• Published 12th Oct 2022
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MLP: Power Rangers O.S.C - Adamverse

The ultimate showdown to end the Cybertronian War and protect the fabric of time.

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Chapter 3

Deep within the heart of the Decepticon laboratory, was the main lab; throughout this room, Vehicons were constructing weapons and working on the computers. But the main part of this lab was the large glass cylinder in the middle of the room.

The tank was filled with green liquid; and floating in this liquid, was none other than the three missing ponies, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity. They were wearing oxygen masks on their faces, which were connected to air tubes leading outside the tank; so they could breath, because Shockwave needed them alive.

All the Vehicons were working quickly, they knew what would happen to them if they failed; Shockwave was without emotions, and that made more cruel and controlling than Megatron. Whilst working at his computer, the Con in charge heard the door to the lab open; the Vehicon panicked a little before turning around.

Standing in the door way was another Vehicon; this one asked, “Our master would like the report on the prisoners. Have they told us anything?”

“No, nothing yet. But we’re about to start phase two.” The leading Con replied.

The one standing at the door turned around to go tell Shockwave; however, he muttered, “Oh, he’s not going to like this.”

After a few minutes, the lab door opened again; the leading Vehicon panicked again, thinking it was there master. However, it was just the other Decepticon again; this time he asked, “So, what should I tell him that won’t annoy him?”

“I don’t know, just tell him that we’re close, okay.”

“Oh, he’s not going to like this at all.”

The Vehicon left again; after another few minutes, the door opened again. The Con in charge was getting fed up with this; this time when he turned around, he shouted, “Oh, now what!?”

But no one was standing at the door, but he heard a voice coming from outside the room; the voice of that other Decepticon said, “He didn’t like.” Before anything else could happen, a blast is was heard from outside, and then something came crashing into the lab.

It was the destroyed body of the Vehicon, the one in charge looked up and saw their master this time….

Shockwave marched into the lab, not seeming to be in a good mood.

“Lord Shockwave, as you can see we’re about to turn up the power of the torture chamber so you can…” before the Con could finish, Shockwave swung his hand and smacked him away, sending him crashing into the wall.

Once that Decepticon was out of the way, Shockwave opened his hand, revealing how sharp his fingers were; he clawed at the tank of liquid and cracked the glass. The glass shattered and released the liquid into the lab.

Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Applejack dropped to the bottom of the tank; but suddenly, Shockwave reached down and picked up the three ponies by their tails. While they were hanging upside down, they struggled to get free; Shockwave used his other hand as a torture tool, his index finger began sparking with electricity.

He laid his finger on the ponies they were slightly electrocuted; as he zapped them, the Decepticon scientist chuckled slightly.

Rainbow Dash finally said something, “We will never talk.”

Applejack followed with, “Do your worst, ya varmint.”

All Shockwave said in return was, “My plan exactly.” Before electrocuting them again.

Meanwhile, outside; Rory, Kian and the Cutie Mark Crusaders had found a door they could use to get inside. The only problem was, they couldn’t get it open; Kian was blasting the hatch with his blaster and wasn’t even making a dent in it.

“It’s no use; this metal is extremely laser proof.” The Blue Ranger stated.

Rory simply replied, “Let me try.”

The Red Ranger walked up to the door and knocked on it; he then moved to the side so he couldn’t be seen. To their surprise, a Vehicon opened the hatch from the inside; when he answered the door, he greeted, “Yes.”

Before the Con could call for help, Rory jumped out from behind the door and fired his blasters at the Decepticon; causing his head to explode. The headless body fell to the floor, no one else knew the rangers were here; so they just walked in undetected.

“After you.” Rory said, letting Kian go first.

The two ranger were about to start searching this place when they noticed the CMC’s still following them; Kian turned to the three ponies and ordered, “Get back to our ship and wait.” But the ponies didn’t listen, it took Kian having to walk in front of them to get them to stop; the ponies were not happy about this.

Applebloom stepped forward and said, “Look, our sisters need help; if you don’t get out of our way, something bad is going to happen to them.”

“Do you not think we don’t know that? Applejack is my friend; so are Rainbow and Rarity. We are not going to let anything happen to them; but we can only do that if stand back and let us do our jobs.” Kian explained.

Suddenly, Sweetie Bell felt a strange pain in her horn; her magic was trying to tell her something. She quickly fell to the floor, Scootaloo ran to her side; the little unicorn began saying things, “All I see is destruction, doom…. And betrayal.”

Kian moved over and helped the pony to her feet, he didn’t know what to make of that random outburst.

He said to all three of them, “Now can you please go back to the ship?”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders nodded their heads before turning around and walking back to where the ship was parked. Now Rory and Kian could focus on saving the lives of those who needed it.

Back in Shockwave’s lab, the Decepticon was getting to work on the three ponies he’d captured; he had them strapped to chairs with metal clamps. This stopped Rainbow Dash from flying away, and the metal in the clamps was strong, AJ couldn’t use her strength to break out either; and for Rarity, he’d place a device on her horn that blocked her magic.

The Decepticon was pacing back and forth, trying to get some information out of his prisoners; he demanded to know, “Tell of your planet! Tell me it’s secrets!”

In unison, the three ponies replied, “Never.”

“I see.” Shockwave replied. “I guess I just have to pick, your brains.” He chuckled a little before asking, “Where’s the Cranial-Dissecticon?” A flying robot hovered over Shockwave’s head, each one of its arms had a blade on it; ready to dissect anything.

Rarity was scared for her life, Rainbow Dash stayed calm, but was defiantly scared; all Applejack could do was say, “Please, we all got families. We have children that need us.”

Shockwave replied, “I know, I’ll tell Cinnamon Rolls you said goodbye.”

Now that left her with a question, ‘how did this alien know her daughter’s name?’ But Applejack’s thoughts were put on hold when the Dissecticon came closer. All Shockwave did was laugh, as the robot was about open them up.

However, it never got the chance to; because out of nowhere, a blast of blue shot the robot and blew it up. The three ponies screamed, Shockwave ducked for cover; he turned around and saw what had caused this.

Front flipping into the room, Kian made a grand entrance as he landed on the ground and pointed his blaster at the Decepticon.

“Ah, the Blue Ranger.” Shockwave greeted.

Kian replied with, “Shockwave, you’ve been charged with the kidnapping and attempted dissection of O.S.C Alliance civilians; so I hereby place you under arrest.”

But the Decepticon would not surrender that easily, he said back, “I will destroy your O.S.C Alliance; but first, I will destroy you.” He then pushed a button on his wrist; suddenly, a group of robots were teleported into the room.

“I give you, Tronics. My own creation, the new foot soldiers of the Decepticon army.” Shockwave explained.

The Tronics pointed their blasters at the Blue Ranger and began firing; Kian ducked behind something and began shooting back, this whole thing allowed Shockwave to make his getaway.

He stepped onto a platform and pushed a button on the console, the platform was an elevator. The Decepticon shouted to Kian, “Prepare to die, Blue Ranger.” The platform then lifted him into the air towards a hatch in the ceiling.

“Not today, Shockwave!” Kian shouted back, before firing a shot at the Con, but just missing.

Now Kian was just left with the robots; he fired his blaster at them and shot a few of them down. The ranger then fired low power shots at the restraints that held the ponies captive; once they were free from their bonds, they jumped off the chairs and ducked behind a piece of debris.

The last of the Tronics gather together in a group, but it was a bad move; as something from above came hurtling down and crushing the last of the robots; Rory was standing on the same platform Shockwave used to getaway.

“Not bad, partner.” The Red Ranger stated.

Applejack saw Kian in his Blue Ranger suit, she ran over and hugged him; Kian hugged her back, saying, “It’s okay, I’ve got you now.” Rory stepped closer, allowing Kian to say to him, “You always knew how to make an entrance, Rory; let’s go after Shockwave.”

But suddenly, the Decepticon’s face appeared on a video screen; the Con said to them, “I don’t think so, ranger; for you see I hit the self-destruct button on my way out. It is a moon, of doom, now.” He laughed at his own sentence.

A computer’s voice could then be heard, “Self-destruct, in two minutes.”

“Two minutes?” Kian smirked.

Rory replied, “All the time in the world.”

Their thoughts were halted when a blast flew right past them, Tronics were standing at the entrances of the lab; Rory and Kian used their ranger blasters to shoot back.

While he was fighting, the Blue Ranger shouted to the ponies, “Get to our ship, blast off!”

Rarity once the only one who said back, “But Kian…”

He cut her off with, “Just go, we’ll meet you in orbit.”

The ponies did as ordered, they ran for the only exit that was clear; there, they saw their little sisters guiding them out. The lab door closed once they were all through, the ponies then made a break for the O.S.C shuttle Kian and Rory came here on.

As the Power Rangers finished of the Tronics, the lab was beginning to exploded; in fact the whole moon was getting ready to blow. Debris began falling from the ceiling, fires began spreading throughout the complex; Rory and Kian got separated in the chaos.

Kian knew that the only way out was to use the ranger’s emergency teleport, it would transport them onto the ship. The ranger looked through the hole in the roof and saw his shuttle flying away; he pulled out his morpher and shouted to Rory, “Come on, buddy; it’s time to blow this rock.”


The scream came from close by; Kian ran over to where it came from, he found Rory trapped under a pile of rubble. The Blue Ranger tried to lift the debris off his friend, but there was too much, he couldn’t move it.

Rory knew this was it, so he said to his friend, “Get out of here.”

“No!” Kian shouted back; he grabbed hold of Rory and tried to pull him out.

The Red Ranger shouted, “Let go!”

“We’re partners.” Kian said back.

“I said, GO!”

Rory then pressed the button on Kian morpher, activating the teleporter; with a flash of blue light, Kian found himself on his ship. He ran for the ship’s window and looked back at the moon, only to catch it finally exploding; everything on that rock, was gone.

All the ranger could mutter was, “Rory….”

Two days later

Everyone from his life had gather at O.S.C HQ on Earth, to witness the memorial of Rory; the Red O.S.C Power Ranger.

His parents, his friends; Wiktoria, Rose, even Adam had come. The ponies that he’d met on Equestria were here, especially the Apple Family; the ones that took him and Kian in during their time on Equestria. And finally, the Rescue Bots and other Autobots were there, mourning their friend.

Kian had been asked to deliver the speech, as he was Rory’s partner; he spoke, “Rory was not only a great Power Ranger, he was also a great partner, and friend. I miss him, very much.”

After the memorial, Kian had been tasked with cleaning out his partner’s locker; while doing so, he decided to finish his mission report.

“Mission log; the final act of Rory, the Red Ranger was to save my life. That is a debt I cannot repay; but his is something I can do. To this day I vow that no other ranger will have to put their life on the line for mine.” He thought long and hard about his last sentence in his entry.

“I work…. Alone.”