since. All kind of thought went through her mind, did she mess up a friendship report? Was she punished for something that she did in the past? She had no idea and it’s driving her crazy.

Celestia placed her cup down on the table. “So,” The princess voice scared Twilight, she didn’t expect her to talk. “do you know why I am here Twilight?” The unicorn shook her head. Celestia wasn’t surprised. “As I thought.” Celestia got up and walk in front of the table and she was now facing Twilight. “Yesterday I got a letter from Spike that you have been treating him poorly for a while now. You have made him do stuff that he not supposed to do, make food for you, clean the library and by grocery.” Celestia look directly at her student. “What do you have to say in your defense?”

Twilight swallowed a big lump she had in her throat. “Isn’t that what an assistant is supposed to do?” She hope that was answer Celestia wanted.

Celestia just look at her student with her normal look. “I see.” She then closed her eyes for a minute, she then open them and she was not happy. “What wrong with you?” The outburst made Twilight crap her pants. “You can’t just use Spike like this, he is supposed to be your assistant not your personal servant. You are supposed to make your own food, clean the library once in the while and buy your own grocery.” Celestia had to calm herself down a little. “When I gave you Spike’s egg I thought you could take care of him, but that didn’t happened, he have taken care of you all this years and you have done nothing to him. I see now that I should never have given him to you in the first place.” Twilight heart shattered when she heard that, she never thought she would hear princess Celestia say that. “Until you have realized that you have been using Spike, I don’t want you anywhere near him. Do I make myself clear?” Twilight nodded her head like crazy. “Good.” She said nothing more as she walk out the door.

Twilight ears fell because she was ashamed, Celestia was right. The unicorn had threated Spike like a servant, not as an assistant. That was going to change, Twilight decided that she going to do tasks around the library herself and everything ells she made Spike do. She was going to earn Spike’s trust back.

Once the other side of town was Carousel Boutiqe, home/workplace to Rarity Bell. The white unicorn was sitting by her sewing machine, she was trying to create her next dress but she was running out of ideas. “This is no good.” She threw the dress on the floor. “I need a break.” She told herself while rubbing her eyes. “Maybe a walk while give me some inspiration.” She thought it was a good idea so she decided to walk around town.

It didn’t work. Rarity had been walking for teen minutes and it hadn’t help and it was frustrating, all she wanted to have some inspiration, but right now Rarity just wanted to scream. “Hey Rarity, how’s it going?” That voice brought Rarity back to the real world, she saw Roseluck with some bag in her hands.

“Hey Rose, I’m not doing great, I haven’t managed to create a dress in days and it’s driving me crazy.” She placed both hands on her face. “I don’t know what to do.” Rarity then notice how happy Roseluck was. “You look more happier than the last time I saw you, why is that?” That was blunt.

“I was down but then I had a talk and a duel with that human, Kamaki. She managed to life my spirit and I’m happy she did that. I was ready to leave Ponyville.” That news shock Rarity, she didn’t knew that.

“You wanted to leave Ponyville, why?” Rarity asked Roseluck.

Roseluck look became somber. “I wanted to move because ponies didn’t want to buy my roses anymore.” Rarity gave er a confused look. “I know, it sounds stupide but after my duel with Kamaki I felt better and I decided to stay.” She said with a smile on her face.

Rarity was astounded, if a duel can change Roseluck mood like that, maybe she could try and duel. “Say, do you know where Kamaki is?” Rarity asked.

Roseluck didn’t except to hear that question. “Wait, you want to duel?” Rarity nodded her head. “Have you heard about the tournament?” Rose asked her.

The white unicorn knew. “Yes, I have heard about the tournament, I think the whole town has. Would please answer my question, have you seen Kamaki?” Rarity wasn’t entirely sure why Roseluck mention the tournament but something told her she would find out.

“Yeah, I have seen her. She was looking at some abandoned shops on the other side of town, let me just put away groceries and I can led you to her.” She headed for her home and Rarity followed her. Both mares was glad that Roseluck’s home wasn’t that far from where they meet.

Meanwhile on the other side of town was a human and she was looking for a shop that Pegasus could use to sell cards, but it wasn’t easy. Most of the shops was taken by ponies, she could see candy shop, grocery, but the one she was most puzzle over was quill and sofas? Does that even work? It had to considering Kamaki could see ponies inside and they were buying quill and sofa. She didn’t understand this world at all.

Kamaki managed eventually to find a building that was empty, when she look through the window she could see shelf that they used on shops back at her home, this shop could do. Kamaki walk over to the door to see if it was open, she turned the handle and to her shock, it was open. There was one question, if she walk in would she commit a crime? The door was already open so technically no? She couldn’t break the law when the door was open, could she? Kamaki had no idea how the law worked in Equestria so she took a change, she walk in.

Once inside Kamaki could see shelves where they could place card packs and they had a desk where they could place cash register. “This place could work.” She told herself as she took out her phone so she could take pictures to show Pegasus.

While Kamaki was busy with taking picture, she didn’t know that two mares walking towards the shop.

“Are you sure you saw her around here Roseluck?” Rarity asked the earth pony.

“For the last time Rarity, yes, I saw her walking in this direction.” Roseluck answered with annoyance in her voice. “I would think after all these years that you would trust me, I have known you longer than you other friends. We went to school together.” Said Roseluck with some sadness in her voice.

Now Rarity felt bad, she had known Roseluck since they were children and she was right, she knew her and she never lied. “You are right Roseluck and I am sorry, if you are saying you say kamaki here, then you saw her here.” Rose was glad that Rarity finally believed her.

Then all off sudden Roseluck stop. “Rarity, look.” The unicorn saw that Rose was pointing at something. “The door to the old comic store is open.” She was right, it was open. “Maybe Kamaki is there.” That was possible, so they decided to find out.

Once Roseluce and Rarity arrived they could see flashes from the store, they look through the window and saw that it was Kamaki, it look like she was taking pictures with a black device. The two mares gave each other a confusing look, they had no idea what the human was doing. They decided to ask her.

“I can see that you found the old comic store.” Said Roseluck as she walk inn, Rarity followed her.

Kamamki stop taking pictures. “If you two are going to accuse me for breaking into this store, the door was already open.” She put away her phone. “Is there something I can help you two with?” She asked them.

“Yes.” Roseluck put an arm around her friend. “Rarity want to join the tournament.”

Kamaki raised an eyebrow when she heard that while Rarity’s eyes widen. “I didn’t say that, I said I want to duel because you said it would lift my spirt.”

Roseluck blink a few time. “Right, I kind of forgot.” She said with a blush on her face.

Kamaki wasn’t entire sure how to react to this. “You are more than welcome to duel Rarity and why don’t you decide after the duel if you want to be in the tournament, I am looking for ponies to be in it.”

Rarity could do that. “I could do that, should I duel you?”

Before Kamaki could answer. “Duel me.” Said Rose as she raised her hand.

The human and unicorn look at the earth pony. “You want to duel me? You have already duel Kamaki, that gives you an advantage.” Said Rarity as she step away from Roseluck.

“No it doesn’t, I duel Kamaki one time and made some mistake. I’m just a newbie as you when it comes to this card game.” Rarity had to admit it that Roseluck had a point, they were both newbies to the card game. “And we could borrow the duel disk from Kamaki.”

The human shrugged her shoulders. “Fine by me.” All three were in agreed and they decided to have the duel in the park.

Once in the park the ponies there couldn’t help but wonder what was going on, but then they saw the human taking out the two duel disk from her backpack, they decided to watch. Kamaki then gave some card to Rarity which was called Gem knight, Rarity couldn’t help but think how beautiful they were. Rarity took a few minutes to look at the cards and the rulebook.

Both mares had their duel disk on and they face each other, then Kamaki went to the middle. “Alright, I will flip a coin to see who goes first.” She took out one and flip it. “Call it.” She was just glad the coin was like a normal one in her world.

Rarity. “Heads.”

Kamaki caught it. “Tails, Roseluck is first up.” Was that a bad or good thing? Rarity didn’t know, but Roseluck smiled? Kamaki went back to the side line to watch

Roseluck: 4000

Rarity: 4000

“I draw.” Her cards was; Blue rose dragon, Roxrose dragon, Botanical girl, Frozen rose, Thorn of malice and Wall of thorns, she knew which cards she should play. “Okay, first I’m going to set one card face down.” She did that and a card appeared but Rarity couldn’t see which card it was. “then I’m going to summon out Roxrose dragon in defense mode.” A small dragon appeared. “When this card is normal summon, I’m allowed to add a monster card that is specifically listed as ‘Black rose dragon’ in its text from my deck to my hand, except Roxrose dragon.” She picked up her deck and look through it. “I chose White rose dragon.” She placed the deck back and it shuffled. “Since I have a dragon tuner out I can summon With rose dragon from my hand.” She did that “Now I’m going to tune my level 3 Roxrose dragon with my level 4 White rose dragon to synchro summon Black Rose Dragon." When Roseluck placed the card on the duel disk a giant dragon plant monster appeared. “I end my turn.”

Kamaki was now impressed, Roseluck didn’t managed to do that when they duel.

Then it was Rarity’s turn and she drew her card, she had; Gem Knight Alexandrite, Tourmaline, Gem Armadillo, Mystical soace typhoon, Brilliant spark, and Call of the haunted, she knew what to do. “First, I’m going to place two card face down.” She placed her two trap cards. “Then I’m going to activate Mystical space typhoon, this spell card let me destroy one spell/trap card on the field, I’m going to destroy the one you have out.” A typhoon appeared from the card and destroyed Roseluck’s Wall of thorns, she wasn’t to happy by that. “Now I’m going to summon out Gem Knight Alexandrite.” A new monster came out. “Now I’m going to tribute this card which let me special summon a Gem knight from my deck,” She send Alexandrite to the graveyard, she then look for the card she wanted. “I special summon Gem knight Crystal." A new monster that had 50 more attack points then Black Rose appeared. “Gem knight Crystal, attack Black rose dragon.” The knight attack and destroyed Rose’s monster.

Roseluck: 3950

“I end my turn.”

“Since you destroyed my Black rose dragon, I can now add Roxrose dragon from the graveyard to my hand.” Roseluck did that, she then drew her card and it was Fragrance storm, she didn’t want to use this card, not yet. “I’m going to summon out Roxrose dragon.” The same monster appeared. “I’m going to active it’s effect, which let me add a monster card from my deck to my hand, I chose another White rose dragon.” It appeared. “And now I’m going to tune my level 3 Roxrose dragon with my level 4 White rose dragon to synchro summon Black Rose Moonlight dragon." A new dragon appeared and this was different then the last one. “Since I synchro summon Moonlight dragon, I can now return a monster you special summon back to your hand, which is your Gem knight Crystal.” Rarity took the card back to her hand. “Moonlight dragon, attack Rarity directly.” Moonlight dragon did that and Rarity lost some life points.

Rarity: 1600

Then a female pony that was watch, decided to ask Kamaki something. “Um, excuse me human.” At least it wasn’t monkey. “Was Roseluck allowed to do that?” Kamaki liked that they asked question.

“Unfortunately for Rarity, yes, Roseluck was allowed to do that. If it was a lower level monster then she wasn’t allowed to do it.” The female wasn’t entirely sure if she understood it all. “Don’t worry, when the cards are up for sale all ponies will get a book with the rules.” They like that.

Then it was Rarity’s turn and she drew, it was Gem knight fusion, she could use this. “First, I’m going to summon Gem Armadillo.” An orange armadillo appeared. “When I normal summon Gem Armadillo, I can add a Gem knight from my deck to my hand, I chose Gem knight Garnet. I know active the spell card Gem knight fusion, this let me fusion summon a gem knight from my extra deck by using monster from my field or hand, I use my Tourmaline and Garnet to fusion summon Gem knight Ruby." A red knight appeared. “I now active Ruby’s ability, I tribute Gem Armadillo and Ruby now gets it’s attack point until my end face.” Ruby’s attack was now 4200. “Gem knight Ruby, attack Moonlight dragon.” It did and the dragon was destroyed.

Roseluck: 2150

Rarity wasn’t done. “I now activate my trap card, call of the hunted.” Card appeared that look like a graveyard. “I can now bring a monster back from the graveyard, I special summon Gem knight Garnet.” The monster came back. “Garnet, attack Roseluck directly.” It did.

Roseluck: 250

Roseluck was in trouble. “Since you destroyed Black Rose Moonlight dragon, I can now add Roxrose dragon from my graveyard to my hand.” She did that, she then drew her card and it was Witch of the black rose. “I summon Witch of the black rose, since I normal summon this card I can now draw a card.” She drew. “I drew Rose fairy and since I drew this card by a card effect, I can now summon it to the field.” She did that. “I now tune my level 4 Witch of the black rose with my Rose fairy to synchro summon another Black rose dragon.” The dragon came back. “I active Black rose dragon ability, since I synchro summon it I can now destroy all cards on the field." All cards on the field was destroyed and then she realized she had made a mistake. “Crap, I’m open to an attack.” She mumbled to herself. “I end my turn.”

If Rarity drew a monster card, she could win. She drew her card and it was Lapis, just what she wanted. “I summon out Gem knight Lapis.” A new monster appeared. “Now, Lapis, attack Roseluck directly and end this duel.” The monster attack and the earth pony lost.

Author's Note:

There you all have it, it's Rarity.

More duel in the next chapter.