• Published 15th Dec 2022
  • 1,025 Views, 111 Comments

Fate of the Legion: Light and Dark - SamSwordsman123

After being released from their stone prison by the real Grogar, Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow faced two optional fates. Follow the aftermaths of both versions of these fates.

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Dark Chapter 2: Escape

Days in Tartarus stretched into weeks, the weeks stretched into months, the months years. Boredom was mostly satisfied for Cozy Glow by imagining ways to get revenge on her enemies. She wished she had some board games or something else as well. But she had no one to play them with. Ah well, the boredom only served to increase her hatred of the ones who’d taken her comrades, the closest thing she had to friends or family, from her. No, they had been friends, truly. They’d just been reluctant to admit it and called themselves fiends instead.

Finally, a now fully grown Cozy Glow woke up to the light from the outside world coming in from the door in the distance. She was truly an adult now, not a filly that Grogar had made temporarily full grown with his magic. She was muscular from working out in her cage, which was getting just a little bit too small for her. She had to slouch down to avoid her head hitting the top of it. But soon her plan could be come to fruition. She’d had to be switched out of her old filly sized cage when she’d gotten too big for it years ago. Now the time would come again for that soon. This time, she would be ready.
Cozy Glow began to do push ups and wing ups, using her wings to pull her body up to the top of the cage. It would hopefully help to maintain her flight muscles, which would have suffered drastically otherwise and been unable to support her if she hadn’t developed them.

The door to Tartarus entered and a trio of guards entered, a unicorn, an earth pony with a spear, and pegasus. The unicorn levitated her new cage which was large enough for her to stand in freely. But she didn’t care. Her eyes, bloody and deranged, softened for a moment as the guards approached. They continued with disciplined, focused, steps. Their expressions held no emotions for her to read. She doubted she could fool them into thinking her docile. But she could still use them to escape.

The guards walked past Cerberus who barked eagerly and wagged his tail, only to whine in disappointment when they didn’t acknowledge him.

The unicorn levitated her new cage in front of the door to her current one. The pegasus guard flew above her cage to open the door from above while the earth pony stood back. Cozy Glow quickly looked at the distance between the cages. It was only a few inches wide, not long enough for her to slip between. But an idea quickly occurred to her just in time.

“Here’s your new cage, get in,” the pegasus said as he inserted a key into her cage’s lock.

The new cage was opened by the unicorn’s magic. Cozy Glow looked at the small gap that could be expanded to be her way out. Her plan from only moments ago clicked in her head and leapt not out of the cage’s open door, but the back on the other side. She hit with all her weight, making the cage roll, the Pegasus guard grunted in surprise as he latched onto the cage and was rolled over. It wasn’t hard enough to flatten him but it didn’t cause him a good deal of pain and he was forced to let go. Cozy stopped the cage as the open door was pointed up at the ceiling. She grinned evilly, her bloodied eyes lighting up in excitement as she flapped her wings and finally got out. Tartarus should have disabled her flying magic, but she was operating on pure rage now that seemed to empower her.

“She’s out!” the unicorn yelled as he charged up his horn and shot a beam of blue magic at her.

Cozy dodged as she flapped in midair and avoided the attack. At the same time the Earth Pony threw his spear up at her and she somehow caught it under her foreleg. She grinned at it.

“Well thanks for the toy!” she called as she flew off toward the still open door. “I’ll be sure to put it to good use!”

This spear could be just what she needed to get her revenge on those who had taken her comrades from her. It would run red from tip to shaft with their blood.

The unicorn tried to throw more magic beams at her which she dodged, looking over her shoulder to watch. Then a growl sounded from ahead as the three head dog leapt at her. Cozy screamed, unable to suppress the fear even in in her currently unhinged state at the sight of those three heads all opening with razor sharp teeth and a mouth large enough to swallow her whole. She rose up frantically, the teeth narrowly missing her hoof ends. Then she was out of the prison and into the bright sunlight of Equestria. She flew high into the sky so to avoid Cerberus possibly following her scent if she remained close to the ground. The pegasus was delayed by the pain of his injuries of being rolled over by her cage. It wouldn’t take long for him to recover though. She flapped with all her might, moving in the direction of Ponyville in hateful determination.

She wasn’t going to run. She wasn’t going to hide. At least not anymore then she could manage. She was moving forward, it was time for a direct assault, or perhaps sneak attacks? Whatever it took to get her revenge. Even if it killed her.

“It’s time for revenge! For Chrysalis! For Tirek!” Cozy Glow said, brandishing her new spear.

Author's Note:

Okay I’ve said this already in one of my blogs on fimfiction but I might as well say it here too in case you missed that. Those of you who only read this on fanfiction.net probably wouldn’t see it. But I’m gonna do two more chapters then I originally planned. So, there will now be a total of 12 chapters in this story. That solves my unevenness of the division between the light and dark versions. Now the light will only have one more chapter then the dark.