• Published 7th Jun 2022
  • 2,700 Views, 214 Comments

My Little Sister is a Dragon - Nightmare Moon Arc - AleximusPrime

A young unicorn named Nightwatch and his little adoptive dragon sister Buttercream long to see Nightmare Moon defeated and Princess Luna return. They venture out to Everfree to witness this but run into some trouble along the way.

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5. The Final Sunset?

Nightwatch paced about inside the cage, thinking of a way to get out. Buttercream sat down near the bars, trying to dig and scratch at them, but the sound of her nails scraping against metal was too much, so she tried blowing her fire harder. Nightwatch tried concentrating his teleportation spell to a higher output, but every time he flashed, he kept ending up back in the cage. He could use his magic, but it had no effect on the metal, nor could he lift any object outside of the cage or teleport outside of it. He already knew how obsidian metal had properties that could resist magic like this, but he kept trying to find a way. Buttercream finally sat down in the corner with her tongue hanging out, tired from all her attempts.

“Nighty, I can’t do it,” she panted.

“Neither can I. I don’t think there’s anything we can do. Obsidian metal is really tricky. It’s made to resist magic in virtually every way. I think I’m gonna have to start calling for help instead. HEY! SOMEONE?! ANYONE?! HELP! PLEASE!”

Nightwatch raised his voice as loud as he could, but no one was coming. The cultists were out by the hilltop, preparing for their ritual while the Brotherhood was elsewhere, off to their dark business. Buttercream couldn’t take it any longer and began to cry.

“This is all my fault, Nighty. And here we said in our song about how no one was going to stop us.”

“Aw, Butter. Don’t cry.”

Nightwatch walked over and comforted his sister as she hugged him.

“We’ve been waiting for this day for years and had our chance to watch the moon, and now look where it’s got us.”

“I’m going to keep trying to find a way. I promise. See that opening in the trees right up there?”


“Well if it makes you feel any better, by my calculations, the moon should be visible at midnight and we might still be able to see it happen. Of course we won’t be able to see it through the telescope, but we’ll see it from this distance.”

“You…you think so?”

“I hope. I’m pretty sure that’s where the moon will be. Maybe we can at least ask someone to move us to a place where we can get a better view.”

“Is that all you want to do then?” asked a voice behind them.

Nightwatch and Buttercream turned around to see Noctura walking towards them. She still had on her hood and glasses.

“Noctura! You came back!” Buttercream said as she wiped away her tears.

“I’m sorry about earlier. I wasn’t sure what to do. The Brotherhood is distracted with their work, so we’re going to get you out of here. Tenebris is fetching the keys as we speak.”

“Oh thank Celes…er, thank goodness!” Nightwatch said, careful not to offend her again.

“I felt bad for you two. You may not be part of our religious following, but you desire to see the same thing happen tonight, so I didn’t want you to miss it. The others will be occupied, but I can help you get your cart up to the hilltop and set up your belongings.”

“That’s awfully nice of you, Noctura,” Buttercream said, gratefully.


Noctura began to smile for the first time and then sat down. She looked like she was deep in thought. Nightwatch observed her a little closer and noticed how different her eyes looked underneath the lenses. He also noticed she had fangs; they were just harder to see when she had her mouth closed. He finally asked her a question he had been eager to know the answer to since they first met.

“Hey Noctura, I hope you don’t mind me asking, but…is there a reason you and your friends wear those hoods and sunglasses?”

Noctura sighed and then looked at him. She was aware that Nightwatch already knew the answer to that question. Nightwatch could tell she knew.

“You’re one of them. Aren’t you?”

Noctura reached up and removed her glasses to reveal bright orange irises with slit pupils. She then pulled her hood back and showed her hair and ears that had been revealed earlier. Finally she took off her robe to reveal bat wings. Her cutie mark was an eye with the reflection of a crescent moon in the center. Noctura and the cultists were all part of the rare species ‘chiropterequus’, more commonly known as ‘bat ponies.’

“Yes, I am a bat pony. We all are,” she said.

“Whoa! Nighty, I thought bat ponies were extinct!” Buttercream said, eagerly.

“That’s only the popular theory, Butter,” Nightwatch replied. “I knew you guys were still around, but I didn’t know about the Cult of Eternal Night.”

“Most bat ponies sympathized with Nightmare Moon for wanting to give them eternal night. The cult was formed not long after she was banished. We’re a secret society that has been waiting patiently for this day since then. Since we are susceptible to sunlight, we sleep during the day and thrive at night. When we need to be active during the day, we wear these glasses to protect our eyes, but we always keep the cloaks on when we go out into the world.”

Noctura reached down and picked her sunglasses up and put them back on. She was starting to squint her eyes from having them off too long. The sunlight was too much for her even in this dark forest. The cloak would be of no more use so she just folded it up neatly.

“Why is that? Do you not want others to see that you’re bat ponies?” Nightwatch asked.

“It’s a tradition of ours to stay cloaked during the day. We keep to our own species and only walk amongst other ponies when necessary. Most of us dwell in caves and deep jungles to stay clear of the sunlight.”

“Okay, but what about the eyesight part? I didn’t think bat ponies had issues seeing in broad daylight.”

“We are not supposed to be that way, but after Celestia banished her sister, our race slowly started to develop this problem. Clearly a curse that the malevolent leader of Equestria has bestowed upon us for siding with Nightmare Moon.”

“But we will no longer have to worry about it after tonight,” said Nox who had just arrived behind her with Oscura.

They both took off their robes. Nox had blue hair with green eyes and a cutie mark of several stars. Oscura had yellow eyes, purple hair, and a cutie mark of the moon being partially covered by dark clouds. Other cultists arrived and took off their robes and sunglasses as well. Tenebris finally arrived with the keys but chose to keep his robe and sunglasses on.

“You two are free to go. We do not care what the Brotherhood may do to us. Nightmare Moon will return tonight and protect the bat pony race from our enemies, so we have nothing to fear. We only needed them to help us with important matters.”

“Thank you so much, sir,” Nightwatch said, respectfully.

“All I ask is that you do not get in our way and respect our desire for space to perform our ritual to welcome Nightmare Moon back.”

“Of course. Butter and I will stay off to the side and watch the moon through my telescope.”

“As for the rest of you: keep those sunglasses on until sunset. Once the moment is upon us, we will use them for the ritual when we will no longer be burdened with them.”

“Yes, Father Tenebris,” said the multitude of bat ponies.

Tenebris used his mouth to turn the key inside the lock and open the cage. Several other bat ponies flew up and removed the lid once the lock was undone. The bars to the cage slowly bent back down and Buttercream leapt out and gave Noctura a hug.

“Thank you! Nocti! Is it okay if I call you that?” Buttercream asked the bat pony.

“Um…you can call me that if you want, little one,” Noctura said with a smile on her face.

Buttercream turned to see if any of the other cultists would like a hug from her, but they all just put their glasses back on and went straight back to work. Buttercream looked disappointed, but Nightwatch put his hoof around her and smiled. She smiled back and hugged him.

“Well come on, Butter. Let’s go get that tent set up and break out some snacks,” he told her.

“EEEH! Yes! Feels so great to be out of that dumb cage! I can’t wait for tonight!” Buttercream said as she ran back to the cart.

Several hours passed. Nightwatch and Buttercream had set up their tent and the telescope, as the cultists arranged for their ritual. The sun was a few minutes away from setting, and the cultists began to start their first ritual to bid farewell to what they believed would be the final setting of the sun. They still had on their glasses but would not need them after the sun was gone and the night would last forever.

Nightwatch was bringing in some kindling for a fire he was starting up in a nearby pit, while Buttercream opened up a bag to take out the s’mores. She inhaled and lit the fire with her dragon breath. They waited for the wood to burn just right to start roasting their marshmallows.

“While we’re waiting, Nighty, you wanna watch the sun set?” she asked.

“It’s gonna be the final sunset until Nightmare Moon’s return, so it’s gonna be a special one. We might as well make this count,” Nightwatch said.

They both turned around on the logs around the fire pit and squinted their eyes as the orange ball in the sky began to inch its way down over the mountains.

“No longer shall we be burdened by the wicked monarch’s orb of fire!” said one of the cultists as some of them began to chant in gibberish.

“The chiropterequus will thrive forever more!” said another.

Butter glanced at Noctura to see if she was taking part in the chanting. Noctura was just standing there, waiting. She almost didn’t seem very interested in what the others were doing, but she was looking forward to everything no matter what.

“Here it goes, Butter!” Nightwatch told his sister as she turned back to the sunset.

The sun slowly moved down further until there was nothing but a bright sliver left on the edge of the horizon. The bat pony cultists all started hollering louder and louder. Finally the sun disappeared and they cheered loudly. They flew up in the air and removed their glasses. Once they landed, they all threw them into the fire. Noctura discarded her glasses in the fire and walked over to Nightwatch and Buttercream.

“Do you mind if I join you?” she asked.

“Sure!” Buttercream said, joyfully.

“Go right ahead! We’d be happy to have some company,” Nightwatch added.

“It feels refreshing to see the sun go,” Noctura started to say. “We’ve had to wear those pesky shades all these years when we walk during the day, but no more now that eternal night is coming.”

Nightwatch had a concerned look on his face. He shared a glance with Buttercream who also looked worried. He then spoke up to Noctura.

“Hey Noctura, you know about the Elements of Harmony, right?”

“Yes. All bat ponies know what they are. It’s what Celestia used to banish Nightmare Moon.”

“Well I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with your beliefs, but the Elements can still be used to stop Nightmare. They’re no longer connected to Celestia, but two or more other beings could do it this time. Are you or anyone from your cult concerned about that?”

“I am aware, Nightwatch, but I am not worried about the Elements. They will never be used against Nightmare Moon again. She will not be defeated.”

Nightwatch was confused by what Noctura was saying, but she didn’t elaborate any further. He figured it was time to change the subject and not anger her. She already seemed to be warming up to the two of them.

“Well, anyway, have you ever had a s’more before?” he asked.

Noctura stared for a moment and then shook her head back and forth.

“Oh you’ll love ‘em, Nocti!” said Buttercream. “You take one of these little white things, they’re called marshmallows, and you roast it over the fire until it’s nice and brown, then you put them between a graham cracker and some chocolate and eat it like a sandwich. Their name comes from the words ‘some more’ cuz everyone always wants more once you’ve had one.”

“Oh. Well, that sounds delicious. I’ve had chocolate before and I liked it. This ‘s’more’ sounds even better just hearing about it.”

“I’ll make one for ya then!”

Noctura smiled as Buttercream reached into the bag to pull out a marshmallow and began to roast it on a stick. Nightwatch kept up his conversation with her.

“So Nocti, how about this Brotherhood?” he asked. “What’s up with those guys?”

“I was wondering when you would ask. Technically Dagger is just a mercenary they’ve hired, but the other two are part of it along with some donkey named Bray. They come from Tambelon. They’re also a cult, but their beliefs are baseless. While we are waiting for the return of Nightmare Moon, those fools are waiting for the return of Grogar.”

“Grogar? Wait, the Grogar? The Tambelonian warlord who took over Equestria before he was defeated by Gusty the Great?”

“That’s correct.”

“Are they aware Grogar was banished to Tartarus and allegedly died?”

“I don’t know. All I know is they think he’s still out there or that he can be resurrected. I don’t really care. Like I said, they are fools. That ram hasn’t been heard of for almost two thousand years. We all know where Nightmare Moon is and we have seen the signs. Of course, as you can see, that idiot Bellow doesn’t want to believe any of it.”

“Yeah, that guy’s got issues,” Buttercream remarked as she pulled in her marshmallow and then started making a s’more out of it. “Here, Nocti. Give it a try!”

Noctura took the s’more in her hoof and bit into it. She took a moment to taste the treat and then her eyes widened.

“Wow. This is pretty tasty!” she said as she took another bite.

“She likes it, Nighty!” said the happy little dragon.

“You want one too, Sis?” Nightwatch said as he used his magic to dangle a freshly-made s’more right above her.

Butter got down on all fours, wagged her tail, and panted like an excited puppy. Nightwatch moved the treat towards her, and she chomped down on it. Noctura smiled as she saw the two adoptive siblings bonding. She envied them for how happy they appeared. She had never been this acquainted with anyone not of her species or religion. Looking back at the bat ponies preparing their ritual, she could see the contrast between the two groups. Although the bat ponies were like family to her all her life, she was already feeling more connected with this unicorn and his little dragon sister.

Back in the forest, Bleat, Bellow and Dagger all crept towards the bat ponies' encampment in a small clearing. Nox and several others guarded the camp but were distracted by the moon. Although they needed to keep watch, they also needed to witness this very important moment so they also had their own separate ritual prepared.

“I’m so happy to finally get rid of these stupid glasses!” said Nox as he threw his shades into the fire with the others.

“I wish we could be with the others right now, but at least Tenebris let us have some drums and other instruments. We might as well just do the dance and all. Nothing’s going to happen,” said one guard.

“I agree. I’ve waited all my life for this moment and I’m not going to miss out on it,” said another.

With the guards distracted, the Brotherhood members took a chance. They peered out over a bush in the distance and then nodded to each other. Dagger took off his hat, scarf, shirt and belt and put them aside. He reached into the pocket of his shirt and took out a tiny lock pick. When the moment was right, he quietly slithered through the tall grass towards one large tent. When he reached the edge, he slipped in under the tarp and disappeared. Inside, he found a large chest with a lock on it. Using the pick, he carefully placed it in the lock and wiggled it around until the lock came undone. He slowly opened the lid so it would not creak too loudly.

Inside the chest were five stone orbs with the shape of an octagonal gem carved on one side. These were the Elements of Harmony in their powerless state. The sixth one had vanished entirely until they could be reactivated. They had been this way for a thousand years and had lost their power after their previous use in Celestia’s battle against Nightmare Moon. The bat ponies had stolen them from the Everfree Palace ruins earlier so no one could find them and use them against Nightmare Moon. The Brotherhood, however, had other plans and needed to return them to the ruins as Bray had ordered.

Dagger reached in with his tail, gingerly picked up each of the Elements and rolled them out underneath the tent. Once he had all five outside, he went back out and took each individual orb back to Bleat and Bellow who held on to them with their magic. Dagger quietly put all his clothes back on, and all three of them slinked away into the shadows.

“Well done, Dagger. I knew Bray hired you for a reason,” Bleat whispered.

“I still don’t get it though. Why do we need this Nightmare Moon to be defeated again?” Dagger asked.

“It has to happen in order to power the Golem.”

“The Golem can’t just absorb magic like that old bell?”

“They weren’t designed to do it like that. After Bray found this one, we decided tonight would be the perfect time to give it a try, what with Nightmare Moon reappearing and subsequently being defeated. Such an opportunity may not come for a while.”

“How can we be so sure she will be defeated?” asked Bellow.

“That’s why we’re returning these right now, Bellow. It may take a while, but someone will eventually find them and use them. I’m sure Princess Celestia has something in mind and has already found new wielders. She wouldn’t just waste one thousand years not preparing for this day where her dear sister reappears.”

“I know why the Golems are important, but I still don’t see the use of this mission. It does nothing to complete our true task.”

“Bray wishes it so, my friend. He knows what he’s doing and if we wish to see the return of the Ram, we must trust him.”