• Published 9th Nov 2022
  • 1,869 Views, 53 Comments

Unseen Hope - NnoDragonEclipse

The war against Equestria is failing. The Changelings are losing hope. Is there any hope for the tide of war to turn? Is there anyling to deliver hope?

  • ...

The Las Pegasus Hive, The Descent

"We should be getting close to Las Pegasus. I recommend you brace yourself for the depravity. They are called the dying hive of lust for a reason," Millipede stated. I wonder why are they dying?

"Why are they dying, if what you said were true most of your people would be in the same starved state," I commented.

"Buck no, somelings want to live their life of peaceful bliss as their lives are slowly fading away from lust. If you get a good look at them you'll see they have no holes, and it isn't because they have a stable love source, it's because of lust," Millipede stated with disgust.

"What does that have to do with anything? From what I gathered we eat emotions?" I half asked and stated.

"OH, you sweet summer child, how don't you know about the difference between them?" He asked.

"I was not made to process food just to fight a losing war, so information that doesn't pertain to my job was irrelevant," I stated coldly. Millipede shot me a look of disapproval.

"Your queen must be really desperate if she made a noble just to fight, I can already tell your no ordinary noble, you must have been pumped with so much love when you were in your egg with how big you are," he noted, "Anyway, we can't eat lust. If we eat it, it kills us slowly. It tricks your body into thinking it's love, so your body won't eat itself, but it provides no magic. Basically, you starve without holes all over your body."

"Doesn't seem too bad."

"For the first few minutes you'll feel the best blissful feeling ever but after you'll feel even more depraved as you'll still feel your magic drain. It is also addictive and the more you take the more it blocks you mind from functioning. In the end even if you eat true love, the amount of lust they ate will make them unable to process that love into any type of magic eventually killing you. This is why we call them lust slaves," he said, "I hate this place, be ready to see addicts laying on the ground."

We start to come across an opening to massive underground cavern. It had pillars that were cover in green luminescent slime. On the ground floor were what would be seen as early urbanization with wood and some newer with what looked like concrete. In cracks there was the same green slime. This place was lit by it from how much of it there is.

In stark contrast to the well-lit cavern were the people. The changelings here either looked on the brink of starvation or laying down laughing. I went up to one of the laughing changelings to see if she was okay, I tried giving her a nudge to see if she'd respond, she didn't.

"She's already dead, she's been on lust for too long that her body is shutting down. Even giving her love now won't save her. There is nothing you can do for her," Millipede said solemnly. I kept my eyes on her as we walked off, I could see her start to spasm. She wasn't the only one like that, there were dozen on our walk through the streets. Each and every one of them looked on the verge of death.

"Why haven't they done anything to stop this?" I asked.

"Why do you even care? Didn't you say this isn't your war, these changelings thought the same. To escape starvation and the war they use lust as an escape. They tried to stop the trade but failed miserably," Millipede stated, "Hurry this way to the garrison. I hate walking these streets."

The more we walked the more depressing the sights. What should have been grand buildings built by some great artisans were run down husk of their former selves. Building with broken glass, streets littered with cracks and garbage. The best way to describe it were some of the old photos of ghettos.

"What happened here to have everything look like this?" I asked.

"What do you expect, these lings gave up. There is nothing we can do if they aren't willing to do anything about it. The only people who care is the garrison, but they are too few to do anything about it. For now, they have to live in the hell hole they created, where no hope can fester and grow," Millipede stated, "Come on, let's make it to the garrison, commander of the 101st Pegasus airborne division will be waiting there."


"Changelings served the Equestrian military before this fiasco began, it is tradition for us to adopt our food sources customs and serve them so that we don't starve. Well before Canterlot," Millipede stated. For the rest of the walk, it was silent. During the walk, I picked up the attention of the civilian population. I guess they don't see a spartan every day. It almost reminds me of the looks of the people back home would give me. Except these eyes only carried curiosity and not hope. There was no hope in their eyes just an empty void of despair.

Back home, when people saw a spartan they saw a savior; here they only see a new person thrown into the slaughter. What happened to all of them? Why do I care? These aren't my people. My people are being slaughtered while I just sit here on this backwater planet. Even then their face draws me in, I've seen those faces before. I've seen them on the marines I've fought with, those looks of hopelessness, but they still fight on even if it is pointless.


A loud bell rung out interrupting my thoughts. The entire city seemed to hold its breath at the sound of it. Everything stopped.


At the second bell, everyone was now listening. It was as if time stopped to listen.


The third set off a riot, there was screaming and a stampede of people trying to get away. Something big was happening if a bell caused this riot.

Millipede started running, I almost lost him with everyone getting in the way, almost. I got a good look at him as I ran right beside him, he had a look of fearful resolve. If something got him spooked, it must be bad. The streets were now filled with fleeing civilian, all of them panicking and trying to flee west for some reason. It almost reminds of how cities looked like when the Covenant just showed up right above them. Pure chaos.

Along the way we met up with a group of soldiers that were heading east, I had to stop Millipede from getting trampled. From the looks of it they were well armed, with armor that cover most of their chest and neck while still allowing for mobility. They were armed with swords, spears and what looked like early matchlock muskets.

"I'm private first-class Millipede of the 212nd infantry division, what is the situation," Millipede demand to one of the soldiers. One stopped to address Millipede, but the squad just moved on without him, they must be in a hurry.

"The city is under attack! Report to the garrison for assignment and get equipped. We're about to get hit hard," The soldier said in a hurry before running to catch up with his squad. This seems too familiar, the panic and the desperation. His words only seemed to quicken Millipede pace towards this garrison.

The garrison was swarmed with troops going in and out. Some flying some on foot, but all of them had one thing in common, they were all in a hurry. Many of them going in without any equipment and coming out in full armor. This was a surprise attack if they weren't prepared for it. I can already hear cannon fire coming from the east. they've already engaged the enemy.

We got stuck in line for resupply, it was the calm before the storm. I got some weird looks from soldiers as they passed by. We eventually managed to reach one of the quartermasters.

"Rank, name, and job," the quartermaster demanded.

"Private first-class Millipede of the 212nd infantry division as logistics. I'm here to see commander Keratin as I have a delegate from another hive," Millipede stated.

"So that fat sack off junk over there is the delegate, he doesn't look like much. Go through the door on the left and get the buck out the way, somelings have to go to war. NEXT!" the quartermaster yelled out. We did as we were told and moved towards the door. It led us to a room pack with high-ranking officials and officers all packed into an auditorium. they were drawing up defensive lines and issuing order to lower ranking officers who would then give them to the troops. It was all chaos, it seemed no one knew how Equestria found them and now they're struggling to form a cohesive defense.

Millipede led me through a sea of officers and officials, towards the back that had map of what look like the entire city. There were three older looking changelings looking over it, moving some red and blue pieces. Millipede moved to interrupt the one with a deep scare across his flank.

"Soldier, now it not the time to buck around. If you have something important just say it," the commanders said.

"Private first-class Millipede reporting for duty, I have a delegate from another hive. Noble Theo of the UNSC bloodline," Millipede saluted. Keratin gave me one glance before addressing Millipede.

"You seem to have bad bucking timing, now is not the time for trade deals. It is a time for action," Keratin stated, with that he turned to me, "Well you're wearing armor and look strong enough to wield a weapon. Here take my sword and defend the damn train station in the west. I don't care if you are not from here, your only chance to get out of here alive is that train. I have the general of the Equestrian military right at my doorstep right now, so I don't want to hear it."

He drew his sword with his magic and hovered it over to me. I tried to pick it up with my magic, but I failed so I wrapped my hoof around it and locked it onto my back. The commander gave me curious look.


This sent panic throughout command, talks of the first line falling were running rampant.

"Buck, we're out numbered five to one. Private Millipede here is a letter meant for Queen Chrysalis, you are to deliver it to her with the delegate," Keratin demanded handing the letter to Millipede.

"Yes sir, come now we have to move to the train station west of here," Millipede stated to me. I passed by soldiers gearing up for the upcoming battle ahead, all of them with stoic faces I've seen before. The mask of the scared who must commit the ultimate sacrifice for a lost cause. Marines sent into their deaths to defend as many civilians as they can before they fall. Godspeed to them.

We ran through an armory, picking up some guns before running out and heading west. The road we littered with those who were trampled. There is nothing we could do for them now.


"Shit, the second line is down," Millipede stated, "They're falling to fast."

We passed a line of soldiers setting up cannons yelling out, "Civilians are to move into the train station and get ready to be loading into a train car. All belongings must be left behind, I repeat all belongings must stay behind. Soldiers report to the captain at the tent."

Following his advice, we headed to the captain's tent. Looks like he was giving orders to other soldiers. His voice we gruff and strained from use. "You two, stop standing there and tell me your damn jobs!

"Ugh, logistics captain but," Millipede started.

"Don't care what you have to say, you go into the damn train station and load up the civilians," the captain interrupted, "Now you in the black armor, what is your job?"

"Frontline Infantry, sir," I responded.

"Good, you have a musket so go to the front and get in the defensive line. Now do your damn jobs," the captain demanded.

"Yes sir!" both of us responded. I started to make the way towards the frontline.


"Third line down, the fourth has engaged!" someone shouted. I got in line with the others. I only got one glance before they returned looking forward with their weapons drawn. The view was not looking great either, the sky was filled with smoke as the city burned. The constant drum of cannon fired was heard throughout the city, with it only get louder. At this pace the city will fall soon.

Looking at the soldiers beside me I see the same stoic faces of the determined, these faces had one spark that the others didn't. They had hope that their sacrifice has meaning. So few but still strong. They will hold the line for as long as possible.

Just then a group of our soldier appeared. They were beaten and injured. The yelled out, "The Fourth has fallen, the fourth has fallen! They're coming!"

The shots of cannon fire started to rain upon the buildings next us. Splinters of wood and glass flying and impaling a few. I even felt a few pelts all across my armor. Moans of pain sounded out from the few who were hit by the debris. Medics rushed to stitch up their wounds, but some were already too far gone.

But for the few who still stood, they stood tall. They will hold. I will hold with them, for if I don't, we will surely fail. We will hold.

An Overheard Conversation

"Aunty! Before you say anything, I would like to say that it was a very productive conversation and a deep look into their society. We have to help them, if what they say is true, they are on the brink of extinction."

"Cadance, *sigh*, I already know of their situation. What do you think our programs are for? We are already doing everything we can for them but most of the time they reject our help on principle. Remember they do not trust us. I am partly to blame for our current predicament as I am the reason their queen hates us."

"But why, what did you do that their queen can't forgive? From what I heard you have done nothing to them in a thousand years after the troubled times where we were invaded from all our neighbors."

"Cadance, the politics from a thousand years ago were very different from what they are today. What we would call genocide today was a very popular strategy that all commanders used to great effect, Equestria is no exception. That's not to say the Changelings did any better, they did the same on many occasions, one of them includes the Whinney Town Massacre. I believe if those events were the only things that we have to be angry at each other, our anger would have faded, but it is not."

"What is more atrocious than genocide? How can something like genocide not be the cause for anger?"

"The 'murder' of a love one can cut deep into the soul Cadance. I have reason to believe I killed the Queen's mother when she was very young. She was from what they call the Obsidian Hive. It is tradition for the bloodline to name themselves after their monarch, so why is the bloodline not named the Chrysalis Bloodline. From what we know they broke tradition to honor their former monarch, queen Obsidian. I Killed queen Obsidian in the hive they called Obsidia. While I have no proof, I believe she kept the formers monarch's name to honor her."

"Why do you keep saying monarch? Aren't they like ants, with a queen and things."

"That is what you got from that?

"Well no but I don't want to talk about this war anymore. All this talk of war and genocide is making me queasy."

"Fair enough, to answer your question, the reason why I say monarch is because Changelings technically are hermaphrodites. They are like clownfish; they are born one sex but can change to other if necessary or on a whim. This is due to their shapeshifting nature. They could breed and produce other creature's offspring if needed, though they will be locked in their transformation for the time needed to carry them, for a pony it is eleven months but for a griffin it is nine."

"That's interesting, how come I didn't notice this?"

"Well, I'm currently reading a report on their biology from one of their doctors that was captured. They are designed to be almost perfect in every way imaginable. When they transform, they physically become that object; so, no turning into inanimate objects as they will no longer be sentient. The only that can distinguish them from us is their magic core. It can't change no matter the transformation, so if they become an alicorn they won't have the magic to back it up. Their ability with magic is the exact same throughout all transformations."

"Can I read it? You could say it's for 'research' purposes."

"There is a copy right here. Don't get to many ideas, they are still our enemy, not to mention you are married."

"How dare you? I would never cheat on my husband; but in all seriousness, you know I'm not the princess of lust. I hate when people see love and think lust, I don't even have sex all that often. Love is so much different than just sex. There are so many different types of love. It is hard to explain all of them, but I can understand all of them."

"You know you're easy to tease, speaking of love, I know you lied to me somewhat to get prince Shining Armor out of the 'command center,' he can forgive others just not the griffins."

"I know that, but if there is one thing I know about my Shiny it is that he is a workaholic sometimes and doesn't know when he should take a break. It was more of a half-truth, he hasn't forgiven their queen or king or monarch, buck it I don't care, Chrysalis for ruining our wedding. Though imagine what she could do in the bedroom."

"OH Cadance, I thought you weren't the princess of lust. I must call a doctor; you must be sick if you aren't acting like yourself. Wait no you're a changeling in disguise."

"Yes, I'm here to cuddle every princess Forever and nothing can stop me from all the snuggles I will get."

*knock* *knock*

"Am I interrupting something?"

"Ah, general Sword Strike I'm glad you're here. We were talking about your apprentice Shiny Armor."

"I still can't believe the damn blockhead now outranks me or even how he married a princess, though this doesn't mean I won't terrorize him with early morning training. You don't what his skills to go waste now would you princess."

"No he is a fine stallion."

"I'm right here you know, and I'll have you know I found him. He isn't a blockhead just stubborn."

"As I said, he is a blockhead."

"So general, what do you have to report?"

"The hive in Trottingham has been taken over after the siege. We are now hearing reports of a Downfall contingency, we are currently preparing for anything as we are in the dark on what this plan is."

"Okay, now shifting topics. Did you send that letter to Twilight? I have to know if she is looking at somepony."

"Princess Cadance, this report is important. Don't be foalish, it doesn't fit a princess."

"Well I'm Sorry but this war doesn't fit right with me. I just want it to end, all this fighting is making me sick."

"Believe me princess, I am trying to bring this war to a quick and decisive end."

"Moving on, Twilight's nonexistent love life."


"What we both know she can barely talk to any stallion without embarrassing herself, what I'm asking is who is she looking at. I may have to work some magic to make the any match to work."

"Her letter didn't point to anypony."

"Let me see it."

"I have it right here."

*Shuffling of paper*

"Why does she have to be so difficult?"

"From my experience with her, I thought she was a lesbian."

"I thought the same."

"What? No. She isn't a lesbian."

"Are you sure? I mean have you seen the way she looks at mares. I think she has a thing with Fluttershy if I'm not mistaken."

"No, she would have a thing for the rainbow one, uhh, Rainbow Dash! I've personally seen the way they act around each other, there is no way they aren't dating."

"No, AppleJack and Rainbow Dash are in a relationship."

"What the buck are you two talking about?"

"I'm guessing what relationships the elements would get in. The general and I get into these types of conversations sometimes. It passes the time with some malarkey."

"That's fine but you have each and every one of them wrong, well except Fluttershy, but she has the hots for Rainbow Dash. Twilight is looking for a stallion, that I can assure you. I would know as I have read all of her self-written explicit material books. Most of them involve stallions."

"Why? Wait, you said most."

"I'll do anything if I could get her to date at least somepony. The other part is not something you want to read, specifically you."

"Fine, be that way. So, I pegged Fluttershy right."

"Yes, she has the hots for her childhood friend but is too shy to say anything, but Rainbow sees her as her sister so that is a problem for her. You could guess who Rainbow likes, because most of them include blue and yellow in an airshow."

"Understandable, from what I read about her she practically saw them as gods as a foal, now after growing up she probably would have romantic inclinations towards them."

"I'm sorry to interrupt but Princess Celestia must have a talk. While you can listen to us Princess Cadance you wouldn't want to hear what I have to say. I recommend you step out for a minute."

"Fine, but aunty we will continue this talk later. I love you!"

"I love you too Cadance."


"What do you have to report, my faithful general."

"I gave you the good news about Trottingham but now is the bad news. From what we just learned, there is a hive in every major population center in all of Equestria."

"So there is no one strike that will bring them the heil."

"I never said that, but right now we don't know. It might work if we find their capitol, which they call 'The Enkindled Spring,' but none of them seem so willing to give up its location."

"Even with all the defectors?"

"They told me to buck off. From what I can gather, the capitol is a sacred place where even the most disloyal among them won't give up. They say it is either a fortress like no other or a safety line for the entire race."

"I guess it is out of the picture for now?"

"For now yes, but I have more grim news, it seems that the terrorists known as the Sunset republicans are taking advantage of our weakened state to gain resources and support. The worst news is that their leader, Sunset Shimmer, has appeared once more."

"How can that be, I killed her. She should be dead."

"I thought the same, so I had my men dig up her body and do a mana core scan. What we thought was an error with our initial scans was actually a changeling. She had a body double."

"So then she knew of the changelings before Canterlot."

"Yes, I think she may even have an alliance with their queen."

"Are you sure?"

"No, it is just a suspicion."

"If it is true, what do we do."

"The same thing we did the first time, burn them out."


"I have an operation that I want you to look at, this is the reason I sent away Princess Cadance. She would do everything in her power to stop it if she knew about it."


"Are you sure this is the only way? This can't be the only way."

"It is the only way to drag them out of their holes"

"But this torch and burn strategy won't give us any favors. They will never trust us if we do this."

"I know, the only other way is to start a civil war in the bloodline. If that happens, more blood will be spilled. No, this plan while extreme will end this war in months rather than decades."

"You know I have trusted your judgement ever since you saved the kingdom from the republicans and then the Griffins. We are currently in a three-way war, not to mention on how the changelings supported us during the last war."

"Trust me once more, I could get operation Cinder to work if I had your permission."

"May Faust damn me to Tartarus for all the sins I have committed, I will greenlight this, but I want you to keep civilian casualties at a minimum, if not I will terminate this operation immediately."


"Before you go, I would like to know how you are able to make those twin magic blades."

"Secrets are meant to be hidden."

"Does that metal focus on your hip do anything or is it for directional movement?"

"I'll give you a hint, both to a degree. I hope you had a good day Princess Celestia."

*Click* *Thud*

"Faust help me for I have sinned once more."

Author's Note:

There you have it people, my reason for the changeling's not exploiting the troubled times with the massive amount of lust soldiers had, it is because it is a drug that kills them.

As you can guess the world entered the very beginning of the industrial age and have basic ballistic weaponry.