• Published 15th Dec 2022
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Fate of the Legion: Light and Dark - SamSwordsman123

After being released from their stone prison by the real Grogar, Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow faced two optional fates. Follow the aftermaths of both versions of these fates.

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Dark Chapter 5: Plan of Defense

Five of the Young 6 and Fluttershy made their way back to the Castle of Friendship, they took Cozy Glow’s stolen spear as well, not wanting to give her the chance to pick it up again and use it to stab somecreature. Ocellus tended to Fluttershy’s wound, wrapping her former professors wing in bandages. It wasn’t a serious wound, but it would keep her from flying for a few weeks. Starlight returned after a time looking sad. But she offered them a small smile as she saw them.

“Trixie’s okay. She’ll just need some rest,” Starlight said.

That caused the Young 5 to sigh in relief. Then Starlight noticed that a certain yellow pony was with them.

“Oh, hi Fluttershy, what are you doing here?” Starlight asked before noticing her bandaged wing. “And what happened to your wing?”

“Cozy tried to kill me too!” Fluttershy exclaimed, tears forming in her eyes.

“WHAT?!” Starlight exclaimed.

“It’s true we saw the whole thing!” Ocellus said.

“We need to stop Cozy Glow!” Smolder declared punching her fists together.

“I think we should call Gallus in!” Silverstream said.

Starlight looked at them then nodded. “I agree. We can’t let Cozy Glow wander around freely. She nearly put Trixie in a body bag first, and now Fluttershy! She needs to be stopped! I’m sending a message to Twilight!”

She took a scroll of parchment and began writing with her magic. After only a few minutes she levitated the scroll and shot it with the spell to cause it to go to Twilight through Spike.

In Canterlot, Spike and Twilight were both enjoying a meal together in the royal dining room. With them were their old Canterlot friends, Moon Dancer, Minuette, Twinkleshine, and Lemon Hearts. Gallus was there as well standing guard with an Earth Pony guard. Then Spike suddenly belched out a scroll. Twilight took it in her magic and her mouth fell open as she saw its contents.

“Cozy Glow, she’s in Ponyville, and she attacked both Trixie and Fluttershy!” Twilight exclaimed.

“What?” Spike and many of the others present exclaimed, with Lemons Heats spitting out her lemon juice.

They’d already gotten the word that Cozy had escaped from Tartarus through the Royal Guards that gone there and come back to alert them. She’d become stronger in prison by working out, now on a level of athleticism similar to Rainbow Dash or maybe even greater.

“She must be out for revenge,” Twilight said. “Starlight and Discord were the ones to kill Chrysalis and Tirek. So., she’s targeting those close to them.”

“Well, what are we going to do?” Spike asked nervously.

Twilight took a breath and looked at the scroll then at Gallus. “Starlight is saying that Ocellus, Smolder and all your friends have volunteered to find and stop her. They’ve requested that you join them.”

Gallus thought for a moment. “Hmm. Well, I am captain of the Royal Guard so I have a duty here, but I’m also their friend and I can’t let them go into danger without me.”

Twilight nodded. “I give you permission to go. Find Cozy and bring her to justice.”

Gallus nodded and saluted the Princess.

“Search the area around Ponyville for clues, maybe Ocellus can track Cozy,” Twilight suggested.

Gallus nodded. With Ocellus able to transform into other creatures, she was bound to be able to have something that could have a good sense of smell.

“In the meantime, I’ll have Luster Dawn and her friends keep a watch out in Ponyville in case Cozy comes back,” Twilight said as she began writing her reply to Starlight. “Also, my friends will guard Trixie at the hospital. Don’t want Cozy to be able to come after her again.”

The reply came quickly, Starlight had assembled her husband Sunburst, daughter Luster, Luster’s friends, as well as the Young 5, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Discord. Rarity was currently away in Manehattan dealing with who would take over the shop there since she was getting ready to retire.

“Okay, Gallus is on his way!” Starlight said as she read the note. “When he gets here you six are heading out to find Cozy and stop her!”

She gestured to Ocellus then looked at her daughter.

“Luster, you and your friends are gonna keep watch around Ponyville! We need to be ready in case Cozy Glow tries to attack some pony or creature again!”

“Uh, what about us?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“You guys are gonna guard Trixie at the hospital,” Starlight said. “Except you Fluttershy. You should probably just head home and get some rest.”

“I’ll stay with her! You know, I could just snap Cozy Glow right to us!” Discord said holding his fingers up in a snapping position. “Then we could easily destroy her!”

His eyes glowed red in anger, the Spirit of Chaos was ready to unleash his wrath on the pony who’d attempted to murder the love of his life.

“No Discord, you’re too angry right now,” Fluttershy said. “You’re not trying to achieve justice you want revenge!”

“Of course, I do!” Discord confirmed. “She tried to kill you!”

“Well as much as I would like revenge, I know its not gonna end well,” Rainbow Dash said.

“That’s right, revenge is never a good reason,” Applejack said.

“You betcha not! Remember how Twilight came close to destroying all of them back in our last fight?” Pinkie said.

They all shook at the thought as they recalled the Battle of the Castle of Two Sisters when they’d fought the whole Legion for the Last time. Well, Twilight had been the only one among the Mane 6 to fight, and she’d taken all three of them at once! Then when Grogar teleported their whole group to his location, Starlight and Discord had defeated Chrysalis and Tirek for good and the Young 5 had captured Cozy Glow and locked her up.

Discord sighed. “Very well. I will still my hoof… or hand, either one, and let you heroes deal with this. But if Cozy Glow comes near Fluttershy again I’m snapping her to oblivion like I did Tirek!”

Fluttershy and Discord stepped through a portal that led to her house. No doubt he’d probably make all her furniture stand guard or something else chaotic. Luster Dawn and her group went out outside while Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, and Applejack headed to the hospital to guard Trixie. The Young 5 meanwhile waited with Starlight and Sunburst who would stay in the castle to coordinate the defense.

They waited and soon Gallus appeared, coming in through the front doors.

“Hey guys!” Gallus waved a claw. “Ready to go villain hunting?”

“Yeah!” they said with enthusiasm.

Cozy Glow arrived at her destination. She had left her spear behind in her rush to escape. She needed a new weapon to get her revenge. Fortunately, a place where she could get one came to mind after a while. The Castle of Two Sisters. It still lay in ruins but inside were ancient tapestries, suits of armor and more spears. She grinned as she grabbed one. Now she was ready for another strike.

She yawned, feeling tired from a day of hard work being evil. But her now more deranged than ever mind wouldn’t allow her to sleep.

“I’m going to get one last shot at revenge!” she declared. “Even if it kills me!”

She no longer cared about her own survival. This would likely be her final strike. But by the vengeance in her heart, she would make a lasting wound on those that took her friends from her. She looked around the structure, it was here where it had all happened, where she’d lost them. Then a new idea occurred to her. They’d be looking for her, and she would be waiting. This would be a fitting place to make her last stand. Maybe even have some traps ready!

She grinned and got to work.

Author's Note:

Well I think I’ll get the chapters dead even now, if I make an epilogue showing Cozy reunited with Chrysalis and Tirek in a version of hell!