• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Malamar vs Ponyville: Round 2

Equestria. Ponyville. Nightfall.

On this tranquil night, while many were asleep, a cosmic horror was about to surface. Emerging from the sky itself was none other than Malamar himself. He managed to find his way back to his universe and he would continue his terror by opening up a gateway in the sky.

"Equestria...Revenge is going to be so sweet." His voice spoke through the cold night as his eldritch presence brought a chilling aura to the atmosphere, changing it from something gentle to an ominous force. "This would be Nightmare Moon's role, but this is personal. 4 years coming for this."

Residents stirred in their beds, disturbed by the sudden shift in the air and the ominous presence that seemed to permeate the very fabric of reality.

In Fluttershy's sanctuary, the animals and Pokémon stirred restlessly in their sleep, sensing the impending danger that lurked outside. Fluttershy herself tossed and turned in her bed, disturbed by the unsettling energy that filled the air.

"Oh..." Suddenly, her eyes snapped open, and she sat up with a start. A feeling of dread washed over her as she sensed the malevolent presence looming over Ponyville. The Pokemon that were nocturnal contributed to her waking up as they were crying and roaring at the sky.

When opening the windows to her home, she saw him. Malamar. His Equestrian Form made him large enough to be seen from here. "Malamar...?" Fluttershy was in disbelief. Her voice quivered with fear and disbelief as she struggled to comprehend the gravity of the situation. The Pokémon and animals around her sanctuary cried out in distress, mirroring Fluttershy's own unease at the sinister presence that now threatened their peaceful home.

"I will start with your minds and break you all down. Become my pawns." With his newfound capabilities, Malamar invaded the minds of Ponyville's residents, filling them with horrifying visions and nightmarish hallucinations.

As Malamar's sinister presence enveloped Ponyville, a wave of psychic energy emanated from the towering figure, permeating the very air with a cosmic sense of dread and unease. With his Equestrian form casting an ominous shadow over the town, Malamar's eyes glowed with an otherworldly light as he unleashed his psychic assault upon the unsuspecting residents. Asleep or not.

The psychic onslaught began subtly, like a whisper in the mind, barely noticeable at first but steadily growing in intensity as it spread throughout the town. It started with a subtle tingling sensation at the back of the mind, a feeling of unease that gnawed at the edges of consciousness, causing a ripple of discomfort to cascade through the thoughts of Ponyville's inhabitants.

As Malamar's influence deepened, the psychic assault intensified, manifesting as vivid and terrifying hallucinations that played out within the minds of those affected. Images of nightmarish creatures lurked in the shadows, their eyes glowing with malevolent intent as they stalked through the twisted landscapes of the subconscious.

For Fluttershy, the invasion of her mind was particularly harrowing, as her innate sensitivity to the emotions of others made her especially vulnerable to Malamar's psychic manipulation. As the visions grew more vivid and grotesque, she found herself plunged into a surreal dreamscape of darkness and despair, her every fear and insecurity laid bare before her.

"Ghhh" In her mind's eye, she witnessed scenes of chaos and destruction, with her beloved animal friends transformed into monstrous abominations that turned against her. Soon, the Pokemon House became a twisted labyrinth of nightmare, where every corner held a new horror waiting to pounce.

"Audino...!" Audino fell victim as well. The same went for Bayleef and Raboot who were squirming. Even the strong-hearted Krookodile couldn't resist this.

"That's it...Submit." Malamar cackled, already aware that the residents of Ponyville were going through this horrid feeling.

As Malamar's haunting laughter echoed through the streets of Ponyville, his dark influence continued to spread, ensnaring the minds of its residents in a web of fear and despair. With each passing moment, the psychic assault grew more intense, as Malamar revelled in the anguish of those caught in his malevolent grasp.

For the ponies of Ponyville, the relentless onslaught of horrifying visions and nightmarish hallucinations became unbearable, their minds tormented by the relentless onslaught of psychic energy. As the darkness closed in around them, a sense of hopelessness threatened to overwhelm their spirits, leaving them feeling powerless to resist the overwhelming force of Malamar's will.

"Bayleef...!" Fluttershy looked to Bayleef, knowing what she had to do, even if it was Nightfall. Bayleef nodded in understanding, her leaf glowing faintly with Rift Energy as she prepared to unleash her abilities. Despite the risk of depleting her energy, she was going for it.

"Bayleef!" With a powerful cry, A chunk of Bayleef's upper leaf would fly off, immediately being carried by the winds. The leaf swished and swayed while moving through the night, heading straight for one of the tentacles. Malamar was going straight for Town Hall where Mayor Mare was heading, ready to tear it apart.

That is until the leaf touched that same tentacle, unleashing a bright light. In a flash, Fate had been changed, making it so that Malamar's tentacles never approached Ponyville and instead, went right back to the Overturning Pokemon, saving Town Hall.

But of course, this didn't go unnoticed by Malamar. Malamar's gaze fell upon Bayleef, his eyes narrowing with fury and disbelief as he realized the source of his thwarted attack. The Overturning Pokemon seethed with rage, his tendrils writhing ominously as he prepared to unleash his wrath upon the courageous Pokemon who dared to defy him.

"Ah. You must be the Bayleef with the power to change Fate. You'd make an excellent servant. With you, I am guaranteed to always succeed." It was unfortunate that Malamar had to spot Bayleef. The Grass-Type narrowed her eyes, aggressively crying at the Overturning Pokemon. Fluttershy gulped once Malamar noticed her.

All of her Pokemon either stood behind out of fear or in front of her in defence. Bayleef's ability managed to cancel out the hallucinations they had felt.

"Bear witness to what I am now capable of!" Malamar demonstrated more of his abilities. Malamar emitted a haunting echo that reverberated through the area, his eerie resonance unsettling the minds of its opponents. This ghostly sound induced confusion and disorientation among Fluttershy's Pokémon, disrupting their focus.

Fluttershy felt a strong gravity push her and many of her Pokemon down. This echo could also affect gravity itself as the beautiful trees were being crushed as if a massive anvil was dropped on them.

Suddenly, leaving the buildings were some of the residents of Ponyille. Their eyes were glowing purple, signifying that they had fallen under Malamar's control.

Fluttershy's heart sank as she watched the residents of Ponyville emerge from their homes, their eyes glowing with an ominous purple light. It was clear that they had fallen victim to Malamar's mind control, their actions and words indicating that they now saw the malevolent creature as their superior.

"That's right. Come to me." Malamar uttered, moving his massive tentacles once more. These tentacles would start picking up some of the residents, lifting them into the air.

Fluttershy's heart twisted with anguish as she witnessed Malamar's tendrils snatching up the helpless residents of Ponyville, lifting them into the air like puppets on strings. She could hear their cries of confusion and fear, their voices trembling as they struggled against the invisible grip that held them aloft.

"What are you doing to them?!" Fluttershy took flight, trying to reach Malamar in time. But she certainly couldn't reach him from this distance.

"You will all be gifted some of my power." Malamar announced, beginning to transfer Rift Energy through the bodies of Cheerilee and others. "I believe you should all feel the pain I felt."

To continue his revenge, Malamar wanted Ponyville's residents to feel that bulging pain in his head that caused his to turn into this horrifying form. But unlike Malamar, the residents of Malamar wouldn't be blessed with a transformation.

"Stop it!" Fluttershy cried out, unable to get there in time.

But Malamar paid her no heed, his eyes glowing with malice as he continued to pour Rift Energy into the bodies of the helpless residents. Fluttershy could see the effects of the Rift Energy coursing through their veins. Their bodies twitched and spasmed uncontrollably, their eyes widening in terror as they became vessels for Malamar's dark power. It was as if their very essence was being corrupted by the malevolent energy, twisting them into grotesque shadows of their former selves.

From it, they began feeling the same pain Malamar had to endure for a while but without the mad mind to power through it all. Malamar chuckled, using his many tentacles to pick up more of Ponyville's residents, revelling in his revenge.

"Back you!" Caught off guard by Malamar's glare Fluttershy felt the gravity around her shift, pulling her inexorably towards the ground. Struggling against the overwhelming force, she gritted her teeth and strained to maintain her position in the air, but it was no use. The oppressive weight bore down upon her, pressing her down with a relentless intensity.

Gasping for breath, Fluttershy felt her strength waning as Malamar's gaze held her in its thrall. Audino, Raboot and Bayleef were all pushed down as well, struggling to get back up. Bayleef couldn't unleash her special ability due to the gravity disrupting her.

"You have a unique ability to communicate with Pokemon perfectly. I believe I will need you as well." Malamar cackled, moving one of his tentacles towards Fluttershy.

As Malamar's tentacle loomed closer, Fluttershy panicked but she couldn't do anything about it. Despite her best efforts to resist, she found herself unable to move, paralyzed by the overwhelming pressure exerted by the gravity around her.

With a sense of dread, Fluttershy watched as the tentacle drew nearer, its ominous presence filling her with a creeping sense of unease. She knew that if Malamar were to ensnare her with his tentacle, she would be at his mercy, subjected to whatever dark fate he had in store for her.

Desperation clawed at her heart as she struggled to break free, but it was no use. The gravity weighed her down like an anchor, trapping her in place and leaving her helpless against Malamar's relentless advance.

Being so close to Malamar began to distort her sense of reality as his eldritch presence was tampering with her mind. Malamar, having Fluttershy in one tentacle and many more ponies in his grasp, would loom over Ponyville as his very presence was disrupting the flora here.

And soon, Malamar's revenge would focus on Canterlot. The place where he lost to Equestria. Revenge has never felt so sweet for the Overturning Pokemon.

Ultra Space. Ultra Forest.

Back in the Ultra Forest, Twilight followed Kartana through the dense foliage of the alien world. She couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at her heart, fearing for all of her friends back home. The towering trees loomed overhead, their twisted branches casting eerie shadows that danced across the forest floor. Every rustle of leaves and whisper of the wind seemed to echo with a sense of foreboding. Twilight knew that at this very moment, Equestria was under attack.

"Where are you taking us, Kartana? Is it a gateway?" Twilight asked. Her question was answered once Kartana sliced a curtain of leaves with one swipe. And with that curtain dropping, it was revealed that there was more life on this world. Minimal life. Standing there were two other Kartana and two elderly men wearing straw hats.

"Oh? Who's this you've brought, Kartana?" One of the old men said.

"There are Humans here? How...?" Twilight was stunned to see Humans here. Ultra Space was always an alien place but these two were the exception.

"Yes. Just us two though. Me and my brother." The man chuckled. "We didn't think we'd get a new visitor, let alone a pony. You must be the one Kartna spoke of during his brief visits to your world."

"Y-Yes. My name's Twilight. Twilight Sparkle." She introduced herself.

"Twilight Sparkle, hm? Well, it seems a friend of that Ash character is here, Kartana." The other old man spoke to another Kartana. Specifically, the Kartana that appeared in Alola once and was promptly returned to its home. It was this Kartana, the one that visited Equestria two times and a third one that was not familiar with Equestria or Alola.

"Esirprus lufrednow a tahw. Deedni seiromem doog ha." The Kartana who visited Alola said.

"We are the Kartenvoy. We specialize in Kartana, well...the only three Kartana in this world."

"That's it? Three?" Twilight blinked. That explained why this place was so silent. Only three Kartana exist here.

"Yes. It's a rather small population, isn't it? Smallest there is." The first Kartenvoy chuckled. "So, what brings you here, Twilight Sparkle?" one of the Kartenvoy asked, his expression curious.

"Well...I'm lost in Ultra Space right now. It was Malamar. A lot happened and we both ended up being shot out of here through a messed-up gateway. But Malamar could easily open up a new gateway, leaving me behind."

"Lost in Ultra Space? We saw that thing in the sky, believe us." The second Kartenvoy nodded in understanding. "And besides, you wouldn't be the first person to be lost in Ultra Space."

"I'm not?"

"Not at all. We've had accidents like this before." The first Kartenvoy laughed.

"Accidents?" Twilight's curiosity piqued as she listened intently to the Kartenvoy's words.

"Yes, indeed," The first Kartenvoy confirmed. "Ultra Space is a vast and mysterious dimension, and traversing it can be perilous. Many have found themselves lost here, unable to find their way back to their own worlds."

"But don't worry," The second Kartenvoy reassured her. "With our guidance and the power of Kartana, we'll help you navigate through Ultra Space and find your way back home."

Twilight felt a wave of relief wash over her at their words. Despite the daunting situation, she found solace in knowing that she wasn't alone and that she had allies in this strange and unfamiliar dimension.

"Oh, that's so great to hear" Twilight bellowed. "Can you open up gateways too?!"

"Gateways? Not quite. For a while, we had to wait for an Ultra Wormhole to open up, but there is another way. Something rather recently developed. The Kartana you've met has grown stronger since its last encounter. Strong enough to help with dimensional travel.

"H-How much stronger?"

"The Kartana you met has been training with the other two, increasing their strength as well. Once again, they are on equal footing and their cutting strength have reached new levels. If we combine the cutting strength of all three Kartana's we can access the Ultra Space. Everythig you see around you is teeming in that otherworldly energy, Twilight Sparkle."

"Amazing! They can do that now?!" Twilight gasped with amazement.

"And they have you to thank you for that."

"Uoy knaht I taht roF. Sthgieh wen ot htgnerts ym thguorb em evag uoy leud eht." Kartana flew over, thanking Twilight for this increase in strength.

"But be warned," the second Kartenvoy cautioned. "Ultra Space is a place of great danger and uncertainty. You'll need to stay vigilant and be prepared for anything, otherwise, you could end up in another part of it."

"Got it." Twilight nodded, ready for it. "I need to go back home as soon as possible, before Malamar ruins everything. If he gets his way..."

"Worry not. Let's get started, shall we?" The Kartenvoys nodded at the three Kartana, informing them to begin the process.

The three Kartana hovered in the air, their forms gleaming with a radiant energy as they synchronized their movements. The formation they took was almost close to a star. If only they had more Kartana to make that possible. With precise precision, they began to weave intricate patterns in the air, their razor-sharp blades slicing through sky itself. And by doing so, they interacted with the Ultra Energy present here.

As they worked in harmony, a brilliant glow enveloped them, growing brighter and more intense with each passing moment. The air crackled with energy, and a faint hum filled the space around them, signalling the imminent opening of a gateway to Ultra Space.

Twilight watched in awe as the portal began to take shape before her eyes, strong resembling an Ultra Wormhole. She could feel the energy pulsating through the air, drawing her closer to the wormhole.

"Step through the portal, Twilight Sparkle," one of the Kartenvoys urged. "It will take you back to Equestria, where you can confront Malamar and save your friends."

"Thank you!" With a determined nod, Twilight took a step forward, feeling the pull of the gateway as it beckoned her home. Without hesitation, she stepped through the shimmering portal, disappearing into the swirling maelstrom of Ultra Space.

But it wasn't just her and her Pokemon. Joining her was a single Kartana. The Kartana who she's met a few times now. "Kartana?! You're coming along too?!"

"Dneif a fo sdnah eht ta reffus sdneirf wollef tel reven dluow I dna. Edalb ym fo gnits ecreif eht leef llahs ecaep netaerht ohw esoht."

Twilight smiled gratefully at the Kartana, understanding that it had chosen to accompany her on her journey back to Equestria. With its help, she knew that she would stand a better chance against Malamar and his dark ambitions. After all, Kartana's cutting strength was no joke.

"Thank you, Kartana," Twilight said, her voice filled with gratitude. "It'll be great having you along. I just hope we're not too late."

Their bodies continued to move through Ultra Space as everything was getting faster for Twilight in here. It was certainly different than a gateway in terms of how it felt. She just had to find the right wormhole that led back to her world.

With many of Ponyville's residents under his control, Malamar's influence spread like a dark shadow over the once-peaceful town. The streets were now filled with those who had fallen victim to his psychic manipulation, their eyes glazed over with an eerie purple glow as they mindlessly carried out his bidding.

Buildings and structures trembled under the weight of Malamar's oppressive presence, the space around here warping and distorting as his eldritch powers surged unchecked. Fluttershy and her Pokémon stood helplessly against the overwhelming tide, their efforts to resist Malamar's influence proving futile in the face of his relentless onslaught.

Pokémon and animals alike cowered in fear as Malamar's cosmic tentacles loomed overhead, casting a pall of despair over the entire town.

With each passing moment, Malamar's grip on Ponyville tightened, his malevolent influence spreading like a leeching growth that threatened to consume everything in its path.

"This is wonderful!" Malamar was having the time of his life. "I must admit, your resistance is impressive, Fluttershy. Such a strong-willed mind for a fragile pony such as yourself."

"Mrrgh!" Fluttershy grunted within his grasp. "Y-You're the worst!"

"Thank you. Now I know what I should do next. This should definitely break your will." Malamar spoke, going further and further into madness with his plans. "How does mushing their bodies together sound?"

Malamar's voice echoed ominously through the air, sending shivers down the spines of those who heard it. His eyes gleamed with a twisted delight as he surveyed the chaos he had wrought upon Ponyville, reveling in the fear and despair that permeated the atmosphere.

With a wave of his tentacles, Malamar began to enact his sinister plan, reaching out towards the helpless residents of Ponyville with a malevolent intent. The townsfolk, already under his psychic control, could do nothing but watch in horror as his cosmic appendages closed in around them, trapping them in a nightmarish grip.

Fluttershy and her Pokémon could only watch helplessly as Malamar's tentacles enveloped the innocent ponies, ready to merge them into an uncomfortable mess that Fluttershy just couldn't stop. "Stop it, Malamar!"

"Dark Matter!" A voice came from afar as a blast of Dark Matter flew in at high speeds. The Dark Matter met with Malamar's tentacles, causing a volatile reaction that made him drop the ponies. The collision sent shockwaves rippling through the air, the force of the impact shaking the very ground beneath the ponies. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as the dark energies clashed against Malamar's sinister grip, a fierce struggle unfolding between the forces of light and darkness.

The one responsible for this was Delta Lucario and his trainer Applejack.

"Applejack!" Fluttershy said with a bright smile on her face.

"What?! How are you able to move freely?!" Malamar hissed.

"Hm." Applejack smirked before tapping her head with her hooves. "Got Lucario and Aura to thank for that. Once he felt me seeing all kinds of weird stuff, Lucario snapped me back to my senses. Now, what in tarnation happened to you? What's with that look?"

"Hmph! Aura...What an annoying energy." Malamar's disdain was palpable as he glared at Applejack and Fluttershy. His form, twisted and ominous, radiated with dark energy that seemed to repel the very essence of positivity.

"Annoying, huh? Well, let's see how you like this! Dark Matter!"

"Rrr!" Delta Lucario put his hands together, channelling the Dark Matter once more. He began drawing power from the dark forces of the universe into a single attack, ready to fire.

"Know your place, farmgirl!" Malamar, sensing the impending threat, unleashed a barrage of Rift Energy in response, attempting to disrupt Delta Lucario's concentration. The air crackled with dark and cosmic energies, creating an intense and volatile atmosphere.

"Ca!" From his paws, another blast of Dark Matter was thrown out. The Dark Matter clashed with it, creating a dazzling yet violent flare in the sky. Both attacks imploded in front of each other after equalizing, much to Malamar's surprise.

"How is that you can also tap into the deepest and darkest forces in the universe?!" Malamar questioned. "Aside from Giratina and the rest of the Greatest Legends, no other Pokemon should be capable of such a feat!"

"Is that what you were doing?" Applejack replied as she wasn't even aware that was what Malamar was also doing.

"Applejack! Use the Dark Matter on everypony else!" Fluttershy urged.

"But it's supposed to knock souls out of bodies! I can't do that to someone!" Applejack replied. "I don't think it can remove mind control!"

"Hmph! I see you are still limited compared to what I can do! What a joke!" Malamar laughed. With a sinister gesture, Malamar summoned a swirling void of darkness from thin air, its ominous pull threatening to swallow everything in its path. The ground trembled beneath its insatiable hunger, and a chilling wind whipped through the air as the void expanded, threatening to consume everything in its path.

"Rrr!" Lucario felt the weight of this void as all the rubble was flying directly towards it.

"How would you like to be battered by an endless array of Psychic energy in this void?!" Malamar questioned.

"Psychic?" Applejack smiled while keeping her hoof on her hat. She knew for a fact that against Delta Lucario, that was irrelevant. If this was a Sinnohan Lucario, it would call cause for concern. But not Delta Lucario. "Guess ya ain't as smart as ya look. Go for it, Lucario!"

"Luca!" Lucario would let himself be pulled in by the void, voluntarily going through the air. As Lucario willingly allowed himself to be drawn into the void, the swirling darkness enveloped him, pulling him deeper into its depths. The void seemed to distort reality itself, twisting and warping the space around it as it devoured everything in its path.

But to Malamar's surprise, as Lucario entered the void, his Aura flared brightly, pushing back against the encroaching darkness. The Psychic energy Malamar had hoped to unleash upon Lucario was met with fierce resistance, as the Dark-Ground-Type Pokémon tapped into his own strength to counter the malevolent force. Right before Malamar's eyes, the void had shattered.

"Impossible! How can you resist the power of the void?!" Malamar snarled, his voice echoing through the dark abyss.

"Get 'em, Lucario! Bone Rush!"

"Luca...!" After shattering the void, Lucario generated two bones in his hands, merging them into an even larger bone. With all of his might, he swung it down on Equestrian Malamar's massive.

The Bone Rush descended with incredible force, crashing down upon Malamar's form with a resounding impact. The Overturning Pokemon recoiled under the blow, his twisted body writhing in pain as he struggled to maintain his footing.

"Enough of this!" Malamar roared, his voice laced with fury and frustration. With a cluster of energy, he attempted to summon another wave of Psychic Energy, but found his efforts thwarted by Lucario's relentless assault as the energy phased right through him.

"Rrr! Rrr! Ca!" Lucario, fueled by determination and the desire to protect his friends, pressed on, delivering blow after blow against Malamar's weakened form. With each strike, cracks began to form in Malamar's once formidable facade, his power waning in the face of Lucario's relentless assault.

"My Psychic Energy isn't working!" Malamar cried while being repeatedly slapped in the face by the bones. "Unless...you're a Dark-Type!" Malamar finally found out why Lucario was being such a problem.

With each strike, Malamar's grip on Fluttershy loosened, the gravitational pull dissipating as his focus shifted to defending himself against Lucario's onslaught. Hindered by his inability to effectively counter Lucario's Dark-Type attacks, Malamar found himself overwhelmed by the relentless assault.

"Lucario!" Lucario then delivered the strongest hit with Bone Rush thus far. This blow was strong enough to knock Malamar out of the sky.

With a resounding crash, Malamar's colossal form collided with the earth on the outskirts of Ponyville, sending shockwaves rippling through the surrounding landscape. The ground trembled beneath the force of his impact, and nearby structures quivered as if shaken by an earthquake.

Residents of Ponyville, both those under Malamar's influence and those who had managed to resist, felt the ground shudder beneath them as the reverberations of the collision echoed through the town. Windows rattled in their frames, and loose objects danced in the air as the shockwave rolled outward from the point of impact.

"Doing alright there, Fluttershy?" Applejack ran over to her friend. Thankfully, Fluttershy's body was healthy, recovering from the gravity push.

"W-What...What happened?" Due to Malamar hitting the ground hard with such force, the control he had on some of the residents had faltered.

As Malamar struggled to rise from the ground, his monstrous form battered and bruised from the force of Lucario's attack, he seethed with frustration and anger. The realization that his plans had been slowed down yet again by the resilience and courage of the ponies of Ponyville filled him with a burning rage.

"Blasted ponies...!" He snarled, his voice laced with venomous contempt. Despite his injuries and setbacks, Malamar's determination to wreak havoc upon Equestria burned as fiercely as ever. With a sinister glint in his eyes, he gathered his strength, preparing to unleash another onslaught upon the town and its inhabitants.

He got back up, his new form towering over all the trees here as his shadow loomed over the town. The freed residents gasped upon seeing Malamar's form.

"You are and always will be beneath me! Know your place!" Equestrian Malamar's voice echoed ominously through the air, his words dripping with malice as he sought to assert his dominance over those who dared to challenge him. With a flick of his tentacles, he conjured forth a nebulous cloud, its swirling mass of dark energy pulsating with malevolent intent.

The freed residents watched in horror as the ominous cloud began to take shape, its amorphous form coalescing into a menacing vortex that loomed ominously over Ponyville. Impending doom hung heavy in the air, the eerie glow of the swirling mass casting long shadows across the town as Malamar prepared to unleash his wrath upon all who dared to challenge him.

With a flicker of movement, the vortex began to descend upon Ponyville, its dark tendrils reaching out hungrily as it sought to engulf the unsuspecting town in its shadowy embrace. The residents cried out in terror as they scrambled for cover, their hearts pounding with fear.

"Lucario! Use Dark Matter!"

"Luca!" Once more, Lucario unleashed another blast of Dark Matter, hoping to counter Malamar's Nebula. The swirling vortex of clouds seemed to react with a life of its own as with a voracious hunger, the dark mass eagerly devoured the Dark Matter, swallowing it up into its churning depths without so much as a flicker.

The residents watched in dismay as Lucario's attack was consumed by the malevolent clouds, their hopes sinking with each passing moment. It seemed that Malamar's power was greater than they had ever imagined, his control over the dark forces of the universe absolute.

"Rrr?!" Lucario gasped.

"Useless! Begone with you!" He bellowed, having his nebula extend even more. The tentacles inside would begin snatching up the residents of Ponyville, pulling them into the Nebula.

Malamar's laughter echoed ominously through the air, a cruel reminder of his overwhelming power. The clouds of darkness continued to swirl and grow, casting a shadow over the town of Ponyville as they expanded ever outward. Fluttershy felt a cold shiver run down her spine as she gazed upon the ominous spectacle unfolding before her.

Suddenly, when trying to back away, one of the tentacles snuck up on her, grabbing the pegasus once more. As Fluttershy felt the icy grip of the tentacle wrapped around her, panic threatened to consume her. She struggled against its hold, her heart pounding with fear as she desperately tried to break free. With each tug, the tentacle pulled her closer to the swirling vortex of darkness, threatening to engulf her completely.

"Fluttershy!" Applejack yelled as a nebula appeared beneath her, restraining the Earth Pony as well. Back to back, nebulas were appearing, snatching up as many residents as possible. Even Bayleef was grabbed when trying to use her leaf in time.

"Wallow in your weakness." Malamar taunted. "In the end, victory will inevitably be granted to me."

In a split-second, a streak of light sliced through the swirling nebula and the tentacles with unparalleled precision. The force of the cut sent shockwaves rippling through the air, causing the darkness to shudder and dissipate into the ether. As the debris cleared, a figure emerged from the shadows, standing tall and resolute against the backdrop of chaos.

It was Kartana, the Legendary Blade Pokémon, its razor-sharp form gleaming in the dim light. With a swift and decisive strike, it had severed the grip of the tentacles and shattered the darkness that threatened to consume Fluttershy and the residents of Ponyville.

"Kartana?!" The Ponyville residents all said.

As Twilight Sparkle descended from the night sky, her presence illuminated the darkness with a radiant glow. With determination etched upon her face, she landed gracefully beside Fluttershy, her eyes locking onto the towering form of Malamar.

"Twilight!" Fluttershy called out, relief evident in her voice as she saw her friend's arrival.

"Fluttershy, are you alright?" Twilight asked, concern lacing her words as she surveyed the scene before her.

"I'm fine." Fluttershy replied, casting a grateful glance towards the Ultra Beast. "But I'm also so confused about what's happening."

Twilight nodded in acknowledgment before turning her attention back to Malamar. With a firm resolve, she faced the malevolent creature before her. "Malamar..."

"Twilight Sparkle. I have no idea how you escaped but you've gotten in my way for the last time!" Malamar shouted.

History repeats itself as Malamar faces off against Ponyville once more. The residents were reminded of the past. The day that Malamar terrified them all, being the first example of a major Pokemon Threat. And now it was happening yet again but on an even larger scale. However, just like before, they still had hope that they could get past such a terrifying force. They would have to for their own future.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 415 End.

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