• Published 19th Oct 2022
  • 6,828 Views, 64 Comments

Accidental Marriage: Year one - Triple Studios

Anon asked simply for sugar. Said sugar unintentionally and accidentally turn into a marriage proposal.

  • ...

CH.2 - Start of a New Era

The aroma of darkened flowers and butter pancakes filled the kitchen, mingling with the delicious smell of bacon frying in the background. Maids bustled around the small kitchen preparing for the morning events; cleaning up breakfast dishes, putting out clean clothes, placing platters full of various foods in the dining room, and arranging silverware, napkins, plates, and cutlery neatly. All while keeping an eye on the inhabitants in the other room enjoying breakfast together.

Anon and Sunset sat facing one another at the dining table. Their feet rested inches apart on either side of the chair. He was wearing his usual black hoodie with jeans and sneakers.

Sunset lights up her horn flipping to the next page of her book.

“So, let me get this straight…” she paused briefly as she flipped through the last few pages. “You and her were just chatting in the garden, then you unintentionally and accidentally proposed to her by asking simply for sugar for your tea, and she accepted without a second thought…”

Anon nodded.

“Did no pony tell you the history of the sugar phrase?” inquired Sunset.

Anon shook his head.

“It started in the early eleven-thousands, way before Celestia was born. Many stallions use this phrase to propose to their mares. They would ask for sugar in exchange for the perfect proposal, and many times ponies would fall for the trap, believing it was sincere and sweet words. Eventually, the phrase became so popular that every single pony would use it. Even King Sombra’s great, great grandfather himself used the phrase.”

“Yeah, but here’s the thing, what happened wasn’t a sincere proposal, i wasn’t aware of this stupid phrase until now, and even then I didn’t know what it meant exactly,” responded Anon.

“Ah yes, the ‘sweet talk’ trick…” said Sunset sarcastically.

“Okay, tell me this. If this phrase has been around for so long, why haven’t I learned about it? For God’s sake I’ve read through all the laws and rules of ancient Equestria history, but none of them mention this phrase!” exclaimed Anon. “I can’t imagine Ponyville not being covered in these old, useless, and unnecessary historical records!”

“I know right…” replied Sunset, flipping another page. “Well, there’s no guarantee that it won’t be used anymore. it is widely accepted that it is supposed to be used only once, and in the case of a proposal to a maiden,” answered Sunset confidently. “However, a lot of folks still believe the old phrase is nothing but a joke and it’s never been used for anything serious. In fact, in my opinion, if it were a proposal like the one you just made, I don’t think it would be taken seriously. That’s because many of the proposals that have been made were very vague and unclear. They wouldn't really tell anyone what the offer would be until they've received the consent of the maiden themselves, which makes them all seem fake.”

“Oh really? How do you figure that out?” asked Anon curiously.

“A couple reasons,” replied Sunset. “First, although a proposal may have some form of ambiguity and ambiguous wording, there are always a good number of important details contained within the wording. This makes it very easy to see whether a proposal is genuine or not. For example, the phrasing itself gives the intended impression: ‘i want to marry you,’ when the actual intent is clear. Another thing is the meaning behind the phrase. It doesn't take much intelligence to deduce that this phrase refers to ‘marriage’ or ‘courtship’ but, again, the wording is ambiguous and unclear. Therefore, it is very likely someone would misinterpret such phrases as being genuine. For instance, say this: ‘I want to marry you,’ the intent will be understood by anyone who knows how to recognize the underlying meaning of the word ‘marry’, but most ponies would not realize its true implication. This is why it’s important to clarify the meaning of the phrase beforehoof.”

“Wow…” Anon remarked, impressed by Sunset’s theory. “So wait, if I ask her for pepper, would that be asking for a divorce?”

“Yes.” Replied Sunset flatly.

“Let me guess. It’s because some crazy pony named Pepper decided to try taking over the world by forcing every marriage to become illegal, or something like that?”

“No. It’s because Princess Celestia is allergic to pepper.”

Anon blinked, surprised by that response. “…Oh.” He shook his head, removing the thought of Celestia sneezing pepper out of his mind. “Anyway, can this sugar phrase be removed?”

“It can. I don’t even know why you’re asking me this, you’re gonna be a prince soon. You can remove it if you so willed.” Replied Sunset.

Anon blinked. “Oh, yeah. I almost forgot about that.”

Sunset sighed. “If I’ve answered all your questions, now you answer mine. Where’s Celestia? I thought she’d be joining us during breakfast?”

“She isn’t,” replied Anon. “She’s busy getting everything prepared for the Gala wedding.”

“Here’s your pancakes, your master.” A maid chimed into the conversation as she approached with a tray full of freshly baked pancakes, topped with strawberries and whipped cream. The two maids placed down the stack between Anon and Sunset then bowed, before exiting the room once again.

“Thank you!” Anon called after her. The maids waved at Anon from behind as she shut the door. “You know, it’s gonna be a while for me to get used to being called Prince Anon,” said Anon laughing a bit.

Sunset just shrugged her shoulders. “You’ll probably have to do it eventually anyway. Especially since the maids and butlers have high respect for you.”

“What does that mean? I’m not that special,” commented Anon.

“Surely they wouldn’t be able to call you ‘Anonymous, the Eternal Servant of Alicorns, the Right Hand of the Sun and Moon, the Guardian of Canterlot Castle and the King of Butlers and Maids,’ without knowing you personally,” stated Sunset.

“But, I’m just Anon. You can say that. Besides, why would I need any more titles than what I already have?”

“Well, technically you don’t have to use all that extra stuff for your position,” countered Sunset.

“Huh? Why?”

“Because it’s what everypony expects from you. I think it shows how high esteem ponies in Canterlot hold for you. Now if you excuse me, I need to go finish my studies and help the Princess.”

“Alright, alright, whatever floats your boat Sun Butt,” joked Anon, causing Sunset to roll her eyes, leaving him to resume eating his breakfast in silence.

Anon took in a deep breath, the fresh air surrounding him filling his lungs. He watched as Celestia paced the length of the large room in front of him. She glanced at him occasionally as she spoke, seeming to realize she wasn't the only one who was nervous. He noticed the way her lips were trembling, the twitching of her eye lashes, the rapidity of her pulse, her hooves tapping against the ground and her eyes looking anywhere but in front of her. She was nervous too.

That was obvious. The whole reason Anon decided to attend Celestia's Gala was because he knew how much trouble her maids had trying to organize things here for their wedding. He figured the mares might appreciate a helping hand, considering he knew exactly how much work that would entail. But of course some of the maids wouldn't want him to come along because then everypony would assume he was a part of the problem, which was clearly untrue. It's not like he'd done anything wrong.

So he stayed behind and simply helped out when needed. Which was actually pretty useful given that one particular maid didn't know how to organize things herself, which both him and Celestia found out pretty quickly.

The problem started two days ago. While the mares didn’t mind, the stallion butlers weren't exactly thrilled about the idea of having him help them with organizing the party, so Celestia made them agree to letting him come. So now, three days later, Anon was finally able to start helping with the preparations for their wedding.

He had gotten dressed earlier today and put on clean clothes. Now he followed Celestia closely, trying to remain quiet despite wanting to interrupt her stream of thought or speak up. He just couldn't believe it: he’s getting married… to Celestia! His best friend! All due to a simple request of sugar. He couldn't even begin to think about what all this meant for him or how to deal with everything that would come next.

How did it come to this? He never meant for this to happen! All he asked for was to borrow sugar! That was literally all he came here for. He never intended for all this to happen, especially because it was only going to become worse from now on! This was bound to end badly. Sure he’s happy for her right now, truly he is! But in reality? His heart is screaming ‘what the hell?!’ At the moment he’s not sure whether he’s happy for Celestia or upset because of how this all occurred.

They reached the dining hall and began setting up chairs for those already there. Most of them already greeted them before going back to talking or eating. Others were taking advantage of the opportunity to chat amongst themselves quietly while the others were busy serving drinks. Once everypony had their food and cups in front of them, Celestia sat down in the nearest chair to Anon.

Anon followed suit. He glanced around nervously. There were so many ponies here. More than any other galas he had ever attended. It seems that Celestia's invitation attracted everyone from Equestria. The amount of ponies attending the event was surprising.

There were a few of the usual guests here. Some of them recognized Anon right away from the past. Many of them greeted him warmly; congratulating him on his upcoming marriage, wishing him luck in his upcoming courtship of Celestia. Anon waved politely back at them, still slightly nervous of how the ponies around him treated him. He hadn't spoken a word since arriving at Celestia's manor. He didn't feel comfortable speaking with anypony right now.

Especially those he noticed behind some groups of ponies that were giving him nasty looks. A few of them were glaring daggers at him, their jaws clenched tight while their nostrils flared. Some of them were whispering to each other while their hooves were shaking in fury. Some of them just glared intensely, making the hairs on the back of his neck stand straight. One of them even spat some words in his direction before moving away, their expression hardening further when they caught a glimpse of Celestia sitting beside him.

But as hurtful as these slanders were, he heard worse, so he did his best to shrug it off. He had no doubt they were just jealous of his relationship with Celestia.

They probably didn’t like being overshadowed by her and he certainly didn't care. He wasn't really bothered by this anyway. Celestia had chosen him to be her mate. She was happy. He wasn't going to ruin that.


He blinked and refocused on his companion. “Hm?”

Celestia was looking at him concernedly. “Are you alright?”

He chuckled lightly, rubbing the back of his nape. “Yeah, I’m good. Just a little nervous is all.” He answered truthfully, giving her a reassuring smile to show that it was nothing more than a joke.

She gave a soft chuckle and patted his arm affectionately. “Well don’t be shy. You'll do great. After all, wasn’t it not you who said and I quote, 'If it makes you smile, then it must be worth it'?”

Anon smiled. “I guess you're right. Still, it's a bit embarrassing being here after everything. I mean, I’ve never been invited to any type of event before, nevermind the largest one in history.”

Celestia gave him another encouraging pat. “You’ve definitely done well in the last month. Everyone has grown extremely fond of you and now everypony wants to get to know you better. Trust me, you'll fit in very easily.”

Anon looked away for a second. “I hope so…”

A couple hours passed and the crowd had mostly dispersed. Not quite everyone left though. Everypony was waiting outside of the dining hall for the grand entrance ceremony. An assortment of different types of ponies were scattered in the large courtyard, sitting cross legged or leaning against various trees. Their attention was focused solely on the doors leading to the main dining hall where everything was currently taking place. Several of the attendees were chatting excitedly amongst themselves. Occasionally someone would glance inside and send a quick message of concern to the rest of their friends, who responded immediately without question.

“Hey.” An unfamiliar voice suddenly spoke, startling Anon.

He turned his head and stared curiously at the newcomer. Standing before him was a light pink coat alicorn mare. Their striped candy mane wrapped in a ponytail. Her flank plastered with the crystal heart as a cutie mark, and her purple eyes glowed like embers while her lips curled to a warm smile.

It didn’t take two seconds for Anon to recognize her. “Oh, hey Cadance. Nice seeing you here.”

“Likewise,” she replied. “How are you, uncle?”

“U..Uncle?” Anon repeated incredulously. How did this alicorn manage to call him that and be so casual about it at the same time? “I'm fine... Why calling me uncle all of a sudden?” He asked curiously.

Cadance giggled. “Because silly, you’re marrying my auntie. We’re practically family now. And I can’t help calling you Uncle since you’ve always taken care of me.”

She sounded a bit teasing, and her expression seemed genuinely happy about this, so Anon couldn’t help chuckling.

“Not only that, I’ve always wanted to have an Uncle.” She continued, resting a hoof on the base of her heart. “Especially one like you Uncle Anon.”

Anon’s heart skipped a beat at that. He really wasn’t sure what to say to that, but eventually managed a small laugh and looked over towards the floor. “Well, this is gonna take getting used to.”

Cadance nodded seriously. “Yes, it will.”


Anon and Cadance turned to where Sunset called from a distance, motioning her hoof over towards her and a few maids standing to her side.

“Coming!” Cadance called back, turning to face Anon again. Winked at him playfully before trotting towards her family.

Anon watched them go. He sighed and leaned back against a tree, staring up at the sky. He didn't understand it. Why did Celestia decide to marry him all of a sudden? He had always been content being just a friend. He'd even considered settling down when he was in his thirties, but in the end it was just too late. He had only been twenty and had still been learning how to manage things on Equestria.

Was it that she always had a liking to him that he was clueless about? Was that why she rejected every pony else who confessed? And maybe even hid these feelings from him all these years? All these questions flew at him like arrows that couldn't stop until they hit their mark. No matter how many times he thought about the possibility, he couldn't find an answer. Perhaps it's just too difficult for him to accept it. He knew she was his true love and he accepted that fact perfectly. But he just couldn't believe he was the one that she would choose for a future mate.

Anon shook his head, this was no time busying himself with these thoughts. “Might as well put on my suit while I’m at it…” He muttered to himself quietly and stood up. Once dressed in his formal attire, he walked off towards the dressing rooms located inside the Great Hall.

Anon found the nearest door and opened it. Inside there was a rack full of neatly folded suits. On top was a large mirror covered by a light blue cloth. He grabbed the fabric and removed the cover, revealing a beautiful white suit. It consisted of a simple, short sleeved white shirt and black trousers. The waistcoat and vest appeared to be of some sort of velvet material. There were also several silver buttons which lined the sides and along the collar. To complete the look, however, there was another piece of clothing hanging on one of the racks beside the clothes; a matching set consisting of a royal blue jacket and cream colored shorts. The jackets and the shorts were both made entirely of fabric that resembled the color of the sky, while the jacket itself had a silver lining. As he picked up the jacket, the softness of the fabric made it seem lighter than it actually was. It was almost like an artificial, synthetic version of clouds.

As Anon continued to inspect the items, he noticed that each article of clothing had its own unique style which included embroidery, designs, stitching, and patterns. Most importantly to him, they appeared to be designed to complement his body. Although this wasn’t the case with the shorts or jacket. In particular, the jacket was made out of fabric that seemed to resemble leaves. This was a feature that the outfits didn't quite possess. While some garments possessed a leaf design, others seemed to have a leaf theme, depending upon where they were made. Some had vines, trees, flowers, and even insects painted onto them.

One item in particular caught Anon's eyes: the shirts and ties, which all had different shades of green and blue, ranging from a rich, earthy hue to a silvery white, which contrasted strongly with the rest of their counterparts. His eyes trailed down to the shoes as he held them. Each shoe had a similar pattern that resembled stars.

The color scheme of each shoe also varied depending on the region of Canterlot, although they all had some sort of emblem sewn into the back of the shoes.

Anon frowned slightly, wondering if this was a coincidence or perhaps an intentionally chosen choice by Celestia herself. Or maybe the reason she chose this outfit was to reflect that of Moonstone. He remembered how the dress Luna wore had a very specific pattern. However, this had a very specific meaning as well, having a star motif on its back. It was a small detail that he remembered so clearly, though he had yet to discover its significance.

With a puzzled expression , he turned his attention back to the suits hanging on the racks around him. He then proceeded to examine each piece of apparel, taking note of their designations and their unique colors, shapes and styles. After finishing his examination, he turned his attention back to the suits that were hanging in front of him. He began to inspect everything one by one.

There were four of them. Four suits that looked completely identical. Two were identical to one another, resembling each other closely but there was only one similarity between the two, besides the design. Each of them had a gemstone sewed into the middle of the chest. This gemstone was a bright orange coloured diamond embedded into a deep red leather belt with a silver buckle. The same symbol as the one sewn onto the suit that he currently wore hung from the buckle as well.

Anon looked at the gemstones sewn onto each of the suits. Then, he reached forward to feel them. Sure enough, these gems were the exact same shape. They had almost felt like real gems to touch before he realized that they weren’t. “This is the most interesting piece of jewelry I’ve seen.” He mumbled as he examined them. “How peculiar...” He muttered. “I wonder what that emblem means…”

Right hand brought up stroking his chin. His eyes darted from each suit to the next, studying them intently and deciding which one to wear. Anon nodded his head, deciding his decision . He took one of the suits from the rack and stepped closer to the mirror. With one quick movement, he threw the coat over himself, zipping it closed and fastening the buttons. The jacket was rather huge on his frame, reaching almost past the knees. It was almost as big as his uniform.

Looking at the reflection of the suit in the mirror, he could tell instantly that it suited him and fitted him rather nicely. As for the suit itself, it was a good fit. It was definitely comfortable to wear. It was also easy to move in and it didn’t make it awkward for him to walk or run.

After checking himself out in the mirror, he smiled. “It looks great.” He said softly. “I think I'll take it.”

Turning around he started towards the door. Suddenly, the door burst open and someone barged in. Anon stopped walking, turned to see who entered.

A guard approached him quickly, snapping into a salute. “Pardon me Milord, it is almost time for the ceremony to begin.” He started calmly.

Anon nodded shortly as he walked past the guard, moving to the entrance.

“Okay…” Anon breathes quietly to himself. “This will be fun.”

Anon stood in the altar that had just been decorated for the wedding. He shifted uncomfortably. “What am I doing here…” He mumbled looking away uneasily. He glanced at everyone around him.

Everyone was seated on the bleachers surrounding the altar. He recognized some faces, especially those of the royal family from faraway kingdoms; the princesses, princes, knights, guards, etc. He didn’t pay much mind to them because he was sure the royals were going to be there.

He turned his gaze downwards again and stared at the stone altar which sat at the end of the aisle. It wasn’t too large nor was it too small. It had a plain white surface with a black background which seemed to glow under the candlelight.

Suddenly, the piano swelled into the air, grabbing Anon and everypony’s attention. From where he stood he watched in awe as Celestia slowly walked down the aisle towards Anon between the crowd. She wore a white dress that flowed gracefully behind her. The skirt of the dress was decorated in intricate designs of purple and pink flowers, while the sleeves and bottom hem were adorned with golden sequins. Her mane flowed gracefully down to her lower back, framing her face beautifully, accentuating her delicate features, while she drew nearer.

The music died down as she finally came to a halt right in front of him. The music was not too loud nor too soft. Its melody echoed throughout the entire area and lingered through the entire hall. Everyone seemed mesmerized as they gazed upon the beautiful scene of Celestia approaching him.

Once up front, Celestia handed her flowers to Sunset who then proceeded to place them into a basket. She turned to look at Anon smiling at him warmly before turning around to walk back to her place. Celestia took another step forward until she was only an inch away from him.

One step before Celestia and Anon, the stallion cleared his throat. “Mares and gentle-colts, we’ve gathered here today to witness our beloved ruler and Princess, Princess Celestia and her number one butler Mr. Anonymous. We are gathered to celebrate this union of love between this couple and mark their commitment to each other. If the couples have written their vows. Please speak them now.”

Anon could feel a lump forming in his throat as he looked back at Celestia. “Here we go…” Anon said in a shaky voice. “Um, I don't want to drag this too long. But if I have a say, I will make three promises. First and foremost. As I have always done all these years, I promise to always be by your side. Second. I promise to do everything I could to make you happy, because you deserve happiness. Lastly, I promise to never give up on you, no matter what life throws at us. So, uh, yeah.” An awkward chuckle escaped Anon’s lips whilst rubbing the awkwardness off his nape.

Celestia smiled brightly at Anon and placed her hoof at the base of her heart. “Anon,” she began, “my beloved husband, as well as my best friend. You have changed me for the better in more ways than one. I can remember how difficult it was to trust anyone else after meeting you, but when we first met…I realized that someone who I thought I knew so well had unknowingly become something different altogether. For me, you became the man I wanted to spend my whole life with. No matter what happens, you will never leave my sight or my heart. And to ensure this, I promise to always hold your hand and stand beside you.” Celestia reached over and grabbed Anon’s hand in her hooves giving it a squeeze. “Now and forevermore.”

“You may now kiss the bride,” announced the stallion.

Oh boy, this was what Anon was nervous about the most. He gently folded back her veil allowing their noses to brush against one another. He couldn’t help but stare into her lavender eyes which he found himself losing focus in whenever he saw them. He leaned in closer towards Celestia until his forehead pressed against her horn, and their lips met. His lips moved slowly with hers, and Anon was barely aware of the cheering around them.

After their lips parted, Anon gave Celestia another quick peck on her muzzle. They both giggled at the fact that the people around them cheered.

“I pronounce you, husband and wife, mares and gentle-colts, allow me to honorably introduce you to the two intertwined rulers, Princess Celestia and Prince Anonymous,” said the stallion grandly.

Celestia and Anonymous turned to face the cheering crowd and walked through them. Anon’s hand subconsciously gripped Celestia’s hoof tightly as they passed by, while his brain processed the permitted title.

Damn… so I’m king now, huh? He thought to himself, well shit.