• Published 26th Jul 2022
  • 143 Views, 3 Comments

Abstract Love - Faedelaide

What else is there to think of in death than everything you did wrong in life?

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Like, Who Even Cares, Dude?

I guess I should take the time now to say that I'm not exactly the most religious pony. I never believed the princesses were goddesses, I kinda thought they just got lucky for the most part. But, if I'm honest, this experience might've made me change my mind. I mean, if there aren't any gods, then what possible explanation is there for me being here, slowly losing my mind?

And I'm not exaggerating when I say that either. Every time I shut my eyes, even for the shortest moment, I forget more things. I don't remember my best friend from college. I don't remember my middle name. I can't remember the name of my own parents.

But, beside it all, I can still remember her. I remember Rainfall, every single moment I ever shared with her. At this point, I don't know if it's a relief or a punishment. But it doesn't really matter anymore. I don't matter. I should just finish my story, what I remember of it at least.

So of course now that she knew what the warehouse was for, and that It was going to be a future art studio, Rainfall was practically buzzing with excitement. To my slight despair, Rainfall's questions had increased tenfold. It got to the point that I actually began writing down questions as we cleaned. It was a nice experience, even if the warehouse smelled like piss ninety percent of the time and Rainfall had to carefully dispose of a dead raccoon. I tried to answer as many of her inquiries as I could, but I could only keep up for so long before I got swept away in the wave. She didn't seem to care all that much though, and her voice was a much needed distraction from our pretty disgusting task. I miss her voice... it seems so distant now... so fuzzy.

By the time we called it a day, the sun was already gone. The Canterlot streetlamps illuminated the dingy street that led to our apartment, and the moon that sat high in the sky cast the city in a romantic blue glow. We were both exhausted, and I was starving. Rainfall obviously felt the same, because as we walk back home, she looks at me and asks, "Hey, I'm starving right now. You wanna get a bite to eat at Hoofington's?"

Now any respectable pony would've retched at the very mention of the greasy, grimy fried food restaurant that was Hoofington's. It's the kind of place some hick pony would take their kids when walking around and yelling at managers got boring. And, as much as I wanted to be nice to her, I told her exactly how I felt about that... establishment. Was it a bit much? Maybe, but I felt it would be best to be honest with her.

So I tell her that Hoofington's is a greasehole full of crazy people, and she starts howling with laughter. She's giggling a storm, right, and I'm standing there thinking I either really screwed up or hit the nail on the head. Then, under the beauty of both the warm streetlamps and the serene blue light of the moon, she gives me a wide smile and says, "Well then we'll get dinner and a meal!"

I think, if I had to pinpoint it, that was the exact moment that I fell in love with her. Sure, I thought she was cute in the month and a half that I'd known her, but it was right then that I realized that I wouldn't mind spending my entire life with her.

So of course we start going over to Hoofington's immediately. In all honesty, I didn't really mind eating greasy food. After all, I'd been living off of cheap grocery store meals for the past half year, so it wasn't too much of a change of pace. Not to mention that Rainfall's comment had me hopeful that I might get to see two customers duke it out while we ate our deep fried hayburgers.

Unfortunately, no such spat happened, but we did get to enjoy some surprisingly tasty burgers. As usual, Rainfall was carrying the conversation throughout most of our meal, but that's not to say I wasn't talking. We discussed our lives before we moved in together, and apparently she was a kirin that was allowed to leave her village after an earth pony and a pegasus came in and saved her people from... silence, I think? Celestia, I can't remember now. What was it..?

Whatever. So we sat at that little table for a good while. I'm trying to listen to what she's saying but I keep noticing that I'm spacing out, taking in every detail of her face. Her curly mane that never liked to stay held behind her ears, her beautiful hazel eyes, even the odd scale or two that stuck out from her snout. I liked to think at the time that I was treasuring my time with her as much as possible, but now I think I probably spent so much time looking at her because then I wouldn't forget her. It's worked so far, which is... good... I guess. Although, now it all feels like it's a dream, and I don't know if any of this is real anymore. How could I tell, there's no frame of reference here, just my stupid, broken head. Or you know what, maybe I really was just a creep, staring at some innocent mare because everyone else knew better than to get close to me. Who knows now, cuz I definitely don't. Though I could probably make an educated guess.

I like to think that she cared for me too, even if it wasn't nearly as much I cared for her. We walked so closely together when we headed back to our apartment. Nothing happened of course, we just went into our separate rooms and slept. That night, I dreamt that I made my father proud.