• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Tales of the Pillars: 2

Sinnoh. Out in the mountains. Afternoon.

Soaring in the blue skies of Sinnoh was none other than Zekrom, the Dragon of Ideals. Currently, he was searching for his counterpart, Reshiram. The two halves of Kyurem may be from separate universes but they were still connected. Zekrom has been at this for months ever since Reshiram went missing during the Third Pokemon Festival. There was no contact or proper way to find him.

But recently, Reshiram's healing process was allowing him to someday break out of his regenerative form. The only problem was that depending on where Reshiram is, could either be a great outcome or a terrible one. With Reshiram healing, Zekrom was starting to sense him. Thanks to Princess Luna keeping an eye out for Reshiram's dreams, she could see some development. The Vast White Pokemon was indeed starting to heal but his whereabouts were still unknown.

He could sense his other half, but it was faint. With this, Zekrom would try and advance on the energy. Of course, many have seen Zekrom in the skies by now, witnessing a black figure pass through the clouds. The Dragon-Electric-Type focused as hard as he could on Reshiram's presence. And by sensing him, Zekrom was about to leave the Sinnoh Region by this point.

It was clear that he wasn't here in Sinnoh but another region. Zekrom accelerated through the skies, leaving behind a sonic boom as the search for his brother continues. Flying-Types would gasp at the sight of Zekrom who outpaced all of them easily. Of course, with Zekrom moving across the skies and many noticing him, bad company would take notice of the Deep Black Pokemon.

Such as the Dread League.

Equestria. Ponyville. The Pokemon House. Afternoon.

"Mmm!" Enjoying a sweet lunch at the Pokemon House were Ash and his friends. Earlier, Applejack and Rarity shared with him a story about some of the pillars. Two of them so far. Rockhoof and Mistmane. Meanwhile, the Get-Well-Soon-Gift for Chrysalis was still being made but looked like it was coming together nicely and nearing its completion at this rate.

While having a nice lunch, Ash couldn't wait to hear about the next pillar. And the same went for Ember plus Audino, who overheard it with her powerful hearing. The best thing to do was to eat and listen to the story at the same time. And since it was Rainbow Dash, could tell that this story would have some action. Both stories from Rarity and Applejack already had some.

"So what about your hero, Rainbow Dash?" Ash asked since Rainbow Dash was set to go next.

"Mine's Flash Magnus." Rainbow Dash replied, before swallowing her food as hard as she could. "Ahh...You gotta hear this. My favourite legend of all time. Alright. Get a load of this. A long time ago, before the Wonderbolts were even founded...Flash Magnus was a lowly cadet in the Royal Legion.

Once again, it was back to the past, but this time, up in the clouds. And moving through those clouds was the cadet at the time and soon-to-be Pillar of Equestria. Flash Magnus.

Flying alongside his fellow pegasi, he would high-five them with his wings as they all had a current destination. A rather fierce and dangerous one that housed a species who didn't take kindly to ponies. At least, at this time. And that would be Dragons at the Dragon Lands, which were right up ahead. The Dragon Lands also existed back then and passing it was a massive risk.

The Legion needed to fly over the Dragon Lands to get to their comrades on the other side. But as they got closer to the dragons, a fierce cloud of ash and smoke came their way, causing them to cough. Eyes as gold as actual gold would gleam through the ash clouds and smoke, eyeing down the approaching Legion.

These eyes belonged to the fierce dragons. All the pegasi gasped, slowing down their movements for a bit once the dragons showed themselves. And these dragons were massive. These were fully grown dragons compared to the dragons that were just taller than the ponies and near the height of an alicorn. These ones were more than taller than them. The dragons unleashed a mighty roar to try and intimidate the ponies and it certainly worked as the commander of this legion would yell at the top of his lungs.

"Everypony, retreat!" With that yell and command, one of the dragons would already try and get a hit in. Some of the pegasi flew away as a form of retreat, but three others flew to the other side while trying to evade the massive tail from above. And among those three was Flash Magnus as the tail of a dragon cut through the clouds.

Flash Magnus and a few other cadets were separated from the battalion. He managed to get away, but the dragons captured his friends and took them back to their lair.

Alas, when trying to flee, the claw of a dragon flew through the clouds, grabbing a pegasus. Flash Magnus gasped as his fellow cadet was snatched, taken elsewhere by the claws of a dragon. Silhouettes of the dragons passed through the clouds before revealing the two other cadets in their claws, struggling and trying to break free. Unfortunately, they could not match the strength of a dragon. Let alone a fully grown one.

Flash Magnus had no choice but to return to the others to spread the news. He certainly wasn't going to go in there himself. Not on his own.

"Commander! We need to save our captured comrades!" He said to the commander of this battalion.

"I appreciate your loyalty, Flash Magnus, but getting past those dragons is going to be impossible. Nothing will work." Unfortunately, the response was not hopeful at all.

Many ponies at this point in time feared the dragons greatly and for obvious reasons. Flash Magnus certainly didn't want to hear it from the mouth of his own commander, who was supposed to be incredibly brave. But when it comes to dragons, outfighting them is an incredibly tall order.

"Huh. So how'd they get past that then? Ash spoke while this story was being narrated.

I don't wanna toot my own horn here, but you can't really beat out a fully-grown dragon. Ember added, being a dragon herself and listening to this story. Believe me. I know.

But there was another way. If he couldn't outfight the dragons, he could out-think them. Rainbow Dash continued narrating as this obviously had a positive outcome for Flash Magnus. She was simply getting there.

"Commander Ironhead, I'm pretty sure I can outfly the dragons. If I can lure them into chasing me, you can all sneak into the lair and retrieve our friends before they get back." Flash Magnus already had something in mind.

"Are you really willing to take that chance, soldier?" Ironhead asked, curious if he could pull it off against those two massive dragons who were enough to take on multiple pegasi. He wanted to make sure that Flash Magnus was willing to go through with it considering what they were all up against.

"I am, sir." Full confidence was radiating from him as he would salute with his wing.

"It's a very brave thing you're doing. You'll need all the help you can get." Ironhead would suddenly remove something from his back. It looked to be a piece of his armour. But it was merely just a shield that was attached to this armour, perfectly blending in.

"Is this... Netitus, the fireproof shield?!" Flash Magnus was lent a famous and powerful shield. One that was strong against the furious element of fire.

"It has protected Legion heroes for generations. And today, I can't think of a worthier flank for Netitus to protect." Ironhead believed that this would protect Flash Magnus from the flames of a dragon. Hopefully, it would. The flames of a dragon were not to be underestimated. "Good luck, soldier."

With a salute from his comrades and commander, Flash Magnus took off to carry out this mission. The lair of the dragons wasn't exactly discreet with how massive it was, so it would be easy to approach it or even enter it. The hard part was getting out or even through it.

After entering it, Flash Magnus took a deep breath, prepared for the worst. But he would have them come to him as after breathing in, at the top of his lungs, he would unleashing a bellowing shout. Hey! Come and get me, fire-breath! If you can! Hey, hey! Come and get me! Hey, I'm over here!" He furiously hit the shield to make as much noise as he could.

And it definitely worked. Those golden eyes would appear once more, shining through the darkness of the jaw-shaped cave. And along with those eyes was a mouth that already had flames burning within. The dragons have taken notice of Flash Magnus and already attacked him as flames came flying out.

The cadent grimaced, closing his eyes and putting the shield in front of him. Lo and behold, the shield lived up to its fame as it defended him from the fearsome flames of a dragon. With this protection, Flash Magnus would zip away, prompting the dragons to chase after him. He wanted this to happen as he left the cave, luring the two of them out.

And with the two massive dragons leaving the cave, the rest of the pegasi were free to enter and retrieve their captured friends without needing to worry about any attacks. These were the only two dragons after all. The commander and his troops would enter the cave while Flash was flying for his life.

He ascended into the air, passing through a large cloud, only for the dragons to easily catch up. They were right in-between him, unleashing flames to try and sandwich him. He quickly flew ahead, narrowly evading the flames which only ended up clashing against each other.

The cadet flew like the wind, moving faster than the dragons while continuing to shield himself from their flames. And just for style points, he would stand on his shield, using it to surf on the fire for a moment. It was worth it even if it was dangerous. Eventually, he was being pressured with each flame that came his way until he managed to block a continuous stream of them with his shield.

He couldn't do this forever. but once again, he had a plan and thought quick on his feet. Meanwhile, the commander had rescued the others from the cave thanks to Flash Magnus' risk as they all saw him struggling above with the dragons. He couldn't do it alone and it was now time for the others to chime in.

They would ascend, grabbing as many clouds as they could for one purpose. They were forming a storm cloud. WIth their control over the weather, they were easily able to cause a storm with lightning and thunder crashing from them. This was the new plan that Flash Magnus wanted to capitalize on. Once Ironhead and his troops formed a powerful storm cloud, they would fly away, allowing Flash Magnus to take care of the rest.

And he certainly did.

He flew straight into the storm cloud, leading the dragons there with him. He was willing to have himself shocked by the fierce storm to retaliate against the dragons. Once they entered, the lightning struck them repeatedly, showing their shadows within the dark clouds as Flash Magnus' was tiny compared to the two dragons.

But it was a success. The dragons themselves formed a retreat after taking the fierce crash of lightning, leaving their bodies smoking. That was certainly enough for today. As for Flash Magnus, he had yet to show himself, making the other pegasi worry. The shield unfortunately was not Lightning-proof so it would be impossible for it to protect him as efficentily as it could.

However, when he emerged from the clouds, he was still in one piece, albeit smoking with his armour messed up. And the shield was even fine too despite its true purpose. The plan worked out at the cost of him receiving some damage.But he also received something else in return for this brave act. And that was the applause, cheers and praise of his fellow cadets who flew up to him.

And it was at this moment that he would also gain notoriety and emerge to become the pony everyone knew about for his bravery. Like me.

"Pretty much the gist of it." Rainbow Dash shrugged after telling that story. "Pretty awesome stuff, honestly. All of them are but Flash Magnus' is my personal favourite."

"Yeah, it is!" Ash nodded along with all of his Pokemon who managed to hear this story.

"Great stuff." Ember applauded that story even if it did involve the defeat of two dragons. But considering what she has to put up with as a Dragon Lord, it wasn't so bad since dragons can be pretty unruly at times.

"I'm sure the rest of our friends have more to tell you about these pillars, Ash." Rarity added. "All six of them are so special in their own way and you could say they influenced us each."

"It's done!" Fluttershy exclaimed as the gift for Chrysalis was finally completed. With all of their hard work, they made the biggest gift that they possibly could. Ash and everyone turned to witness the creation that had been brought into the world.

The best that they could do was a massive diorama which featured everyone Chrysalis has met outside of the Changeling Hive such as Fluttershy herself, Ash, Twilight, Pikachu and more. This large diorama had so many characters on it with Chrysalis being in the centre. Of course, they couldn't fit absolutely everyone on it but it was more than enough.

And the best part about this was how the diorama acted. Fluttershy would knock her hoof on it, causing the diorama to flip some of the images, revealing other characters on the side. Truly impressive and it would certainly bring a smile to Chrysalis' face.

"Thank you Smeargle for doing the art for us." Fluttershy thanked a Smeargle who was responsible for the artwork, creating a simplified version of the characters that made them look pointy.


"And thank you all for helping make this. When she wakes up or even opens her eyes a bit, Chrysalis will love this. We just have to get it there to her.."

"Woo! Check this out." Ash approached the diorama. "We're gonna carry all of this? It's as big as your home."

"I know. I need all the muscle I can get. Do you think Bea is available?" Fluttershy questioned, wanting Bea's Gigantamax Machamp to carry this thing.

"I think a regular Machamp would do. However, Applejack suggested that her brother's Machamp should take it. He would be normal-sized and strong enough to lift this thing. Plus, he had the speed to get there as soon as possible. Ash would love to hear more about the Pillars of Equestria but getting this gift to Chrysalis was his top priority at the moment.

But after hearing these three stories so far, he was amazed. The history of Equestria was always something that captivated him, much like the history of the other regions he's been to, the ties to Legendary Pokemon and so on. It was all so fascinating.

This was thanks to his many journeys across the world, learning more about wherever he goes. And in the case of the pillars, he wished he could see them one day, even if it was just an image or a statue. But little did Ash know, there was a reason why they were called the Pillars of Equestria.


Meanwhile, over at Magehold, Fantina's Pokemon Contest was still being prepared but it was close to completion by now. She had everyone excited for this, ready to spread the amazement of a Pokemon Contest to everyone. Watching and endorsing this contest was none other than Fractured Note, AKA the former Lich King reincarnated.

While watching this contest being prepared, he couldn't help but wonder what Opal Vivacity, his sister would do in this. This also spoke to her in a way. But at the moment, Opal Vivacity was out there searching for Xerneas.

Being the only one capable of concealing himself from the Lich Queen's view of the vampires and Magehold thanks to his magic, he spoke to himself while observing from the balcony. "Now they're going after Xerneas too. Do they really wish to wipe out all life? And even worse, they'll go beyond just this world. They might target forces outside of Earth and in space. And after that, other worlds."

It was rather alarming how violent the Black Crusade was and how far it was willing to go to fulfil this mission. However, being the first Lich King, something didn't sit right with him about the Black Crusade. The purpose of it was obviously off-putting but it was something else.

"Where did it even come from? I never endorsed anything like this." Fractured Note scratched his mane, wondering where it came from and who made it. It certainly wasn't him. "Was it me? I came before them all and it is a corrupted form of my magic. Perhaps the voices within are sharing the Black Crusade with Lich Kings and Queens. That could be it. If only I knew why this is happening. Is it...me?"

Fractured Note wondered if he was truly to blame for this. It was his magic at the end of the day, just a corrupted version of it that he had no control over. He looked at his hoof, fearful that a part of him wanted this to happen. The Lich Kings and Queens that came before him all had twisted mindsets compared to what they usually were and the first one was nothing like them.

"I still have to figure that out. But in the meanwhile, I'm counting on Ebony Rhyme and the others to help finish this cycle." He would once again glance over at the Contest preparations.

And his eyes would also follow Fantina, who was instructing the vampires on what to do to make it really feel like a contest hall. Fantina was an eyecatcher and someone to focus on as well. And judging by her time being here, Fantina had something that was affecting Magehold gradually.

"And honestly, I'm also counting on you, Fantina."

As the journey continues.

Chapter 113 End.

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