• Published 7th Jun 2022
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My Little Sister is a Dragon - Nightmare Moon Arc - AleximusPrime

A young unicorn named Nightwatch and his little adoptive dragon sister Buttercream long to see Nightmare Moon defeated and Princess Luna return. They venture out to Everfree to witness this but run into some trouble along the way.

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3. The Presentation

The years passed by. Nightwatch grew and learned more about astronomy and plenty of other subjects as a teenager. He maintained high grades and was valedictorian in his graduating class. With Buttercream by his side, he was never lonely. She grew up to be a very cheerful and energetic little dragon and always tagged along with Nightwatch when she had the chance.

Nightwatch was now taking classes at a nearby community college, learning more about astronomy as well as Equestrian history, science, mathematics, writing, and advanced magic. Midnight Hue and Aurora Shine supported him through each and every endeavor. Even Buttercream would tag along with him sometimes at college to help him with his studies or his presentations.

Today was a big day for Nightwatch. With one week away from the Summer Sun Celebration and the predicted date of Nightmare Moon’s return, he had a presentation planned for his astronomy class with Buttercream helping him out. The assignment was to report on astronomic predictions and their accuracy. Nightwatch knew exactly what to research for this project.

“While not many talk of the tale of Nightmare Moon, we all do know that Princess Luna transformed into Nightmare Moon and was imprisoned in the moon by her sister. And what does this have to do with the celestial bodies in the night sky, you might ask? Well there is a prophecy that Nightmare Moon will return one thousand years after the imprisonment. It states that ‘the stars will aid in her escape’. No one has ever been able to decipher this, but I found something years ago when I was just a kid and was out stargazing one night.”

As Nightwatch spoke, Buttercream helped out with the visuals for his project. The tripod easel next to her had several pictures of artwork of the royal sisters and images of Nightmare Moon. The second one had a dark blue felt board representing the night sky and small white dots for the stars and a large disk with the Mare in the Moon to represent the moon. She added in a crooked black line on a stick with four larger white dots. Nightwatch continued.

“Right here we have Ari, Hamal, Sheratan, and Mesarthim. They all originated from magic created by an anonymous wizard about two thousand years ago, unlike natural stars that are billions of light-years away and are far bigger. What makes this constellation more interesting is that its four stars are in motion. When I first saw them, I noticed that they’re getting closer to the spot in the sky where the moon will be on the night of Nightmare Moon’s return. I found out later on that these stars have actually been in motion since the time of Nightmare Moon’s banishment, but astronomers didn’t notice it till a few years later when they had moved from their original spot. They’ve covered even more distance in the past few centuries. If you calculate the rate at which they are going, it will put them right where the moon is in conjunction with the moment Nightmare Moon will be released according to the prophecy: 12:00 am June 21st on the thousandth year. That’s right, everypony. These stars are the very stars that will aid in Nightmare Moon’s escape.”

Everyone in the room began to murmur to each other. Buttercream put the stars on the moon and tore off the Mare in the Moon sticker from the white disk. She then took out a small statuette of Nightmare Moon and put it on the table in front of her as Nightwatch finished his presentation.

“I know it sounds ridiculous, but keep in mind that the prophecy does not specify exactly what stars or how many stars will do this, so we are left to figure it out ourselves. With the fact that Ari, Hamal, Sheratan, and Mesarthim are moving faster and are already just near the moon, it is safe to say we have decoded the prophecy. Nightmare Moon will return and she’ll be back one week from today.”

Some of the students in the room started to giggle at what he was saying and started whispering into their friend’s ears. Most didn’t seem too convinced by what Nightwatch was saying, but he shrugged it off and continued.

“In conclusion…” he said loudly as everyone quieted down, “…we have a prophecy about to be fulfilled that has to do with four micro-suns beyond our planet and they are rapidly approaching the moon. I urge everyone to check the exact location of the moon in the sky this June 20th and calculate the speed of those stars and where they will end up just as the clock strikes midnight. They’re getting faster and Nightmare Moon’s return won’t be good for us, however, the Elements of Harmony are still out there and they can be used to exorcise Nightmare Moon and bring back the Princess of the Night. Is it all true? We’ll find out next week when summer starts. I believe it though, because figuring this out back when I was just ten years old is how I got this right here.”

Nightwatch turned to the side and looked at his flank to show everyone his cutie mark as Buttercream walked in next to him and stretched her arms out as if to present his cutie mark.

“Thank you for listening to my presentation,” Nightwatch said as he and Buttercream bowed and the other students applauded them.

“Alright. Thank you Nightwatch and his little…um…sister, Buttercream,” said the male unicorn professor off to the side as he got up from a chair and made his way back to his desk. “And that’s the last of our presentations. I’ll have these graded soon and you can come by to collect your report cards on Monday. Everypony have a wonderful summer.”

The students all got up and left the room as Nightwatch and Buttercream started tearing down their presentation set up. After they were finished, Nightwatch walked over to the professor’s desk. Buttercream hopped up and grabbed onto the edge of the desk next to her brother

“So, Mr. Nebula, how’d I do?” Nightwatch asked with a smile on his face.

“Well Nightwatch…I dunno. I’m gonna have to go with a…solid B-”

Nightwatch kept his smile for a brief second until it turned into a frown just as Buttercream did the exact same. He stared in amazement as she started to look angry.

“A B-?” Nightwatch asked.

“What?! Oh come on!” Buttercream blurted out.

“Sir, I’m not sure I deserve a B-. Could you maybe bring it to an A- at least?”

“Nightwatch, look, you’re one of my best students, but I’m afraid you didn’t do enough research for this. The whole theory that those stars are going to be what brings back Nightmare Moon has already been made up before, but it’s just an astrologist’s theory. It doesn’t follow true astronomy.”

“Astrologist’s theory? I wasn’t aware of that.”

“Not only that, but you failed to give enough information on how those stars can do it. Yes, they are stars put in the sky by some unnamed sorcerer from almost two thousand years ago, but that was before Nightmare Moon. Before Princess Luna was even born. The creator of the stars would have to know ahead of time where they’d end up going. There’s no way those stars could be the right ones. Some other stars might do it, but there’s no scientific evidence that it’s Ari, Hamal, Sheratan, and Mesarthim.”

“Well Sir, we’re a week away from Nightmare Moon’s return and I’m not seeing other stars get close enough, so how can it not be those four?”

“I don’t know. Maybe the prophecy was off by a few years or maybe it’s going to be stars closer to the moon. The prophecy says ‘the stars will aid in her escape,’ but that’s not specific enough because scientists didn’t make it. The bottom line is, prophecies don’t always come true. Times are different now in Equestria, Nightwatch. I’m afraid I can’t give you enough points that prove you are basing this on science. What you’re talking about is just baseless estimates. Science shouldn’t be about following prophecies or religion.”

“Hey, some prophecies come true!” Buttercream blurted out.

“Easy now, Butter. Mr. Nebula, are you really sure?”

“Look, it was an interesting project about a really intriguing prophecy. I’ll give you that, but I’m afraid I can’t give you an A.”

“Hang on, Nighty. I got this,” Buttercream said as she climbed up on the desk and walked towards the professor.

“Butter, what are you doing?” Nightwatch asked nervously.

“Look, Mister, my brother has spent the past ten years studying the stars and this prophecy, and he got his cutie mark doing it. Granted I was just a baby when that happened, but he and our parents all were there and they’ve told me everything. If you think he’s wrong about all this even though he got his cutie mark right after figuring it out, then you’re gonna be really sorry you didn’t give him an A when Nightmare Moon does come back!”

“Butter, take it easy,”

“Tell you what: if Nightmare Moon does appear next weekend, you give him an A instead. Deal?”

The professor appeared intimidated by the little feisty dragon, but thought about what she had said. He then sighed and put his hooves together.

“Alright, here’s the deal: if Nightmare Moon does return on the exact date you say, I’ll change your grade to 90%. If those exact four stars release her, you get a 95%.”

“And if the Elements of Harmony are actually used to stop Nightmare Moon, he’ll get a 100%.”

“Alright. A 100% if that happens.”

“It’s a deal! You won’t be sorry, Mr. Nebula! We promise!” Buttercream shouted as she reached forward to shake the professor’s hoof with a big smile on her face.

“Yes, well you’d better be right about at least one of these things or that B- is final. Understood?” the professor told Nightwatch, sternly.

“Um…yes, Sir,” Nigthwatch replied, bashfully.

“Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go meet with the dean.”

“Don’t worry, Nighty,” Buttercream told her brother. “You know your stuff. Everything will happen just as you predicted it.”


As they walked out of the classroom and into the outdoors to head home, carrying the supplies for the presentation, Butter appeared rather happy while Nightwatch did not. The things Mr. Nebula told him about the prophecy being baseless already upset him.

“Well that went really well, Bro! I’m glad you had me come over to…Nightwatch?”

She looked to her brother to see how unhappy he was. He sighed deeply and continued to trudge along with his head down.

“Hey, Nighty, cheer up! So you didn’t get an A on that presentation, but he’ll give it to you once we see everything happen next week!”

If we see everything happen next week. What if he’s right? What if it’s not those four stars specifically that’ll do it? What if Nightmare Moon doesn’t return? No one will ever be able to befriend Princess Luna and let her know that her sister still loves her and wants to rule with her. Maybe I’ve been barking up the wrong tree this whole time.”

Nightwatch stopped to sit down on a nearby bench while Buttercream joined him to cheer him up.

“Hey, Nightwatch, it’s gonna be fine. I may not get the whole astronomy thing like you do, but you’ve shown me how close all the stars are getting to the moon and I believe it’s gonna happen.”

“Yeah, but you heard what Mr. Nebula told us. He’s got a point about how those stars were placed there before Nightmare Moon. Guess I never thought about that. I’m not concerned about my grade so much, Butter. I’m worried about how the prophecy might not come true…that I may have misinterpreted it.”

“Nighty, you got your cutie mark ten years ago when you noticed Ari, Hamal, Sheratan, and Mesarthim had moved and were going closer to the moon. Didn’t you say it happened right after you said it out loud in front of Mom and Dad?”

“Yeah, I noticed it and then I said they must be the stars that will aid in her escape. Mom and Dad congratulated me, and then I just stared up at the moon, and they started freaking out, and then I look back at my flank and see ‘Oh, it’s my cutie mark.’”

“Right! So why would you getting your cutie mark happen if you got the prophecy wrong? You didn’t get it wrong, Nighty! You’re the best astronomer I know and you’re gonna be right about this!”

Buttercream hugged her brother tenderly and he began to smile again as he hugged her back.

“Thanks, Butter,” he said. “I guess you’re right. What we should be more concerned about is how the Elements can stop her. That’s going to be a bigger issue once Nightmare Moon returns.”

“Let’s hope Princess Celestia can use them again!”

“Well, I’m not sure she can do it, but someone out there will. Anyway, let’s go home. Mom and Dad are going to want to hear about that report, but we’ll let them know that Mr. Nebula is willing to give me a better grade.”

“Alrighty, Nighty! Let’s go!”

After getting home, Buttercream walked in the front door first and rushed to find Aurora who was still at home, doing some house-keeping.

“Mom, we’re home!” Butter called.

“Butter! Nighty! How was the presentation?” Aurora asked as she hugged the little dragon.

“Well…” Nightwatch said, bashfully.

“Nighty got a B-!” Butter said, quickly.

“Aw, that’s not so bad!” Aurora told her son as she hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “I know you’re used to A’s, dear, but a lot of students would kill to have a B-. Did Mr. Nebula tell you why he didn’t give you an A?”

“He said I didn’t do enough research to determine those four stars are going to be the right ones. That I’m just estimating and going off of prophecies and religion and stuff.”

“Did you tell him you got your cutie mark when you figured this out?”

“Yeah, but he didn’t buy it. Mr. Nebula’s one of those ‘gotta have all the evidence’ types who don’t believe in prophesies. Apparently this prediction has been made before by some astrologists.”

“Nightwatch, you’re a gifted young stallion. You know the prophecy and you found those stars,” she told him, putting her hoof under his chin. “When Nightmare Moon does return in one week, he’ll regret giving you a B-.”

“Well he told us he’ll give Nighty an A if Nightmare Moon does return and with the help of those four stars! Oh, and he said he’d give him a 100% if someone stops her with the Elements of Harmony!”

“Oh wow! Well I sure hope someone can stop her with the Elements. I certainly have faith they will.”

“Hey Mom, speaking of which: I know you and Dad are gonna be busy that day, but would you be okay if Butter and I head out for the Everfree Overlook for a little trip?”

“That’s fine with me Nighty.”

“Wait…” Buttercream said. “The Everfree Overlook? What are we gonna do there, Bro?”

“Butter, you and I are gonna take a little road trip to that hilltop where we’ll set up my telescope and watch as Ari, Hamal, Sheratan, and Mesarthim all unite to free Nightmare Moon!”

“WOOHOO!! ROADRTRIP!!!” Buttercream shouted joyfully as she bounced up and down and finally landed on her brother’s back to hug him. “This is gonna be the best trip ever, Nighty!”

“Get some of your things around, cuz we’re gonna camp at the top of that hill and maybe even start a fire and cook s’mores!”


Buttercream’s eyes widened and she started drooling at the thought of eating s’mores. Nightwatch then took out a textbook from his saddlebag and checked some notes he had about the stars and moon for the night of Nightmare Moon’s return. Despite his day not starting off too great with a lower grade for his presentation than he expected, he was already determined to make up for it. He was ready to go on an adventure with his little sister and prove that he decoded one of the most important prophecies of all time.

“I’ve waited practically all my life to see this event, and I’m not gonna miss such an opportunity,” he said.