• Published 15th Dec 2022
  • 1,025 Views, 111 Comments

Fate of the Legion: Light and Dark - SamSwordsman123

After being released from their stone prison by the real Grogar, Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow faced two optional fates. Follow the aftermaths of both versions of these fates.

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Light Chapter 5: Father and Sons

Tirek leapt and galloped to a land far away from Equestria. It took him over a week to get there, but finally he saw it. The Centaur Kingdom, and overlooking it on a hill was the palace of his father, King Vorak. He walked among the streets, passing other centaurs and a few gargoyles who looked at him. Many of them were faces unfamiliar to him. But there were quite a few who recognized him and frowned. Tirek couldn’t blame them. He’d preyed on helpless ponies, taken their power, and nearly conquered their land three times.

He approached the palace were a group of centaurs in armor stood with spears in their hands.

“I am Lord Tirek here to see my father,” Tirek said.

He half expected them to turn him away.

“Your father has been expecting you. Princess Twilight sent word that you were going to be released. He was not happy at first. But your brother convinced him to at least see you once.”

The doors opened and Tirek stepped in slowly. He walked through the hallways of his old home and soon came to the throne room where his father sat. King Vorak wore a great deal of gold on his hooves, with a gold tunic covering his chest, and the gold crown on his head that had a pair of antlers attached, lastly his kings robe was red with a white trim and black spots. He looked at his eldest son with narrowed eyes. By his side was Tirek’s brother Scorpan, a brown gargoyle.

Tirek slowly approached the throne and bowed to his father.

“My son,” King Vorak said curtly. “You have been away for a long time. I can see the weight of your travels and imprisonments have changed you.”

“Yes Father, it has,” Tirek said.

“I cannot say how disappointed I am in you!” Vorak roared. “You began taking magic from other creatures so that you could be strong! You became a monster and a… a… well I guess there are few words that are worse than that. But also, a thief and destroyer.”

Tirek looked down. “I did what I thought would please you! You said you always wanted me to be strong so I could follow in your footsteps as King of the Centaurs!”

Vorak sighed. “Yes. I did not acknowledge your abilities in magic. I had tried to guide you on the right path as a proper prince. But you spent all that time chasing the hermit Sendak and learning from him. I was too cold, and it was that attitude that caused you to become the power-hungry monster you did. I’m sorry, Tirek.”

Father and son looked at each other and there was a moment of silence. Tirek said nothing in response to his father’s apologies.

Vorak looked over his son and broke the silence. “I heard you had agreement with Princess Twilight to have ponies share their magic with you rather then you stealing it. How many did you have to borrow from in order to get that strong?”

He gestured to Tirek’s third form.

“Only one really,” Tirek said honestly. “I’ve learned that real power is not worth having, without comrades or family to have with it. I’ve somehow learned to use the same friendship magic that Twilight Sparkle and the ponies of Equestria use. It grew me to my strongest form and now I don’t need to feed on ponies or other creatures with magic.”

Vorak was surprised but managed a smile as he walked up and felt his son’s biceps.

“Now that’s a strong Centaur. If you had done something like this back before everything turned bad, I might have been very proud of you. I don’t know… about us. But I am glad you have found a better way.”

Tirek then turned to Scorpan who finally approached and held something.

“Brother,” Tirek said.

“Brother,” Scorpan replied. “I’m glad you’re back and finally seen the error of your ways. I have something for you.”

He held out a medallion like Tirek’s old one.

“I heard you lost the one I gave you a long time ago.”

Tirek shook his head and told his brother. “I gave it away in order to trick Discord. I don’t know what happened to it after that. But I did miss it... somewhat. You were right to betray me when I began my first conquest.”

“I’m just happy you’re back. Perhaps now we can be as close as we used to,” Scorpan said as he extended the medallion.

Tirek took it and smiled as he put it around his neck. “I hope so as well. That is, if Father is alright with me staying.”

Vorak hesitated. “I… am unsure. I regret my treatment of you and what it caused you to become, but perhaps it would be better if you didn’t stay here. Many are uneasy here in the kingdom with the thought of you returning.”

Tirek sighed. “I suppose I can resume traveling the world and maybe see my old friends in Equestria from time to time.”

The thought of seeing Chrysalis and Cozy Glow gave him a small smile. They could be annoying sometimes, but they were his friends and fellow former fiends. He’d reconciled with his father and brother but wouldn’t stay in the kingdom. Perhaps that was for the best, though Tirek might have liked to be able to stay.

He walked out of the Centaur Palace and looked at the medallion around his neck. Some of his former subjects glared at him, but he paid them little mind. He crossed the mountains to where his old mentor, Sendak used to live. He was gone now, passed away of old age, which took a long time for a Centaur to do. He’d fled after they had failed to conquer Equestria the first time. There was a grave at the old campsite which was now abandoned. Tirek had spent many nights here learning about magic, he looked at the grave that read Sendak, a reclusive sorcerer and hermit.

Tirek put his hands together in a form of honor prayer.

“I have returned Sendak. I learned a lot of what I learned from you. You taught me to drain magic from ponies. But I have learned another way that doesn’t require stealing. True power can come from within yourself, and the bonds you have with others,” Tirek said. “At least I can learn something you didn’t.”

He looked at the grave for a moment. Even if Sendak hadn’t been a good centaur, he would always have a place in Tirek’s heart for the things he’d taught him, even if they were bad. Tirek put his hands together and bowed before turning away and beginning to prepare the campsite for his own use as a hermit. He’d visit his family and friends every now and then, but this was where he would stay.

Author's Note:

Okay, so two more chapters to go on the light version. I expect it will be finished a week from today if not sooner. Just Cozy’s glows little redemption chapter and then the epilogue showing them reuniting after a long time and then we get into the dark version.