• Published 26th Jul 2022
  • 143 Views, 3 Comments

Abstract Love - Faedelaide

What else is there to think of in death than everything you did wrong in life?

  • ...

Are You Insane or Something?

I need to keep talking. Talking is the only thing that keeps me from forgetting. I can't forget yet. I'm so close, she's telling me how close I am. If I finish my story, will everything finally be over? Will I finally be able to leave this shithole and actually die? I don't even care where I'd end up at this point, I just want it to be, oh I don't know, anywhere that isn't here!

Ok ok, where was I? uh... right, ok. So I finished my portrait, it's weird and only vaguely looks like me but It's better than black plains and black trees. It's even odder, cuz I'm not the type of pony who works in the abstract. Usually, I draw what I see and add what I feel later on. If I'm feeling upset, I'll go to a nearby pool or pond and then paint it as a dried up pit. If I'm feeling sad, I'll flood one of my neighboring streets. It's cathartic in a way sometimes. I remember one of my scrapped pieces was of the old building I used to work at floating on a turbulent ocean in the middle of a powerful storm. I knew what I was good at, and I worked with it, but this? This was entirely new to me, dare I say alien. It didn't matter to me though. As far as I was concerned, it was my best piece yet. I loved it, and Rainfall would probably love it too! And if she really did love it, then...

I shook my head. Now was not the time to keep my head in the clouds. I carefully wrapped my painting up and began walking back home. The walk was still pretty short, but it was made faster by the fact that I was practically sprinting home. It was partly because of the excitement bubbling in my chest, but it was also because I was a little scared that my painting would develop a layer of frost if I was outside for too long. By the time I made it back home, my hooves were a shade lighter then when I'd left. I shook off my scarf while still holding the painting in my hands. Rainfall shouldn't have been home by this time, so If I was fast and sneaky enough, I could hide the painting and start writing my confession to her. And if I got extremely lucky, I'd be able to-

"Oh hey Spiral, you're home late! What 'cha got there?"

...Was my name always Spiral? That's a weird name.

NO no nononono keep talking. Don't stop talking, don't forget.

Ok, so I was properly panicking in that moment. For the first time in months, I was completely unprepared. What was I supposed to say now? Was this the time for a joke, or was I supposed to act casual? Now that I was on the verge of a panic attack, I decided to just go with the flow. Y'know, not try and rouse suspicion or anything.

"On the contrary, you appear to have gotten out of work early. Has something gone?"

Yeah, she didn't buy it one bit. "Oh no, you're pulling out the 'public appearances' voice. That means something's wrong. What's going on, dude?"

"Nothing, I am merely holding onto my painting for now while... I finish up another piece at the warehouse."

"Mmm, see I can tell that's not it, cuz A: you're still talking to me like I'm one of those reporters, and B: you're really bad at lying."

She knew me way too well. I'd dare to wager that she knew me better than I knew myself. Considering I didn't have jack shit planned out for a scenario this apocalyptic, I start feeling a sensation in my throat as I draw closer to throwing up from sheer anxiety.

But I can't just clam up now, I have to say something to her. "Ah, well, you know how I am. It's just another piece, don't you worry your fuzzy little head about it, alright?"

"Then lemme see it. I love your works!"

Things started getting dangerously out of hand. I mean, I could show her it, but then I wouldn't be able to control the outcome. I'd spent the last few months of my life living as rigidly as possible, and now, during one of the most important decisions I'd probably ever make, I had absolutely no control over the situation.

I gulp. Loudly. "Listen, I'll show it to you in the morning, ok? I swear to you I'll show it when it's ready, so long as you don't go getting your scaley lil mits all over it, alright?"

She humphs dramatically. She wasn't really that upset, but I think she liked being dramatic to compensate for my near sociopathic personality. "Fine, I'll wait. But I'm holding you to that promise, Spiral. If you don't show me that painting, I'm... not gonna do anything but I'll... uh... I'll talk your ear off! All day! And there's nothing you can do to stop me, mwahaha!"

"Oh yes, quite the punishment, enjoying conversation with my favorite kirin. I might as well just die now."

"Oh you think you're real witty, art boy. I'll show you! I'll talk about really boring things, like taxes, or... ooh, the political climate!"

"Oh Celestia, that is a fate worse than death!"

She giggles again. What I wouldn't give to hear that noise again. "I don't get why you don't wanna show your piece to me though. It's not like you to hide your work from me considering, y'know, I'm in your most popular painting."

"Well, I just thought I'd wait until I start packing up to leave before-"

I try to catch myself, but the words come out too fast. My eyes widen, and I can see hers doing the same.


Oh no.

"what do you mean, Spiral?"

Welp, guess this was happening. and it was happening now.