• Published 8th Apr 2022
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MLP: FIM Duel Monster - Norwegian boy

The renown card game Duel Monsters gets introduced to Equestria.

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The First Duel in Equestria: Kamaki vs Celestia

After challenge Celestia to a duel, which she accepted, Kamaki gave her a deck to use. She then gave the sun princess a few minutes to look at cards, she also gave her a rulebook so she would understand how it work. The Twilight and the rest of her friend arrived and when Pinkie saw Kamaki, she immediately wanted to throw the human a party, Kamaki said no and Pinkie didn’t push her which surprised her friends. When it came to Rainbow Dash, she was suspicious when it came to Kamaki but her friends told her not to make a new Zecora episode, Applejack said she trusted her and that made Dash a little lese suspicious, but she still didn’t trust the human.

“II still can’t believe you are going to do this.” Said Luna as her sister look at her cards, while Twilight had borrow the rulers from Celestia.

“Would you stop saying that, it’s the third time already.” Said an annoyed Celestia as she look through the cards.

Luna then crossed her arms. “I know I said it three times and will probably say it again, you have always been a sucker for card games since we were kids, just like cake.”

That got Celestia to look at her sister with narrow eyes. “Don’t you dare to bring cake in to this, cake has nothing to do with this.” Celestia didn’t like that Luna made fun of her taste in cake, Luna just rolled her eyes.

Then Fluttershy spoke. “What are those cards called? If you minds telling us.” She said in her normal voice.

Celestia look at her. “Kamaki called them Madolche and I think they are very cute.” Celestia showed them to Fluttershy who agreed.

Applejack and the others was reading the rule book and they didn’t understand how the game was play. “The cards may be cute but I don’t understand the rulers, monster cards, trap and spell cards. How do one expect to learn all this.” She then look at Twilight. “Well, maybe one of us can understand it.” Dash and Pinkie laugh at what AJ said while Twilight didn’t notice, she was too busy with the rule book.

When it came to kamaki, she was standing a little father from the ponies, looking over the cards she chose, the Dragonmaid.

Then Dark Magician girl appeared. “Do you really think this a good idea? Challenge one of the rulers to a card game?” She asked Kamaki.

“Technically it wasn’t my idea, it was Pegasus.” Kamaki had a point there. “And beside, I’m better suited for this.” Another good point.

“Yeah, I can’t see Seto Kaiba do this, his ego would get in the way.” Kamaki couldn’t help but smirk of what Dark Magician girl said, Kaiba had a big ego. “What kind of deck did you chose?” She asked Kamaki.

“The Dragonmaid deck.” Kamaki answered.

“Isn’t that difficult deck to use?”

Kamaki nodded. “Yes, but I’m always up for a challenge.” She then notice Celestia walking towards her. “So, you ready?” She asked the princess.

“As ready as I can be.” She told the human as she stop in front of her.

“Alright, but first, hold out you’re your left arm.” Celestia had no idea why, maybe it had something to do with the metal device Kamaki had on her left arm. “You need your own duel disc.” Kamaki then pick up the same metal device from her backpack, Celestia hold out her left arm and Kamaki placed the duel disk on her arm. “This is what we use to duel with in my world.”

Celestia decided to study the duel disk a little closer, she saw an empty placed near her hand, one should probably place the deck there. “Press the button that says power.” Celestia did as Kamaki said and when she pressed it, it light up on top and something came out on front. “First of, you insert the deck in the slot near your hand.” Celestia did that and then she saw the number 4000 appeared on top of the duel disk. “That’s your life point and the point is to get it down to zero.” Celestia knew that but she was more amazed by the duel disk. “You can place your extra cards in your pockets, I usually do that.” Celestia did hat and she was glad she decided to wear jeans.

One other pony that was amazed by the duel disk was Twilight, she was literally jumping up and down, she wanted to test it herself. “Would you calm down Twilight Sparkle, your embarrassing yourself.” What Luna said made her stop and she had t blush on her face, her friends just laugh.

Back with Kamaki and Celestia. “You place your monster cards on the top five squares while your spell and trap cards goes right under them.” Celestia saw that she was right, there was five slots under the squares.

Celestia then saw that Kamaki walk a little father from her, she then stop and turned to face her. “Alright.” She then active her own duel disk and placed the cards in the slot. “Let’s duel.”

Kamaki: 4000

Celestia 4000

They both got ready. “First, we each draw five cards each.” They both did that. “It’s okay that I go first?” Celestia didn’t mind. “I draw.” Kamaki drew her card and look at her six cards, they were Chamber Dragonmaid, Dragonmaif Ernus, Laundry Dragonmaid, Dragonmaid Tidying, Dragonmaid Changeover, and Dragonmaid Hospitality. “Not a bad hand.” Kamaki said to herself.

Kamaki look at Celestia and she saw that the ruler was a little nervous and she couldn’t blame her, but Kamaki wasn’t about to go easy on her, that was no her style. She took Dragonmaid tidying. “First, I’m going to place this card face down.” She placed the card in the slot and then a card appeared but no one could see what it was.

Back with Luna and the other. “What did Kamaki do that Twilight and how did she do that?” Rarity asked her geek friend.

“Well, what I read in the rule book, that’s a trap or spell card and how she did it, I’m guessing it’s that duel disk.” Her friends wasn’t any wiser so they decide to just watch.

Back to Kamaki. “Then I summon Chamber Dragonmaid in attack mode.” (Atk:500, def:1800.) Then she placed a card on the top and then something appeared, it look like a girl who was wearing a black dress, she had white hair, horns on her head and was holding a feather duster. “When this card is normal summon, I can add a Dragonmaid spell or trap card from my deck to my hand.” She picked up her deck and look through it, she picked return of the dragon lord and placed it in her hand, she then placed the deck back and the deck then shuffled itself. “And that ends my turn.”

Then it was Celestia’s turn, she draw her card and look at her six cards, they are; Madolche Puddingcess, Madolche Petingcessour, Petingcessoeur, Ash Blossom and Joyous Spring, Madolche Ticket, Madolche Chateau, and Mirror force. Celestia wasn’t sure what to play first, but then she saw that Petingcessoeur could be special summon when she had no monster cards in her graveyard, she grabbed the card. “Since I have no monster cards in my graveyard, I can special summon Malolche Petingcessoeur, (atk: 1400, def 1400,) I’m going to summon her in attack mode.” She placed the card on the duel disk and the monster appeared. “Then I’m going to summon Maolche Puddingcess.” (Atk: 1000 def: 1000) She placed another card on the dule disk and the monster appeared. “Then I’m going to attack your Chamber Dragonmaid with my Petingcessoeur.” The monster flew towards Kamaki’s monster.

Kamaki didn’t look worried at all, she just smiled. “I’m going to activate Chamber Dragonmaid’s special ability.” Everypony that was watching was confused by what she said, not Twilight, she had read the rule book. “At the start of the battle phase, I can return Chamber Dragonmaid to my hand.” She did that. “That lets me summon one level seven or higher Dragonmaid from my hand, I’m going to summon Dragonmaid Ernus.” (Atk: 2600 def: 1600) Kamaki placed a new card and then a pink dragon with wings appeared. “Dragonmaid Ernus, attack Celestia’s Malolche Petingcessoeur.” The dragon breath fired and destroyed Celestia’s monster and that made her lose some points.

Celestia: 2600

Celestia didn’t expect that, she was hoping it was her turn but no, Kamaki wasn’t done. “Now I can return Dragonmaid Ernus to my hand.” She did that. ”That let’s my summon Laundry Dragonmaid and I’m going to place her in defense mode.” (Atk: 500 def: 1600) A new monster appeared and it was kneeling and it’s arms was crossed. “When Laundry Dragonmaid is special summon, I have to send the top 3 cards from my deck to the graveyard.” Kamaki did that. The cards was: Dragonmaid Changeover, Dragonmaid downtime and Parlor Dragonmaid.

Kamaki was much better than Celestia expected but she wasn’t about to give up, she took Malolche Petingcessoeur and send it to the graveyard. Celestia then look at the rest of her cards and notice Ash Blossom and Joyous Spring, she saw she could have use that card to stop Kamaki to summon Dragonmaid Ernus, she had to remember that to next time. She then took Mirror force. “I’m going to place this card face down.” She placed the card in the spell/trap slot. “Then I’m going to switch Maolche Puddingcess to defense.” She did that. “Then end my turn.”

Then it was Kamaki’s turn, she drew her card and it was another Changeover which made Kamaki smiled. “Just what I need, I active the spell card Dragon Changeover,” She placed the card in and up appeared a card with a girl with wings. “with this spell card I can fusion summon a monster from my extra deck, so I fuse my Laundry Dragonmaid and Ernus in my hand to summon Dragonmaid Sheou." (Atk: 3500 def: 2000) Laundry and Ernus fused together and a new monster appeared right behind Kamaki, it was a dragon. This dragon was black, white and red but what scared Celestia was it attack point, it was 3500, did she even have a monster that strong?

Luna and the others was surprised by what Kamaki did, they didn’t think she could do that. “Wow, look at that, that’s so cool.” Said Pinkie in awe in her voice. Fluttershy didn’t think it was cool, she was scared of this new monster. She knew it wasn’t real but it didn’t help.

Kamaki wasn’t done. “During my stand by face I can active Sheou special ability, I can special summon 1 level 9 or lower monster from hand or graveyard, I think I will summon Dragonmaid Ernus from my graveyard.” She was about to do that.

Celestia wasn’t about to let that happened. “I don’t think so.” Kamaki look at her in surprised. “By sending Ash Blossom and Joyous Spring to the graveyard I can negate that effect.” She picked the card and send it to the graveyard. “When this card is send to the graveyard from my hand I can active one of three thing, ad a card from the deck to my hand, special summon a monster from the deck or send a card to the graveyard. I think will summon a monster.” She picked her deck and look thorough it, she found it. “I’m going to summon Madolche Messengelati in defense.” A male monster that look like a post office appeared. “And since I special summon Messengelati, I can add a Madolche spell or trap card from deck to my hand.” She picked Madolche Chateau and placed in her hand, she placed her deck back and it shuffled.

Kamaki was surprised that she had that card and what Celestia just did, she didn’t think she could do that. “If you think that is going to stop me then think again, I active return of the dragon lord. This spell card lets me summon one level seven or eight dragon monster from my graveyard, come back Dragonmaid Ernus.” The pink dragon came back. “I’m also going to summon Chamber Dragonmaid in defense mode.” The maid came back. “As before, I can now ad a Dragonmaid spell or trap from my deck to my hand.” She picked Dragonmaid welcome, she placed the deck back and it shuffled. “And I think I will end my turn.

That move surprised Celestia and the one who was watching. “Why did Kamaki end her turn? She could destroyed princess Celestia monster.” Said Twilight.

The girls had no idea but Luna knew. “She wants to see what my sister does next.” She then crossed her arms. “I’m curious what she will do.”

Celestia was surprised that Kamaki didn’t attack, considering she had a monster with three thousand attack point. She could ask the human later, right now it was her turn. “I draw.” She drew her card and it was Harpie’s feather duster, she like that card. “First, I’m going to place this card face down.” She placed the card she just got. “And since I have two four starts monster, I can now Xyz summon.”

That confused Twilight’s friends. “Twilight what’s Xyz summon?” Fluttershy ask her friend, Luna and the guards also wonder what it was.

“From what I read, if you have monster with the same level one can summon a monster that is called Xyz cards.”

“Now I overlay my Maolche Puddingcess and Madolche Messengelati.” Then her card started to glow and the became something that look like energy, then a black vortex appeared on the ground and energy disappeared into it. She then placed her two monster cards on top of each other on the dule disk, she then picked a card from the pocket in her pants and placed the card from the extra deck on top of the others. “I Xyz summon Madolche Queen Tiaramisu." (Atk: 2200 def: 2100) Out came a girl with a dress and a staff in her hand, two orbs was floating around her. Kamaki became worried when she saw the monster card and she knew what it could do, she had to do something and she knew what. “I think I will active my face down, Harpie’s feather duster which destroy every spell and trap card on your side of the field.” A tornado destroyed Kamaki’s trap card which made her feel stupid, she forgot that Dragonmaid Sheou which let her destroy a card. “Now I remove one of her overlay unit and by doing so I can return up to two Madolche monster cards from my graveyard and ad them into the deck,” She picked up the only monster card she had in the graveyard and placed it into the deck, the deck then shuffled. “and now I chose a card from your side and return it to your deck, I chose your Dragonmaid Sheou.” Kamaki had to do it, she placed Sheou back in her extra deck. Celestia then picked up card that was under Queen Tiaramisu and placed it in the graveyard. “I’m also going to play the field spell Madolche Chateau.” A new card slot open at the end of her duel disk and she placed it there, the slot went back in. Then the whole arena change, there were cakes everywhere.

When Pinkie saw what happened, she tried to jump on one of the cakes but she just fell through it and into the ground. Her friends and Luna though it was hilarious.

“Now all Madolche monsters get an extra five hundred atk and def points.” Madolche Queen Tiaramisu atk became 2700 and def 2600. “Now Queen Tiaramisu, attack her Dragonmaid Ernus.” Tiaramisu fired a beam from her staff, destroying the dragon.

Kamaki: 3900

“I end my turn.”

Kamaki was astounded how Celestia played her cards, she was impressed. “it’s my turn, I draw.” She got Kitchen Dragonmaid. “First, I’m going to summon Kitchen Dragonmaid in attack mode.” A girl that look like she was working in the kitchen appeared. “Then I’m going to use her special ability which let me add a Dragonmaid monster from my deck to my hand.” She chose Dragonmaid Lorpar. “Now I have to send it to the graveyard.” She did that. “Now I will banish Dragonmaid tidying from my graveyard which let me special summon a Dragonmaid monster from my graveyard in defense mode, I chose the card I just discard, Dragonmaid Lorpar.” A green dragon appeared. “and now I play another Dragonmaid Changeover which let me fuse the two monster I have on the field, I can now summon House Dragonmaid." (atk: 3000 A girl with a tail appeared,, she was wearing a dress and glasses. “Now House Dragonmaid, attack her Queen Tiaramisu.” House Dragonmaid flew towards Celestia monster.

“I don’t think so, I active my face down card, mirror force.” The card came up and a barrier appeared in front of Celestia’s monster. “Mirror force destroy all your monsters.” I did that.

Kamaki felt like an idiot, she forgot Celestia’s face down card. Kamaki look at her cards and saw that the only card she had was Dragonmaid hospital and welcome, she had to save them for later. “I end my turn.”

Then it was Celestia’s turn.” I draw.” It was Terraforming, she couldn’t use it now. “Alright, Queen Tiaramisu attack Kamaki directly.” The queen fired away a beam from her staff which hit Kamaki.

Kamaki: 1200

Celestia. “I end my turn.”

Kamaki was in trouble, she had to draw a monster card, she drew and it was Parlor Dragonmaid. “This can work. First, I’m going to summon Parlor Dragonmaid.” A new monster appered. “When I summon her I have to send a Dragonmaid monster from my deck to graveyard, I chose Dragonmaid Tinkhec.” She send the card to the graveyard. “Then I’m going to active the magic card Dragonmaid Welcome,” A new card appeared. “This card give my monster 100 atk and def for each Dragonmaid monster I have on the field, now I active Parlor Dragonmaid second ability, before the battle face I can return her to my hand which let me summon a level eight Dragonmaid monster from my graveyard, I chose Dragonmaid Tinkhec.” (atk: 2700 def: 1700) A red dragon with blue horns appeared. “And thanks to my spell card, Tinkhec get 100 more attack and defense point.” They went up. “Now I Tinkhec, attack Celestia’s Queen Tiaramisu.” The dragon attack with fire destroying Celestia’s monster.

Celestia: 2500

“At the end of the battle face I can return Tinkhec to my hand and then I can summon back Parlor Dragonmaid.” The monster came back. “Now I have to send a monster card to the graveyard, I send another Ernus.” She did that. “Now, Parlor Dragonmaid, attack Celestia directly and thanks to Dragonmaid Welcome, her atk is 600.” The monster flew towards Celestia and attack with her tail.

Celestia: 1900

“I end my turn.”

Celestia was in trouble and she knew it if she didn’t drew a monster card, Kamaki could attack her again. Celestia drew her card and it wasn’t a monster, it was Raigeki which could destroyed her opponent monsters, this could by her some time. “I active Raigeki, this destroy every monster on your side.” Thunder came from the sky and destroyed Kamaki’s monster. “I end my turn.” She really hope she got a new round, she was having too much fun.

Kamaki drew her card and she smiled when she saw the card. “I active Return of the dragon lords which let me summon one level 7 or 8 dragon monster from my graveyard, I summon Dragonmaid Ernus.” The pink dragon appeared again. “Now, attack Celestia directly.” Ernus attack with flames and Celestia just smiled as the attack came closer, this was fun.

Author's Note:

I hope you all like the duel.

I would like to thank FrostTheWolf, he made the two decks that was used in the chapter.

The duel disk they are using is from GX.