• Published 9th Nov 2022
  • 1,869 Views, 53 Comments

Unseen Hope - NnoDragonEclipse

The war against Equestria is failing. The Changelings are losing hope. Is there any hope for the tide of war to turn? Is there anyling to deliver hope?

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The Silent Hall, unit needs some Mandatory fun

We were still walking after an hour, and I was getting concerned for Millipede. He started smiling and laughing as if this was a joke. It has gotten to the point where he has to lean against the wall to stop himself from falling over. I don't know what is happening to him, I've seen some marines act this way from time to time. I think some call it shell shocked, I never understood it. He got so bad to where I had to shove him against the wall. He didn't calm down for a while.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. My life has been one sick joke since the beginning. I mean I was hatched in an Arachnid damn famine, with the entire bloodline under threat of extinction. I wasn't supposed to be a soldier, I was hatched to an infiltrator line. Not only that we just face one of Equestria's finest and survived! Colonel Quick Spear is a damn legend. You're lucky you caught him off guard," Millipede stated. I just let him talk, some people need to talk.

"I mean what the Tartarus are we supposed to do? We have a famine, political instability and now a full fledge war against our food source. We're so bucked. We would be forgotten as we all die and noling would even care! I just so sick of fighting; I just wish it would end. Why can't thing make any sense? Why do we have to fight?" He looked at me with hope in his eyes.

"I don't know, I can't give you an answer. Some say we have to fight because we have to others say because we chose to. I was given the choice to fight, and I took it but from what I hear you never did. I have seen many just like you, they never had the choice to fight just told they have too. If you're asking what I think you're asking the wrong person," I told him. His soul looked crushed. He held his head in his front hooves, silently shaking.

"What is the point, if the rumors are true the changeling race would disappear in the next ten years. Why was I even hatched to suffer on this bucking plane of existence! I still have magic running through my veins but why should I even live on when there is nothing but misery, I saw my family line starve before I was even of age! I should have just stayed there and have him kill me, so I don't have to suffer any longer!" Millipede screamed out. I have to shut down this train of thought before it gets out of hand. I gave him a light slap to the face; I hopefully pulled it enough to not kill him.

"Now listen to me! Those thoughts won't help you here. Who gives a damn that you 'hatched' into suffering, many others have, and you won't be that last. Know this I was born into a dying race against impossible odds stacked against us with no hope of survival, yet I still fight. Noone ever gets out of their 'suffering' by rolling over and letting it happen. Your heart still beats doesn't it, that is enough reason to fight. It gives you enough reason to fight as life in of itself is a good enough reason fight is it not?" I said as I took off my helmet to look him strait in the eye. His eyes never reached mine as I stared into his watery eyes.

"I'm sorry, I can't. What am I supposed to do? Why do you even care, you said it yourself that this isn't your war so what is the point? You said you didn't want to get involved but then go on telling me I should fight. How about you fight for your own damn race! Arachnid damn as you don't bucking care about anything else except your own damn bloodline," never did I wanted to slam my hoof into him so bad as I did now.

"You watch your damn mouth before you lose it, from what I hear you still have time to negotiate with them, my race's first contact with the Covenant was one of extermination. They offered you amnesty, that is more than every single person ever got where I come from. They never had a choice like the others."

"You have no idea what's going on do you!? Well let me give you a run down. During of the Griffin civil war one side asked to be give some food supplies to help their war-ravaged country and you know what the Equestrians did, they sat back and watched. The official statement was that the food would have been used to support the war effort, but we had infiltrators there to know the exact reasons why they declined. They said why should we help them, they're our greatest enemy and all of them are blood becks that have not shred of decency. We changelings have always been made to look like boogeymen to them, what makes this time different from sixty years ago other than time. Nothing!" He screamed. I didn't know what to say so I held my tongue.

He started to whisper, "We probably won't even die of hunger or the Equestrians. The damn reformers are going to cause a damn civil war. The invasion wasn't even supposed to happen. It was only meant to replace half the population of Canterlot for a year. We would have podded and taken their lives for that time, after we would have given it back right after, but that damn purple unicorn ruined it. After that we had to hurry and take as much as we can before we were eventually thrown out of Equestria's capitol. That operation should have feed us for a decade or two. Now I bet it has been a net negative."

"I'm sorry, I just need to think. I have some rations to help stem off the growing hunger, here you should have one. It should keep any of the holes you have from growing while keeping your magic topped off," he said handing me a pink vial. I looked at the holes that were in his legs, they were big enough to cause some problems if it was cause by hunger. I pushed the vial back to him.

"I don't need anything right now and from the looks of it you do. Don't resist, I won't budge on this. I can take care of myself, but you don't seem to be in any good shape to be even moving," I remarked. He nodded once and took the rations down with one gulp. I can tell it help him calm down as his entire body went into a relaxed state. He even grew a goofy smile.

"Thanks, I don't have many rations left. We still have a long way to walk to even get to the nearest hive. I'm sorry," He stated.

"It's fine, you're not the first I seen break down and won't be the last. Lead the way to this 'hive' of yours," I said as I gestured him forward. One thing stuck in my mind as we began walking again. He asked why I cared. I don't think I can answer the question. Why do I care, it's not like I belong here. Why am I pushing him forward when I should be getting home. Why do I care?


Dear Princess Celestia

Before you get mad at me, I will have to say I did visit a changeling prisoner camp against your recommendations. I also did talk to them. I know you don't want me talking to or about them, but I couldn't resist. I need to know why. Why would they do what they did. After what I learned I can't hate them, not really. What I learned is disheartening. Their entire bodies are made of magic. They rely on it. Their bodies have to have magic, or they will die.

This may not be a problem for Equestrians as we can produce our own magic and don't rely on magic as much as they do. On the other hoof, Changelings can't naturally produce magic at all, so they steal it from our emotions. If they don't have enough their bodies start eating itself, hence the holes in their legs. This means they are all starving, even their queen. From what I heard there isn't much food left for them since the Griffonian Republican Revolution of 943 CLE when troubles and terror swept across the nation. They fundamentally rely on us, so when we have wars and scares their population starve and when we prosper, their population grows alongside us with healthy hearts.

They had a massive population boom when we did in 921 CLE as both species hit a golden age of prosperity, but when the republican revolution arrived there was a massive shortage. With a massive increase in their population, their love reserves couldn't keep up. I know they have had strict rationing from what I hear but I don't think they are producing a surplus unlike we are. I don't know how to help them; I just know we have to do something.

We aren't the only ones with instability. I learned this information by captain Chitin, of the 482nd infiltration brigade, who claims to be a reformer. The reformers are very much like the Sunset Republicans but with a few minor differences. One of them being that they don't want to get rid of the monarch but have a parliament run alongside the monarchy to keep its power in check. This isn't a small group either, it is said to be around a fifth of their population and is growing.

This could become a difficult situation as placating one side can provoke the other into civil war. Their monarchs and drones are already at each other's throats with the monarchists and reformers. This could be a repeat of the Griffonian Republican Revolution and we know what happened when we didn't support one side or the other. Not to mention the Griffons probably will get involved, saying they're saviors but only getting involve causing us to waste resources on the Changelings instead of the upcoming war effort.

I asked why they didn't ask for assistance, and they stated history. They don't know the true reasons why were the Obsidian War with Equestria. I have found no references to this war or even its outcomes, but it has a major effect on how they view us. One of the things the Monarchists and Reformers agree on is to avoid all confrontation with us. That means no trade or negotiations with us. They state the Griffonian Republican Revolution, Republic of Griffonia-Equestria war of 987 CLE, the Golden wars of South Equestria, the Minotaur-Equestria war of 873 CLE, the 11th Kingdom of Griffonia-Equestria war of 902 CLE and more as the main driving factors to avoid talking to us. While I am no history expert, I know what happened after these wars to tell you they won't like the prospect of being exploited or subjugated. One of the Changelings stated that personal feeling from the Queen of the Bloodline, Queen Chrysalis, has against you. It is said she was hatched several years before the Obsidian war, so she has a personal vendetta against you.

We have many difficult problems ahead of us. I heard Shiny is having a meeting with you and his mentor general Sword Strike. He has had a hard time forgiving the changelings for the invasion, can you please silently redeploy or dismiss him from active duty. I am his wife and I worry about him. I can see the hatred in his eyes, he won't forgive them. He hasn't forgiven the Griffons when Dusk light was killed in combat in 991 CLE. He can't look past his anger and will push it onto his enemies. He is a good soldier, but he isn't infallible. I urge you to consider my request.

Your Niece

Princess of Love,
Mi Amore Cadenza

P.S. I still hate how official this has to sound Aunty, but I have Written Script at my back yelling at me write like this, please don't tell him I'm writing behind his back. Can you hurry up the meeting so I can cuddle my husband, nothing more I swear, probably. I really miss him. Plus, he still owes me a honeymoon, so if you need to kick his flank out of the 'command center' so I can rush to pick him up.

Love Cadance

P.S.S Please don't yell at me for not following your orders when I arrive. I did it for a good cause. Also how is Luna doing? I know she has been having a problem with adapting to the current day. Can you also send a message to Twilight, mostly ask about her day and send me the details. I hardly talk to her anymore and I miss her. Maybe try too subtly ask if she is interested in any pony; have you looked at her romance novel collection, she needs to find some pony. Don't tell her I know about it though, she not very good at hiding them.

Again Love Cadance

For your information your highness this is Written Script.

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza has written out of line in the last few sentences. I will watch more diligently from now o-_-_-

Please get rid of him

I will continue to improve her writing ability.

Your faithful servant

Written Script

Author's Note:

I really hope I don't have to do a full-on history textbook to explain the reasons for them not cooperating with each other. I mean I have one, but it is not fully fleshed out, technically. The wars and major events yes, but some minor battles and individual histories not so much. I also have 900 CLE to 1000 CLE and 1001 CE/1RE almost full written out. I might have to do a story on the republican revolution and how that spilled over to Equestria with the Sunset Republicans. I have bullet points that go back 4000 years. I mean I do that for every story I write because it is fun.

The story changed so rapidly that I don't know if I should make another story just explain the conflict that started it. It would work without the crossover that it was originally designed around. I almost feel discourage to write the crossover bit and create another story with just the conflict with the Obsidian bloodline, Changelings, and Equestria. I mean the criticism worked to create a better product, but I don't know if I can keep the crossover functional.

Sorry for the rant, I'm trying my best. What was supposed to be a fun beat them up with a spartan, it will have those moments, kicking pony flanks turned into a geopolitical nightmare. The reasons why I chose changelings to be Theo's race is because of how easily you compare the UNSC to them. I mean have you read the Lore for Halo, the UNSC aren't saints. Equestria is not very flexible when it comes to lore, the only thing I really changed is that Equestria and Princess Celestia are not benevolent, which they never were but that is a different topic for a different story.

I feel like I'm complaining, sorry, so I'll stop complaining. I'm pretty new to writing in general. I will probably take a small break to work on my other story or start a new one.

This is your deathly tired and completely insane Author