• Published 7th Jun 2022
  • 2,700 Views, 214 Comments

My Little Sister is a Dragon - Nightmare Moon Arc - AleximusPrime

A young unicorn named Nightwatch and his little adoptive dragon sister Buttercream long to see Nightmare Moon defeated and Princess Luna return. They venture out to Everfree to witness this but run into some trouble along the way.

  • ...

10. Epilogue

The next day, Midnight Hue and Aurora Shine were starting to panic about their children. They had considered contacting the Canterlot authorities to start a search party after hearing Nightmare Moon had been spotted around the Everfree Forest. Even with the news already reaching all of Equestria that Nightmare Moon was defeated and Princess Luna had returned, they were still worried that they had not heard back from Nightwatch and Buttercream.

“I can’t imagine where they’d be right now,” Aurora said as she looked out the window. “Midnight, maybe it’s time we filed a report to the police or at least get a search party started.”

“You’re right. I’m getting tired of waiting,” Midnight said, getting up from his chair. “Everfree is right around the capital. Maybe if we get a hold of the Canterlot authorities, they can help…oh! Honey, look outside! There they are!”

“Oh, sweet Celestia! They’re alright!”

They both looked out the window again and saw Nightwatch park his cart in front of the house. They rushed out the front door and ran to meet their kids.

“NIGHTWATCH! BUTTERCREAM!” shouted Aurora as she hugged her son. “We were so worried about you two!”

“Sorry we didn’t get back any sooner, Mom,” Nightwatch said, very drowsily.

“A lot of things happened that we weren’t expecting,” Buttercream added, sounding just as tired.

“Well did you get to see the moon?” Midnight asked. “We saw it the moment it happened!”

“And we saw the sun rise later so we knew Luna came back!” Aurora added.

“Yeah, we saw all of that too,” Nightwatch said as he started walking in the front door with his head lowered. “First we were captured by some crazy guys from Tambelon, then we had to deal with this cult of bat ponies that worship Nightmare Moon, and then we saw Nightmare Moon…”

“Captured?!” Aurora exclaimed.

“You SAW Nightmare Moon?!” Midnight added.

“And then we got to see Princess Luna and fight this big robot that looked like a ram…” Butter added as she trudged alongside her brother.

“Wait, hold on, you guys actually got to MEET Princess Luna and…uh, you fought a robot?” Midnight said, perplexed.

“Goodness! Just what have you two been through?” asked Aurora.

“Oh, and to top it all off, we got to make friends with Luna and she wants to train Nighty to learn more magic and…stuff…ugh…”


“I’ll tell you guys more about it later, but right now…I’m exhausted…” Nightwatch said as he crawled up on the living room couch and quickly dozed off.

Buttercream climbed up on top, lay on his back and did the same. As they both sat snoring on the couch, Midnight and Aurora watched them with their mouths hanging open. Aurora saw the paper in Nightwatch’s satchel with the address for the royal post office on it. Luna’s signature was at the bottom.

“Did…did our son just get noticed by Princess Luna?!” Aurora asked.

“Shhh, let’s let them sleep,” Midnight whispered as he lifted a nearby blanket to cover his kids with. “These two have had quite an adventure, but they’re gonna need some rest. I am anxious to know more about what happened with Luna.”

“I can’t believe this. Our son really is going places, Midnight.”

“That he is, dear. That he is.”

Midnight put his arm around his wife and looked proudly at his son. When the young unicorn and his little dragon sister would wake up, they would have a grand story to tell their parents.

In the Everfree Forest one quiet afternoon, the Golem sat motionless and offline on the dry dirt. Bray and his friends had already removed all its inner workings and left the exoskeleton behind with no way to turn it on or control it. A female zebra wearing golden jewelry walked around it, showing it to the six ponies that saved Princess Luna with the Elements of Harmony. The blue pegasus hovered overhead, examining the ancient machine.

“Over here, my little ponies. Be sure to step carefully with ease,” said the zebra. “This machine appears to be offline, but awaken it could another time.”

“Just what the hay is it? Twilight, you got any books about this thing?” the blue pegasus asked.

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anything like this,” said the purple unicorn. “It looks some sort of ancient robot. I wish I knew how to read these runes on its horns.”

“This here contraption looks like one of them machines the city folk keep trying to sell to put us farmers out of business,” said the orange earth pony. “Still don’t see the use of ‘em. Big Macintosh is just fine to pull the plow himself.”

“Whadaya think Granny Smith would say if she saw this thing, Applejack,” said a small yellow earth pony with red hair and a pink bow next to her.

“Oh, you know Granny, Apple Bloom. She’d be all like ‘These gosh-darn confangled modern doohickies are gonna outsource us farmers if we don’t do somethin’ about it! Let’s start picketing, y’all!’”

The orange pony spun her hoof around and imitated her grandmother’s voice as her little sister giggled.

“I’m not sure it’s a tractor, Applejack. Why would its head be shaped like a ram’s? That’s very intriguing”

The purple pony picked up the head of the Golem with her magic to examine it closer. Next to her stood a small purple male dragon with green spikes and a lighter green underbelly. He appeared to be the same age as Buttercream; he just had slightly longer spikes on his head and the tip of his tail was purple like the rest of his body. He looked closely at the Golem’s head, but was then distracted by some faint footprints on the ground where he had not yet walked. They looked a bit like his.

“Twilight, check out these footprints,” he told the purple unicorn.

“What’s that Spike? Oh. Interesting. Were you walking there?”

“Eh…nah. It’s a bit washed out by the rain, so it’s kinda hard to see. It’s probably from something else.”

Over by the Golem, the pink pony climbed into the body where the neck used to be attached. She made her way inside the hollow shell till one of the legs popped off and she stuck her head out of the hole.

“This thing sure has a lot of space inside! It would make a really cool hideout!” she said, excitedly.

“Pinkie Pie, darling! Get out of that dreadful thing this instant! Who knows what could be inside it!” said the white unicorn.

“Eh, let her have her fun, Rarity,” said the orange earth pony. “Doesn’t look like that thing’s alive anymore, if I can even say that.”

“Twilight…wha-wha-what is it? Shouldn’t we be worried it might try to attack us?” said the timid yellow pegasus as she hid behind the orange earth pony.

“I don’t think we have anything to worry about, Fluttershy,” the purple unicorn replied. “I think it might be one of those old Tambelonian machines. I think they were called ‘Golems’. It’s more like an automaton, or a robot as we’d call it today. Does it look like anything you’ve ever seen, Zecora?”

“Never before have I seen such a contraption. It appears as though it has seen some action. My people have made masks with horns like this, but no such runes I believe exist,” the zebra told her.

“Kinda looks like something from one of Spike’s comics,” the blue pegasus remarked.

“Heh, you’re right, Rainbow Dash,” said the little purple dragon. “It’s like one of the Megaborgs from Power Ponies! Like the one from Issue 12!”

“Pffft. Nerd.”

“Either way, we should probably just leave it alone to be safe. That means you too, Pinkie,” the purple unicorn told her friends.

“Awww. I wanted to use it as a Nightmare Night costume!” the pink pony whined.

“Come on ya’ll. We best get back to Zecora’s to help clean up the mess we left yesterday,” said the orange pony as they all turned to walk back into the forest.

“I wholeheartedly agree,” said the white unicorn. “Let’s all go now, everypony, and leave this wretched machine to rust.”

The purple unicorn started walking with them until something off to the side caught her eye. She saw a brown book on the ground and picked it up. It had some dust on it and looked like it had been there for a month or two. The book said “Nightwatch’s Astronomy Journal.”

“Oh, what is this?” she said, opening it up to have a look. “Wow, these are some really interesting notes about the stars, but I should probably return this if I can.”

She leafed through some of the pages and then came to the end where there was a small piece of paper with a message that read the following:

To anypony that finds this journal,

Please return it to 337 Horseshoe Road, Daleshire, EQ, 41189. I got this for my birthday along with a telescope back when I was just a colt. It has some really important notes I’d like to keep.



“So your name is Nightwatch. Well as soon as I get back to the library tonight, I’ll get this packaged up and sent right back to you. Oh, and also this nob to your telescope while I’m at it!”

She picked up a small round object off of the ground that she instantly recognized as a part to Nightwatch’s telescope. This young unicorn girl had used a very similar telescope in the past. Little did Nightwatch know, she was not only very well educated like him, she was the pony who had figured out how to use the Elements with all her friends to defeat Nightmare Moon. She turned around and joined her friends as she left the husk of the ancient machine behind.

Atop a nearby cliff, Luna and Celestia watched the ponies disappear back into the woods. They kept their eyes on the Golem.

“It’s still lying there,” Celestia said. “I think someone did steal all the inner parts right after you encountered it.”

“I wish I could have brought it back, but we didn’t have enough room in our chariot and Zephyrus really needed to see a doctor,” Luna replied.

“That’s okay, Luna. Unfortunately we will need to watch for more of these. They could cause trouble another time.”

“It was quite a nuisance to deal with, but all my friends and I managed to stop it that night. Nightwatch was especially impressive.”

“I still don’t understand how it was able to get a hold of your magic though. They weren’t designed to steal magic the way Tirek did. Someone else would need to be there to do it.”

“Do you think it was someone from this Brotherhood of Grogar?”

“I have no doubt it was. They’re probably the ones who salvaged it afterwards too. I have some intelligence abroad that reported cult-like activity in Tambelon several hundred years ago, but I didn’t think it was a problem. They’ve never made any threats to Equestria or even set foot here to my knowledge.”

“We best keep an eye out for them. If they did take my magic the moment I was freed from Nightmare Moon, it could happen to anyone else.”

“I will be sure to let all my guards know. For now, this Golem will not be an issue, but I think it’s time we take the exoskeleton and lock it away in the archives. I don’t want Twilight and the others knowing about the Brotherhood until they become a real problem for all of us.”


Nightwatch and Buttercream’s story continues in the Ester Dracos Arc!

Comments ( 32 )

Will there be a one-shot involving Baby Buttercream?

Maybe a flashback sequence.

Great first arc for these 2, can't wait to see what else it's in store for them under Luna's care!:pinkiehappy:

“What’s that Spike? Oh. Interesting. Were you walking there?”

“Eh…nah. It’s a bit washed out by the rain, so it’s kinda hard to see. It’s probably from something else.”

Drat, so close yet so far!:facehoof:
Hoping these 2 get to meet later down the road Alex! :moustache:

THere will be many interesting things to come! I'm still figuring out what the next arc will be like, but it'll be interesting no doubt!

Yeah, there will be lots of moments like that in this story. Nighty and Butter have yet to meet Twilight and the gang, and that won't really happen till FHS, but a story from FHS where they are involved might come up soon!

Fun story. Nightwatch and Buttercream had one heck of an adventure and will have quite the tale to tell their parents. A bit funny how Twilight, Spike, and the rest of the Mane 6 got a few hints of the two of them but have yet to encounter them themselves. I guess we'll need to wait for their big encounter some other time. Though once they share their story with them I'm sure they'll have plenty to laugh about.

I can’t wait for more. Seems rather fast for the M6 to befriend the Zebra and finding the golem but It sure builds up for the sequel. Can’t wait!

Can't wait to see what happens next for Nightwatch and Buttercream 😁

There will be a lot of teasing the audience about the Mane Six and Spike being in the story elsewhere, but they never cross paths with Nighty and Butter. In FHS, they haven't met yet since Spike didn't know Butter when he was talking about the "Super Dragon Warriors" game, so obviously they won't meet in this story since this is a prequel to FHS. There is a reason why that happens and it will be explained later.


That's cuz it skips ahead in time. I like to think Bridle Gossip happened a month or two after the show started (which was on the first day of Summer so late June) so the end scene of this story won't line up perfectly with the time the next MLSiaD story arc starts, but it's ok cuz Nighty and Butter don't cross paths with the Mane Six and Spike till years later.

It might be a while till I get to it, but it will be interesting!

Surprise that the sisters didn’t go there to remove it before the M6 found the remains. I guess it was a very busy month

Yeah, I'll admit that was iffy writing on my part. I wanted a scene where the Mane Six went into the forest, but the only reason I could think they'd be back in there was because they went back to Zecora's to help clean up her house after they made a mess in Bridle Gossip and I assume that was a month or two later. In the show, the first time they went into the forest was to stop NMM obviously, but the next time was in Bridle Gossip, so that's why I had it line up with being right after said episode. With the Golem still being in there just to add the intrigue of the Mane Six finding it, Celestia didn't take it yet, but after seeing that Twilight and the others found it, she decided it's time to take it back to Canterlot so no one else finds it and uses it. Celestia wants to keep the Brotherhood secret for now. The Brotherhood won't be giving Twilight and the others any trouble because Bray said they need to lay low in order for their plan to work, and the Elements need to keep being used as part of some mysterious prophecy he mentioned earlier.


A great end to a great story! Nightwatch and Buttercream had one hell of a recounting for their parents, and they deserve a good long rest after what they’ve been through. A nice little cameo by the Mane 6 and Zecora by the end too. It does make sense that Nighty and Butter don’t directly meet more main characters than they have to, especially the Mane 6, though it was cute that Spike saw Buttercream’s footprints, since she’d be just the same size as him. =P Lucky Twilight found Nighty’s book and telescope piece. I’m sure he’ll be glad to get those back. And now Celestia and Luna are on the alert for these suspicious goings-on.

I’m looking forward to seeing this endearing brother-sister duo again. =)

Well... kind of following from my review of the previous chapter, even if not everything ended well, at least things seem to have ended well enough so far, considering that Nightwatch and Buttercream got back home safely, which was very clearly conveyed in the relief Aurora and Midnight conveyed when the two of them arrived.

And to add to that, it seems that Midnight got his lost journal back, even if it took him around a few weeks (considering that the ending scene seems to be shortly after the ending of Bridle Gossip). Incidentally, that does suggest that at least Twilight knows him by name, but it may still be years before they meet face to face, so there's no telling if she'll connect the name to the pony when they meet again.

As for Celestia and Luna's decision at the end... on one hand, I don't fault them, as it's not nice to burden the Mane 6 with additional concerns... but on the other, it might have been better for them to know. That said, even if they made the wrong decision, I do believe it was a mere honest mistake, and I can recognize their good intentions. Hopefully they won't need to resort to this brand of good intentions much more in the future, and this discovery won't strain things too much if it does come to light.

All in all, this was a great story. :) I loved getting to know Nightwatch and Buttercream, as well as their family, and this look at the other side of the first two episodes of the series was great to see, as was the taste of what may be to come in both this series' future and Flurry Heart's Story. Looking forward to any future stories in the My Little Sister is a Dragon series!

You're welcome. :) I'm sorry I took so long to leave them. The best I can say is real life ended up sidetracking me more than once and then catching up took longer than I would like...

Looking forward to start reading the latest story of Flurry Heart's Story! I do already have ideas on a few things that may happen on it due to pictures in your DeviantArt, but I'm definitely looking forward to seeing the full story. As soon as I get properly caught up on Fillie Jean, I'll start on it!


Yeah, it's been a bit tough to pussyfoot around the plot holes like with the Mane Six not knowing about the Brotherhood and everything right now. Twilight will likely know eventually when she becomes leader, but she would likely find out earlier. Any trouble the Brotherhood will cause in this series will be kept on the side and only run parallel to the events of MLPFIM, but it will tie in enough. There's also a reason why Nighty and Butter never make any contact with the Mane Six in this series, and that will be explained later.

Yeah, Fillie Jean will definitely be interesting too. Take your time reading those cuz I might have more art popping up that could potentially spoil some things from the next story.

Nightwatch and Buttercream’s story will continue

When did this series become the MCU lol:rainbowlaugh:

Don’t worry, I will treat it far better than Marvel has been lately.

I’ve watched too many silverquill videos

I haven't exactly made it subtle anyway. When Noctura returns for a future story, we may see Zephyrus too!

Comment posted by Arkantos deleted Jul 1st, 2023

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl has beaten Thanos, Galactus, and Dr. Doom (among others).


Are you replying to the right thing? We were talking about MLP not Marvel.

Meant to be facetious NOT taken seriously


Wen's Sequel!?

This was a good story. One of the biggest things I worry about when reading OC-centric stories is that the creator of said story will just make their character a carbon copy of another character from that universe. If that happens, it comes off as a disappointment for me, often being a turn-off to the point where I stop reading it, and makes me wonder "why didn't they make a story about that character instead of making a carbon copy?" You avoided my biggest worry, and I congratulate you for that.

Nightwatch and Buttercream were their own characters and came off incredibly likeable. You did a great job with them and I'll be looking forward to more stories with them. I also liked the character development of Noctura and how things turned out for her in the end.

The Brotherhood were interesting and I'll be looking forward to seeing them more in the future. Here's hoping they'll continue coming off as good villains.

All-in-all, a pretty good story and one I'm glad I took the chance to read.

Now, time for me to get back to your Flurry Heart Stories.

I'm happy to have had that effect! I was kind of inspired by Twilight with some of Nighty's aspects like how he becomes a student of Luna's while Twilight is Celestia's. He is like her in being he's talented with magic and well-educated, but there are some clear differences too. I am doing my best to make sure he isn't totally like Twilight. I do usually take inspiration from a character from another franchise when I have these in mind, but as I go through the lore and have that character speak, that helps to make them different.

Glad you like Nighty and Butter. Now this may come as a shock to you, but one of these characters appear in the next FHS Episode "Go North Young Dragon" and...well, it's a total shocker. It might have already seemed obvious what was being built up, but you'll see what happens. I am anxious to get to use Noctura again. I am glad you enjoyed her character development, and that will come in handy for the next story she'll be in.

Thanks again for reading, and I hope you enjoy the next one! :)

I haven't read "My sister is a dragon" yet, but I really hope you made a "Butter's Brutter" joke about Nightwatch somewhere. XD

Lol, I dunno if I will, but it would be cute

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