• Published 14th Jan 2023
  • 1,897 Views, 365 Comments

A Past Returned - TacoTues4Eva

A past Sunset doesn't remember comes searching for her, but will it be for the better or for the worse.

  • ...

Tuesday Dec 20 c

Sunset surveyed their work which actually only took about forty minutes or so since she already had her gaming system unhooked and some of the stuff gathered. She had the one plastic tub that sat open with the Christmas presents she had bought the girls. Then she had one with her clothes as well as her drawing supplies, her other art supplies filling another with her pictures and few knick knacks she had. Next there was one with her game system, alarm clock, games and notebook packed away neatly. She had decided to not bother with her router or television as they barely seemed to function and was some of the few pieces of electronics that didn’t seem to come to life. And finally one she had the few books she owned along with her school supplies and journal. All together she had four plastic totes not including the Christmas presents, her guitar and amp and Ray all ready to go.

“Are you sure this is all?” Susan asked as she felt a little sad that the teen didn’t have much to take. Most of the appliances like the microwave, refrigerator and stuff came with the apartment so wasn’t hers.

“All that I really own other than the furniture. The super told me that if I moved and wanted to leave behind furniture in decent shape they would work out a deal.” Sunset explained.

“Okay, let’s get started then. We can take two of the lighter totes out and get Leonard.” Susan said picking up one of the plastic tubs with Sunset following suit. “I actually thought we would have to bring a truck tomorrow to get most of it. This should all easily fit in the limo.”

“Yeah, I kind of didn’t have this place for a long time.” Sunset said as she followed Susan out to the long car. The driver stepped out and Sunset got her first really good look at him. He did cut an imposing figure though he wasn’t overly muscular. He had long black hair tied back in a low ponytail and brown eyes with a uniform that she saw most driver’s in movies wore with a nametag that said Stotch.

“Ready to go Ma’am?” Leonard asked as he rushed to open the back door as the two were already there.

“Just a few more things.” Susan said as she pushed the tub into the spacious interior of the limo. It had long seats facing each other with enough space between them for Sunset to lie down between them and still have room. The woman took Sunset’s tub and pushed it into the care with the first one.

“I’ll come help.” Leonard said.

“Sunset?” A familiar voice called out softly almost making Sunset think of Fluttershy despite knowing it wasn’t.

“Hello Rarity.” Sunset said with a strained smile. Rarity looked nervous as she kept shifting her focus from one person to the next before settling on Sunset once again.

“Sorry darling, I’ve been pacing out here trying to bring up the courage to come knock on your door.” Rarity explained as she held what Sunset assumed was a garment box knowing Rarity that was wrapped in bright red wrapping paper with a yellow bow on it. “I know you don’t want to deal with us right now, but I wanted to make sure I brought your Christmas present over since I know you probably won’t come to the Christmas party.”

“Is this your friend?” Susan asked stepping beside Sunset and pulling the girl into a side hug.

“Sort of, this is Rarity.” Sunset said, “Rarity, this is my mother Susan. I’ll be spending the holiday with her.”

“Are you moving?” Rarity asked sadly.

“Not so far away we won’t see each other again.” Sunset sighed, “Susan, can Rarity and me have a few minutes before we finish packing.”

“Of course honey, Leonard and I will be right here when you are ready.” Susan said.

“And if you need anything just give a holler.” Leonard said.

“Thank you.” Sunset said, “Come on Rarity.”

“It was nice meeting you Ms. Shimmer.” Rarity said a little awkwardly.

“It’s Ms. Vandom actually dear, and take your time.” Susan said giving a small smile.

Sunset led Rarity back into the apartment where she left the door open and leaned back against the table as Rarity looked around and noticed how it seemed so barren even with the furniture.

“You aren’t coming back, are you darling?” Rarity asked sounding broken.

“To here, I guess not. I’m giving up the apartment and moving in with Susan and I’m going to try and make things work with her.” Sunset sighed.

“I thought you didn’t have a mother.” Rarity said quietly.

“I didn’t think I did.” Sunset shrugged, “It was a surprise.”

“She’s not like us though, are you sure?” Rarity asked as she studied Sunset.

“Rarity, I’m sure, there is too much evidence that she is my mother even if I tried to deny it.” Sunset said as she moved over to the totes and picked up the one with the gifts and carried back to the table sitting it down. “I don’t have time to explain it all right now, but I will text you in a few days.”

“Sunset, please don’t disappear from us.” Rarity pleaded on the edge of tears earning a hug which shocked her.

“I’m not going to disappear from you girls, Rarity. After the holidays and before school starts back up I want to get together with you girls and work things out.” Sunset said as she pulled away. “I can’t promise things will be like they were, not for awhile, but I’m willing to try. You girls are the first friends I remember having and despite being hurt by what you did, I still love you.”

“We love you to and we are so sorry.” Rarity sniffed handing Sunset the box. “This is my Christmas present to you. I hope you like it. You can open it now if you like.”

With a smile Sunset opened the present and as expected it was a garment box with an outfit that Rarity clearly designed which Sunset loved immediately. It was a light blue blouse with a sheer trail and darker blue jeans. Sunset loved it and gave Rarity a teary smile. Pulling out the gift she got Rarity she handed it to the girl and said, “Thank you so much, Rare. You can open yours if you want.”

“Thank you darling, you didn’t need to get me anything.” Rarity said softly as she gently peeled the wrapping paper off to reveal a set of threads and special needles that she had been trying to get for months. Pretty much every seamstress in the area have been trying to get a hold of them as they were an extremely limited edition run. And the certificate of authenticity was included as well showing that it wasn’t a knockoff meaning Sunset had to have been extremely lucky to find it at cost or spend a lot of money for it. “H-How?”

“One of my subs heard me talking about it in my stream last month and had a couple sets and offered to sell me one. I just got it in right before…” Sunset was explaining before freezing when she realized she was about to say Anon-A-Miss.

“Oh darling, thank you so much and I’m so sorry I was so stupid to fall for that stupid frame job.” Rarity said hugging Sunset tightly.

“It’s in the past Rare, let’s just drop it. Can you please take these and give them to the other girls for me and let them know I’ll come see all of you after the holidays?” Sunset asked as she squirmed out of Rarity’s embrace.

“Of course darling, I’ll save your container for you.” Rarity said taking the container.

“Thank you, I’ll see you girls soon. Have a Merry Christmas.” Sunset said following Rarity out of the apartment and waved her goodbye while waving Susan and Leonard over.

“You too darling, Merry Christmas.” Rarity replied as she walked away.

“Are you okay honey?” Susan asked as she noticed Sunset rub her eyes.

“Actually I’m starting to feel better than I have all week. I hope you don’t mind that I sent one of the totes with her.” Sunset said with a smile.

“Of course I don’t mind dear, let’s get the rest of your stuff packed.” Susan said giving Sunset a hug before the three got the last of the stuff loaded within ten minutes and were off. Sunset sat in the back in the middle leaning into Susan who had her arm around the girl as the teen gently held Ray’s terrarium that sat on the other side to make sure it wouldn’t slide off. It seemed she didn’t need to worry as they ride was so smooth unlike the old truck Applejack drove, the van Fluttershy sometimes used and Rarity’s car which was being withheld from the posh girl by her parents who were not happy upon learning either of their daughters actions of late.

“I’ve never rode in a limo before.” Sunset said as she kept looking over her stuff that fit back there, her guitar and amp on the other seat and tubs on the floor which still left more than enough legroom making the girl realize she really did have so little stuff or the limo was just that roomy.

“It is kind of a nice experience, but I prefer driving myself most of the time. I prefer being in control of the car as well as seeing just where I am going. If it wasn’t for my assistant Velvet vouching for my drive I never would have trusted Leonard. He’s been a valuable member at Simultech since as my head of security and driver and bodyguard when needed.” Susan explained as she enjoyed being close to her daughter finally as they headed home. Knowing it was now their home sent a warmth through Susan she hasn’t felt since Will disappeared. She wasn’t trying to replace Will, nobody ever could and the same could be said for Sunset. She would miss Will and she knew when she was alone tonight she would probably cry over the redhead once again. For now though she needed to be strong so Sunset wouldn’t be worried.

“Can he hear us?” Sunset whispered getting a confused expression from Susan.

“Now while the divider is up unless I turn on the intercom.” Susan explained.

“I know you know about Equestria, did you know that they all pretty much have counterparts here?” Sunset asked.

“I know a little about that as the Oracle did tell us a little about the worlds that were closed off. I remember him acting pretty unflappable I guess, but when it came to Equestria I remember him getting pretty frustrated and I’m pretty sure he said some not very nice things about ponies.” Susan explained, “Again, I really don’t understand a lot of it.”

“Well, that’s why we have different colors of skin than the rest of the world. I know there are multiple shades of skin, but I’m talking like the pastel colors. The skin color matches the color of the pony counterpart’s coat. Sometimes the name may differ slightly.” Sunset explained before shaking her head, “Sorry, I’m getting off track, I just wanted to say that I remember you saying that your assistant was like me, from Canterlot. Her name was Twilight Velvet, right?”

“Yes, she has become more than an assistant to me to be honest.” Susan said wistfully.

“You’re dating her?” Sunset asked unsure how to feel as the name sounded like Twilight’s and if it was her counterpart it would leave her feeling weird. Not that she would begrudge her mother having an intimate relationship. It would just being a little weird seeing someone who she knew as pretty much her own age’s counterpart involved with Susan that way.

“Sweetie, I haven’t dated since Dean. That kind of left a scar that I’m unsure will ever go away.” Susan sighed.

“I’m sorry Susan, I didn’t mean to bring up bad memories.” Sunset apologized feeling like a jerk for dredging up past pains.

“I’m okay dear, but what were you trying to say.” Susan asked as she gave a reassuring squeeze to Sunset.

“Well, like I said the names can sometimes be slightly different though it is very rare from what I’ve found. I have someone who saved me from myself and has probably become my best friend since and I was wondering if this could be her counterpart.” Sunset explained.

“You know Velvet in pony world?” Susan asked a little surprised.

“Actually, her name is Twilight Sparkle there if she’s the same. She’s the Princess of Friendship.” Sunset said getting Susan to burst out in a fit of giggles.

“Princess of Friendship? Really?” Susan asked between giggles as she fought hard to get them under control. The sound of it was just so bizarre. “I’m sorry honey, I’m not making fun of you. Just, are you serious? It just sounds so-so-“

“Weird? Yeah, after being in this world a few years I understand that. I am serious though, she’s the holder of the Element of Magic which is one of the six Elements of Harmony that safeguard Equestria. I know it sounds absurd here, but it is very real and extremely powerful there.” Sunset explained sobering Susan up as the woman may not have understood all of this magic and alternate dimensional stuff completely, but she knew how powerful it can be. “To tell the truth I thought the whole concept was just a load of horseapples to begin with.”

“Well, I don’t think this is the same person or pony we are talking about since Twilight Sparkle is Velvet’s daughter.” Susan said shocking Sunset. “She’s become like a niece to me so she might end up being around a lot. I hope you both get along as she could use some closer friends.”

“If she’s anything like my Twilight I’m sure we will become close, I’ll just have to be careful not to show off any magic around her.” Sunset said as dozens of scenarios started running through her head before coming to a grinding halt leaving her speechless.

“Don’t worry, she knows how to keep a secret and already knows about magic.” Susan replied.

Author's Note:

I was going to end this chapter with this part though I think I will do one more. Finally Sunset is going to Heatherfield for more than just a day and will soon be running into itch soon as well as someone mentioned in this chapter.