• Published 7th Jun 2022
  • 2,711 Views, 214 Comments

My Little Sister is a Dragon - Nightmare Moon Arc - AleximusPrime

A young unicorn named Nightwatch and his little adoptive dragon sister Buttercream long to see Nightmare Moon defeated and Princess Luna return. They venture out to Everfree to witness this but run into some trouble along the way.

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9. The Golem

The large ram-like robot walked forward to engage the guards. One of them went airborne to serve as a distraction, while the other three brandished their shields to protect Luna, Nightwatch, Buttercream and Noctura. The robot looked up to the guard just as he lunged forward with his spear. The guard watched for a split second as the head of the robot sprung forward at high speeds and slammed into him, knocking him back into some nearby bushes. The robot had stretched its neck out, revealing a thick cord. Its head fell to the ground and the cord pulled it back in to the body.

“Everyone get back! We’ll deal with this thing!” shouted another guard.

Luna put a shield of energy around the others as the guards all went to engage the machine. They flew around and avoided the robot’s head, but it had other options for attack. The rectangular light in the center of its mohawk shone brightly and fired a laser beam at one guard. The beam hit him in the arm, causing him to grunt in pain. Another threw a spear at the robot’s head, but the spear reflected, leaving no scratches on the hull. The robot then fired two smaller beams from the tips of its horns. The guard anticipated this and put his shield up to protect against the beams, but the robot was already learning. It aimed the lasers at the guard’s head so he would have no choice but to put the shield up and block out his view. The robot then rammed its head into him and knocked him back where he collided with Luna’s magic shield. The final guard tried to fly around and confuse the robot, but it charged itself up with electricity and stomped on the ground, creating a shockwave. It knocked everyone back including Luna and the others. The first guard got up and returned to engage the robot, but he was not prepared for the lasers since he did not see them being used before. He received a concussive blast to the chest and was knocked out.

“Princess, what is this thing?” asked Nightwatch.

“No time to explain. We need to stop it and I think I know how.” Luna replied as she stepped forward. “The rest of you, get to safety!”

Nightwatch, Buttercream, and Noctura all ran off to a nearby rock to hide behind. The robot turned its attention to Luna and charged up its center laser. It fired a beam, but Luna teleported above. She began to charge up her magic. By the time the robot looked skyward, Luna had already fired a powerful magic blast at the robot’s head. It turned its head quickly to the side. The lights all over its body turned blue again and flickered as if it was malfunctioning. It stood still for a few moments until the lights turned red. It looked at Luna and launched its head at her. She teleported just in time and moved to another location to try a more powerful blast. The robot dodged her blast by jumping away quickly. It was getting more violent and erratic with its movements, almost as if it was learning how to avoid attacks and land hits more successfully.

“Noctura, I think I know how we can beat it,” Nightwatch said.

“Tell me how. I’ll go take it out,” Noctura said as he brandished her bladed gauntlet that she recovered from Nightwatch’s cart.

“You see that glowing thing on its back? Luna’s been trying to aim for it, but it won’t let her land a hit. I think Luna knows that’s its weak spot and that thing has figured it out.”

“Say no more.”

Noctura flew out to the machine while Luna was fighting it. She landed on its back and began slashing at the supposed weak spot Nightwatch pointed out. The robot quickly realized what was happening, turned its head upside down and looked back at Noctura. It fired a laser at her, which she barely dodged. The robot then stood up on its hind legs, spun its upper torso around and flipped its front legs and head.


It had contorted its body and the weak spot was now on its underside. Knowing that they would try to get underneath it, it bent its legs down and used some wheels on the sides of its joints to roll on. Now it was low enough to the ground to keep its weak point safe.

“Nighty, now what?” Buttercream yelped. “That thing just keeps figuring out how to keep us from beating it!”

“I’ve got an idea! Butter, can you distract it with your fire real quick? Just blow one plume and then run away behind this rock.”

“What about you?”

“Don’t worry about me. I’ve got this.”

Buttercream looked at the huge ram-like machine and took a gulp. She then built up all her courage and ran towards it. The robot didn’t even notice her before she blew fire in its face and it backed up slowly. The fire interfered with its vision. Buttercream took another deep breath and blew more fire. The robot refused to go out of its tank mode and the underside still remained unreachable. Buttercream grew tired of blowing fire and the robot began to charge at her. She ran back to the rock, but she was not fast enough, so Luna flew by and picked her up out of its path. Noctura went in to distract it, but the robot fired a laser at her gauntlet, causing it to fall off. Before it could fire another laser at her, one of the guards flew in the way and took the shot. Thankfully the laser only hit his armor, but he was sent flying back, taking Noctura with him. Noctura was too disoriented from the collision, but the guard quickly pulled himself back together and carried Noctura safely away from the robot’s vision.

“Sorry. I could’ve handled that a little better,” the guard told her.

“No, you did good. Thank you,” she replied.

Suddenly, the robot was lifted in the air, surrounded by a purple magic aura. Nightwatch had snuck up behind it and used his magic to lift it high enough to get to the underside. Unfortunately it was too heavy, and fell back down. He would need someone far more gifted with magic to help out.

“Princess!! Can you lift it for me?” he called to Luna.

The robot ascended a second time, surrounded by Luna’s magic. Nightwatch dashed under it quickly while charging his horn.


The robot put all four legs back down and tried to turn its upper torso around again, but it was too late and Nightwatch fired his most powerful blast right at the weak spot. It shattered and the lights began to flicker again. The robot landed on its legs but could barely keep its balance. Nightwatch had used up so much magic, he could not teleport away safely and was too dizzy to run, but Noctura flew underneath and carried him away to safety. The robot’s head shot out one more time just a few yards. Luna fired a blast powerful enough to sever its neck. The rest of its body fell over on its side and the lights faded out.

“SYSTEM FAILUUUUUUuuuuuuuurrrrrrrre………______”

The machine sounded as if it was powering down. Small bursts of electricity exploded from its chest and neck as smoke emerged. Nightwatch’s blast had overloaded its internal components. Luna set Buttercream down and then walked over to the machine, carefully examining it.

“Is…is that? Yes, I’ve finally found it!” she said.

A cloud of purple smoke spewed out of the machine and joined to form a glowing magic aura. With her eyes closed and a smile on her face, Luna allowed the aura to be absorbed into her body. Without even needing to flap her wings, she ascended, surrounded by a blinding light. Her coat became a darker shade of blue while her hair grew longer and wavy like her sister’s. There were tiny sparkles inside, giving it the appearance of the night sky. The glowing stopped and she landed gracefully on the ground. She sighed contently, opened her eyes, then flew over to check on her guards as Nightwatch and Buttercream reunited.

“Notus, Eurus, are you alright?” she asked two guards that appeared to be twins.

“We’re fine, your highness,” said one of them. “Zeph got hit pretty badly though.”

“Yeah, we should get him to the infirmary just to be safe,” said his brother.

Boreas, the eldest of the guards flew in, tending to the youngest. He was the one who saved Noctura, but he had been slammed too hard by the robot and was rubbing his head.

“Butter, you all right?” asked Nightwatch as he held his sister close.

“I’m okay now,” she replied. “I know that thing almost killed us, but that was awesome! Nighty, I can’t believe robots are real! Just wait till we tell Mom and Dad about this!”

“Well, this thing looks pretty old. Almost as if it was made centuries ago,” Noctura interjected as she observed the head of the robot.

“That thing is a Golem,” said Luna, helping up one of her guards as several others trudged behind her.

“A Golem?” asked Nightwatch.

“Golems were ancient Tambelonian machines that mimicked living creatures and could move as if they were alive.”

“So basically a robot?” Buttercream asked.

“A robot?”

“That’s the word we use in modern times. What you might call an automaton,” Nightwatch explained.

“Yes. An automaton. They were created thousands of years ago to serve their creators and improve society, but they were eventually turned into weapons of war when Grogar invaded Equestria and thus were swiftly banned by the king of Tambelon and the Equestrian kings of old. They are considered a mockery of living beings and a reminder of what happens to societies that toy with demonic technology.”

“And what happened with your hair?” Noctura asked.

“When I was freed by the power of the Elements of Harmony, something was not right. I felt very weak when I came back. My mane had reverted to its powered-down state like it was when I was younger. Somehow, most of my magic had been absorbed and used to power the Golem.”

“That thing came into the ruins and took your magic?” Buttercream asked.

“Not exactly. Golems were not designed to absorb magic by force. Someone else must have stolen the magic by gathering it up into another device and then transferring it. I suppose encountering this machine was a blessing in disguise or it could have hurt someone else.”

“Nighty, you think the Brotherhood had something to do with this?” Buttercream asked.

“Yeah, probably. Princess, that’s what I wanted to tell you earlier. We ran into these guys who call themselves the ‘Brotherhood of Grogar.’”

“The Brotherhood of Grogar?” Luna asked.

“They’re these crazy extremists who think Grogar is still alive or that he can be resurrected,” Noctura explained. “Me and the other cultists were working with them earlier to prepare a ritual for Nightmare Moon, but we had no idea what they were really up to. It makes sense now why they wanted for Nightmare Moon to be defeated by the Elements this whole time: they needed your magic to power this thing.”

“Maybe they thought this was Grogar?” Buttercream suggested.

“I’m not sure they did,” said Luna. “It appears to be a Golem that was used when Emperor Grogar attempted to seize this land. Whatever the case, Grogar is now deceased. According to my sister, he passed on in the depths of Tartarus not long after my banishment.”

Everyone looked at Luna in shock over this information.

“So he really is gone then,” Nightwatch said as he examined the golem. “What do these runes on its horns say?”

“That is the ancient tongue of Tambelon, which I will not utter here. When translated to Ponish, it reads ‘All Magic for One. No Magic for Those Beneath. Hail Grogar.’”

“Spooky,” Buttercream said.

“What should we do with its remains, your highness?” asked one of the guards.

“We will worry about it later. We need to get all of you to the medic back in Canterlot. I’m sure this metal beast is no threat anymore, but I will let my sister know.”

Nightwatch walked over to his cart and picked up the telescope. He looked at it with sorrow, knowing there was nothing he could do to fix it.

“It’s okay, Nighty,” Butter said, patting him on the back. “We’ll get you a new one.”

“I hope. I’m more worried about the cart. I don’t know how we’re going to get back with the wheels broken that badly. Wish I’d have brought some spares.”

Just then, a blue aura surrounded the cart and it was immediately mended. Nightwatch turned back to see Luna using her magic to repair the wheels.

“Princess! Thank you so much!” Nightwatch said, bowing.

“It was the least I could do, young Nightwatch,” she replied. “As for your telescope, I am afraid I do not comprehend the shape of it well enough to fix it. The technology in Equestria has changed much since my departure.”

“That’s ok, Princess. I can get a new one or get this one fixed.”

“Also, Nightwatch, before you leave: I wanted to say, I was impressed with your use of magic back there. I haven’t seen a unicorn your age master a kinetic blast quite that effectively.”

“Oh, well I always had a natural gift for magic. I had some pretty good teachers back then, but I’m no Starswirl the Bearded. I run out of energy a bit too quick if I use too much magic all at once like if I teleport long-distance. Also, you saw how I needed you to lift the Golem for me. There’s no way I’d be able to lift it and fire a blast at the same time.”

“Even then, what you did was very remarkable. I think you have much potential, but you need a teacher. Nightwatch, I know this may come as a shock to you and I haven’t known you that long, but I wish to take you under my wing as a personal protégé and teach you more about the intricacies of magic. What say you?”

Nightwatch’s eyes opened as wide as they could and he stared with his mouth hanging open.


“Um…did I say something wrong?”

“Oh, he heard you the first time, Princess,” Buttercream giggled as she nudged her brother in the side. “He’s just getting all nervous again. Go on, Nighty! Say yes!”

“I…I...uhhhhh,” Nightwatch said until he fainted.

“AGH! Hehe, he does this a lot,” Buttercream said as she held him up on the side. “He means to say yes, it’s just gonna take a moment! Nighty, come on snap out of it!”

“Dear Nightwatch, I hope I did not alarm you. What ails you?” Luna asked.

Buttercream finally managed to stand her brother back up as Luna used her magic to help. He stumbled a bit but didn’t fall over this time. He was finally awake again and in full realization that Princess Luna actually just asked him to be her student.

“Oh, Princess! I mean…when do you want me to get started? Do I need to go find a book and study before my first lesson? Do you want me to go over the Fundamentals of Advanced Magic? Should I go read-”

“He means yes,” Buttercream giggled as she covered Nightwatch’s mouth with her hand.

Nightwatch had a big smile on his face and nodded his head up and down to confirm that he did indeed mean to say ‘yes.’

“I am honored” said Luna. “And do not concern yourself with all of that for right now. You are already at a good start; there are just some things I’d like to go over the next time we meet. You’ll just have to promise me you won’t faint when I speak to you.”

“Princess, I don’t know what to say!” Nightwatch said as he shook Luna’s hoof a bit too fast. “I never thought I’d get magic lessons from a pony like you! I promise I won’t fail you!”

“Hehe. I look forward to our first lesson. I’m not sure when it will be, but I will give you the address to my sister’s postal department. Boreas, fetch me some parchment and a quill.”

“Yes, your highness,” Boreas replied.

Luna took a piece of paper and a feather from Boreas and began to write down all the information Nightwatch would need. She then gave it to him and he put it away in his satchel.

“Just use the name ‘Princess Luna’ and I’ll tell her I’m expecting some correspondence from you,” Luna told him.

“Also, here’s a map to get you on a safe route out of the Everfree Forest and back on the main road,” said Boreas, handing a new map to Nightwatch.

“Thank you, sir. And thanks again, Princess Luna,” he told the princess. “I look forward to learning from you.”

Luna gave Nightwatch and Buttercream a warm hug before heading back to her chariot. Noctura then walked in to say goodbye to her friends.

“Nightwatch, Buttercream, thank you so much for what you’ve done for me,” she said sincerely. “I haven’t had friends like you in forever, and you’ve really opened my eyes tonight. I hope we meet again real soon.”

“You’re welcome, Noctura,” Nightwatch replied. “When I send my first letter to Luna, I’ll be sure to give my address and everything in case you ever want to come visit. I’m sure my parents would love to have you over.”

“Bye, Nocti,” Buttercream said, wiping a tear from her eye. “You’re a great friend and we’ll miss you.”

Nightwatch and Buttercream gave Noctura a big hug then left her to return to the chariot with Luna and her guards. They watched as the guards put away their spears and harnessed themselves. The one that saved Noctura earlier was in no shape to fly, so he sat in the front seat of the chariot with Noctura while the other three pulled it along.

“I’m Zephyrus by the way. You can call me Zeph,” he said, shaking her hoof.

“Noctura. Thanks for saving me,” she replied, bashfully.

The chariot took off as the guards flapped their wings and turned it around. Nightwatch and Buttercream waved as Luna and Noctura waved back to them.

“FAIR THEE WELL, CHILDREN!” Luna called to them.

“BYE LUNA!” shouted Buttercream.

They watched as the chariot sped off towards Canterlot. They continued to watch it shrink in the sky till it was no longer visible in the moonlight. Nightwatch sighed and put his arm around Buttercream.

“Well, Butter, I’d say this was a successful trip,” he said.

“You bet it was,” she replied.

“Lots of ups and down and way more danger than I was expecting, but we saw the stars free Nightmare Moon like we wanted, we made a new friend, and now Princess Luna wants to be my instructor. This was one crazy adventure!”

“Oh, and you passed your presentation with a hundred percent now!”

“Oh, that’s right! I completely forgot about my grade in all this commotion! Wow, I can’t wait to tell Mr. Nebula about this!”

“Mom and Dad are gonna be really surprised to know what all we’ve been through!”

“Yeah, I hope they aren’t too scared about the danger we encountered. They won’t be too happy to hear I almost got taken away to Tambelon by some crazy Grogar-worshippers.”

“Hehe. Well they’ll be happy to know someone stopped Nightmare Moon! I wish we could see what the new ponies look like that used the Elements of Harmony.”

“Yeah, I am curious. They’re probably such a big deal right now. Maybe we’ll see them someday, but I doubt they have time for little old me, which is fine. After this whole experience, I wanted to work at a planetarium or something, but I’d like to see what Luna has in store for me.”

“Nighty, you should write a book about all of this! Seriously, who else has a story this good about the time Nightmare Moon returned and was then defeated?”

“Well the new wielders of the Elements of Harmony certainly do.”

“True, but your story is just as awesome I’ll bet.”

“Hehe, you’re right. Only because I had the world’s best little sister by my side.”


Nightwatch picked Buttercream up with his magic and spun her around as they both giggled. He brought her in for another hug before heading back to the cart to pack up all his belongings and prepare for the trip home.

“Alright, well I think I got enough sleep today, so let’s get the cart moving and see if we can get to the campgrounds again and spend the rest of the night there. We’ll use this map to get back on the road and eventually get home. I think I know the rest of the way once we get out of the Canterlot area.”

“Lead the way, Nighty. Boy, Mom and Dad are in for quite a surprise when we get back!”

Nightwatch pulled his cart along and continued down a small path that would lead him to the road. As he went, the Brotherhood watched from atop a nearby cliff. Bellow stood tall on the edge of a rock with anger in his eyes.

“That was a real snooze-fest,” Dagger grumbled as he lay his head down on the end of his tail.

“I can’t believe it! I thought the Golem would have performed better!” Bellow said, trying to keep his voice low enough.

“Brothers, it was fine. It was meant to be experimental,” Bleat explained. “We saw how well it fought and the others will be able to do the same.”

“But the ponies will figure out how to beat them now! They already know of the Brotherhood!”

“Hehehe…” Bray laughed sinisterly as the others turned around.

“What are you laughing about?” Dagger asked.

“Brothers, don’t you see? They’re making this too easy! The Princess knows enough about the Golem and how to read those runes, but she has no idea what they’re all up against. Yes, we lost the Golem, but we all knew it would happen eventually. I’ve been holding onto that thing for years and I imagined I’d need to let it go someday. We’ll go down there and salvage its internal components before Celestia can use it. Don’t forget, that’s not the only Golem we have and there are many others buried out there that we can locate easily using our own Bewitching Bells.”

“But we don’t have enough magic to power them with. Our bells are not nearly as capable as the one Grogar carried,” Bellow complained.

“We will find it, Bellow. We don’t even have to go out and steal magic in the open. Like I said, the magic will continue to flow now that those mares have found the Elements. There will be plenty of other villains to come after this just as the prophecy foretold. They will be defeated and the ponies will get confident, but the years will roll by and we will continue to get stronger.”

“But what if it’s not enough magic, Bray?” asked Bleat.

“It probably won’t be for all the Golems we have, but once Grogar returns, that will be an issue no longer.”

“Ya think maybe those kids will figure out what we’re doing?” asked Dagger.

“You heard what they said down there, Dagger. The little dragoness thinks we thought the Golem was Grogar. If we can keep them guessing that we’re just a bunch of silly radicals, they will suspect nothing. They’ve already met you three, but they still don’t know what I even look like. This will be very beneficial if I am to ever pay them a little visit myself.”

“Are you saying the unicorn might have been useful this whole time and we should have brought him with us like I suggested?” asked Bellow.

“He may be useful, but we will take care of that another time. You three just keep up with the agenda. Leave Nightwatch and his little scaly sister to me.”