• Published 12th Oct 2022
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MLP: Power Rangers O.S.C - Adamverse

The ultimate showdown to end the Cybertronian War and protect the fabric of time.

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Chapter 6

Location: O.S.C HQ, Command Centre

After returning to Earth from their mission on Equestria, Kian and Tyler had to report directly to John and Olessia. The O.S.C Director was going to be lenient about this situation; however, John was just going to use this as an excuse to yell at the two rangers.

“What the heck was that?!” Hook yelled.

Kian stepped forward, “We didn’t anticipate there being a second Decepticon there; next time, we’ll be ready.”

General Hook replied, “’Next time’? There’s no next time.” He then turned to Tyler, who seemed like he was going to take the wrap for this, “And you, I said that a rookie ranger wasn’t going to cut it out there; new power or not.”

“I’m sorry; I’d never faced a Decepticon before, I didn’t know what to expect.” Tyler explained.

John said back, “Well you don’t have to worry about fighting Decepticons anymore.” John held out his hand, “Turn in your morpher.”

The Blue Ranger stepped forward and tried to defend Tyler, “Now, John; let’s think about this…”

But Hook cut him off and yelled at the Omega Ranger, “I gave you an order, cadet!”

Tyler had no choice but to comply, he took his morpher off his wrist and handed it to John; then looked at his feet, ashamed of his failure to stop the Cons. General Hook then explained Tyler’s fate, what was going to happen to him, “Normally, I would have your employment terminated for a performance like that. But, because this isn’t entirely your fault, you were unprepared to go out there; you will remain at O.S.C, on the janitorial staff.”

A Clone Trooper then walked into the command centre, John ordered the Clone, “Sargent, take this cadet to Lucy at the janitor’s office; have her show him the ropes of the mops and buckets.”

“Yes sir, General.” The Clone replied. Tyler followed the Clone out the door, he sulked in sorrow as he walked away.

Kian then turned his attention back to Olessia and John; they had an even bigger problem.

Olessia explained, “Without the Crystal Heart, the Crystal Empire is going to be plunged into an ice age; we have to find it and restore it before that kingdom is lost forever.”

John then cried, “Blast, the Cons know that the Crystal Empire is full of powerful magic; some of the most powerful in all Equestria. Shockwave stole that thing just to turn that place into a giant snow cone.”

“I don’t think so, John.” Kian said stepping forward. “If that’s all Shockwave wanted, he could have destroyed the Crystal Heart. Instead he had his new lackey, Bludgeon, steal it.”

The Director asked, “But why, what’s he going to do with it.”

Kian replied, “I don’t know exactly; but I guarantee this is Shockwave’s most diabolical scheme yet.”

Location: Deep Space, the star-ship Nemesis

“This is my most ingenious scheme I have ever come up with.” Shockwave said, complimenting himself. But he then turned to his Vehicon scientists, “That’s as if the freak show, known as my minions; can do one thing right!” the Con shouted.

All the Vehicons were working in the lab that Shockwave had on his ship, they were forcing the organic slave they had to build a large machine in the centre of the lab; the Vehicon that seemed to be in charge approached Shockwave to explain the status.

The Con said, “Well, it seems that all things will be put into motion, ahead of schedule. The Time Portal is almost operational, and now we have a power source; the recently stolen Crystal Heart. Now we can use the portal to travel to the day the Power Rangers defeated Nightmare Moon, so you can….” The Con was confused on this last bit, “Stop that from happening.”

Shockwave was starting to get annoyed, “You’re telling me my plan, I already know my plan, I made up the plan, it’s my plan. What I don’t know, is close you are, to accomplishing my plan!”

Now scared for his life, the Vehicon said, “Right, of course master. Now the first thing to do, would be to supercharge the Crystal Heart with another source of power; as powerful as it is, we are attempting to break the laws of time and space here.”

“I KNOW!!” Shockwave cried, he then released a blast from his cannon, knocking the Vehicon out of the way.

The Crystal Heart was on a stand in the middle of the lab, Shockwave approached the Heart; another Vehicon approached him with a container, when it opened, it revealed a shard of Dark Energon. “Like Nana always told me….” The Con stated. “If you want something corrupted, corrupt it yourself. That’s what she always told me, and she was plenty corrupted.”

Shockwave took the shard, he held it up and then stabbed the Dark Energon into the Crystal Heart; the Heart then absorbed the Energon into itself, corrupting its magic. The Crystal Heart began turning purple, and cracks were forming all over it; once the Energon was gone, there was a large flash of purple light.

All the Decepticons stood back and looked at the evil Crystal Heart, its magic was only good for corrupting the good and it was more powerful than ever.

As Shockwave walked away, he muttered to himself, “Oh Nana, you’d be so proud of me.”

Location: O.S.C HQ

Status: Preparing for battle

All of O.S.C was on high-alert, all Clone Troopers were preparing for an invasion; no one had any idea what the Decepticons were planning, so they had to prepare for the worst. A meeting had been called in the control room, all the generals, captains and ranger cadets had been called to it; John was making the announcements.

Just outside the control room, the two janitors were moping the floor; Lucy saw two rangers run past her to get to the meeting.

She attempted to make conversation, “Hey, what’s going o…”

Before she could finish, the ranger cadets replied, “Sorry, can’t talk.

“It’s top secret.” Another one said.

Lucy watched them runaway, she tried to say, “Do you guys need me to empty the waste bins or something, in there.”

Suddenly, Kian walked up behind her, also going to the meeting; she said to her, “Sorry, Lucy; this is Power Ranger business.” He then walked into the control room and locked the door behind him. Lucy just sighed and walked back to where Tyler was; they both made their way to the next place that needed to be cleaned.

Meanwhile, General Hook was explaining the situation to all the members of the this little council, “By now you’ll heard about the this little situation we have; Shockwave has the entire Decepticon army at his metal finger tips. If we don’t stop him now, he could plunge us, and this galaxy, into another galactic civil war.” John pulled up a hologram, he then said, “This is the Decepticon command ship, the Nemesis; we’ve tracked it to the Silfrax Galaxy. I suggest we hit that thing with everything we’ve got, now!”

One of the members of this little group was none other than Flutterby Lily, she’d passed her training and was on the verge of becoming a ranger; hence was she was at this meeting. She stepped forward with a little idea that didn’t involve a full scale attack; she said, “Uh, General; I think I might have a better suggestion.”

“Shoot.” Hook replied.

Flutterby Lily explained her plan, “Well, I’ve been studying Decepticon defences, and I think a small one man ship could….”

“Could slip past Shockwave’s defences unnoticed.” Kian said, butting in.

The Alicorn continued, “Exactly, a single ranger could dock with the Nemesis and board the ship; once inside they could take out that ship, from within.”

John was thinking about this, up until Kian said, “And with a small cargo ship, I could easily…”

“Wait a minute.” Flutterby Lily said, stopping Kian from talking. “It was my idea, I should go.”

The Blue Ranger shook his head in disagreement, “Sorry, it’s too big of an assignment for a princess.”

“Princess, I am a Power Ranger.” ‘Lily replied.

“Not yet, you’re not.”

Tired of them fighting, Hook stepped in between them and said, “You know, you two really should be partners. Because you’re both big headed show offs!” he yelled. “You both want to do this assignment; so you’re going to do it together, like you should have been doing in the first place. As partners! Understood?”

Both Kian and ‘Lily answered in unison, “Yes sir.”

Location: O.S.C HQ, Cafeteria (avoid the meatloaf)

Lucy and Tyler were mopping the entire cafeteria; the room was the size of a banqueting hall, because it did have to sit over a thousand people a day. Lucy was used these sort of jobs by now, but Tyler was not enjoying himself at all.

“How much longer do we have to do this?” the former ranger asked.

His new friend replied, “The cafeteria is a high traffic area, this could take a while.”

Having heard that, Tyler had finally had enough; he dropped his mop and suggested, “Hey, here’s a thought; we ditch work and do something fun.” Lucy turned around in shock, she could not believe she had just heard that.

Lucy replied, “How could you even suggest that; I would never abandon my duties. Kian would were be disappointed.”

Saying that name caught Tyler’s attention, “Wait, when you say ’Kian’, do you mean the Blue Ranger?”

“As if there’s any other Kian.” Lucy replied.

“You know, I used to be the Blue Ranger’s partner.” Tyler explained, making Lucy gasp with joy. This gave Tyler an idea, he wanted to get away from this job, and now he might have just had a way; he suggested to the janitor, “Hey, how would you like a tour of an actual spaceship?”

Lucy replied, “Are you serious?”

“Hey, what’s the worst that could happen?” Tyler said back.

Location: O.S.C HQ, Ship Hanger

Kian and Flutterby Lily entered the hanger and made their way to the ship they were going to use for the mission; it was an old cargo ship that clones would use to make supply runs during the first war the O.S.C was involved with.

An old Twilight Ship, it was small enough to slip anyone past the Decepticon defences, without being detected. The ranger and the Alicorn boarded the ship, unaware of the two stowaways in the back.

Tyler and Lucy were in the back of the ship, looking at all the engines and gears.

“Wow, this is incredible; these all help the ship fly?” Lucy asked.

“Yep.” Tyler replied. “And we haven’t been caught; just stick with me and everything will be okay.”

Before he could back those words up, the ship started shaking; the two janitors fell to the floor as the ship prepared to take off.

Kian made contact with the control room, “Twilight One, permission to launch?”

Daniel replied, from the control room, “You are clear for lift off.”

“Roger that.” The Blue Ranger replied.

With that said, the ship took off out of the hanger and flew to space; once the ship was far enough away from Earth, they made the jump to hyperspace. And they still had no idea that there were two people in the back of their ship.

Location: Nemesis

Shockwave was ready to test his machine, the Time Portal was ready for the next stage; he began barking orders at his workers.

“Time Portal ready to enter test phase; install the Dark Crystal Heart.” The Decepticon ordered. The Vehicons used special equipment to carry the Heart to the portal; the loaded it into the power chamber, once inside, the Time Portal charged up to full capacity. “Now, load the Energon Fusion Cell.”

One of the captive slaves used a mechanical crane to load a giant battery like device into the Time Portal; the fusion cell had a plus and minus picture on each end, making it look like a battery even more.

Shockwave pulled a lever, generating a portal; the vortex was glowing green and swirling like a spiral.

The Con was about to step into the vortex and fulfil his plan, but then he remembered what all inventers should do before using their machines. He saw that one of the Vehicons was standing next to him; he pulled that Con to the side and said, “Let me know how you get on in there.”

Before the Vehicon could say anything, Shockwave pushed him into the portal; everyone waited a few minutes for his return, when he finally did, something was off.

Walking out of the portal, the Vehicon was covered in burn marks and rusts; another Vehicon walks up to help him, but it was too late. The one that went through the portal took one more step, and then fell over; collapsing into pieces.

Shockwave already knew what had caused this, so in an angry tone, he turned to the slave that worked the crane and asked, “When loading the Energon Fusion Cell; did you remember to put the plus end at the plus part, and the minus end at the minus part?!!”

The slave turned to the Cell, he had loaded it in upside-down.

Instead of vaporising him, or throwing that slave out the air lock; all Shockwave did was sigh, “Huh, Adam would know how build this thing.”

Author's Note:

If anypony is getting confused by Shockwave's behaviour, all will be explained in the next chapter. It will have the big reveal.

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