• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Promise to Craft

Equestria. Out in the Meadows. Afternoon.

Away from the chaos happening in outer space, Equestria was going through a natural day. Currently, out in the meadows, Spike could be seen with his Pokemon, enjoying a leisurely day and basking in the harmony of nature.

He was already aware that Twilight and the others went into outer space and while they handled things up in the cosmos, Spike was focusing his efforts on being a Dragon Trainer.

"Dei!" Deino could be seen biting into some hard objects, training up her biting strength as well. By this point, Deino grew strong enough to shatter wooden logs bigger than her.

"Great, great!" Spike cheered before digging into his bag. Out of his bag, he pulled out items that cater to the metal category. "I think we're almost ready for metal, Deino! You're already strong enough to break glass, books, wood and even rocks. But what about metal Are you ready?"

"Dei! Deino!" Deinoy felt confident that she could absolutely crush Metal. This is one of the things she was looking the most forward to. To absolutely negate the resistance Steel-Types had against Dragon-Types, Deino wanted A Bite so strong it would make Steel Pokemon fall brittle to her.

"Okay then! Let's go for-"

Suddenly, a loud rumble echoed across the sky, causing Spike and his Pokémon to look up in alarm. Their eyes widened in astonishment as they witnessed a massive, Dragon-like Pokémon hurtling towards them from above. It was none other than Rayquaza, the legendary Sky High Pokémon.

"Isn't that...Rayquaza?!" Spike and all of his Pokemon gasped.

Rayquaza crashed down with a thunderous impact, creating a tremor that shook the ground beneath them. The impact even left a tall smoke and dust cloud that rose up to the skies. Spike and his Pokémon rushed to the fallen Pokémon's side, concerned for its well-being. After an intense battle against Necrozma in outer space and sacrificing a huge chunk of energy for one attack, Rayquaza found itself on Earth, powerless for the first time in its life.

Spike and his team rushed to Rayquaza's side, seeing how huge of a crater it had made. There laid the Sky High Pokemon, down for the count. Spike just had to wonder what happened but he had a strong suspicion that it somewhat involved the mess happening in the skies.

Planet Vinlie. Doll's Tower.

Planet Vinlie. Outside of the usual galaxy Ash and the others know, this planet is composed of an unknown iron-like material which also seems to be populated by Nano Technology known as Nanos and a young pony by the name of Doll.

When entering the tower that was built by the Nanos, they witnessed how Equestrian it looked from the inside. Despite its sleek exterior and cutting-edge technology, the interior of the Tower exudes a warmth and coziness reminiscent of an old cottage home, providing a stark contrast to the cold austerity of the outside world.

"This here is Craft Tower," Doll spoke when introducing them all to her home. "Nice, isn't it?"

"Yeah." Rainbow Dash and everyone could agree indeed. Upon stepping through the threshold, visitors are greeted by the inviting glow of softly lit lanterns, casting a warm and comforting light throughout the space. The walls are lined with rough-hewn timber panels, giving the illusion of a rustic cabin nestled in the heart of the wilderness. A crackling fireplace stands as the centrepiece of the main chamber, radiating heat and casting dancing shadows upon the walls.

The furnishings are simple yet elegant, crafted from weathered wood and plush fabrics that beckon anyone tired to rest and relax. A cosy seating area surrounds the fireplace, complete with overstuffed armchairs and a plush sofa adorned with soft blankets and cushions. A well-worn rug lies strewn across the polished wooden floorboards, muffling footsteps and lending an air of homely comfort to the space.

"Actual wood...Does it exist on this planet?" Rarity banged her hoof on the furniture. She even recognized which wood it was. "I think I have something like this back home! Are you sure you're not from Equestria?"

"Ahaaa..." Applejack immediately sunk into the seats, feeling their wonderful comfort. "Feels good either way..."

In one corner of the room, a quaint kitchenette offers all the amenities of a traditional country home, complete with a vintage stove, copper pots and pans hanging from hooks, and a rustic wooden table set with mismatched dishes and gleaming silverware.

"You get to eat whenever you want on this planet?! With no one else?!" Pinkie Pie was in absolute disbelief. "Lucky!"

"I have it all to myself. Doll took a seat on the couch, facing them all. "It's the only building here on Vinlie and I don't have enough Nanos to make more of them."

"You can't make more of them?" Ash said while looking over at the Nano Construct of himself.

"No. But I'm guessing the reason they copied your look is because they've never seen someone like you before. What even are you?"

"Well, I'm a Human." Ash pointed at himself.

"Human..." Doll scrunched her face before shrugging. "Eh. I've never heard of that before."

"But you know what a pony is. You're one yourself, so how oculd you be born on this planet?" Rarity questioned.

"Truth is...I'm not a full-on pony." Doll had something rather grand to reveal to them. "I guess me being born here is just another way of saying I was created here."

"Created?" They all collectively said.

"I'm actually an Android!" Doll revealed. The group stared at Doll in astonishment as she revealed her true nature as an android—a being created rather than born, and one with capabilities far beyond those of a typical pony.

"An android?!" Twilight exclaimed, her mind racing with questions at this revelation. She was immediately reminded of Premium Polish, who was also a young pony that happened to be an Android. A similar scenario has popped yet again, this time on a completely different planet. "Just like Premium Polish...So that means someone made you."

"Did the Nanons make you?" Fluttershy asked.

"No. Someone else was here before me. My creator." Doll then hopped off her couch before walking over to one of the desks. And on it, there was a picture of a single pony resting there. The one responsible for creating Doll. "My creator...No. My Father. Craft." Doll confirmed, her voice filled with reverence as she spoke of the pony who had brought her into existence.

"That's definitely someone from our world." Rainbow Dash confirmed. "I'm guessing he's the one who made all these Nano things too?"

"Maybe he made his own ship that landed on Vinlie," Fluttershy added.

"Craft..." Twilight repeated, her mind racing with questions. "Do you know anything else about him? Is he still here on Vinlie?"

Doll shook her head, her expression sombre as she gazed down at the photograph of Craft resting on the desk before her. "My father's not here anymore. It's just me. I've only been here for Four Years."

"Four years? That's the same amount of time our worlds have met." Ash uttered. Once again, those 4 years came into play once more. It has been 4 years since the World of Pokemon has met with the World of Ponies, Dragons, Hippogriffs and other species out there. And it seems Doll's creation was around that same timeframe.

"My father told me about what happened back on Earth. He showed up here by accident one day." Even though Doll wasn't made to see it, Craft did tell her about how he ended up on this planet.

4 Years Ago. A solitude home in the West of Equestria.

Nestled somewhere in a nice forest, there was a single cottage, exempt from places such as Ponyville, Canterlot, Manehattan and so on. The Sun would gracefully beam down on this cottage and the pony living on it. Craft.

Four years ago, he was living peacefully in his cottage, enjoying his current life. And especially his profession. Craft enjoyed building new things. Relatively small things to be exact such as toys.

My father used to make toys and other things back at his old home. He was amazing at making them and always made sure to decorate the place with them. And he really enjoyed making action figures and dolls.

And the dolls he made were for his family. Occasionally, Craft would receive letters from his family afar who would write to him here and there. Not only did he write back, but Craft would also send them toys, especially to the younger members of his family. It was a simple living for him.

In Doll's recollection, she could see her father's face lighting up with joy as he carefully crafted each toy, pouring his love and creativity into every stitch and seam. She could almost hear the laughter of his family as they unwrapped their gifts, their smiles reflecting the happiness and gratitude they felt for Craft's thoughtfulness and generosity.

One doll that Craft made looked strikingly close to the Real Doll in the current day. But of course, this was just a toy, made entirely out of rubber. However, unbeknownst to Craft, the day he made this one doll would be when everything changed for him.

Outside, a sudden cosmic flash occurred, startling the old man as he dropped his doll. When turning his head, he spotted the cosmic energy of the Rift. Since this was four years ago, the Rift was still seen by everyone and Craft was not an exception. When opening the door, he saw what the Rift had left behind right near his home.

A tiny vortex of Rift Energy was lying there in the middle of the tress, humming with its cosmic sound. Craft was obviously amazed by what he was seeing. He wasn't aware of what was happenign across the entire world right now. Not the appearance of Humans and Pokemon or even why there was Rift planning to cross the two worlds over in the first place.

But when continuing to stare at the vortex, it would suddenly grow in size, reaching out to the old pony who would gasp in response. Craft's eyes widened as the vortex of Rift Energy expanded, its swirling tendrils reaching out to envelop him and his entire cottage in its shimmering embrace.

He told me that looking at the vortex was almost irresistible. It had a strong pull on him that he couldn't get away from. And that's how it got him and his home.

As he disappeared into the heart of the vortex, the world around him seemed to blur and distort, as if reality itself were being twisted and reshaped by the cosmic forces at play.

For a brief moment, Craft felt a sense of weightlessness as he was carried along on the currents of the Rift, his senses overwhelmed by the kaleidoscope of colours and sounds that surrounded him. It was a sensation unlike anything he had ever experienced before, both exhilarating and terrifying in equal measure.

And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the swirling vortex released its grip on Craft, depositing him in a strange and unfamiliar landscape. As he staggered to his feet, dazed and disoriented, he realized that he was no longer in the peaceful forest where his cottage had once stood. Instead, he found himself in a world unlike any he had ever seen before.

He arrived on the Planet Vinlie. Craft groaned, his glasses falling off and his cottage being right behind him, still in one piece too.

For hours, weeks, and even months, Craft wandered the desolate plains of Planet Vinlie, his only companion the silence of the empty landscape. Devoid of any signs of life, he searched tirelessly for any semblance of civilization or companionship, but all his efforts proved fruitless. Each day, he returned to his cottage, his supplies dwindling as he struggled to sustain himself in this harsh and unforgiving environment.

But amidst the solitude and isolation, Craft discovered an unexpected gift—the energy of the Rift had infused him with newfound intelligence and insight. With each passing day, his mind expanded, unlocking untapped reservoirs of creativity and innovation. And as he delved deeper into his studies, he stumbled upon a revolutionary discovery: the secrets of Nano Technology.

Using the leftover energy from the Rift, Craft harnessed the power of Nano Technology, shaping and molding it into wondrous creations beyond his wildest dreams. With each new invention, he pushed the boundaries of what was possible, creating marvels that defied imagination and reshaped everything for him.

Because of that Rift Energy, he could create the Nanos, using the material on Vinlie. But that wasn't all. He brought me to life. The doll that was meant for his grandaughter was me and he poured Rift Energy into it, which is how I got all of this life. I was still just an android, but still.

Craft's ingenuity knew no bounds as he continued to experiment with the Rift Energy and Nano Technology, delving deeper into the mysteries of the universe. Inspired by his desire for companionship in this lonely world, he turned his attention to the doll he had created—the one that bore a striking resemblance to the Real Doll of the current day.

With careful precision and memories of his family back on Earth, Craft infused the doll with the cosmic energy of the Rift, breathing life into its artificial form. As the shimmering energy coursed through its synthetic veins, the doll began to stir, its eyes flickering to life with a newfound spark of consciousness.

In awe and wonder, Craft watched as the doll's features shifted and changed, its rubbery exterior morphing into flesh and blood before his very eyes. And as the transformation reached its completion, the doll stood before him as a living, breathing being.

With a gentle smile, Craft extended his hand to the newly awakened doll, welcoming it into the world with open arms. And as they stood together beneath the vast expanse of the Vinlie sky, Craft knew that he was no longer alone, that he had found a companion to share in the wonders of this strange and beautiful world.

More specifically, a daughter.

It was the happiest moment of my life, being brought to life. And after that, he told me everything back on Earth, that made me want to explore it.

With the awakening of the Real Doll, whom Craft now affectionately referred to as Doll, a new chapter began in both of their lives. As Doll embraced her newfound consciousness and identity, she looked up to Craft with admiration and gratitude, seeing him not only as her creator but also as her father.

For Craft, having Doll by his side brought a sense of joy and purpose that he had long been missing in this desolate world. With each passing day, he shared with her the wonders of Earth, the beauty of its landscapes, its inhabitants, and the richness of its history. He regaled her with stories of his life over the years, recounting tales of his family, his adventures, and the many joys and challenges he had experienced along the way.

As they wandered the plains of Planet Vinlie together, Craft imparted to Doll his knowledge and wisdom, teaching her not only about Earth but also about life itself. All the natural things that were learnt on his homeworld and he has held close to his heart were soon given to her. And as they sat beneath the stars, gazing up at the vast expanse of the Vinlie sky, Craft and Doll pondered about Earth, especially Doll.

But because my father had no more food here and the Nanos couldn't make any food, as days went by, he had nothing to eat or drink. And it didn't help him in his old age. That's when it happened.

As Doll returned home with her Nanos after a day of building and exploring, her heart sank at the sight that greeted her. Her beloved father, Craft, lay on the floor, his normally cheerful demeanour replaced by a pallor of illness and exhaustion. His glasses lay discarded beside him as his strength was failing him.

Rushing to his side, Doll knelt down beside Craft, her heart heavy with worry. She gently lifted his head, cradling it in her hooves as she tried to rouse him from his slumber. But Craft remained unresponsive, his breathing shallow and laboured.

As the days passed, Craft's condition continued to deteriorate, his strength waning with each passing moment. Doll remained by his side, offering whatever comfort and solace she could, but deep down, she knew that time was running out.

And then, one fateful day, as Doll sat vigil by her father's side, she felt his hand tremble in hers. With a soft gasp, she looked up to see Craft's eyes flutter open, a weak smile playing on his lips.

"Doll..." Craft whispered, his voice barely a whisper. Right before Doll's eyes, Craft's body was beginning to turn into Rift Stardusts, slowly dispersing. "I'm sorry, my dear. I've... run out of time. But, I can share this with you. Visit Earth one day with the Nanos and explore everything there. You won't regret it and you'll make new friends. Possibly new family. Please promise this to me, my daughter.""

Despite being an android, Doll was capable of crying, much like Premium Polish. Tears streamed down Doll's cheeks as she listened to her father's words, her heart breaking at the thought of losing him. But even in his final moments, Craft remained steadfast in his love for her, his unwavering devotion shining through the darkness.

"I love you, Dad," Doll whispered, her voice choked with emotion.

As Doll recounted the tale of her father's passing, her voice trembled with emotion, her heart heavy with the weight of her loss. She gazed down at the photograph of Craft, her eyes brimming with tears as she remembered the love and warmth he had brought into her life.

"He told me that I should go to Earth, and that's a promise I want to keep," Doll said softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I really miss him..."

"Aw, Doll...You can go to Earth, actually. Now that we're here." Twilight said, walking up to the young pony as her heart was also heavy after hearing it. All of them were.

"Really?" She looked over with a smile on her face.

"Really. But we need our ship to be fixed first before that can happen." Twilight added. "Once it's finished, we can grant you that wish and have you leave for Earth."

"We'll get you to Earth." Ash kneeled to face Doll. "That's a promise."

"That's great!" Doll would then burst out with excitement, lunging forward to hug both Ash and Twilight. As Doll embraced Ash and Twilight, her heart swelled with gratitude and hope. The prospect of finally fulfilling her father's wish and embarking on a new adventure filled her with excitement and anticipation.

"Thank you, thank you all so much!" Doll exclaimed, her voice filled with joy. "I can't wait to see Earth, to explore its wonders, and to make my father proud."

"But how are we going to fix the ship anyway? Even the Unown are struggling with it." Fluttershy asked.

"Let the Nanos do it!" Doll raised her hoof as she had full confidence in the Nanos. "If it's technology, they can easily do it! I promise! They can fix or replace whatever's broken"

"Well...The Unown plus the Nanos will make a great combination." Twilight thought about it before nodding in agreement. "Alright then. Go for it, Doll."

With Doll's suggestion in mind, the group quickly set to work, gathering the Nanos and guiding them towards the damaged ship. As they approached, the Nanos hummed with anticipation, their tiny forms pulsating with energy as they prepared to tackle the daunting task ahead.

"Alright, Nanos," Doll said, addressing the swirling mass of metallic spheres. "We need your help to fix the ship and get us ready for our journey to Earth. Can you do it?"

In response, the Nanos buzzed with excitement, their movements becoming more purposeful and coordinated as they set to work.

As the Nanos approached the site of the damaged ship, their metallic forms shimmering in the sunlight, causing the pilots and the Unown to squint. With their tiny bodies buzzing with energy, they wasted no time in getting to work, swarming around the ship like a cloud of industrious bees.

With remarkable precision and efficiency, the Nanos began to assess the extent of the damage, their tiny forms darting in and out of the ship's hull as they analyzed each component with meticulous care. Working together in perfect harmony, they quickly identified areas in need of repair and set about restoring them to their former glory.

With each passing moment, the ship began to come back to life, its damaged systems springing back into action under the expert care of the Nanos. Sparks flew as welding torches ignited, and the sound of metal on metal echoed through the air as the Nanos worked tirelessly to mend the ship's battered exterior.

The ship began to come back to life, its damaged systems springing back into action under the expert care of the Nanos. Sparks flew as welding torches ignited, and the sound of metal on metal echoed through the air as the Nanos worked tirelessly to mend the ship's battered exterior. And with the power of the Unown, this was boosted even further.

With their combined efforts, they repaired the Alien Ship. Good as new and supported by the Nanos. "Alright. This is perfect!" One of the pilots said. "We can get going immediately. But what galaxy are we even in? This isn't our own."

"No clue how long it'll take for us to return to our own galaxy and Solar System." Twilight grumbled. "We just have to put our trust in the Unown and Nanos."

"Oh! You're in the galaxy of some Whale!" Doll exclaimed, revealing that she knew what this galaxy was.

"Whale? What do you mean by that?" Rainbow Dash questioned.

"You'll see." Doll giggled, knowing one more thing outside of the Planet Vinlie. ready to take off. With the ship now fully repaired and ready for flight, Doll and her companions wasted no time in boarding. As they settled into their seats and prepared for takeoff, anticipation buzzed through the air. The pilots expertly guided the ship's controls, their hands moving with practiced precision as they initiated the launch sequence.

With a low rumble, the engines roared to life, filling the cabin with a steady hum as the ship lifted off the ground. Slowly but surely, they began to ascend into the sky, leaving the surface of Planet Vinlie behind them. They were actually moving at a quicker pace too.

Thanks to the Unown and Nanos, the ship was faster than before and everyone noticed this. In just seconds, they were already out of Vinlie's atmosphere.

As they soared through the vastness of space, Doll gazed out of the window in wonder, her heart filled with excitement at the prospect of their upcoming journey. She couldn't wait to see what adventures awaited them on Earth. The promise she made to her father was looking to become a reality.

"Wow..." Doll would gaze outside, looking at all the stars in the sky. These stars populated this galaxy's spiral arms, forming brilliant clusters and associations that adorn the cosmic landscape with their radiance. Among them are young, hot stars emitting intense ultraviolet radiation.

This was also Ash and the group's first time witnessing this since they didn't get a chance after that crash landing. Now, they would see it for what it was. "Awesome...So this is the Galaxy we ended up in?"

Scattered throughout this galaxy are vast clouds of gas and dust known as nebulae, where new stars are born amid the swirling chaos of stellar nurseries.

"So...Why did you mention Whale? Is this a whale-named galaxy?" Rarity questioned, wanting to know the name of this galaxy. "Not exactly seeing any whale shapes here."

"Oh. That's because one time, the Nanos managed to leave Vinlie, but they didn't get to reach Earth. They had a limit to how far they could go. But they saw something so amazing they had to show it to us by transforming into it. It was massive! We're living in it right now!"

"Living in it, huh?" Ash nodded his head. "And it's massive."

"Hold on." One of the pilots, looking at the technology in front of him could confirm what this galaxy looked like. "This right here can show us the exact look of the galaxy we're in. And we'll get to see how long it'll take for us to reach our own." With a press of a button and three switch pulls, a screen was projected for everyone to see. This would show them the galaxy that they were currently in.

And once it all came into view, Ash and his friends stared with absolute amazement in their eyes. Now the Whale Galaxy began to make sense.

"No way..." Rainbow Dash's jaw dropped. All of their eyes and pupils shrank at the sight of the galaxy in front of them. However, this was not just a galaxy. In fact, it was living and breathing. At this very moment, they were within a familiar figure.

Ash cried out. As the image of the galaxy materialized on the screen before them, it initially appeared as a swirling mass of stars and cosmic dust. But as they continued to observe, the shape began to take form, gradually revealing the unmistakable silhouette of a colossal creature.

At first, there were murmurs of disbelief and confusion among Ash and his friends as they struggled to comprehend what they were seeing. The shape seemed familiar, yet impossible. It was Ash who first made the connection, his eyes widening with recognition as he gasped in astonishment.

"That's...A Wailord!"

A Wailord the size of a Galaxy.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 422 End.

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