• Published 9th Nov 2022
  • 1,868 Views, 53 Comments

Unseen Hope - NnoDragonEclipse

The war against Equestria is failing. The Changelings are losing hope. Is there any hope for the tide of war to turn? Is there anyling to deliver hope?

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Wraiths of the Past

"Get Down!" someone yelled as a plasma mortar flew overhead. I knew the sound and dove for cover as the plasma rained down exploding and killing those who couldn't get away. Damn Covenant got Wraiths pointed right at us. Wait Covenant? Where am I? Am I human?

I looked down to confirm what I saw. I was human again, in a burning city. The fate of many in this war. It looked vaguely familiar, but I can't put my finger on it. Where were the quadrupeds? Was what I saw just a dream? A hallucination by the drugs pumping through me? Screams of the wounded brought me back to reality, there soldiers in need of help. I even have my weapons, though my squad is nowhere in sight.

Jumping over the barrier right into an advancing grunt, with one quick slash with my blade he was dead. When did I get a sword? Doesn't matter focus. six shots right into the elite's head brought down his shield and another one downed him, that will get the cowardly grunts to back off and give us time. One by one their numbers dwindled; I forgot how fun it is to kill these bastards. Forgot?

I made a bloody path strait towards the UNSC forces currently pinned down. The crowd seemed to vanish as I killed them. With the last one died for now I made my way to the commanding officer. The remaining soldiers of this unit was starring starry eye at me, can't blame them.

"A spartan! Here! God blessed us!"

"No way, a spartan!"

"We might get off this rock alive!"

I heard these types of comments only two times before, on reach and on assassination mission. If I didn't accept the spooks offer, I would be just like them in a few years, wouldn't I? Focus, mission first and nothing else.

"Status report," I said to the commander.

"Spartans! Hell must have come up from the depths if you're here. We have wraiths taking cover by the fallen bridge, none of our scorpions or rockets can hit them. Artillery isn't responding, and air support is locked in a losing battle over the sky. We're on our own down here while everything is tied up right now," the commander reported.

"Well, wouldn't be the first time we were sent on a suicide mission, I think this is the second," responded a male voice over my shoulder. A very familiar voice.

"Second! Theo and I been on three!" spoke a new and feminine voice.

"It would help if he didn't put me in the med-bay in the first place," respond the first. I turned around to face them.

"You know Theo has a justice complex, right? You shouldn't have tried to leave those marines behind," the second said. I saw two other Spartans in distinctive SPI armor, one blue with a teal secondary and the other purple with a dark green secondary. The armor of my friends, my family.

"I know, all I said is this justice crap will get us killed," said the blue spartan, Jacob.

"You're here!?" I said to them.

"Why wouldn't we be? You know the mission, now stop dillydallying and take out those damn wraiths," said the purple spartan, Sarah.

"Yes sir!" Jacob and I spoke. Right then a flood of plasma started flying, damn them they can't just let one reunion go on for a little longer. Well, I have a mission to do. Waiting for slight opening in the wall of plasma, I jumped out right into the line of fire and got a few shots in before they targeted me but by then it was already too late as a grenade was right at their feet. Goodbye fuckers. The blast shredded them like paper. I heard gunshots coming from my squad as they covered my advance.

Grunts and elites went down as each of us covered the other as we made our advance across the elevated bridge. Plasma barriers were put up for them to have some cover on this bridge. With the only things as cover here on the bridge being broken cars and bodies, I guess they had the right idea. We were just now nearing the crest of the bridge with the dead and fallen behind us. The four of us could see the wraiths from here. Four? Who was this guy? They wore what looked like Mk4 Mjolnir painted a dark green. Wait a second, why are my teammates now in dark green camos.

"Stop staring and get back to work," Sarah ordered me.

"Right!" I acknowledged. Time to kill these bastards. Grenades prepped and ready for the next phase of our plan. We advanced killing every bastard that got in our way.


I planted a grenade right into the heart of the last wraith before jumping off the back and running as the thing melted down and exploded. Wait how did I get here? Looking around hundreds of Covenant bodies lay. I looked at my now changed gloves. It was dark green and similar to the Mk4 Mjolnir gloves. How? They were black SPI just a second ago.

"Captain you alright?" asked one of my squad members.

"Yeah, don't worry I'll go down when the Covenant falls," I said.

"Damn right!" responded another. I don't recognize any of them. Where is my squad, who are these three?

"Let's get moving, once the Covenant know about us, they'll send everything have at us, let's not make it so easy for them," I ordered. What am I doing?

"Yes sir!" They responded. We began moving but everything felt like a blur, engagements went by in a blink of an eye and the streets were blurry. What's happening to me? A scream brought me back to reality, one that belong to a child. With no hesitation I sprinted as fast as I could to them, these damn bastards have taken enough from anyone they won't take another. There in the alley, two elites just ran in chasing something or someone. Rounding the corner, I spotted a young kid with his back against a trash can as two elites stalked forward.

One even had an energy sword raised. Not this time, with knife in hand and a pistol in the other I charged, stabbing one right in the neck and firing round after round into the other. One managed to look my way before his shield fell and was kill by my rounds. The bodies fell limb on the ground before the boy could blink.

The boy was crying, scared at what he just experience. He cowered closer to the corner as I drew near. To calm the boy, I took of my helmet to show he I was indeed human.

"Hey kid, it's your lucky day. The names Felix. I'm a spartan," his head flicked up, good, "Where are your parents?"

He looked at the ground again. I got a good look at him, his olive skin had bruises and cuts all over. This kid was lucky enough to survive this long.

"You know kid, I was once like you," that got him to look back up, "At your age, I was in the same position as you, though slightly different than you, I never had a hero to save me. It's part of the reason I became who I am, the other was umm let's just say out of my control. Right now, the best thing we can do though is to be the hero others need in their time of need. I know you heard of the legends of us Spartans, so please trust me. I'll get you out of here."

The kid looked up at me with his piecing blue eyes that were filled with tears. He gave a slight nod.

"Captain, you stupid bastard, you're going to get yourself killed running off like that!" yelled one of my squad mates. I turned to look at them to see the commotion.

"We have a plus one now let's to the evacuation site! Everyone gets off this rock if I still have a say in it!" I ordered.

"Sir that's not our mission!" one of them yelled.

"To hell with the mission, the civilians are our main priority," I yelled back.

"Yes sir!"

Turning back to the boy to tell him to get ready to move I saw a new spartan, one in black SPI armor. He looked right at me.

"Wake up!"

"Wake up!" said Millipede before he had a blade right next to his neck. It was covered in a teal green light and floated in mid-air. How?


The blade fell back to the ground. People now had an interest with the new commotion. Blowing air through my equine nose, I spoke, "Next time don't jump a spartan or you could have been sliced to bits."

"Uh, Understood," Millipede said nervously before continuing, "We're minutes away from Vanhoover. The guard are probably not going to be so happy to see you. I just warning you, the 551st Strike Brigade doesn't mess around. They act like their commander, so be prepared for a little jostling."

"Understood," I said. Another version of the same dream. This time from his perspective. It has been a while since the last one though. I remember going through the video files trying to find any information on what happened to them. Never found anything concrete but I know ONI listed them as M.I.A. Opening a pouch on my belt I pulled out a souvenir he gave me before I rocketed away. Has it been that long? Did ONI do the same thing to me as them? I guess I'll never know at this point, left on some backwater planet that does even have the simplest of communication equipment.

"You okay? You were tossing and turning in your sleep," Millipede asked. What do you think? My team and family are fighting the covenant and I'm stuck on a vacation on a planet with talking horses. Hell Sarah is still on Rea... SARAH! Nothing I can do now while I'm here. Fuck.

"I'm fully functional, I'm a spartan after all," I responded. I don't feel that way. Move on and be the hero others need, that is what he said to me before my planet was glassed. Before he went missing. Get a hold of yourself, this isn't time to take pity on your life, get moving and get things done. You are a spartan, the best of the best. A weapon to be pointed at the enemy, to kill anything that gets in the way of your objective.

You are a spartan, act like it.

Tribal Armada

The early days of the armada was made after the Grogarian era, after the defeat of the devil known as Grogar. It started with peaceful intentions in mind, to keep any other devil from taking power over their race. They became highly militaristic and religious to an extreme degree, their primary god being Ares the god of war. They would declare holy wars often, sometimes multiple at once due to their safety above the clouds.

They treated the 'ground pounders' about the same way they treated the ground they walked on, with disgust and resentment. The only problem, they needed the earth ponies for food and the Unicorns refused to bow down, being as stubborn to hold back the armada for one hundred and fifty years. That did not deter the pegasi from taking control of most of the governments and creating puppet states.

Funnily enough the Armada was the most efficient government structure in the tribal era as it didn't rely on bloodlines but merit. This meritocracy was so prevalent, that even today the pegasi are a competitive bunch. The best of the best was produced and earned their place among them. It was even said that a pegasus named Windshear was capable of achieving Mach 3 at an altitude far higher than any has ever flown before but not for long with the lack of oxygen.

Everything was going well for them, until the discovery of the early Griffin Kingdom with King Grover the third in charge. King Grover III was as militaristic as the pegasi and soon overwhelmed them. With their safety above the clouds shattered, the puppets states broke away weaking the empire. Many reforms were taken to fight off the new threat, but the empire would never be the same. In these reforms we saw the first tribal senate with all of the tribes gathered, forming the Confederation of the Tribes. Some consider this to be a republic, but others dispute this claim.

With the Griffins suppressed, the Armada changed to be more open with the other tribes, relying on them more but never trusting them. This would go on well into the Union Era, with many problems and wars. The pegasi still carry the legacy of the Armada, with one third of their population in the military and another third in the clergy. This makes up around forty-four percent of the military and fifty-eight percent of the clergy. It is to note that they are the smallest tribe in Equestria at twenty-eight percent.

The pegasi are stubborn and won't change their ways unless they are forced to and that requires a lot of force. Something we don't have. We can't even start a revolution as they see their alicorns as the daughters their god, changed to Faust after the unification and occupation by the unicorns during that age. If they retreat, Equestria's will to fight will die with them.


Author's Note:

This is an off-topic question but, how would changeling dentists work? They don't need physical food to survive so their teeth should be fine, so would it be a doctor's side job or would someling actually specialize in it. The only thing I can really think of is when they are young and need the substance from physical food to grow at a young age and if there is a blockage in their venom ducts. These seem like small things that hardly happen so I don't know if they would, even in the pony world as it brings no joy to eat off of. Wait this gives me an idea!

Comments ( 4 )

"To hell with the mission, the civilians are our main priority," I yelled back.

That punched straight into the feels…

Great chapter!

Today I craved for Halo content and what was my surprise when I came across this fic. It is without a doubt the best and most original HaloxFIM crossover that I have had the pleasure of reading. Your world-building abilities are something to behold. I look forward to seeing how Theo finishes this fight. See if he and Millipede will make it.

I'm loving the story, keep it up!

One year since its last update... is this story still alive?

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