• Published 8th Apr 2022
  • 1,172 Views, 67 Comments

MLP: FIM Duel Monster - Norwegian boy

The renown card game Duel Monsters gets introduced to Equestria.

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Dash and Crash

After Kamaki had lost her least life point, the barn return back normal there was pony who watch in wonder as it happened was Apple Bloom. “So, it was all an illusion?” She asked as Fandore disappeared.

“You can say that.” Said kamaki as she placed her duel disk back in her backpack, she then look over at Mac who had removed his. “So, are you interested?” She asked him.

Mac had to think for a second. “Yes, I had fun and I would like to help introduces duel monsters to Equestria.”

Kamaki was happy when she heard that. “Great, I just need the duel disk back.” He gave it back.

Then spike spoke up. “Now that we know that Mac is going to participate, I have a question to Kamaki.” He got of the hay ball. “Why didn’t you drew a card at the end? Mac just destroyed your field spell, why didn’t you draw like normal?” That was a good question.

“Because it didn’t matter, no matter what card I drew I would have lost. If I drew a monster card Mac would have destroyed it and attack me directly, if I had gotten a spell card which let me summon a monster, well, you know what happened. I made to many mistake and he made the right one. Duel monster is determinant by which card you get, nothing more.” Kamaki told them.

The barn was silence before Apple Bloom spoke. “So, it’s a luck of the draw?”

Kamaki shrugged her shoulders. “Pretty much. Now, can one of you please help me with Skittle? I need to get home and she preventing to do so.”

Everyone was confused, not Mac. “What’s a Skittle?” Spike asked.

Mac decided to explain. “She means Rainbow Dash, apparently she guarding where Kamaki came from and I have to ask, where did you come from? You’re not from Equestria, that’s for sure.”

“I guess I can explain, I come from planet earth and I arrived her by a portal that is in the forest not far from here.”

The three ponies and dragons eyes widen. “You came from the Everfree forest, are you mad?” Exclaimed Applejack. “The Everfree is the most dangerous place in Equestria, wild animals that can kill you live there.”

Kamaki didn’t understand why they were so afraid. “For good sake, it’s just a forest and besides, I didn’t choose where the portal appeared.” She rubbed her head. “Look, I’m tired and I want to go home to my own world and go to bed, can one of you help me with this Rainbow Dash?”

Now they felt bad for Kamaki, no one deserved an egotistic Rainbow Dash after you. “Why don’t you two head on back to the house while me and Mac help out Kamaki with Dash.” Applejack told her sister and Spike. They didn’t argue while they walk out, Spike told Mac that he wanted to duel him later, Mac accepted.

Once Kamaki and the two ponies arrived where Kamaki came from, they actually saw Rainbow Dash there, she was walking back and forward and she was angry. “Unbelievable.” Said Applejack when she saw her friend.

“I can’t wait to get my hands on that freak.” Dash mumbled to herself as she walk back and forth. “She humiliate me and the princess and she didn’t even care, I’m going to teach her a lesson.” Dash then happened to look in the direction of the farm and she saw Kamaki walking towards her, she didn’t notice AJ or Mac.” Finally.” She then knack her knuckles. The sibling saw that Dash was about to do something stupid so they stood between them, blocking Dash. “What…? What are you two doing?” She asked them.

“We are preventing you for doing something stupid, I can see that you want to hurt Kamaki and we won’t let that happened.” AJ told her friend.

Dash just look dumbstruck. “Stopping me for doing something stupid?” She then pointed at Kamaki. “What about her? She humiliated princess Celestia in card game earlier today, I’m just defending her honor.”

This time it was AJ and her brother to be dumbstruck, even Kamaki was speechless. “Are you listing to yourself Dash? Defending princess Celestia’s honor? I don’t think you need to defend her honor, I also think your taking this elements of loyalty a little to far.” AJ told her friend.

Dash didn’t listen. “So what? This monkey humiliated princess Celestia.” AJ and Mac was lost for words, again.

Kamaki on the other hand, had enough of Skittles. “If you are going to insult me, call me an ape.” That didn’t help, Dash was still mad. “Also, why don’t we settle this with duel tomorrow?”

AJ and Mac look at the human as she had gone mad while Dash was just surprised by what Kamaki said. “You want to duel me?”

Kamaki smiled. “That’s right, if you want to ‘defend’ her honor, do it in a duel. But,” She walk over to Dash. “if I win then you are going to stop following me, which you have done ALL day and it’s getting on my nerve.”

Dash like what she was saying, so far. “And if I win?”

Kamaki had to hold back her laughter. “IF you win, you can be in the tournament that are going to introduce duel monster into this world.” She held out her hand. “Deal?”

Dash wasn’t sure if she wanted to do it, she could easily beat this human in a duel but was it the right way to defend princess Celestia? Dash thought it over and it was. “You got yourself a duel.” Dash then spit in her hand and was about to handshake Kamaki, but the human pulled her hand away.

“Seriously? Do you spit in your hand? Do you do that to each other’s around here or it just you? There is no way I’m going to shake hands with you now, just meet at the fountain tomorrow.”

Dash just snorted. “Fine.” She then took off faster than they could blink.

They just started at the spot where Dash took off from. “Skittle is full of herself.” Said Kamaki.

Applejack let out a sighed. “You have no idea.” Mac just nodded in agreement. “Are you going to be okay? It’s usually not safe in forest at night.” Applejack asked Kamaki.

“Yeah, if I hurry I should be fine.” She then started to walk to the forest. “See you all tomorrow.” She waved at them as she disappeared in to the forest, the sibling waved back.

Once Kamaki arrived at X, she activated the portal. “Time to go home.” She entered the portal, little did she know that a pair of eyes was watching her the whole time.

Once Kamaki step out of the portal, it shut down and she saw that most of the staff had gone home. Pegasus was still there and he smiled when he saw Kamaki.

“Kamaki, my dear. How did it go after I talk with the princesses?” He asked her.

“One can say that it went well, I managed to give out three decks, I gave them two ponies and a dragon.” Kamaki answered him.

Pegasus wasn’t sure if he heard right. “I’m sorry, did you say dragon?”

Kamaki nodded her head. “Yes, they have a dragon in Ponyville named Spike. I’m pretty sure he’s the only one.”

Pegasus believe her. “If you say so. I’m happy that you managed to give away three more decks, how long do you think before you finds four more?” He asked Kamaki.

Kamaki had to think for a moment. “If I’m lucky, two maybe three days. To be honest, I’m just guessing here.” She then let out a yawn. “Look, I’m tired, I have duel four times today and it have worn me out. I’m heading back to the hotel.” She said good bye to Pegasus and headed to the hotel.

Once Kamaki found her bed, she fell asleep. The next morning, after a shower and breakfast, Kamaki got dress. She decided to wear a blue skirt with a blue shirt.

Once Kamaki arrived at the lab, she could see Pegasus there looking at some paper, probably science. “Kamaki, your here.” He placed the paper down on a table when he saw her. “are you ready for another trip to Equestria?” He asked her with a smile on his face.

Kamaki just shrugged her shoulders. “As ready I can be.”

Pegasus just keep smiling. “Excellence, I was hoping you could find out what kind of currency they you, I was also hoping you could fine an old store we could use in Ponyville.”

Kamaki nodded. “Sure, I can look for an old store but what kind of money their using are going to be a little difficult, I can’t just ask for money.”

“I’m sure you will think about something. Now, of you.” He walk over to some scientist, Kamaki just rolled her eyes, she activate the portal and walked through it.

Once the human step out of the portal, she was meet by the dark sight of the Everfree forest. “Man, I wish they could have found another place for this portal, this forest creeps me out.” She said to herself.

Kamaki was about to go when… “This forest isn’t that bad,” This new voice scared the crap out of Kamaki. “once you get used to it.”

Kamaki look in the direction of the voice and boy was she surprised by what she saw, a zebra walking on two legs. This ‘zebra’ had a mohawk and she was wearing a cloak so Kamaki couldn’t see the rest of her body but she was female.

“Who the hell are you and do normally sneak up on people like that?”

The zebra had a normal face, then she smile. “I apologize, I heard some rumors in town about a creature from another world and that she came from the Evefree, so I had to see who it was.” She then bowed. “My name is Zecora and I live here.”

Kamaki raised an eyebrow of what Zecora. “You live in this forest?” Zecora stood up and nodded. “I heard that it’s a dangerous place so why live here?” She asked the zebra.

To Kamaki surprised, she smiled. “You have a good point, it is dangerous to live here but the plant life here is good for making medicine.”

That made sense. “If you say so, if you will excuse me, I have somewhere to be.” Kamaki started to walk.

Before Kamaki headed to the town, she stop by Applejack’s farm to see how Spike and Mac was doing with their decks. Both of them had managed to get the hang of playing and they have been playing against other since, both had won and lost matches. Then Kamaki told them that they could challenge Roseluck when they had the time, since she had cards to, they would.

Once Kamaki left the farm, she saw Celestia walking towards here with some guards. The princess asked her how she was doing and the human said she was doing fine. Then Kamaki told the princess that she was about to challenge Dash and she also told Celestia what Dash’s problem was, the princess of the sun was not please when she heard what Dash had been doing. The last thing she need was someone to defend her honor, she could do that herself. Celestia wanted to have a talk with Dash but Kamaki told her to wait after the duel, she wanted to teach Dash a lesson first and Celestia like that idea, she would hang back and let Kamaki duel her first and she would have a talk with Dash afterwards.

Kamaki arrived at the town square where she was going to have her duel with Rainbow dash and sitting on a bench by the fountain, was the blue pegasus. “I’m surprised that you showed up.” Kamaki said the Dash as she approached her.

“And why’s that?” Dash asked with some annoyance.

Kamaki shrugged her shoulders. “No reason. Now,” She took out a duel disk and gave it to Dash. “let’s duel so I can go back to more important matter.” They got ready. “The deck are already in the duel disk.” Dash saw that Kamaki was right. Kamaki placed the backpack on ground and took out a deck from her jacket and placed it in the duel disk. “Let’s duel.”

Kamaki: 4000

Dash: 4000

“I’ll go first.” Kamaki drew her card and smiled when she saw her cards, it was just what she wanted. “I’m going to summon out Apple Magician girl in attack mode.” Out came a human with pink wings that look like a wizard? “I end my turn.”

Ponies around saw what Kamaki did and knew it was a duel, so they decided to watch. Other ponies had no idea what was going on, so those who had watch before explain it to the others.

Then Dash drew her card and she saw cards that look like cats? “What the hay have she given me?” She saw also that she had some spell and trap cards. “I don’t need does to win.” She then threw them on the ground and Kamaki saw that, it pissed her off. “I’m going to summon Lunaligh Blue cat in attack mode.” A blue cat on two legs appeared. “Now, attack Kamaki’s monster.” The cat dashed towards Apple Magician girl.

Kamaki was ready. “I activate Apple Magician girl ability, when she is target for an attack I am allowed to special summon one level 5 or lower spellcaster from my hand, I summon Gemni elf." Two female humans with pointy ears appeared. “Now Gemini elf becomes the target and your monster attack points get cut in half.” Lunalight blue cat attack point became 800 and the monster was destroyed.

Dash: 2900

Dash was angry, Kamaki made a fool out of her. “I end my turn.”

“I draw.” It was Dark Magician Girl and that made her smile. “I now summon out Chocolate Magician girl in attack mode.” Out came another female human with wings, she also look like a wizard. “I now send a spellcaster monster to the graveyard,” She did that. “now I can draw one card. And then I end my turn.”

Dash didn’t expect to hear that, she thought that she would attack, her mistake. “I draw and I summon out Lunalight Crimson fox in attack mode.” A female fox appeared. Who should Dash attack? She could attack Apple Magician girl but then the ability would activate, she couldn’t attack Gemini elf, which means she could only attack Chocolate magician girl. “I attack your Chocolate magician girl.” Dash monster attack.

Kamaki just smiled. “I activate Chocolate magician girl ability, when she is attack I’m allowed to special summon a spellcaster monster from my graveyard.” She took the card. “Let me introduce you all the star of my deck, Dark Magician Girl.” Out came a female wizard in a very cute outfit, most of the ponies that was watch thought she was cute. “Now she becomes the target and your monster attack points are cut in half.” Lunalight Crimson fox attack pints became 900 and Dark Magician girl destroyed it.

Dash: 1800

Dash couldn’t believe it, Kamaki won so easily. “You know Rainbow Dash, I usually don’t duel while angry, but that all change when you drop those card on the ground.” She exclaimed which made Dash back away. “I summon out Lemon Magician girl." A new female wizard appeared. “And now I active the spell polymerization which let me fusion the five spellcaster I have out, I fusion summon one of my best monsters, my Quintet Magician." A brand new female monster appeared which made Dash shiver, it had 4500 attack point. “Time to end this, Quintet Magician, attack Rainbow Dash directly.” Quintet Magician fired a beam from its staff which hit the blue pegasus, she lost.

Dash fell on her knees, she couldn’t believe she lost. “That was just pathetic.” Dash saw that Kamaki was walking towards. “You actually thought you would won?” She stop right in front of her. “You threw some cards on the ground, for what? You didn’t need them?” She picked them up and look at them. “If you had used Luna light perfume you might have a change but you threw it on the ground, hand over the cards and the duel disk because there is no way in hell you are going to dule in the tournament.”

Dash had enough, she got up and grabbed Kamaki by her sweater and lifted her up. “I had enough of you, ever since you arrived here you have been so high and mighty, that ends now.” Dash was about to punch the human, but then…

“That’s enough. Guards, restraint Rainbow Dash.” Two guards grabbed Dash and got her of Kamaki.

Dash tried to break free, it didn’t work. “Let me go.” She said while struggling.

“Rainbow Dash.” The blue pegasus froze when she saw Celestia walking towards her and she was furious. “What in tartarus are you doing to Kamaki? Were you about to hit her because your jealous or is because I lost against Kamaki yesterday?” Dash said nothing, she just look away which means yes to both. “Unbelievable.” Celestia had to take a few breath to calm herself down. “I know you’re the element of loyalty but I don’t need you to protect me, it was a card game and I lost fair and square.” She then was right in Dash face. “Which means you are going to stop being a child and let it go, do I make myself clear?” Dash nodded. “Good.” She moved away. “Now, give Kamaki back the cards and duel disk and then you are going to apologize.” The two guards let of Dash.

Dash look between the human and the princess, Celestia was pissed of while Kamaki look like she didn’t care at all. “I’m sorry.” Dash felt like crap that she had to apologize to someone she didn’t like, she also gave back the duel dusk and the cards.

Celestia was satisfied. “Good, now leave.” Dash didn’t hesitated at all as she took to the sky and flew away, Celestia then look at the crowed who just wonder what just happened. “The show is over, go back to your business.” The ponies didn’t heisted at all. Once they were gone Celestia let out a relieved sighed. “Unbelievable, I knew that Dash had a big ego but come on, I don’t need anyone help.” She look over at Kamaki who was busy with the cards. “Did she damage the deck? She asked the human.

Kamaki shook her head. “No, some of them are a little dirty considering she threw some of the ground. Other then that they are fine.”

Celestia was relieved to hear that. “That’s good to know, I wouldn’t like to hear some of the ponies here destroyed them.” She then rubbed her head. “I just came here to talk with Twilight, I didn’t think I had to deal with Rainbow Dash to.” Kamaki didn’t care, it wasn’t here problem. “Anyway, I have something for you.” Celestia look at one of her guards who brought her a small bag, he gave it to the princess. “I thought you want some money while you are in Equestria, so you can by something.”

Kamaki didn’t expect that, her plan was to ask someone around town for money that she could bring back to Pegasus. “Thanks.” Kamaki open the bag and boy was she surprised when she saw what was in it, gold. She picked one up and it was a golden coin with a picture of a pony on both side. “Is this gold?” She asked Celestia.

The sun princess nodded her head. “Yes, it’s what we use for money in Equestria, they are called bits.” Kamaki couldn’t believe it, she never thought they would have gold. “If you will excuse me, I have to go and talk to my student.” Celestia and her guards headed to the library leaving Kamaki alone who was still looking at the coin.

Kamaki eventually put away the money, she had to find some more duelist.

Author's Note:

Dash duelt and she lost, it's easy to write Dash, just write her angry all the time.

More dueling in the next chapter.