• Published 15th Dec 2022
  • 1,025 Views, 111 Comments

Fate of the Legion: Light and Dark - SamSwordsman123

After being released from their stone prison by the real Grogar, Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow faced two optional fates. Follow the aftermaths of both versions of these fates.

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Dark Chapter 6: Cozy's Last Stand

The Young 6 made their way out of the castle. They had looked through the crime scene for an hour and found no evidence that might lead them to Cozy. They moved onto Fluttershy’s cottage, they already took the spear, and the animals that had been injured were already being tended to by Luster Dawn’s griffon friend Georgia who was to take over the sanctuary once Fluttershy retired. Georgia had since then joined her friend in keeping watch around Ponyville and all Fluttershy’s animals were safe in her cottage with her and Discord. Trixie was still recovering in the hospital.

That left the Young 6 to find Cozy Glow. But so far, they weren’t having any luck looking for physical clues that might lead them to her.

“Well, I guess there’s always Plan B,” Gallus said. “Ocellus, think you can transform into something and track her by scent.”

Ocellus nodded. “I can transform into a Bugbear, they have a good sense of smell and can fly.”

She did so, turning into a large bear like creature with bee wings and a stinger. She sniffed the air and growled softly then turned back.

“There are too many animal scents around here! I can’t pick up Cozy’s scent!” Ocellus said.

“Yona got idea! We use Cozy’s spear! That will have her scent!” the Yak said.

They went back to the Castle of Friendship where they left the weapon with Starlight and Sunburst. Ocellus (back in bear form) sniffed the weapon then gave them a claw up to say she had the scent. It was mixed with the guard who’d this belonged to, but she could smell the difference between a good pony and a rat. She led them outside, back to the sanctuary and into the Everfree Forest. Cozy had gone all over the place, but the scent eventually got stronger. It led them to-

“Here!” Ocellus said coming back into her regular form.

“The Castle of Two Sisters!” Silverstream said.

“Where her comrades fell,” Smolder said.

“Cozy must be sad… and mad! Yona is too! Cozy hurt Trixie!” Yona declared. “Now we gonna stop her!”

“Careful Yona, we can’t do this out of revenge,” Sandbar said putting a hoof on his wife. “Or it will make us no better than her.”

Yona breathed steam through her nostrils. But she knew Sandbar was right. They slowly walked forward, toward the ruined castle. It had been even more damaged in the last battle when many in Equestria had faced Grogar’s army. There wasn’t much covering it anymore. Finding Cozy shouldn’t be too hard, right?

Cozy watched from a barely standing tower.

“They’re here, now to spring my traps!” she grinned. “Although this place has so many, I only had to make a few new ones! Ah well, I found some that will make good escape routes! That should get them separated and alone! Now just gotta make them chase me! Divide and conquer!”

The Young 6 were almost to the entrance when-

"Hey, looking for me?” a familiar voice called. It was older but unmistakable.

Cozy Glow flew out of a nearby tower, grinning down at them with evil eyes that had doubled in potency.

“Cozy Glow!” Gallus stated. “You are under arrest for jailbreaking, assault, animal cruelty, abuse, and attempted murder!”

“Yeah yeah, you wanna arrest me? You have to catch me first!” Cozy said as she flew off.

“After her!” Gallus ordered.

He, Ocellus, Silverstream and Smolder flew up after Cozy. Sandbar and Yona, being non-flyers, had to run inside. But they fell as they moved forward just a few feet. They screamed and Sandbar (thankfully) landed on top of Yona. If it had been the reverse she might have crushed him under her weight accidentally.

“Uh! A pitfall trap!” Sandbar exclaimed.

“Cozy must want to separate Sandbar and Yona from friends!” Yona said. “And probably separate friends from each other!"


Gallus led his fellow flying friends after the villain who despite her time in Tartarus had managed to stay in decent shape. As a captain of the royal guard though he was in even better shape. He flew faster than the others and was catching up to Cozy. She flew through the ruined and barely standing hallways of the castle. She turned a corner, a new spear in her hooves. Gallus rounded the corner and looked but- she was gone!

“Where’d she go?” Gallus asked looking around in suspicion.

Cozy watched from a hole in the wall, she’d found a secret passage in a wall by an old suit of armor. She heard the voices of her enemies as the other three flyers joined Gallus.

“I don’t see her anywhere!” Silverstream’s voice said.

“Me neither! Hey, where are Yona and Sandbar?” Smolder asked.

“Oh no! We left them when we chased Cozy!” Ocellus said.

Cozy grinned. Her plan had worked! She’d made a pitfall trap at the entrance and flown off to buy time in order to make sure the four flying members distanced themselves. Now she had two options, wait and see if they would separate further and she had only one nearby to take out, or take these four all at once.

Her madness and cunning wrestled for an instant, but her madness and bloodthirst won out. With the group split even by a couple members they couldn’t use the magic of friendship to obliterate her. That took away their greatest weapon. Now was the time to strike. It would have been even more ideal to face them one at a time, but this was good enough in her twisted mind.

She pushed the door next to the suit of armor open and saw them. Their eyes all widened as they saw her as well. And one strategic mad question went through her mind. Who to kill first?

Ocellus and Smolder! They were the biggest threats being the ones who could not only fly but had magic or dragon fire as well. They had to go first! Cozy screamed and charged at Ocellus who shook in fear as the spear came toward her face!

“Ocellus!” Smolder yelled as she dove in front of her friend to protect her.

She put herself in front of the changeling. The spear hitting her in the face instead. Fortunately, her scales protected her. If Cozy had aimed a little lower at her belly where she was vulnerable it would have hurt much more. Cozy hissed and tried to pull the spear back, but Gallus took the opportunity to grab it with his talons before she could. Silverstream joined and grabbed with her own talons. Cozy tugged as she kept it under her forehoof. Ocellus came out from behind Smolder and shot a beam of magic at Cozy who yelled and let go of the spear. The insane pegasus flew up into the open sky as the four friends went after her.

Yona and Sandbar managed to pull themselves out of the hole and ran into the castle. For a while they found nothing but empty passages. But then they heard the sound of magic in one direction and a yell. Looking up they saw Cozy Glow rise into the air quickly followed by their friends. Sandbar and Yona ran in that direction.

“Yona wish Yona had wings!” Yona said.

Sandbar likewise felt so helpless down here, unable to help their friends in the air. But maybe…

“Ocellus!” he called. “Down here!”

The shout drew the attention of Ocellus and the others.

“Yona! Sandbar!” the changeling called.

“Make us some wings to get up there!” Sandbar yelled.

Ocellus nodded. She’d managed to learn quite a few spells at the School of Friendship under Starlight’s supervision. That included how to make temporary wings. She flew toward her earthbound friends, her horn lighting up.

“Oh no you don’t!” Cozy yelled as she tried to go after Ocellus.

Only to have her path blocked by Gallus who took her hooves in his talons. They wrestled in midair with the other two while Ocellus flew down. She shot both her friends with the spell at once, granting them butterfly like wings. They’d done this once or twice before, so they didn’t have much problem. The three of them flew back up as Cozy smacked Gallus who was caught by Silverstream before he could hit the ground. Smolder meanwhile shot a burst of flame at Cozy, it missed mostly, but it did hit the feathers on her wings. Cozy screamed as the burning pain went over her wing and she fell, grabbing a broken ledge for support. She struggled to hold on as the Young 6 flew around her, with Ocellus coming close.

“Cozy give me your hoof!" Ocellus said reaching out.

Cozy glared at her. "What?"

"I'll help you!" Ocellus said.

Cozy looked from the hoof to the fall below that was sure to be fatal. She glared at Ocellus and gave a wicked smirk as she swatted the hoof away like Chrysalis had done twice before.

"I'm never going back to Tartarus!" she yelled.

And she let go of the ledge, grinning up at her enemies who didn't react in time to save her. Not that she wanted them to. She hit the ground, her body breaking as she did so.

It was done. The Young 6 descended to the ground, looking at the body of their former friend turned worst enemy with pity and remorse as they saw a mare driven to madness by all the abuse and loss she’d suffered. If only things could have been different, but there was no use dwelling on it.

Smolder put a clawed hand on Ocellus as she looked at Cozy in sadness.

"You did all you could," the dragon said to her friend.

“I guess we should bury her,” Gallus said sadly.

“Put her with Chrysalis and Tirek!” Silverstream suggested. “They were her friends!”

As much as they hated and pitied Cozy Glow, that was probably the best place to put her.

There wasn’t much of a funeral. No one would come to one for this pony anyway. The bodies of her comrades were buried here at the castle of two sisters outside. The Young 6 dug the grave then put Cozy’s body inside and covered her.

They erected a stone and carved Cozy’s name on it. The sunset there as this villain’s reign of terror came to an end.

Darkness filled Cozy’s eyes as she entered what had to be the afterlife. Then she saw them. Chrysalis and Tirek.

"You failed,” Chysalis stated as she looked at her friend's face.

“No surprise there,” Tirek said.

“So, what happens now? Is this where we villains go?” Cozy asked. “There’s nothing but darkness here!”

“Oh, we were waiting for you,” Tirek said. “Guess we’re all going to hell together!”

At that moment flames lit up around them and intense pain burned their souls. They screamed and everything vanished into flame. This was their existence, everlasting pain in hell for all their crimes. But one good thing was they were together forever, that was something they’d be fine with, or at least Cozy would.

Author's Note:

Well guess that’s the end. Hope it's more satisfying. Just a very small epilogue included here. I think it's good for my taste. You can agree or disagree, share your thoughts. But I think I’m gonna leave it as it is this time. I certainly went with more for the dark then I originally planned when I outlined the chapters and had only three dark ones.

I made another little rewrite as some felt the second edition bordered on murder. This one was suggested by Doctor Den on fimfiction. It kind of reminds me of the Lion King 2 Simba's Pride, and was planned to be the original ending for Zira. It was scrapped for being too dark as I recall but I think it really fits with this story since its called the dark version.

Comments ( 24 )

Ocellus nodded. She’d managed to learn quite a few spells at the School of Friendship under Starlight’s supervision. That included how to make temporary wings. She flew toward her earthbound friends, her horn lighting up.

I guess after learning a lot of magic I'm sure she can try to do what Twilight did back in season 1 which that's a pretty powerful Magic

At that moment flames lit up around them and intense pain burned their souls. They screamed and everything vanished into flame. This was their existence, everlasting pain in hell for all their crimes. But one good thing was they were together forever, that was something they’d be fine with, or at least Cozy would.

May God have mercy on their souls

Well I wouldn't say I should see this coming but I guess I had to be done there was no other way so the young six tried to find cozy and try to bring her to Justice but they lead up to the castle of the Two Sisters where the other two villains are laying in the grave and cozy was basically waiting for them and also try to kill them one at a time but of course she was still outnumbered overpowered as well especially the elements of harmony they had to use it on her because now she was a dangerous to everybody and she lay there dead although the Elements of Harmony was supposed to use as a healing not a weapon from what I've heard back in season 7 but anyway cozy failed and now the eternity suffered along with her friends in hell well again I'd rather choose the lighter version then this but anyway this was pretty good keep up the good work

The rainbow magic traveled at Cozy and threw her back. It had a variety of effects based on the wishes of the wielder, and Ocellus wished to stop this mad pony. Her body lay there, still. She was gone.

It would be funny if the Harmony magic Rainbow magic instead not kill off Cozy but de-magic her like the ending of the end episode. What they gonna do? Grab the spear and stab her until Cozy dies? They decide that cozy need to die
Gee, just because she said she won't go back doesn't mean they can choose killing that easily.

“Then you leave us no choice!” Ocellus said.

Luster Dawn rainbow laser killing make sense because Grogar is still Strong and dangerous, but this time, it feel like shooting a gun into armless crinimal

Cozy already beaten,cornered, fall off a cliff that mean the fire burn off her feather, can't flying. They just grab her back, maybe put her to a more strict security this time. Gallus is a elite Royal Guard, he should know to do this, especially young 6 outnumber the enemy
That all of my review, this ending is much better than the old ones

it turns out funny that despite the attempts, the villains did not kill anyone in the end, which cannot be said about the heroes.
In addition, I alone get the impression that absolutely all the heroes are conceited hypocrites?

Sometimes heroes have to do bad things for the greater good. It's not all good and well. Like Varys says in Game of Thrones "Sometimes we who presume to rule must do vile things for the good of the realm." Sacrifices have to be made at times. They gave Cozy a chance to surrender but she refused. And Starlight and Discord did what they did out of self defense for themselves and others. It might not have been necessary in this scenario but I had already planned on Cozy dying. The execution might not been what I intended but ah well.


1) For starters, Tartarus itself is a pantry in which the prisoners simply rot to the end. Even our earthly prisons seem better, if only from the fact that the prisoners are under constant contact with the staff and occasional visits from relatives and acquaintances.
2) throughout the story, the young six talk about how they want to kill her. And in the end, even the situation did not seem directly hopeless. (If you have already soiled yourself with sins, then you have no right to claim that you are better than something, because in fact you did.)
3) If the situation with Starlight still falls under the category of "self-defense", then in the case of Discord it will be exactly what "murder". Especially considering the fact that Discord (I would give more arguments why Discord is the biggest scum of MLP but this is unlikely to be of interest to anyone here) wanted to kill Cozy from the very beginning. And in the finale, the situation seemed to me instead of a "hopeless act" turns out to be "execution of the wounded".
4) the given example with "politics" does not suit the "heroes of this work" because "politics in itself is a dirty game and all politicians are, to varying degrees, but still dirty"

They didn't entirely want to kill her as Ocellus expressed her feelings on the matter and hated the idea of it, but Cozy had already tried to kill two ponies and was close both times. She would have succeeded if not for the heroes being around. Yona had said that they would defeat Cozy for good, which I guess does qualify. It was my intent that they would have no choice but I guess that didn't quite make it right in the execution. Ah well. I've already done a rewrite once. Maybe another edit will be done to correct that.

you could make such a scene.
When Cozy with a wounded wing clings to the cliff, the conditional Ocelus tries to save her, but Cozy with the words "I will not return back to Tartarus" repels the hoof of help, as a result of which she falls from a great height.
In this case, the Heroes will not look like hypocrites, but will really look like those who tried to help to the very end.

I see. Maybe I will change the ending to have it be less of a borderline murder. Thank you for your time. Maybe Cozy, seeing she can't win would just commit suicide. I don't know. Anyway this would probably just be a minor rewrite with only one scene being changed.

Well I decided to take your idea. My first one was to have Cozy charge in for one last murder attempt on Gallus and Ocellus shoots her but I think I liked yours better once I looked at the full details again. It kind of reminds me of what I heard was the original plan for Zira's demise in the Lion King 2. That was scrapped for being too dark but this story is all about the dark so I think it fits. Now I just need to add a suicide/self harm tag. Hope you find this one better.

I think this is actually a pretty good idea to put that instead of The Elements of Harmony because it's only for healing from what we remember back in season 7 finale so for that it didn't sit well for me as well but this that you have some ideas from Lion King 2 this one's actually makes sense

You forget though that they don't really need the elements. Those were just symbols for them to believe in. And pretty sure it can be for destruction too as was demonstrated against Sombra.

Alas, poor Cozy. At least the "Light" version of her managed to see the light.

Part of me liked how it was only Cozy that gave it one more try at revenge -- I thought it helped this story stand out some -- although another part of me would have liked to see the whole Legion of Doom go on the attack.

As for any suggestions, I might have had some for the pre-rewritten version of the last chapter if I saw it, but are far as the rewritten version goes, it seems all right. I thought it had shades of the Lion Long 2, and you confirmed it in the chapter's AN. But if I had to pick something, maybe in dark chapter 5, Twilight would have had herself do something personally when she was deciding what the other characters would do after she was told about Cozy's attack on Trixie and Fluttershy. It's far from a big deal and overall pretty minor issue, if I can even call it an "issue", but she felt a little too much like Celestia there; maybe, after she could have gone with the rest of her friends to guard Trixie or something. Other than that, I don't really have any other suggestions.

Well thanks for sharing your thoughts. Sorry I took so long been pretty busy. I think I'll keep it as is though. Like you said its kind of a minor issue, and with Gallus in Ponyville I think Twilight would have to stay at Canterlot in case something happens there. You may or may not agree but like you said its minor. Glad you liked it.

I need a question! What if a bad guy or opaline do a resurrection. And revive the legion of doom from hell?

Hmm. I guess that's not impossible but unlikely.

Reminds me of karma games. Example oddworld and infamous.
When you get the Bad/Evil Ending From Evil Karma. You watch the dark chapters. Of Fate of the legion light and dark.


When you get the True/Good Ending From Good Karma. You watch the light chapters. Of Fate of the legion light and dark.

A choir of angels (Slowed down 800%)

Comment posted by Lucar Games deleted Mar 2nd, 2023

This has nothing to do with the story. Please keep irrelevant topics out.

Oh... Ok... Sorry for that message/comment

HEY SamSwordsman123 I found this song from youtube is call "Siberia hell sounds" I can fit on the story of last dark chapter? RIGHT?

Hey SamSwordsman123. I made drawing that looks perfect and fit for dark chapters. I call it. The Dark Evil Ending

11494806 i have to say i don't like the idea of everlasting pain in hell i more like the idea when you spend enough time in hell that is equivalent to the crime that you did then you are eventually are free and giving a second chance but that's just my idea i for one don't like the idea of everlasting pain but good story i really loved it ps i hope you are having a good day friend

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