• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Let's Go to Space!

Pegalysium. Sky Monarch. Afternoon.

Up at Pegalysium, Ash found himself with King Paramount and Queen Luminary. He already found a way to reach outer space and it involved the nation in the sky. Calling for Twilight to show up, who brought the rest of her friends along, they were all within the chambers of the castle.

"If you want to enter outer space, we know the perfect thing for you." Luminary spoke. "Ever since the trouble in space happened, we've been thinking about what else could happen in space that would affect us."

"So, you have your own ship now?" Fluttershy questioned.

"Not quite. We didn't craft one. Instead, we took an already existing one. Ash actually suggested this to us after the third Pokemon Festival."

"The third Pokemon Festival" Twilight pondered for a moment. She was starting to figure out what they were referring to. "Wait, do you mean..."

"Here it is." With Paramount opening the doors, he would reveal what was being kept deep in this chamber. With a bright light captivating all of their eyes, the group looked onward with astonishment as a familiar vessel met their eyes.

The Spaceship. The same spaceship found while taking a tour of the Ethereal Pavillion that was perfectly concealed for a long time. Once belonging to Alien Lifeforms, it has now been taken in by the Sky Monarch. Currently, it was sitting there, undergoing repairs by engineers who were trying their absolute hardest to figure this out.

"Wow...You kept this?" Twilight slowly walked forward as the ship was gaining a fresh new look.

"You took in the books and information from the ship, Twilight. So we decided to take the whole thing after what Ash said." Paramount replied. "After that, we decided to try and repair it for proper use in the future. We don't exactly understand alien technology but the Unown have managed to reshape a majority of it for us."

Rainbow Dash's eyes lit up with absolute elation at the thought of this. Sparkles would even show up in them. "We get to ride on an alien spaceship?! Is this real?!"

"It's safe to fly, right?" Applejack questioned.

"It is. We've made sure that that we can fly it. The Unown changed the controls themselves to something suitable for us all. The only downside is that there is some alien language in there that not even the Unown can read. But that won't ruin your flight." Paramount continued.

"Thanks, guys." Ash approached the ship. "This'll do just fine."

"Hm. Wonderful that you told me about this, Twilight. As if I'm going into outer space without preparations." Rarity said, already having two of her Leavanny carrying luggage.

"Why would some of you enter outer space?" Luminary asked, curious as to why ponies such as Fluttershy, Applejack and Rarity would tackle the vastness of space. Each of them had their own jobs.

"That's easy. We also help out our friends. No matter what." Applejack gave an incredibly clear answer. "Even if it means heading out into space."

"Outer space...just imagine all the new creatures we could find up there!" Fluttershy had a similar reaction to Rainbow Dash, but she was far more interested in cosmic life. Two of them were starting to forget why they were heading up there in the first place.

"Alright. You'll have a pilot and a crew to support you along the way. Good luck and stop Daybreaker. We do need that Moon after all." Paramount had full confidence in them.

"You got it. We'll be back soon!" Ash would be the first to rush in, followed by Pikachu and Twilight. Everyone else would soon follow, boarding the ship from the stars.

As they boarded the spaceship, excitement and determination filled the air. The interior of the vessel was a marvel of alien technology, with sleek surfaces and intricate displays lining the walls. Despite its otherworldly appearance, the ship exuded an aura of familiarity, as if it had been waiting for this moment to take flight once more.

"Check it out..." Ash whistled at the look of the ship. The sleek surfaces and intricate displays captivated their attention, each detail contributing to the ship's futuristic and otherworldly appearance.

"Wow, this is amazing!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement as she took in the sights around her.

"It's like something out of those sci-fi movies I helped with," Rarity remarked, running her hand along one of the smooth surfaces with a sense of awe.

Fluttershy nodded in agreement, her gaze drifting from one display to the next. "It's so...beautiful."

Present on the ship were some Unown, who would also be accompanying Ash's group. Piloting this would be ponies that King Paramount assigned to this Spaceship.

"So, where do you want us to go?" One of the pegasi asked.

"We need to head to the Moon," Twilight said firmly. "That's where Daybreaker and her alliance are heading, and we need to stop them before they cause any more harm. We can at least intercept them if it's not too late."

"Hm. The Moon. Quite the destination but alright." The pony pilot nodded, his expression serious as he inputted the coordinates into the ship's navigation system. With a flick of his hoof, the spaceship began to move, its engines humming as it charted a course for the Moon.

Powered by an unknown energy that only the aliens of this ship would know of, a somewhat ethereal yet spectral light appeared from the bottom of the ship, showing its otherworldly aesthetic. The ship would then take flight as the ceiling of chamber would open up, revealing the azure skies.

The ship rose higher and higher, propelled by the unknown energy that pulsed within its core. The interior of the ship would also light up in response to this.

"Safe travels!" As the ship soared into the heavens, Queen Luminary's voice echoed through the chamber, her words carrying a heartfelt wish for safe travels. It was off to the stars once more. Everyone would feel the velocity and feeling of ascending into the stars as they were already beginning to leave a majority of Earth behind. Since Pegalysium was so high up, it was easy for this ship to reach a high point swiftly.

Outer Space.

Speaking of Outer Space, at this very moment, the conflict up there was still ongoing. Rayquaza continued to be a stalwart defender, refusing to let these invaders from another universe have their way with the Moon and Lunala after what they previously did.

Rayquaza could be seen moving at high speeds, using its signature move Dragon Ascent. Its body would blaze to life with a burst of Draconic Energy, causing shockwaves and sonic booms in outer space while approaching the ships. Currently, they were all being protected by magical forcefields that Rayquaza intended to absolutely demolish.

The forcefields surrounding the ships shimmered and strained against the fierce impact, managing to withstand the sheer force of Rayquaza's assault. However, with each impact, cracks began to form in the barriers, threatening to give way under the relentless barrage.

"Not bad." Daybreaker nodded but she wasn't all too surprised. "Disrupt its sensors."

With the order, the unicorns onboard combined their magic once more, interacting with the ship. By doing this, they started manipulating the fabric of reality itself forming aetheric fields. These fields create disturbances in the cosmic aether.

Rayquaza felt this disruption, crying out at the top of its lungs. The field also had a paralyzing effect to it, staggering the Sky High Pokemon's body, leaving it wide open for another attack.

"Now, fire the Solar Flare Cannons," Daybreaker ordered. By Harnessing the power of the Sun itself, the cannons from the various ships unleashed concentrated bursts of solar energy, gifted by Daybreaker herself since this was her magic in play.

Rayquaza found himself being blasted by solar bursts, setting off mini-supernovas in the black sky and illuminating the darkness of space with their dazzling displays.

But even though it was feeling the pain, Rayquaza continued to endure the relentless barrage of solar bursts, refusing to let Daybreaker's Group. With a fierce determination burning in its eyes, the Sky High Pokémon unleashed its own counterattack, summoning the powerful winds of a Hurricane.

A mighty gust of wind erupted from Rayquaza's body, swirling with immense force as it surged towards the oncoming solar bursts. The hurricane tore through the blazing energy, pushing against the onslaught with a ferocity that matched the intensity of the solar blasts.

The clash between Rayquaza's Hurricane and the Solar Flare Cannons created a tumultuous spectacle in the vast expanse of space, with gusts of wind and bursts of solar energy colliding in a dazzling display of power. The forces of light and darkness clashed with titanic fury, each vying for dominance over the celestial battlefield.

Some of the Supernovas came flying back to the Daybreaker's ships, immediately crashing into the shields. With that, the shields of some of these ships would break down. All except the main one.

Seeing this, Rayquaza was about to take full advantage of this. Moving at full speed, the Sky High Pokemon used Extreme Speed, swiftly travelling through the cosmos. It passed by the Solar Sword and straight for the other ships.

With one of them losing its barrier, the ponies on board were quickly trying to repair the shields, only for Rayquaza to crash right into them. The impact of it caused this ship to start hurtling through space while sending shockwaves that struck the other ships.

On one of them were the Pokemon Rangers, who felt the shockwave from afar. Jackie was currently digging through the wires in his disguised pony form, feeling the ship shake while also hearing the sounds of attacks flying and combusting in outer space.

"At this rate, Rayquaza might take us out too," Jackie said before continuing his work. The more he messed around with these hooves, the more he was getting used to using them, finding that the learning curve was surprisingly easily. "This isn't so bad. Getting the hang of this, actually."

Jackie's nimble hooves worked deftly as he navigated the tangle of wires within the ship, his keen senses attuned to the vibrations and sounds of battle reverberating through the vessel. With each movement, he manipulated the delicate circuitry, subtly sabotaging the ship's systems in a bid to disrupt its functionality.

Jackie was certainly going to do more than just wires. There were other things in the ships that he could mess with and his fellow rangers were doing just that while staying distant from others.

As the ship trembled under the onslaught of Rayquaza's assault, Jackie's actions proved to be a crucial factor in exacerbating the chaos onboard. With the shields already compromised and the crew scrambling to restore them, Jackie's interference further hampered their efforts, rendering their attempts at repairs futile.

With each connection severed or manipulated, the ship's systems faltered, throwing the crew into disarray and leaving them vulnerable to the relentless onslaught unfolding beyond their hull.

"What is it?!" Empress Twilight noticed the strong lack of shields, immediately questioning why they weren't showing up.

"I-I don't know!" One of her troops said with panic in his voice. "They won't start up! It says they aren't connected anymore, but we haven't even taken damage from Rayquaza yet. It was just a brief tremble."

"Someone's messing with us..." Empress Twilight's eyes would narrow as she already suspected that someone onboard was attempting to sabotage them

"You'd better find the source of the interference, now!" Empress Twilight commanded, her voice ringing out with authority as she rallied her troops to action. With absolute irritation and fear in her eyes, she scanned the ship's interior, searching for any signs of suspicious activity amidst the chaos.

Meanwhile, her loyal troops scrambled to assess the extent of the damage and identify the root cause of the shield failure. Empress Twilight would also take off herself, attempting to find the source of the problem.

With the ship's crew now focused on investigating the sudden malfunction of the shields, the Pokémon Rangers knew they had to tread carefully to avoid detection. Jackie and his fellow Rangers ceased their sabotage efforts, blending back into their surroundings and adopting the guise of the ship's occupants once more.

Empress Twilight's imposing presence sent ripples of unease through the ship as her determined footsteps echoed down the corridors.

With each step, Empress Twilight's sharp gaze swept over the crew, her keen eyes scanning for any signs of suspicious behaviour or hidden threats. As she moved with purpose through the ship, her powerful aura lent an air of authority to her actions, compelling the crew to redouble their efforts in uncovering the source of the shield malfunction.

"Someone's here..." Empress Twilight closed her eyes before using her magic to sniff out the issue. She began detecting magical auras, seeing what was familiar and what wasn't. And by doing so, she was able to detect new signatures and there was no magic in them whatsoever. This was obviously coming from the Pokemon Rangers.

Though they had taken great care to conceal themselves, their efforts were no match for Empress Twilight's keen magical intuition. "Pokemon Rangers. Of course, they'd show up now." Now that she was aware of the Pokemon Rangers, they would be sought out at once.

Armed with magical sensors and specialized equipment, the troops scoured every section of the ship, methodically checking compartments, corridors, and storage rooms. With these sensors, they could easily tell who was and wasn't an actual pony. Their keen senses were heightened by the urgency of the situation, spurred on by the knowledge that intruders lurked among them.

The troops moved with speed and efficiency, their training allowing them to cover ground quickly while leaving no stone unturned. They communicated seamlessly with one another, relaying information and coordinating their efforts to ensure that no area was overlooked.

Empress Twilight could also detect who doesn't have any magic with sensors of her own and immediately, she found some Pokemon Rangers pretending to be her soldiers. "Found you."

"!" Once they were found out, Empress Twilight would unleash a pulse of magic from her horn, the surge of magic tore through their enchanted armour, shattering the illusion and revealing their true forms beneath.

With a resounding crack, the Shift Stones that had allowed the Rangers to masquerade as Twilight's troops shattered into fragments, their magical essence disrupted by the force of Empress Twilight's spell. As the pieces clattered to the floor, the Rangers' disguises dissolved, leaving them exposed and vulnerable in the face of Twilight's wrath.

Empress Twilight would walk elsewhere, searching for the rest of the rangers while leaving these ones to their troops. Empress Twilight's Soldiers would hold out their own Poke Balls, summoning their allies immediatel which would only cause an even bigger ruckus on board, but not as big as what was currently happening outside.

Empress Twilight's hunt continued, her keen senses guiding her unerringly towards the remaining infiltrators. With each step, her magical aura pulsed with determination, her resolve unwavering as she closed in on her quarry.

In one chamber after another, the Rangers found themselves cornered by Empress Twilight's soldiers, their cover blown as the soldiers unleashed their Pokémon allies to subdue them. With nowhere to run and no way to hide, the Rangers knew that their only hope lay in delaying capture long enough to complete their sabotage mission.

But Empress Twilight was relentless, her magical prowess unmatched as she sought out the hidden intruders. With a flick of her horn, she sent out pulses of energy that disrupted the illusions created by the Shift Stones, exposing each Ranger in turn.

One by one, the Rangers were revealed, their disguises shattered as they reverted to their true forms. Some attempted to fight back, but they were quickly overwhelmed by the combined might of Empress Twilight's soldiers and their Pokémon allies.

Eventually, she came across the most prominent ranger. Jackie. Jackie could currently seen using his bare hooves to rip open the ship's backup generators. Quite the impressive strength on him as he was currently transformed as an Earth Pony. Perhaps it was the Earth Pony boost or Jackie's own natural strength.

"Hey there," Jackie said, smiling through the helmet.

"That voice..." Empress Twilight froze for a moment when facing this one ranger. That voice was definitely familiar to her. Right as Jackie was about to rip out another power generator, the Empress swiflty unleashed a bolt of magic, trying to knock him out. While she did go for the head, all it really did was blow the helmet off.

And with the helmet off, Jackie's face had been revealed. Empress Twilight was not mistaken. That familiar voice belonged to that familiar face.

"Jackie..." Empress Twilight snarled upon seeing that familiar face.

"Twilight." Jackie's response was calm, almost casual as if they were meeting under ordinary circumstances. Even as a pony, he still had that signature smile on his face. "Been a while, hasn't it?"

"You just had to show up once I'm finally making my next big move. What an annoyance." The Empress scowled at Jackie with her eyes flaring. "You and your Ranger Friends practically walked into a landmine with Rayquaza out there right now."

"Well, we couldn't just let you do whatever you want. To be honest, I was getting worried that you'd given up on the spot after our last encounter." Jackie shrugged.

Jackie's nonchalant response only seemed to further incense Empress Twilight. Her eyes narrowed, a flicker of frustration crossing her features before she regained her composure, making sure he wouldn't get to her again. The Empress did not want a repeat of that rather embarrassing past.

"Giving up?" She scoffed, her voice dripping with disdain. "Pfft! Hah! Hardly. If anything, I've been biding my time, waiting for the perfect moment to make my move. And now that opportunity has presented itself. Just look at the golden opportunity out there!"

With a wave of her hoof, Empress Twilight gestured towards the chaos unfolding outside the ship, where Rayquaza continued to wreak havoc upon her forces. The urgency of the situation was palpable, yet she remained resolute in her determination to press forward.

"Still bitter about losing Zekrom? I mean, Rayquaza's not a bad fill-in, honestly. But as if that's gonna happen. Or is this still about Necrozma?"

"Necrozma can wait. Daybreaker's too focused on feeding her pet. Me? I'd prefer to take Rayquaza for myself. And there is absolutely no way I'm letting Rayquaza or any Ranger get in my way when I have new plans up ahead! Especially not you, Jackie."

"Really?" He crossed his hooves, slowly nodding his head for a moment. "Mmm, I'm not too sure about that. Not that I don't doubt your abilities but, I don't think you have the spirit to stop me anymore."

"What's that supposed to mean?" The Empress questioned.

And at that moment, Jackie dropped a bombshell of a response that he was just waiting to unleash. Now was the right time to do so with this opening. "Well, you still have a thing for me, don't you?

"...!" That response made Empress Twilight grimace and shake as her face turned red. The fact that she reacted in such a way made Jackie smile, knowing he was somewhat right. "Shut up!" Outraged and flustered by that, the Empress released a blast of magic.

"Ghh!" Jackie grimaced at the beam coming his way, just barely managing to evade it by swaying to the side. The beam would scrape his Shift Stone, breaking the disguise. With the Shift Stone damaged, Jackie's true form would emerge, returning him to a Human as he would slide back.

"I don't have feelings for you! Get real!" The Empress barked. Jackie couldn't help but chuckle at Empress Twilight's vehement denial, though the tension between them remained palpable.

"Sure, sure. Keep telling yourself that," He replied with a smirk, his tone teasing. "But you know what they say: actions speak louder than words. You're pretty good at that." His smile quickly dropped once a beam passed over his head, nearly striking him. The Empress's aim was a bit disturbed because of her reaction.

Jackie immediately took off, prompting the Empress to start chasing him down. "Ah! Get back here!" She roared at Jackie, spreading her wings and taking flight.

As they raced through the ship, Jackie glanced back to see the Empress gaining on him, her determination evident in every graceful flap of her wings. He knew he had to find a way to turn the tables and gain the upper hand before she could catch him.

"Oh, great!" Spotting a nearby control panel, Jackie skidded to a halt and quickly began tapping at the buttons, hoping to activate a series of automated defences that would hinder the Empress's pursuit. With a beep, the panel sprang to life, deploying energy barriers and shifting the layout of the corridors to confuse and slow down their pursuer.

"Oough!" Empress Twilight crashed into one of the barriers, halting for a moment. With her face smushed against it, her eyes flared with a purple and crimson light before followed up by an infuriated growl. "Jackie...!" With that growl, she blew the barrier in front of her away.

Thanks to this rage boost, her magic was easily cutting through the obstacles Jackie had thrown in her path while Jackie kept chuckling. He was doing a great job at keeping the Empress occupied, easily getting a rise out of her.

"Ya know! This reminds me of this one girl I knew when I was young!" Jackie continued with a chuckle. "Same reaction and everything."

But that just made Empress Twilight express her anger some more with fierce blasts of magic. She even ended up damaging her ship in the process with these beams flying everywhere. The Empress was dealing more damage to the ship than Rayquaza was.

The Galaxy Tower.

Meanwhile, at the Galaxy Tower, it was in a good enough range while also keeping itself distant from all the chaos happening up ahead. Once it found its position, a hatch opened up on its surface. And from that hatch, a cannon could be seen emerging.

"Okay! These should do just fine!" Potion Nova started pouring potion liquids into the hatch, fueling the cannon. "With these, that fleet will have no idea what's happening!"

"Take aim...!" Galaxy Master held his arm out, waiting for the right moment to shoot the Potions from the cannons.

As Potion Nova poured the potion liquids into the cannon, the Galaxy Tower's systems hummed to life, preparing for the upcoming barrage. With each passing moment, the tension aboard the tower grew as they waited for the perfect opportunity to strike.

"Steady... steady..." Galaxy Master's voice echoed through the chamber as he carefully adjusted the targeting parameters, ensuring that their shots would hit their mark with pinpoint accuracy. Finally, with everything in position, Galaxy Master gave the signal to fire. "Now! Fire!"

The cannon unleashed a powerful stream of colourful potions that all merged together as one powerful liquid, propelling the potions towards their intended targets with incredible speed and precision. The potions soared through the void of space, their colourful trails cutting through the darkness as they homed in on the enemy fleet below.

The liquids splattered across the hulls, coating them in a colourful array of shimmering hues. Inside the ships, the sudden appearance of the mysterious potions sent the crews into a frenzy. Some found themselves overcome by waves of dizziness and disorientation, while others were seized by uncontrollable fits of laughter or bouts of uncontrollable sneezing.

The effects of the potions varied wildly from one ship to the next, with some experiencing temporary transformations into bizarre and fantastical creatures, while others were engulfed in clouds of thick smoke or enveloped in shimmering bubbles.

Thanks to these transformations, they were unable to properly pilot the ships like how they used to. Some of them were freaking out at their sudden transformations.

All of this was confirmed for Galaxy Master and Potion Nova once they saw the ships in the air ceasing all attacks and moving randomly due to a lack of proper control. "Bullseye" Potion Nova cheered. "Wait till the students hear about this!"

"It isn't over yet. We still have that one to deal with." Galaxy Master focused on the Solar Sword where Daybreaker was currently in. That was the biggest one here after all so it wasn't that hard to imagine her being on board.

Of course, this action did not go unnoticed, especially by Rayquaza. The Sky High Pokemon looked over in the direction of where the stream of potions came from, spotting the Galaxy Tower in the distance.

Despite how shocking it was, Rayquaza knew one thing. The Galaxy Tower and those within it were not hostile, recognizing it as a neutral entity at best.

However, just like Rayquaza, Daybreaker was immediately informed about the chaos happening on the other ships. "Your majesty! It seems some random effects have hit the other ships! They're out of control!"

Daybreaker listened intently to the report, her expression unreadable as she processed the information. The unexpected turn of events was certainly cause for concern, but she remained composed, her mind already working on a solution.

"Random effects? It can't be Rayquaza's doing..." Daybreaker narrowed her eyes. The ship began scanning the vast cosmos, extending past Rayquaza. There, they spotted the Galaxy Tower's energy signature.

"Someone else is up here with us, Your Majesty." Sunrise Sparkle uttered. "Some sort of tower. It's probably that Galaxy Master figure.

"Him? Honestly, I wasn't expecting him to show up too. Make sure you get the other ships stable as soon as possible and deal with that tower. I'll continue my time with Rayquaza. It might also be time for me to engage with it personally."

At that moment, the Sun Princess got off her throne, deciding to get into the action herself. This battle was going on for a while and she had a Moon she wished to reach.

"Hang on. You aren't letting me go out there?" Gardevoir questioned.

"I'll come to you when you're needed, Gardevoir. Necrozma and I will manage."

"Wait! You can't leave!" Cozy Glow screeched, not wishing for Daybreaker to leave since she gave the little pegasus a semblance of safety.

"You'll be fine. Gardevoir. Take good care of Cozy Glow." Daybreaker ordered. With her commands given, Daybreaker strode purposefully towards the exit of the command room, having Necrozma at the ready. Gardevoir moved to follow, her expression a mixture of concern and resolve as she prepared to carry out her duties.

As Daybreaker made her way through the ship, she could hear Rayquaza roar from here while also witnessing him tackle the massive shield put up in front of the Solar Sword. This impact shook the shield, bringing cracks around it. The Solar Sword's shield was finally starting to falter under Rayquaza's might.

The unicorns would tremble under this impact before having to deal with an incoming Hyper Beam. Rayquaza unleashed its fierce burst of Infinity Energy. The shield was giving out as shards of it were dropping and dispersing.

Reaching the outer deck, Daybreaker stepped into the vast expanse of space, the starry void stretching out endlessly before her. The distant form of Rayquaza still engaged in battle, while the Galaxy Tower loomed ominously in the distance.

Rayquaza promptly stopped its attack, gazing at the Solar Queen who stood on top of the Solar Sword. Rayquaza's fierce gaze met Daybreaker's determined stare as the two titans of power locked eyes across the vast expanse of space. The Sky High Pokémon hovered in the void, its majestic form radiating an aura of ancient power and primal fury.

Daybreaker stood resolute atop the Solar Sword, her regal bearing undaunted by the presence of this legendary creature. Her mane blazed with the intensity of the sun itself, casting a brilliant light that illuminated the darkness of space around her.

"No way...How is she breathing in space?!" Potion Nova was taken aback by the fact that Daybreaker was casually standing out in space without worrying about her breath. It didn't look like she was using a spell at all to help herself. It all looked natural.

For a moment, the two adversaries remained locked in silence, each sizing up the other. Rayquaza was a bit baffled that Daybreaker would even dare see herself as above it.

"Kindly get out of the way, Rayquaza. Or be food for Necrozma." Daybreaker threatened, only to have a defiant roar from Rayquaza as a response.

Rayquaza's defiant roar echoed through the void, a primal declaration of its indomitable will. The Sky High Pokémon refused to yield, its ancient instincts driving it to protect the sanctity of the cosmos at any cost.

"You said it. Not me." Daybreaker declared before using her magic to hold out a Poke Ball. From it, she immediately summoned her Ace Pokemon Necrozma.

As Necrozma materialized before her, Daybreaker's expression remained steely, her gaze unwavering as she beheld her powerful ace Pokémon. With a nod of approval, she signalled to Necrozma, silently conveying her trust in his abilities to crush Rayquaza.

Rayquaza met Necrozma's formidable presence with its own fierce determination, the Sky High Pokémon refusing to be intimidated by its adversary. With a defiant roar, Rayquaza prepared itself for the impending clash. Up in the cosmos, two Legendary Pokemon were about to engage in battle.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 419 End.

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