• Published 12th Oct 2022
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MLP: Power Rangers O.S.C - Adamverse

The ultimate showdown to end the Cybertronian War and protect the fabric of time.

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Chapter 4

One Week Later

Location: O.S.C Training Deck

At O.S.C HQ on Earth, there is a part of the complex that is used to trains cadets, soldiers and future rangers; today the room was filled with cadets, people from all over the galaxy, some human some not. Though the O.S.C Alliance extended to five races; the humans of Earth, the Autobots of Cybertron, the ponies of Equestria, the Time-Lords of Gallifrey and the Na’vi of Pandora. Many other worlds had sworn loyalty to the Alliance and were rewarded with protection against common enemies.

The entire facility was run by the AI system, Teletran 1; the computer system could speak, and it announced, “General Hook, report to training deck.”

“Yeah, yeah; way ahead of you.”

The training deck’s control room was set in the middle of the room, with indestructible windows and walls; so that the observer would be safe from the dangers that were in the room.

General Hook was watching the cadets train; he was a well-respected general, he led armies during the war, and won many battles. Of course those wars cost him something, his left arm had a hook where his hand should be; his left hand was lost during the war. His real name is John; but he thinks General Hook sounds more threatening towards the enemy.

As he was watching the combat, he noticed something; so using the microphone used to talk to the cadets while training, he shouted, “Cadet Phalm, watch those tails of yours, son.”

Within the fighting, a young Twi’lek boy didn’t notice a training robot run up behind him; it grabbed him by his head tails and threw him against the wall. He was then blasted by one of the laser turrets, the blast teleported him to the safe-zone, but he was out.

Hook announced to the cadets, “You pathetic excuse for rangers try that kind of action in the field, then you’re space dust.”

While training, the cadets would have to face robots, gun-turrets, trap doors and flamethrowers; all to prepare them for when they go out into the field.

Suddenly, using the control room’s elevator, Kian entered the room; he wanted to see what had been happening with the new cadets.

“General Hook.” He said as he entered.

John turned to the ranger and said, “Ah, Kian; I’ve got something I want you to see.” He then turned to the microphone, and announced to the cadets, “Alright, we’re cranking it up to level nine, people.”

One of the cadets muttered, “Bring it on.”

But she might have had to watch what she said, because the training room was becoming more cruel; the gun turrets aimed for the cadets, more and more training robots entered the room and the trap doors were opening even wider.

Kian stepped beside his friend and said, “Level nine? General, they’re only rookies; come on, I train at level nine.”

All the general replied with was, “I know.”

Hook pushed the button and the fighting began, the cadets scrambled around the room; some were lucky to avoid the turrets blasts, some weren’t. The robots were grabbing the rookies and throwing them into the lasers’ paths.

One cadet in particular caught Kian’s eye while he watched; it was unicorn, an Equestrian unicorn. Pink fur, blue coloured mane with a teal stripe through it and she was wearing a pony sized cadet jumpsuit.

A robot grabbed her by her tail, but she used a her horn to fire a laser blast; this blew up the robot’s head. When she fell to the ground, she saw she was the only cadet left.

With John and Kian both watching; the Blue Ranger nodded his head, impressed. But the general spoke into the microphone one last time, “Level….ten.” this made Kian gasp in fear, the highest level they had.

The little unicorn was caught off guard as a large trap door opened right behind her; then the wall opened up, revealing the challenge she’d be facing. It was a type ten mutant hunter sentinel, savaged and used for training by the O.S.C.

“Oh, okay.” The unicorn muttered.

The sentinel marched forward, the cadet fired blasts from her horn, but they were just bouncing off the robots armour; which meant there was nothing stopping it from picking her up, and just throwing her into the pit.

Kian watched the cadet fall through the trap door, he then said, “Well, I guess we couldn’t expect a rookie to….”

John then cut him off, “Nope, it ain’t over.”

As the sentinel was walking back to his chamber, the trap door was closing; but the doors stopped; they were held in place by a pink aura, and something flew up from between them. The unicorn’s jumpsuit had been ripped off, revealing the wings she had underneath it.

She flew towards the sentinel, picked it up with her magic and began crushing it into a chunk of metal; once it was no longer a threat, she threw it down the trap door and watched it explode as it hit the bottom.

“How… how did she… what?” Kian muttered.

General Hook explained, “She’s not a unicorn, she’s an Alicorn.”

“Off course, the powers of Earth Ponies, Unicorns and Pegasi. Excellent.”

Hook turned off the rest of the simulations and opened the door to the control room, he also said, “Let’s see one of Shockwave’s robots both fly, and move things with their mind.”

The Alicorn flew into the control room and saluted her superiors, “Cadet Flutterby Lily, reporting for duty, sirs.”

Kian thought for a sec, “Flutterby Lily, strange coincidence; isn’t that also the name of the heir to the Crystal Empire thrown. I’ve heard of her.”

“You saved my planet once.” Flutterby Lily replied.

John then stepped in and said, “Kian, meet you’re new partner.”

The Blue Ranger then gasped, “Partner?”

“What you did for my people; it inspired me to join you in crusade to defend the galaxy. I wanted to be more than just another Alicorn princess; I wanted to help the universe.” The princess explained.

But all Kian could say in response was, “No.” he then walked away towards the elevator.

‘Lily and John were confused, ‘Lily asked, “No?”

“No, what?” John also asked.

The ranger turned back and said, “No partner, too risky.”

John groaned in annoyance before saying, “Look, mate; I know you’re still torn up about Rory, but next time you’re out there…”

“And Shockwave aims for me.” Kian said, cutting him off. “What’s to keep the princess from ending up like Rory?”

“Oh yeah, well maybe it’s the princess keeping you from ending up like Rory!” Hook then shouted.

Flutterby Lily then cut in, “Hello, ‘the princess’ has a name.”

Kian face palmed before saying, “Oh yeah, Princess Flutterby Lily, I work alone. Not to mention Adam will never let me hear the end of it, if I put a species he cares about in harm’s way.”

The princess then asked, “So you’re gonna stop Shockwave all by yourself?”

“That’s the plan.” Kian replied.

“But regulations clearly state that…”

The Blue Ranger then started yelling, which he rarely did, “I know the regulations, my team wrote half of them!” he then started to calm down. “I’m sure you’re fine cadet and you’ll make a great ranger someday; but as long as Shockwave or any Decepticon is gunning for me or members of my old team, any ranger who gets close to me is gonna get caught in the crossfire.”

John walked up to Kian and said, “You make and good point, mate; but Kian, there’s something you should know.”

“Yes, John.”


Kian walked towards the elevator, before he left he explained, “I’m sorry sir, but from this point on, the O.S.C Blue Ranger flies solo.” The elevator then took him away.

Location: O.S.C Shuttle Bay

Just because you have a job at O.S.C, that doesn’t mean that job will always be ranger related; some jobs are just the run-of-the-mill chores, like cleaning and tidying. And that job belonged to a young human girl, Lucy; when she signed up, this was not the job she wanted.

She was mopping the floor when two Clone Troopers ran past her, they used their key card to open the door to the shuttle bay; Lucy saw her chance and ran after them.

Lucy had always wanted to be a cadet, training to become a Power Ranger; however, her dream never came true. She never passed the entrance exam, they said the only way she could work here was if she became the cleaner.

While she was looking at the space ships, she imagined what it would be like if she could be a ranger; she didn’t care that she wasn’t allowed to be in here, she was just entranced by the size and power of the shuttles.

“Hey, cleaning girl.” said the guard that was on patrol. Lucy turned around to see a Clone Trooper in red and white armour; he said to her, “This area is authorised personal only.”

Not knowing what to do, Lucy had to quickly make up an excuse; she then said, “I was just taking a stroll around the building and noticed how dirty these floors were.” She then began mopping the floor to convince him.

But the Clone wasn’t buying, “Dirty indeed, just like your story. Guess what, you’re through.”

“She’s not through until I say so.”

Lucy and the Clone turned around to see Kian standing beside them; the trooper quickly showed respect to his superior by saluting. Lucy was relieved to see her friend; she now owed him for saving her neck.

When Lucy first started at the O.S.C, she knew nothing about what she was doing; she was surrounded by all these aliens and robots and robot aliens, so she pretty much kept to herself at first. That was until she met Kian, before he went to the planet Equestria, he and Wiktoria would always be there when she was having problems.

Kian then slid his finger on the floor and then looked at it, “Space dust, this place is filthy; you Clones should learn to wipe your feet before coming in here. I suppose that’s why the cleaner is in here with her mop.” He then turned to his friend and said, “Carry on, Lucy.”

“Yes sir.” She said back.

Before the Clone walked away, he muttered, “My mistake, sir.” He saluted one more time.

The ranger replied, “As you were, private.”

Kian was now left alone with Lucy, which meant that now he could scold her for being in here; he started with ,”Come on, Lucy; this is the third time this month, you know you’re not authorised to be in here.”

She replied in a sad tone, “I know, but I like to look at the star ships; I just want to be a Power Ranger so bad, Kian.”

Suddenly, Kian was called via Teletran 1; the AI announced, “O.S.C Blue Ranger, report to Dr Sandy’s lab, immediately.”

“Gotta go, Lucy.” Kian said before running off.

Lucy replied, “See ya, Kian.” Still feeling left out because she couldn’t be a ranger.

Location: Cybertron, Kaon

With Megatron gone, Shockwave was the new leader of the Decepticons; he had taken this opportunity to succeed where his former master failed. Kaon was now encased in a oxygen shield, Shockwave had taken alien life forms from all over the galaxy; he enslaved them to building his monstrous machines, and they were no good to him if they couldn’t breathe.

The Decepticon leader entered his main base of operations, where his lab workers were about to complete their current task.

Shockwave started by asking, “Where is my newest soldier?”

The Vehicon in charge replied, “We are about to open his stasis pod, master.”

After saying that, the Vehicon flipped a switch and the pod began opening; it took a moment for the Decepticon inside to wake up. The Con stepped out of his pod, revealing himself as the smoke cleared the room.

“Where am I?” the newly woken Decepticon asked.

Shockwave stepped forward and explained, “You are still on Cybertron, within the walls of Kaon. I woke you up for an important task. What is your name, soldier.”

The Con replied, “Bludgeon, the Decepticon Bounty Hunter.

Bludgeon asked, “Where is Lord Megatron?”

“Offline.” Shockwave replied. “You now take orders from me. Which means you will help carry out my master plan to insure total Decepticon victory.”

A Vehicon then walked up to Shockwave and said, “Um, master; your spy drone is in place.”

“Come Bludgeon, and I will show you your target.” The two Decepticons watched the video feed, they could see everything the spy drone was seeing.

The drone was on Equestria, the Crystal Empire to be exact; the drone was disguised as a bird, it had a hidden camera in its eye. The drone was watching all the ponies of the empire just got about their normal lives; they had no idea danger was on its way.

Suddenly, a horn was sounded from the centre of the kingdom; the ponies acted like they knew what this was for. They all dropped their tasks and began wandering towards the castle, the spy drone flew like a bird and followed the crowd.

As the horn kept going off, the ponies gather around the castle; standing on the balcony was the rulers of the empire, Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armour, Flutterby Lily’s parents.

Shining Armour pulled a sheet off the thing in-between them, revealing the Crystal Heart; the relic that protected the empire from the winters of the north.

The prince and the princess came together and placed their horns together; there a small spark of magic. The Crystal Heart then floated into the air, there was a large flash of light and everypony in the kingdom was transformed; their fur began sparkling like crystals, they had gems weaved into their manes.

Princess Cadence used her magic to hoist up the Crystal Heart, she announced to the crowd, “Here’s to the peace amongst our people; to the Crystal Heart.”

The crowd shouted back, “To the Crystal Heart!” they began clapping their hooves and stomping with joy.

None of them knew that the spy drone was watching everything.

Shockwave used his sharp finger to scratch the screen; he stated, “I must have that Crystal Heart; it is the one thing I need to complete my greatest creation.” He then turned to Bludgeon, he had a question for him, “Do you think you can handle this assignment?”

Bludgeon replied, “Can those little creatures stop someone like this.” The Con suddenly pulled a katana from his back and quickly sliced through the video screen, he defiantly had what it took.