• Published 12th Oct 2022
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MLP: Power Rangers O.S.C - Adamverse

The ultimate showdown to end the Cybertronian War and protect the fabric of time.

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Chapter 1

Not too long ago, the universe was in great danger….

On the distant planet of Equestria, darkness was rising; the planet was on the verge of being taken over by an evil tyrant, by the name of King Sombra. His evil knew no boundaries, his plan was to release the creatures of the underworld and their evil; this would have surely spelt doom for the inhabitants of Equestria.

But not all was lost, for a team of heroes banded together and fought back Sombra and his monsters; they were known throughout the universe, as Power Rangers.

However, once the fight against Sombra was done; the planet no longer needed it’s peacekeepers. So they all returned to their home planet; all but one.

As for the rangers that returned to Earth, they had other duties to perform; just because Equestria was safe, that didn’t mean the fight was over.

Before the events on Equestria, this team of heroes had finished fighting a war, a war that destroyed another world, and it was about to the same to Earth. But with the help of warriors and friends from beyond the stars, they emerged victorious.

Now all that remained, was to clean up the mess the war had left behind. But that could gladly be accomplished, by Earth’s ultimate defence force.

The O.S.C, Operation Save Civilians; a government funded organisation, hunting criminals that ordinary police can’t handle, from Earth and space.

Location: Earth, London

Year: 2020 (nothing bad could happen this year.)

Driving through the streets of London town, a military jeep was making its way through the traffic. The jeep contained four friends, the team that had been sent on a mission to collect a ‘perp’ that had been sighted in the area.

The team included, Rory, OSC Red; the leader of the team.

Kian, OSC Blue; the one that plans the attacks.

Wiktoria, OSC Yellow; the brains of the team.

And Rose, OSC Pink; the teams medic.

These four weren’t just teammates, like I said, they were the best of friends; they never did anything without each other. They would often enjoy the friendly banter they would have with each other; Kian turned to his team and asked, “Hey, when work is done; how about we all go on the London Eye?”

“That thing is too slow, and too boring; no way.” Rory replied.

But Wiktoria replied, “I’m game.” This statement made Rose chuckle.

They all turned serious suddenly, when Rory said, “Alright guys, focus up; we’re here.” The jeep pulled up at an old abandoned power plant, the team got out of the vehicle and ran across the courtyard.

They all hid behind crates stacked up against the wall, Rose pulled out her scanner and said, “I’ve got an energon reading; he’s defiantly here.” Rory looked over the crate, there he saw it; it was a large excavator, just sitting in the middle of the plant.

“Okay, let’s move in closer.” Rory ordered. The rangers pulled out their taser-blasters; they could see this was going to turn into a fight.

They all moved towards the excavator and pointed their blasters at it, Rory nodded to Kian and the Blue Ranger said, “Groundpounder; by the order of the O.S.C, we hereby place you under arrest.”

All was quiet after that, the rangers and the excavator both said nothing.

Wiktoria turned to Rory and asked, “Are you sure we got the right one, becau….”

Before she could finish her sentence, the excavator swung it’s crane around; the rangers jumped out of the way of the attack. The machine then began transforming into its true form, it revealed itself to be Groundpounder, the Decepticon gladiator.

(Quick Author Note): As you might remember, to make the fights between then Power Rangers and the Decepticons easier, and possible; I’ve made it so the Transformers are just and few meters bigger than humans. They’re not giants robots.

“Blast him.” Rose shouted. The Rangers opened fire on the Decepticon, he roared at them before swinging his fist at them; they jumped back again, allowing Groundpounder the chance to make a run for it.

The Decepticon moved like a gorilla and ran away from the scene; the rangers picked themselves up, they had to go after him.

The Yellow Ranger said to her friends, “I think it’s time we dressed for the occasion.”

“I couldn’t agree more.” Rory replied. He and the other rangers pulled small devices out of their pockets, their OSC morphers. The leader said to his team, “Ready?”

The other three said in unison, “Ready!”

All together, the team of rangers called out, “O.S.C, Emergency!”

Once they had morphed into their suits, Rory used his morpher to contact HQ; he said to them, “Director, send me my ride.” They didn’t even have to reply, out of nowhere, a red motorbike drove up in front of the Red Ranger.

Suddenly, Rose’s scanner began beeping in her hand; she turned to see what it was beeping at, and just as she did that, a car that was hiding behind the plant was driving away. She could see on the side of its door, the Decepticon logo.

“Looks like we have a second Decepticon.” Rose said, pointing at the car.

Rory then told them the plan, “Okay, you guys take the jeep and go after that runaway excavator.” The ranger then go on his bike and charged the engine, “I’ll take care of the other guy.” The Red Ranger then sped off after the car that was driving away.

“He can be such a hot head sometimes.” Kian stated.

Him and the rest of them of the rangers got into the jeep and drove after Groundpounder.

The Decepticon that was driving away was making some good distance between him and the rangers; but what he didn’t know was that one of them was closing in on him. A blast of red energy hit the road in front of him, the Con steered out of the way; he could now see the Red Ranger on his tail.

Rory fired another blaster from his bike, causing the Decepticon to hit the curve and speed out of control.

With nothing left to do, the Decepticon transformed into its robot mode and revealed itself to the ranger. Rory could see the Con, it was just a Vehicon Trooper; foot-soldiers in the Decepticon army, these guys were more robot than living being.

The road was clear, just the two of them; all the people had run away in fear, Rory was free to take this guy down without civilian harm. The Red Ranger stopped the bike and jumped in front of the Con; he pulled his Delta Blasters off his belt and pointed them at the Vehicon.

Wanting to destroy this human, the Vehicon’s arm converted into a blaster and he began firing at Rory. But the ranger jumped out of the way and fired back at him; Rory ducked behind some trash cans, the Con wouldn’t stop shooting.

“Now would be the time for some backup.” Rory stated to himself.

But suddenly, the firing stopped; the Decepticon had wasted his ammo. Rory saw his chance and jumped over the trash cans, he fired two shots from his blasters and causing critical damage to the enemy.

The Red Ranger then stated, “Time to take out the trash. Delta Blasters, combine.” Rory placed his blasters together and they locked into place; he then pointed the weapon at the Vehicon.

Begging for mercy, the Con said, “Wait a minute.” But Rory didn’t listen.

“Fire!” the Red Ranger shouted.

He pulled the trigger and released a powerful blast from the weapon; the blaster bolt struck the Con right in the spark. The Decepticon fell to his knees and exploded into scrap metal.

Rory then said, “That’s justice, served.”

Meanwhile, Groundpounder was throwing cars and smashing his way through everything in his path; the rest of the ranger team was following him and trying to keep up. Wiktoria was behind the wheel, while Kian and Rose held their Delta Max Strikers in blaster mode and fired at the Decepticon.

Finally, Kian managed to land a hit on the brute, causing him to be knocked off the road and into a courtyard; the rangers pulled over and got out of the vehicle, they went to meet Groundpounder.

The Decepticon wouldn’t go without a fight; he shouted to them, “You can’t stop me! I’m the most powerful Decepticon there is.”

“That title doesn’t mean much to us, Decepticon.” Rose said back to him. The three ranger pulled out their sabres and charged towards their enemy; Groundpounder charged towards them as well, he raised his fists to fight.

The Con punched the ground, but Rose and Wiktoria jumped into the air and swung their sabres at him, striking him in the chest; Kian turned his weapon into a blaster and shot the Decepticon right in the face. The brute stumbled back, the three rangers decided to use their most powerful attack; they all held their blasters and pointed them at Groundpounder.

“Can’t we talk about this?” the Con asked.

All Kian replied with was, “Nope.” The rangers fired their blasters, releasing powerful blasts of energy that push the Decepticon to the back, and it weakened him greatly.

Before the rangers could make the arrest, Rory arrived on his bike; Wiktoria turned to him and said, “Nice of you to show. What happened with the other Con?”

“It’s taken care of.” The Red Ranger then marched towards Groundpounder, with his team behind him, it was time to end this. “Decepticon, it’s time to take you in.” he held out his morpher and opened it, “Judgement mode.”

A red X and green circle began flashing on the morpher, the circle would say he was innocent, while the X would say he was guilty. Rory began listing his crimes, “You are charged with escaping justice, and level five property damage; how do you plead?”

Groundpounder shouted back, “Don’t waste my time.”

The morpher stopped flashing on the red X; the four Power Rangers shouted the verdict, “Guilty!”

“Servo, go fetch.” Rory then pulled a metal bone-shaped device off his belt and threw it into the air; it was caught by the Rescue Bots helper bot, Servo. The bot resembled a dog, but when he caught the bone, he transformed into a blast cannon form.

All the rangers called out, “Canine-Cannon!”

The Decepticon shouted, “What’s that going to do?”

Rory shouted, “Fire!” he pulled the cannon’s trigger, firing a blast of energy from the cannon at Groundpounder. When the blast hit the Decepticon, groaned in pain before falling forward; when he hit the ground, he exploded.

From the explosion, something was thrown into Rory hand; when he caught it, it was a small metal card, and Groundpounder was trapped inside it. “Let me out of here!” he cried, trying to smash his way out.

“I guess that closes that case.” Kian stated.

The ranger team cheered at their victory before returning to the jeep to go back to base; this mission was done and a complete success.

With the mission complete, the rangers had been ordered to gather in the main control room; Director Olessia had called them in to give them her congratulations.

She applauded them by saying, “Well done, rangers; I am happy to announce that Groundpounder was the last Decepticon on the Alchemor’s prisoner manifest.”

Rose then said, “So, are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

“Yes, all the Decepticons have been found and captured; you should feel proud of what you have achieved this day.” But then Olessia remembered something, she thought it would spoil the moment of victory, but the rangers deserved to know. “However, there is one thing we have missed.”

Wiktoria asked, “What’s that, Olessia?”

Olessia breathed and explained, “The O.S.C still has no knowledge on the whereabouts of Shockwave; though he was never on the Alchemor, he is still wanted by the Autobots.”

Feeling confident in his words, “Don’t worry, Director; we’ll find him and bring him in. We all will.” Rory explained, gesturing to his team.

“Which brings me to another topic of conversation; I believe Rose and Wiktoria have some news of their own.” Olessia said, letting the Yellow and Pink Ranger step forward.

Rose and Wiktoria turned to the two boys and explained, “Guys, we don’t how to tell you this; but we’re leaving the O.S.C.” Wiktoria explained.

Kian stepped forward and said, “Wait, you’re leaving. Why?”

“I need to return to Pym Tech; my father has retired and it falls to me to take his place in running the company.” The Yellow Ranger explained.

“And I have other things I want to do with my life.” Rose then said. “Be a chef, or an artist; I always knew I was never going to be a Power Ranger forever.”

Olessia held out a tray, she said to the two female rangers, “If that is all, rangers; would please turn in your morphers.”

Wiktoria and Rose took their morphers out of their pockets and placed them on the tray, “Thank you for our time here, Olessia.” Rose said to her.

The director simply nodded before placing the tray down; the two former rangers turned to their friends, they walked over to hug their friends goodbye. While Rose was hugging Rory, Kian held onto Wiktoria and began whispering something in her ear.

“I’ll see you soon; I’ll come and find you.” The two of them let go of each and smiled. Kian then thought of something else to say, “I lo…”

Before he could finish, Wiktoria stopped him, “You can tell me, the next time you see me.”

Once the goodbyes were finished, Wiktoria and Rose walked out the door of the control room; they left the building, no longer Power Rangers.

So with Adam still on Equestria and the two girls now retired from their roles, Rory and Kian were the only ones left. Rory stepped forward and asked, “So, who are you assigning to be our new team members?”

Olessia then explained, “You misunderstand, Rory; I’m not assigning anyone new to your team.” She raised her arms and gestured to the two of them, “From this moment forward, you and Kian are going to be, partners.”

Kian and Rory looked at each other and said in unison, “Partners?”